Wednesday, January 2, 2013

SUPERB!!! ~ Catch a Falling Star by Beth K. Vogt ~ Review

Beth Vogt’s debut novel “Wish You Were Here” was great. A good story.
“Catch a Falling Star”…superb.
   I couldn’t put the novel down. Could. Not. I don’t have stronger words to describe how much this novel captured me…oh wait I’ll say this: I could have dealt with one or five more of those kisses…
Beth Vogt has hit her sweet spot. Talk about a great story! (I really need a stronger arsenal of vivid descriptors for novels I love). Griffin and Kendall are characters that go deep in their characterization. The dialogue…oh the dialogue! Snappy, quick and perfect for every single moment. I don’t think one word was wasted, each one built upon the other to create a story so…so wonderful to spend time reading, I couldn’t put it down. Oh, wait, I’ve already said that.
Characters are great. Writing is superb. Themes are clearly evident and excellently woven through the story. Descriptions take you right into the heart of the story while not distracting anything from it. I have a feeling THIS is the voice, people are going to love discovering on book shelves. And talk about a romance. I don’t think it can get much better…except, I could have had a few more kisses. (broken record, yeah I know, what’s your point?)
  Oh sigh…do I have to shut up now? I really could go on and on…let me say this: I had an advance ecopy. I’m going to buy the book. And get it autographed.
This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the publishers through Netgalley for my copy to review.

More about the novel...

Successful career gal Kendall Haynes is tired of wishing on stars for a home and a family. Can God’s dreams for her be even better than her own?

What does a girl do when life doesn’t go according to her plan? At thirty-six, Kendall Haynes has seen some of her dreams come true. She’s a family physician helping kids with severe allergies and asthma achieve more fulfilling lives—a childhood struggle she knows all too well. But are Kendall’s dreams of having it all—a career, a husband, children—nothing more than a childhood fantasy? God says He knows the plans He has for her—why can’t Kendall figure them out and be content with her life?

Griffin Walker prefers flying solo—both as an Air Force pilot and in his personal life. But a wrong choice and health problems pulled him out of the cockpit. His attempts to get out of “flying a desk” are complicated by his parents’ death—making Griffin the reluctant guardian of his sixteen-year-old brother, Ian. How did his life get so off course? Can he get his life back on track…or has there been a divine plan all along?

Catch a Falling Star reminds readers that romance isn’t just for twenty-somethings and that sometimes letting go of your “wish I may, wish I might” dreams is the only way to embrace everything God has waiting for you.


  1. Great review, Casey. I read this book, too, and could not put it down. Beth is a rockin' writer. :)

    1. No kiddin'! I was super impressed. I wanna write this good. :-)

  2. Woo hoo! Loved WYWH, and this one sounds awesome too. Can't wait!

    1. Even BETTER, Lindsay! Even. Better. Great, great story line. Now I'm salivating for her 3rd one. I think I need first reader rights. ;-)

  3. I read Wish You Were Here, and loved it. I look forward to Catch A Falling Star! Happy New Year, Casey!

    1. The same to you, Loree! You'll love this one if you loved WYWH.

  4. Wow! Great review! I haven't even read Beth's first book yet, but this one sounds wonderful. Thanks, Casey!

    And Happy New Year! Wishing great things for you this year!


    1. Oh then get on it. You'll love this one. :)

  5. This sounds great. Maybe I'll even bypass the library and just purchase this one. Thanks!

    1. It's WORTH it! I'm going to buy it too and have her autograph it. :)

  6. Well, glory hallelujah! And it's only fair that this one is among my top must reads for 2013 and a book I'm hoping to own.
    So exciting! Bless you, Casey for sharing that review.

    1. Must, MUST, read. ;-) I couldn't wait on sharing my review until closer to May.

  7. Looking forward to reading another gem by Beth K. Vogt! I'm currently re-reading Wish You Were Here... and wishing the release of Catch a Falling Star was closer! Happy New Year, Casey!



    1. You're in for a treat! Thanks for joining W4C, Andrea! Glad to have you here. :)

  8. Thank you for starting 2013 so beautifully for me, Casey! Believe me, I'm counting the days until May 7 too!


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