Monday, April 29, 2013

Giveaway! Forsaken Dreams by MaryLu Tyndall!

Welcome back to Writing for Christ MaryLu Tyndall, I am excited to have you here for a second time. 

What has changed in your writing life since you were last here?

I’m working on a brand new super exciting trilogy about a group of Southerners who left the South after losing the Civil War and immigrated to Brazil where they hoped to start a new Southern Utopia.  It’s a little-known part of American history that is truly fascinating. The trilogy is called Escape to Paradise, and I pitched it as LOST meets Gone with the Wind. The first book, Forsaken Dreams, releases March 1st, 2013.

What recent read stood out to you as truly spectacular?

Can I name more than one? A Light in the Window by Julie Lessman, The Heiress of Winterwood by Sarah Ladd (she’s a new author.. and fabulous!) and Dreamspell by Tamara Leigh (love time travel stories!)

Do you have favorite authors?

Of course!  Laurie Alice Eakes, Julie Lessman, Laura Frantz are just a few of my favorites. I also love Lisa T. Bergren and Julie Klassen.

What do you find the most enjoyable part of writing or connecting with readers?

The most enjoyable part of writing for me is the actual creation of the characters and the story. I love closing my eyes and transporting myself into a world of my own creation and then forming characters with histories, personalities, families, faults, needs, dreams. And best of all, I have so much fun putting those characters into a world I invent and then throwing them into crisis after crisis and see what they do!!  What fun!

I also love connecting with readers. A writer’s life is a lonely one, so it’s so nice to hear from those who have read and enjoyed my books. It’s especially rewarding when I get a note from someone who tells me that my book really helped them through a rough time, or that my book got them back reading the Bible. Now, that’s what I’m writing for!!

What do you find the most ideal atmosphere for writing? Do you ever get those surroundings? 

I need a lot of peace and quiet. I’m not one of those writers who can write at Starbucks with a thousand people chatting all around me.  My favorite place to write is at home in my writing room. My husband created this gorgeous room that resembles a ship’s cabin, and I stuffed it full of all of my favorite things. It has a library, all my nautical things, a desk, and a lazy boy chair—the perfect ambience for creating my story worlds.

Okay, something fun for those writers out there: In what point of your writing career did you surprise yourself by writing the most words ever in the shortest amount of time?

I joined a small group of writers who were trying to write a full novel in a month. I knew I couldn’t keep up with them, but I thought maybe for a week they could encourage me to write faster. LOL. During that week, I hit my record for most words written in a day and that was 5000!  Of course they weren’t very polished words and there were lots of typos and grammar errors!  But at least I got something down. Writing for speed like that is a good way to shut off the left-logical side of your brain and open up the right, more creative side. When you do that, the story just begins to pour out of you.

Thanks for being here again! It has been a joy and we wish the very best with your novels.

Casey, it’s always a pleasure to visit you!! I wish you the best in your writing as well!

Readers, here is your chance to enter to win MaryLu's book!

Please leave an email address! If I draw your name and there is no email, you will not win.
For extra entries:
~Be a follower
~Be a subscriber

Contest is only open in the U.S. and void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items for said prize.

Thanks for coming by to enter! Contest ends on May 10th
Attn Readers! If you're struggling to leave a comment on my blog, please email your comment entries (in ONE email) and I will submit it for you. But PLEASE only do this after you've failed to leave a comment. My email is: caseym.writer(@) 


  1. Interesting interview! I bet that writing room is something to see. Thanks for the giveaway!

  2. I'm an email subscriber too!

  3. I would love to win.

    I am a follower.

    I am a subscriber.


  4. Would love to win this! Thanks for the offer.

    I am a subscriber.

    I am a follower via google friend and bloglovin'

    atouchofheaven2010 [at] gmail [dot] com.

  5. Thanks for the opportunity to enter this contest.

    I'm a follower and a subscriber


  6. Am looking forward to reading the book.
    Im a follower and a subscriber by email.

  7. This sounds like such an intriguing book!

    I am a subscriber and a follower.


  8. MaryLu's writing room sounds like a wonderful place that encourages creativity!

    beth (at) bethvogt (dot) com

  9. Follower on GFC.
    Sounds like a great book!

    littleone AT shaw DOT ca

  10. I love author interviews!
    I love your answer for your most enjoyable part of writing! That is so neat, to create characters like that. :-) I follow on GFC.

  11. Thanks for the chance to win this book!

  12. Hey Cap'n great interview and loved the Forsaken Dreams. A very good book.You do not have to put me in the contest since i already have my copy .. Thanks.

  13. I just created a writing room myself! A serene, inspiring spot to create!

    I'm a follower and a subscriber
    nicnac63 AT hotmail DOT com

  14. I follow you by GFC.Tea Norman

    I am subscribed for a newsletter.

    teakettle58(at) yahoo (dot) com

  15. I enjoyed the interview. How neat that MaryLu's husband created a writing room for her! It sounds like a wonderful place. I am looking forward to reading Forsaken Dreams. Thank you for offering a copy.
    may_dayzee (at) yahoo (dot) com
    I am a follower and I am a subscriber (different email address).

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Looks like a wonderful book
    I am a subscriber and follow on gfc

  18. Hello everyone!! I'm buried up to my eyeballs beneath a May 1st deadline for the third book in this series, but I wanted to stop by and say HI and read all your comments and thank Casey for having me on her blog today!!! I wish I could give you all a copy of Forsaken Dreams!! Thanks so much for dropping by today and reading my interview. I'm here now sitting in my writing room and ever so thankful to my hubby and God for this wonderful place! Hugs...

  19. Love MaryLu's books thanks for the chance to win

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  20. gfc follower

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  21. email subscriber

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  22. I really want to read this book. It sounds very good. I am a follower and email subscriber. Please enter me in contest.

  23. Entry for Cherie:

    I would love to read MaryLu's new book.
    I am following on feedburner and am subscribing

  24. Thanks for this interview with MaryLu and the chance to win a copy of Forsaken Dreams. I love the cover so would like to have the actual book. Ebooks just can't compare. I know the words inside the book are the same, but ebooks aren't as lovely!
    I'm a follower and a subscriber. Thanks for the extra entries.


  25. I have difficulty writing in loud places too! Starbucks writers just continue to baffle me..

    godsforlife at gmail dot com. (please enter me into this giveaway!)

  26. I'm a follower!

    godsforlife at gmail dot com.

  27. I read and reviewed the ebook, but would love to win the book for my grand daughters. The love to hold a real book. Thank so much for the great interview.
    I subscribe by email.

  28. I follow your blog! :)


  29. Have been wanting to read a book by MaryLu - thanks for the giveaway!

    I am a follower & subscriber.

  30. Entry for Janet E:

    Dear Casey,
    Please enter me in the giveaway.

    I hope your weekend was a restful one.


  31. I LOVE MaryLu Tyndall!! I'm a follower and a subscriber!!

  32. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win Mary Lu's book! I would love to be entered in the giveaway and for an extra entry I follow you via GFC under the username Bethany. :)

    1. Oh and I forgot to leave my email, it's: bethanydaughteroftheking{at}gmail{dot}com Thanks!

  33. thanks for the chance to read this fabulous novel :)
    i'm a follower & email subscriber, too!

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  34. Entry for Inkland-Blogs:

    I've been happily following Ms. Tyndall's blog tour for this lovely novel, whereupon I've not only garnished a new appreciation for Civil War history but a new appreciation for the era overall! What I still find remarkable is that when asked of readers if they would have chosen to leave OR to stay, as her characters make the choice to set sail for Brazil -- I was plumb shocked to find that many said they'd have re-built their lives where they were! Not I, as I would have dug my heels into the adventure, the promise of a new beginning, and the zeal of pure excitement over trading in everything that I knew that led to heartache, hardship, strife, and sorrow -- and attempt to change my stars for a better plight, if not a life that could one day be full of happiness and joy.

    Therefore, I am honoured to tip my hat into this contest to win the book that captured my heart all the wayy back in February when I first read about it on Ms. Tyndall's blog!! :)



    RSS feed subscriber of WFC

  35. I'm excited about MaryLu's new series, I didn't know this bit of Southern history. Thanks for a chance to win Forsaken Dreams!
    I'm a subscriber.
    I'm a follower via GFC.
    worthy2bpraised at gmail dot com

  36. I've so been looking forward to reading this one! Please enter me. I love the cover! :)

    And I'm a follower too. :) Love your blog design, btw!



Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)