Thursday, January 10, 2013

Why Are We Allowing Ourselves to be Enslaved?

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Jesus Christ died to save us from our sins. To save us from enslavement.

So why do we allow ourselves to be set free only to return to slavery? 

This comment hit me. between. the. eyes. I live with enslavement every single day. By allowing emotions to have control of my attitude or my heart or my outlook on the day, I am allowing myself to be enslaved.

By fearing retribution from anyone with supervision over me, I allow myself to be enslaved. Why did God send His only Son to die a violent death and set me free if I just turn right back around and walk into slavery?

We all have our forms of slavery. Slavery to money, worry, nerves (yep, that's a big one for me) jealousy, anger...the list can go on and on and be perfectly specific to who you are. 

My #1 enslavement? Nerves. Every morning I go into work, I get nervous. Why? I shouldn't be. I should be confident in what I'm doing. Exacting in my knowledge. I've been working there for a year and I should have a pretty good handle on things. Instead... I let nerves enslave how my day might go. I might do something wrong. I might forget to do something. I might, might, might.

Nothing I just said is absolute. So why do I let nerves enslave me? Because I worry too much. I've given myself over to the enslavement of nervousness and worry and when I do that, I take the power away from what Christ did on the cross and give it over to my arch enemy. 

As I sat in church, listening to this lesson, I thought to myself: "I don't have anything that enslaves me."

Then I inventoried my day and realized. Yes, I do. And it's debilitating. Consuming. Enslaving.

I can pray for help, but unless I want release, I have to loosen the fist that is clutching my chains and set them free. Let Christ break my bonds. 

Everyone is enslaved differently. What enslaves me could have absolutely no bearing on you. But what are you allowing to enslave you?

Turn it loose. Put a note by your computer, or some place that you spend the most time and read these words: If Christ gave me freedom, why am I giving myself permission to be enslaved?

It's time to take freedom back.


  1. Casey, I love this post. Gal. 5:1 is my life verse. It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.

    We all fall back into slavery sometimes. It is like being a living sacrifice...we keep crawling off the altar, back into self, back in to old habits, back in to fear.

    Great post, are so smart!

    1. Sherrinda, one of my favorite verses Isaiah 40:31 is another great one to remind us that God has set us free.

      Not so smart as just needing a mental slap from God. :)

  2. Galatians 5:1, Sherrinda's life verse, was the first verse I ever memorized, but I am still plumbing the depths of it so many years later.
    Thank you for your honesty and your encouragement, Casey.

    1. I think I'll be plumbing the depths of my Sunday revelation for years to come too, Beth.


    As an ostracized little kid both in early school and family years, I've been fighting the Civil War of Approval for years now, desperately trying to set the captive free until I, like you, FULLY realized Christ had already done so and THANK GOD!!! I was doing a miserable job. :)


    1. Yes, Civil War is an EXCELLENT term to use. Praise God for sticking around until we figure out fighting our battles alone is just not getting us anywhere.

  4. Hi Casey :-) It has been forever since we last spoke! I hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas, and that this New Year is bringing abundant blessings and joy!!

    This post is awesome and really spoke to me. Thank you for sharing your heart here. It blessed me so much, as I'm sure it will to all who read it. What you said is so true. And that question does hit you right. between. the. eyes.

    ::sigh:: I've struggled with so many things, been tied down with so many chains; the chief of which, like you, is my nerves. Actually, I used to suffer from anxiety attacks about 6-7 years ago. The Lord Jesus Christ, in His awesome power, tender mercy and unfailing love, delivered me from them. And, surprisingly, it all inspired me to write, and a lot of what I struggled with found it's way into my poems. A line from one of them came rushing back to my heart as I read your post:

    "How can I be set free if I choose to remain bound?
    And how can I cast my cares upon You if I refuse to lay them down?"

    I have to remind myself of these things when I feel the urge to pick back up what the Lord has so lovingly and mercifully cast off me. I could go on and on (as you know! ;-)) so I'll stop here lest I type anymore paragraphs, lol!

    Praying the Lord will continue to strengthen you and encourage you on your job. I'm sure you're excellent at what you do and are an asset in the workplace. The Lord has not given you a spirit of fear but a sound mind and His strength to do all things :-)


    1. Oh girl, what a joy to see your comment come through to be approved!! Oh what beauty and such truth is in your poem! I couldn't believe how MUCH I was giving over to slavery of my soul until I realized how much God could and would set me free if I only let Him. So I'm releasing and praying He'll help me release to His will. It's all about control, isn't it? And yet in wanting control we only bind ourselves all the more.

  5. Ah Casey, you hit the nail on the head :) Excellent reminder that we need not take back what Christ has done for us! Thank you, wise woman, for such a timely post. {{hugs}}

    1. Thank God that He put it on my heart on Sunday and then prompting the post. I know I am! Hugs, my friend. :)

  6. Casey, I grabbed for my phone to check my email this morning before I got out of bed. Your blog was the first email I read today. I know the Lord sent you with this message to me as I have been struggling latley with several situations. You opened my heart up to remind me I am NOT enslaved to them. Today was a great day because of your blog. I have felt free all day and will continue to be as I let the Lord help me with these situatons in my life. God Bless You and Thank you so much!!!

    1. Wow Karen, I am completely humbled by your comment and praising God that He allowed my situation to be used by Him in such a way. Bless you for blessing ME tonight. I'll be praying tonight for your situations that God's peace continues to free you.

  7. You know in everything we all sin and fall short of the glory of God in every thing we say and do. Because we are all slavery to money, worry, nerves,jealousy,and anger. God bless you all.
    Norma Stanforth

  8. The doctor said that my father will die in 3months because of his brain tumor. Maybe he can survive if he will take surgery but we disagree because we worried of the result of the surgery. What should we do? I believe that God will make a way and he will heal my father.

    Evangelical Church in Oakville


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