Friday, January 4, 2013

2013: A New Year, A New Challenge, A New Hope

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January has never been my favorite month. Something about constantly having to go back and erase or white out all the 2012's I've written at the end of a date...or maybe the fact that it's a longer than usual month for me...or maybe it's the fact that after a year of living in the expectation of 2012, I now have to build a new expectation. 

I wouldn't say that's a bad thing. If anything, I kind of look forward this year to wiping the slate clean and handing the chalk over to God to write this story. I can plan for my future, but God writes the story. It's the ultimate seat of the pants experience. ;-) 

New expectations are exciting.

New expectations are scary. 

I mean really, if 2012 never ended then I wouldn't need to think about the future. (okay, realistically, I would, but's a nice thought. ;-) I like my little rut. I like fitting into that groove and jolting out of it can be jarring. 

A little bit of starting a new year does that to me. Jars me, I mean. And yet it can be so incredibly exciting. 

God has given us another year, or at least another day in a new year. Maybe I'll acquire an agent. Probably not, but I know I'll work up the nerve to submit to another agent. 

Maybe I'll fall in love. Probably not, but I bet I will with a new storybook hero. ;-)

My point is: the ride is only as jarring as I want to make it. What will God teach me this year? How will He grow me? Looking back at the end of 2011 I would have never thought I'd be sitting here right now, chatting with you like I am, having grown like I have. 

It might hurt to grow more, but He's got a reason, a purpose for it and I'm trusting that He's got my best interest at heart. I don't know what the next 361 days are going to hold, but I do know this: when I sit on this side of 2014 and look back on 2013, I just know I'm going to have things to cry over. But I also know this: my future is what I make it: and I plan to have a whole lot to praise over.


  1. I believe there IS going to be lots to praise over in 2013 for you, Casey. :) In fact, here's where I challenge you: I think you should trade in your "probably nots" for "probablys." (Probablies? Did I just make up a word?) I believe in hope and boldness and confident expectation...soaring on the wings of anticipation and all that. Which I realize is very Anne of Green Gables of me. But it's just the way I am. I say, zoom into 2013 believing this will be the year you land an agent and fall in love, all the while believing God's plan and timing rocks...and knowing that friends around the country are rooting for, believing in and hoping with you.

    Have a great weekend, Casey!

    1. Yes, but I like your new made up word! I've got a good bit of Anne in me, but just enough Marilla to keep my head out of the clouds...even if the view is sooo much better up there. ;-) Love your peptalk and encouragement! This is going to be YOUR year, my friend!! Can't wait to read that book. :D

  2. BEAUTIFUL REFLECTION, my friend, especially the line, " I kind of look forward this year to wiping the slate clean and handing the chalk over to God to write this story."


    Here's to the BEST year ever, overflowing with His abundant blessings!!


    1. God's goodness is never new, and never ending so matter the year...but I do look forward to His goodness and teaching!

  3. Beautiful post, Casey. I'm glad to sit here and listen in as you look back. :) I'm sure I'll fall in love with many storybook heroes. You're a blessing, Casey.

    1. Oh here is to many, many episodes of love and first chapter!

  4. God sure blessed the pants off of 2012...I just know he's going to do it in 2013, for both of us. :)

    1. No. Kidding! Isn't it exciting to realize we have a brand new year to discover? I know it is for me. :)

  5. Wow, Casey! You are such a special young woman. Thank you for reminding me that God does indeed have my best at heart. Tears will be shed but praise will also be given! {{hugs}}

    1. Yes, yes He does. Sending a hug, my friend!

  6. Praise the Lord; He is always giving us a new day, but we don't know how many and new thoughts on how to do things and new friends, so we are truely bless. God bless you.

  7. It is good to look at the new year with anticipation as a fresh start. I struggle with January and February as well since they are the blah cold months up here. God bless you and your writing work.


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