Saturday, March 30, 2013

Saturday Review: Strands of Deception by Robin Carroll

Talk about a high-concept, well-written romantic suspense. Heavier on the suspense then the romance, the novel is quick paced, energy charged and consistently kept me up past my bedtime to find out who did it.

            I’m not the most intelligent suspense reader. I don’t often “get” everything and get easily lost in all the twists and tails. What I loved about this novel, in addition to being well written, there is the high concept of genetic research and catching the killer, but it meets readers like me half way while leaving plenty of room for the intelligent reader.

            I had an idea of who the killer was, thought I was wrong, and then the book looped back around to prove I was right with plenty of twists to get back. The spiritual element was gracefully woven through the story becoming an intricate part of the telling. The romance is definitely the subplot, but I thought it was done in such a way that did not leave it feeling rushed or the reader cheated. It’s just there and was nice.

            Plenty of different turns. The genetic research angle was fascinating and the characters were strong and captivating on the page. It has that ability to get and keep you hooked right away. Recommended reading!

            This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the publishers through CFBA for my copy to review.

Want to know more about the book? Check out this post I did earlier this month. 


  1. Great review Casey! Have you read the first two books in the Justice Seekers? They were good too. I really like Robin Caroll's writing. Glad you did too ;)

    1. I've read to Write a Wrong, and have Injustice for All to read. It's just a matter of time now. ;-)


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