Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Quirky. Funny. Charming ~ Till Grits Do Us Part by Jennifer Rogers Spinola ~ Review

I came into this series a bit blind…but came out laughin’ and lovin’. When I purchased the second novel “Like Sweet Potato Pie”, I didn’t know I was getting the second book in a three part series. But I loved it. It was quirky. Funny. Charming. So I requested the third title “Til Grits Do Us Part” for review (I’m still waiting on getting that first novel. ;-).
Aside from the titles being stinkin’ cute (!), the stories are goofy, but serious. Involving with characters that steal the show. Much is going on in this third book and Shiloh’s life. I didn’t expect a stalker in a chick-lit-type book, but oh there was. And the stalker is determined to ruin all of her long-planned wedding dreams. I wasn’t even sure where would be a wedding (except for the whole concept of “happily ever after” and that title.)
The secondary cast of characters have charm aplenty and an accent that couldn’t be found anywhere but in the deep South. I have no point of reference that the accents were even remotely accurate, but I loved the voice!
For the most part, I listened to my Kindle read this book to me. You can tell a good book when a computer’s voice can make the story interesting. Now I just need to go back and read the beginning of Shiloh’s journey!
This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the publishers through Netgalley for my ARC to review.

More about the book...

Shiloh Jacobs is planning her wedding without family, without money, and without a clue--and trying to make a go of small-town Southern life. Until she stumbles on an unsolved case about a missing woman that makes her run in the opposite direction--right into the would-be killer's web of plans. In the midst of sorting through her tragic past and strained relationships, Shiloh finds herself on the run from a madman--and hoping she can make it to her wedding alive.


  1. Anytime someone uses the word "quirky" to describe a book, chances are I'll like it. :) Sounds like a great read...or in your case, listen. :)

  2. LOVE the title, and the story sounds like a winner! Thanks for making me aware of this book and series. :)


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