Friday, March 29, 2013

Make that a FUN Author Interview! My Guest? Ronie Kendig!

Sometimes we just gotta let loose. Have a little fun.  Thus I had this crazy idea…and I’m pretty excited about it. Hope you love it and if you have suggestions for questions, leave them in the comments! :- )

The Basics:
Name: Ronie Kendig
Home State (completely with address so we can stalk you): my home state is Texas, but I just moved to VA for my husband’s job.
Occupation: homeschooling mom and author
Height: 5’5”
Hair Color: reddish brown

Goin’ Deeper:

Order here!
Celebrity crush: My celebrity crush isn’t necessarily because of looks. I tend to ‘crush’ on those who are able to carry a role, no matter what. Right now, it’s a tie between two actors: Daniel Craig with that rare, rawness and vulnerability that he portrays masterfully, and Gerard Butler, who I was honestly so sad to see sliding down the romantic comedy vein. He’s now starring in Olympus Has Fallen, where he really flexes his acting chops. I’m elated! J

#1 favorite pastime: I’d have to say my favorite pastime is doing anything as long as my family is with me. 

Best book of your childhood: I loved the Richard Scarry books! I hated Dr. Seuss because the creatures were creepy to me.

Go to comfort food: it used to be pastries until I developed a gluten intolerance and now, I love a good bowl of ice cream with fruit.

Worst job you ever had: I worked at a student loan marketing association at night once right as the digital age swept in. Because I had good typing skills, I was tasked with transferring the data from paper to the computers—it TERRIFIED me that I might mistype someone’s information or loan amount! ACK! I only stayed there three months.

In Ten Words or Less:

Preorder here!
Releases May, 2013
Happiest moment of your life: I’d probably have to say the day I married my husband because out of that were birthed other “happiest moments” that tie right up there for first—like the births of my four children. J

One thing on your bucket list: To visit Israel where our Savior walked.

Quirkiest aspect that annoys your spouse/friends: When a lot is happening, or I’m feeling overwhelmed, I withdraw—but not with the intention of pulling away from people, but to regroup, to think through what’s happening, to figure out where I want/need to go from “here.” That annoys my loved ones sometimes, but I need that space to work through things. I’m very much an internal thinker/processer.

Greatest dream: this is going to sound so cliché, but to be who God designed me to be

Biggest fear: seeing another loved one die—I’ve already lost my mom, dad and all my grandparents. I’m acutely aware of God’s sovereignty.

Have very much enjoyed getting to know author Ronie Kendig better!

No blog post is long enough to showcase all of her many fiction works, 

And be sure and be on the look out for next month when I interview 
Betsy St. Amant!


  1. Love the blog look. It's adorable!

    Ronie is one of my top favorite authors so I very much enjoyed this interview :)

    Have a blessed Resurrection weekend!

    1. Thanks, Anne! I thought you might like this one. ;) I'm sure you've read Trinity, are you anxious to get your hands on Talon?

    2. Oh Yeah! Can't wait for Talon :)

    3. You are one of my favorite readers, Anne. Well, favorite friends. :-D HUGS!! Happy Easter!

  2. YES!! Loved this interview. Great idea, Casey :)

    Mrs Kendig - You rock!! Love your books, love your stories. Keep up the fantastic work.

    I also moved from Texas to Virginia (for my hubby) :) We're in the Shenandoah Valley and while I miss the people in Texas, I love our seasons in this state!

    1. Sheri, you live in a place I would LOVE to visit!

      So glad you approve of the interview, you'll have to check out the back issues. :)

    2. yes, Casey! You should come visit! I'll put you up at my house ;D

    3. THANK YOU, Sheri! What an incredible coinkydink that we both moved from Texas to VA for our hubbies. :-D And like you, I really miss TX but I am glad to be here.

  3. Dear Casey, I liked the title of your Blog" Writing for Christ". Well I am from Mumbai, India and have been in the Pastoral ministry for last 33 yrs in the great city of Mumbai a city with great contrast where richest of rich and the poorest of poor live. We reachout to the poorest of poor with the love of Christ to bring healing to the broken hearted. We also encourage young people as well as adults from the West to come on a short term missions trip to work with us by becoming hands and feet of Jesus. We would love to have you come with your friends on a short term missions trip to work with us.Looking forward to hear from you. My email id is: dhwankhede(at)gmail(dot)com and my name is Diwakar Wankhede

  4. What a fun interview!!
    It's such a pleasure getting to know you, Ronie, you and your books are so amazing :)
    Loved what you stated about your biggest dream, not cliche at all :)
    Blessings to you and to Casey and Happy Easter ladies!

    1. Hello my friend! So glad you stopped by today. Read any good books lately?

    2. Thank you, Kara! Happy Easter!

  5. I love Ronie Kendig books! They are in a category all their own. And I am a think/analyze/process person too, so I understand completely the internal "think tank" time. I pre-ordered TALON months ago and can't wait to read it!

    1. Hello Rebecca! Thanks so much for stopping by and posting such an awesome comment for Ronie! I love her books too, though I admit I don't always "get" everything she talks about. But she has AMAZING talent that I always appreciate. :)

    2. Now that I know you ordered it, I'll be looking for a review ;)

      Casey, Rebecca is a dear friend of mine! So glad to have someone local that loves to read as much as I do, and we love just about all the same books/authors :)

    3. How awesome, Anne! I know exactly what you mean, I have a dear friend who lives here and we love the same books/authors. It makes it so nice to have someone to swap books with. :-)

    4. Whoa! Rebecca--what a high compliment! Thank you so much for such kind and generous words! AND mucho grande thanks for pre-ordering Talon! OORAH!

  6. Love seeing two of my favourite girls together! Waving to you both, Ronie and Casey :) Talon is AMAZING...just sayin'!!

    1. I was thinking this weekend that I really need to read Trinity! I bought it at ACFW and have thinking about the story's potential all weekend long.

    2. Love you, Relvolution! You RAWK, my friend.

      Casey - One-hundred thousand thanks for all your generosity in featuring me. I love your comments. I'm sorry you don't always "get" what I'm talking about. Do you think it's the military jargon, or...? I hope you get a chance to read TRINITY. I LOVE the series! Hugs!!

    3. Oh yeah, it's just the jargon. Not something I'm familiar with. But the characters and writing quality bring it home. every. single. time. My mom loves to read them when I'm done too! ;-)

    4. Thanks for helping me understand. Maybe I can smooth out a ripple or two. Sometimes, I just can't because it'd be out of character for the hero/heroine, but I'll try. :-D So glad your mom reads them, too. How kewl is that?!?!

    5. Hmm, maybe, but you're absolutely right, it has to be in character. And everything eventually comes together. :) Yeah, she doesn't let me pass them on to share either, she's building up her Ronie collection. Love sharing reading taste with her! :-))


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)