Friday, January 11, 2013

Great Guilty Pleasure Read ~ Vanished by Irene Hannon ~ Review

It’s a mystery that is vanishing into the dark of night and the evidence left behind is more baffling than the crime itself.
Suspense is my guilty pleasure (I think I might have said this before, so this should come at no surprise) and I thought the novel’s back cover copy would fit the bill (er…craving) quite nicely. A dose of romance against the suspense element had great balance and worked well throughout the entire story.
The best part of this book? We knew who the villain was basically from the very beginning. I know that sounds like it wouldn’t have the “kick” you would expect in a suspenseful novel, but in putting the reader in the villain’s point of view. Knowing his name and profession and where he was in relation to our hero and heroine put a great edge to the story that I absolutely loved.
  The crime of this novel is an odd one and it gave me great curiosity into what makes this villain tick. So often I can feel jipped when I’m “told” at the end of the book why the villain did what he did, but this one took us there. Great element!
  Overall I was quite pleased with my latest novel find and have already passed it on for other family members to read.
  This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the publishers for my copy to review,
**Available January 2013 from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing** 

More about the novel...

Reporter Moira Harrisons is lost. In the dark. In a thunderstorm. When a confusing detour places her on a rural, wooded road, she's startled by the sudden appearance of a lone figure caught in the beam of her headlights. Though Moira jams on her brakes, the car careens across the wet pavement--and the solid thump against the side of the vehicle tells her she hit the person before she crashes into a tree on the far side of the road. 

A dazed Moira is relieved when a man opens her door, tells her he saw everything, and promises to call 911. Then everything fades to black. When she comes to an hour later, she is alone. No man. No 911. No injured person lying on the side of the road. But she can't forget the look of terror she saw on the person's face in the instant before her headlights swung away. The person she hit had been in trouble. She's sure of it. But she can't get anyone to believe her story--except a handsome former police detective, now a private eye, who agrees to take on the case. 

From the very first page, readers will be hooked into this fast-paced story full of shocking secrets from fan-favorite Irene Hannon. "Vanished" is the exciting first book in the Private Justice series: Three justice seekers who got burned playing by the rules now have a second chance to make things right.


  1. Great review and I definitely want to read this. Funny you should bring up that you knew who the killer was from the beginning--I just wrote about that over at Suspense Sisters. LOL Too often readers think a book isn't good if they know who the killer is from the beginning. But it's okay to know that in suspense. It's the mystery genre where keeping that a secret is important. It sounds like Irene has done a great job here.


  2. Hi Irene,
    Sounds like a great book Vanished, the first book in the Private Justice series. I really like every one of your books that i have read of your.
    I have read about sixteen of your books. Thank you for all of them. God bless you.
    Norma Stanforth

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