Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Make That a FUN Author Interview! My Guest? Nancy Herriman!

It's a new feature on Writing for Christ!

Sometimes we just gotta let loose. Have a little fun.  Thus I had this crazy idea…and I’m pretty excited about it. Hope you love it and if you have suggestions for questions, leave them in the comments! :- )

The Basics:

Name: Nancy Herriman
Order here
Home State (completely with address so we can stalk you): Ohio
Occupation: writer!
Height: 5’ 3”
Hair Color: um….blonde

Goin’ Deeper:

Celebrity crush: Jake Gyllenhaal
#1 favorite pastime: singing!
Best book of your childhood: Loved The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Go to comfort food: too many to choose from! Probably mashed potatoes.
Worst job you ever had: A brief stint doing an engineering project at the water treatment facility of a chemical manufacturing plant. Yuck.

Preorder here
In Ten Words or Less:

Happiest moment of your life: Getting married.
One thing on your bucket list: Visit the Dalmatian coast. It looks so gorgeous in photos.
Quirkiest aspect that annoys your spouse/friends: How loud I am? ;-)
Greatest dream: Seeing my children grown and happy.
Biggest fear: I think I’ve already overcome it by facing cancer 2 years ago. I’m good to go. (oops, that wasn’t less than 10 words!)

And there ya have it! Another FUN interview with a great author. Watch for my interview with Ronie Kendig next month!


  1. Fun!! I don't know where the Dalmatian coast is...I need to Google it. :)

  2. LOVE IT!!! Both the interview and Nancy Herriman's work!! And YOU, of course, Case!! :)


    1. Thanks, Julie! And thanks Casey. A truly FUN interview!

    2. I love the fun element, glad readers do too. Nancy, your publisher is hitting it out of the park with your covers. Great package design!

  3. I loved the interview. I am not familiar with Nancy Herriman or her books.
    Thanks for letting me know about her.
    Janet Estridge

    1. Hope you have an opportunity to read my books and enjoy, Janet.

    2. Hey Janet!! Great to see you made it over. :D

  4. I love Nancy's books! What a fun interview!

  5. Wait . . . you're LOUD? Ha, couldn't resist--I love it when we have the chance to really cut loose and talk/laugh. Still remember when you sang me to the airport after an ACFW conference. Great, fun interview Casey and Nancy!

    1. You're a dear for stopping by, Candace! We'll have to get you on here in the coming months. I think you'd have fun with this format. ;-)


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)