Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A New Jody Hedlund Favorite! ~ A Noble Groom by Jody Hedlund ~ Review

Another reader friend of mine told me she read “A Noble Groom” in 24 hours and I was not too far behind her. What. A. Great. Story.
From the first page to the last sentence I was completely captivated by the characters, the story of their lives and the romance, oh! The romance! Stand-out writing quality made for a story I literally could not put down.
I haven’t fallen in love with a storybook hero in quite a few books; Carl changed that pattern. Talk about a hero to admire. Yes, he had his faults, but what impressed me is while those faults might have made any other character stuck up and unlikeable, with Carl, you knew it was only a matter of time until his transformation changed him.
I can’t quite profess my entire love for these characters and book in 250 words. They took over the story, made it come alive in the best possible ways. Descriptions danced across the screen of my mind as much as Gretchen did across the dry Michigan ground.
My favorite moment? By far the kiss in the rain. A kiss (and many non kisses) to rival all kisses, “A Noble Groom” had so many unforgettable moments. It’s the kind of story you think about long after that final page is turned. The kind of characters that you want to be become your best friends. And a novel that won’t soon leave my keeper shelf…unless to loan to some other unsuspecting reader sure to fall ever more in love.
This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the publishers through Litfuse for my copy to review.

More about the novel...
A New Historical Romance from Fan-Favorite Jody Hedlund 

Recently widowed Annalisa Werner has the feeling her husband was murdered but
can't prove it. Alone with her young daughter in 1881 Michigan, she has six months left to finish raising the money needed to pay back the land contract her husband purchased, and the land is difficult to toil by herself. She needs a husband. With unmarried men scarce, her father sends a letter to his brother in the Old Country, asking him to find Annalisa a groom.

For nobleman Carl von Reichert, the blade of the guillotine is his fate. He's been accused and convicted of a serious crime he didn't commit, and his only escape is to flee to a small German community in Michigan where he'll be safe. He secures a job on Annalisa's farm but bumbles through learning about farming and manual labor. 

Annalisa senses that Karl is harboring a secret about his past, yet she finds herself drawn to him anyway. He's gentle, kind, and romantic--unlike any of the men she's ever known. He begins to restore her faith in the ability to love--but her true groom is still on his way. And time is running out on them all.

*~Contest Info!*~

Jody Hedlund is celebrating the release of A Noble Groom by giving away a Kindle Fire and hosting a Facebook Author Chat Party {5/8}! 

One "noble" winner will receive:
  • A Kindle Fire
  • A copy of A Noble Groom by Jody Hedlund
Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on May 7th. Winner will be announced at the "A Noble Groom" Author Chat Party on May 8th. Connect with Jody, get a sneak peek of her next book, try your hand at the trivia contest, and chat with readers just like you. There will also be many fun giveaways -- gift certificates, books, and more!

So grab your copy of A Noble Groom and join Jody on the evening of May 8th for a chance to connect and make some new friends. (If you haven't read the book, don't let that stop you from coming!)

Don't miss a moment of the fun, RSVP today. Tell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 8th!


  1. I just posted my review of this book today too. Loved it! :)

    1. That seems to be the response of everyone who has read it. Love that!

  2. My copy came in the mail today!! Can't wait!

  3. I'm reading this now!!! LOVE!!

    1. Isn't it good?! Have you got to that kiss??


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