Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Ready for the Next Adventure ~ Shattered by Dani Pettrey ~ Review

I predict I have finished another bestselling novel. Only time will truly tell, but I think there is much truth in what I just stated. You can thank me later. (wink)
I have been eagerly waiting for Piper and Landon’s story since the moment I finished “Submerged” last May and I was not disappointed in the least. It’s a high paced, high concept kind of story I believe will appeal across a wide spectrum of readers.
Ah, talk about romance. Landon just about melted my heart with how much he loved Piper. There is something so humbling about a character who knows he’s messed up and wants nothing else than to be able to share his love and be accepted in that love. Talk about some heart-stuttering moments.
It’s high-energy suspense coupled with a healthy dose of romance and rich and wide backstory. What I’ve loved and appreciated about these series books is we get a peek into the romance of the coming book. There is nothing better that sells a book for me, then to crave getting to know the next round of characters. We’ve been given just enough in Gage and Darcy that I’m counting the days until September.
   The dialogue is outstanding! The setting as clear and cold as the snow covering the ground. Good writing takes you places. I’ve traveled the world through the pages of this story and I’m eager for the next adventure.
  This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the author and publisher for my copy to review.

More about the novel....

A Thrilling New Romantic Suspense from the Genre's Newest Star

Piper McKenna couldn't be more thrilled that her prodigal brother, Reef, has returned to Yancey, Alaska, after five years. But her happiness is short-lived when Reef appears at her house covered in blood. A fellow snowboarder has been killed--but despite the evidence, Reef swears he's innocent. And Piper believes him.

Deputy Landon Grainger loves the McKennas like family, but he's also sworn to find the truth. Piper is frustrated with his need for facts over faith, but he knows those closest to you have the power to deceive you the most. With his sheriff pushing for a quick conviction, some unexpected leads complicate the investigation, and pursuing the truth may mean risking Landon's career.

With Piper waging her own search, the two head deep into Canada's rugged backcountry--and unexpected complications. Not only does their long friendship seem to be turning into something more, but this dangerous case is becoming deadlier with each step.


  1. Looking forward to reading this soon. Geat review! Blessings, Susan Fryman

  2. Yes, indeed!! This book was awesome! :)

  3. I finished Shattered last week. Loved. It. :)

  4. Fabulous review! I have this one from NetGalley and am planning on reading it soon. Can't wait!

    Tressa @ Tressa's Wishful Endings

    1. Oh, well, then get on it, girl. ;-) It's worth the wait! But don't wait too long...


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