Friday, March 1, 2013

Now That is Good Storytelling...Wishing on Willows by Katie Ganshert ~ Review

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7 bonus devotionals Katie has written just
for the readers of her second novel!

You know that feeling of finding a great book? The kind of book whose characters ride the tide of your emotions and pull so deeply on the heart strings that they just might be real people?
  What a minute? Who says they aren’t?
Don’t answer that.
My point? Some books have that…that star quality that make them soar. “Wishing on Willows” has that quality and so much more.
It’s hard to fit this book into the right “box” because there isn’t one out there labeled specifically for it. I wouldn’t say it’s a romance…though it’s such a sweet love story. A love story between Robin and her son. Ian and Robin. Bethany and Evan. The older couple who visit the diner. Amanda and Jason. I wouldn’t call it women’s fiction, though there are strong elements of that genre woven all through the story.
  Would I call it perfect? Pretty close to it. It’s a delicate symmetry, a balance between lyrical writing and character emotions and actions that make them so incredible loveable. I think Ian had the ability to melt my heart more times than should be allowed through the story.
  There is a talent for story woven so perfectly through this novel that it’s like taking a deep breath and not needing to breathe again. I left myself behind and joined their lives.
Now that is good storytelling…
This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the author for my copy to review.

More about the novel...

Does a second chance at life and love always involve surrender?
A three-year old son, a struggling café, and fading memories are all Robin Price has left of her late husband. As the proud owner of Willow Tree Café in small town Peaks, Iowa,  she pours her heart into every muffin she bakes and espresso she pulls, thankful for the sense of purpose and community the work provides.
So when developer Ian McKay shows up in Peaks with plans to build condos where her café and a vital town ministry are located, she isn’t about to let go without a fight.
As stubborn as he is handsome, Ian won’t give up easily. His family’s business depends on his success in Peaks. But as Ian pushes to seal the deal, he wonders if he has met his match. Robin’s gracious spirit threatens to undo his resolve, especially when he discovers the beautiful widow harbors a grief that resonates with his own.
With polarized opinions forming all over town, business becomes unavoidably personal and Robin and Ian must decide whether to cling to the familiar or surrender their plans to the God of Second Chances.


  1. I'm starting a feature on my blog called "Getting to Know You". I'd love to feature you! If you are interested, please let me know and I will email you a set of questions to answer.

    Happy March!

  2. I agree with you! I just loved, loved, loved this book!

    1. Hmm, hmm. Yep. Very, very good story. Didn't the ring from the lake scene just MELT your heart?

  3. Your review is spot-on, Casey. I loved Katie's latest!

  4. So honored by this review, Casey!! Thanks for all you to support authors like me. You're a blessing, sister!

    1. Very glad to do it. It's so easy when you love something so much!

  5. Thanks for the review, Casey. I've yet to read Katie's books but now will push them to the top of my list!

    1. Sue, you haven't?! Oh goodness, you need to get on the bandwagon, lady! :) I'm even going to take my ARC of Wildflowers from Winter and go through it and mark the things that I love so much and what I think makes it work so well.


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