Friday, May 3, 2013

A Hero in the Making ~ Deep and Brooding As Told By Their Creator (Interviewed by Rel!)

Casey here: Welcome to interview II in Rel's fantastic series I'm excited to host here on my blog!! We had such a fun time last month that we decided to make it another go-around this month! And this hero...let me tell you. The book does him so much more justice. This is a novel every romance/contemporary lover should read. My favorite so far of 2013! Enough with the gushing...on with Rel's interview...

I’m delighted to be back on Casey’s blog, talking heroes again! 

Recently, a number of my twitter pals have been discussing our favourite literary couples from the classics ~ think John Thornton & Margaret Hale, Darcy & Lizzie, Barney & Valancy ~ and from contemporary tales ~ Silas & Eden, Canyon & Dani, Shari & Marcus, DJ & Bella, Carl & Annalisa ~ each of these couples have a man who is heroic yet has vulnerabilities that make him appealing and believable.

So, Casey and I want to introduce you to another hero, this time a contemporary guy, who has qualities to admire and ones that will frustrate you ~ in other words, a real man!

Introducing daredevil pilot, floundering uncle, and let’s just say it, control freak kind of guy

Griffin Walker

from the imagination of contemporary romance author

featured in

Borrowed from Beth Vogt's
Catch a Falling Star Pinterest board
Why Griffin? Well, read the book and I won’t even have to respond to this question! Griffin is a man set in his ways and is used to making decisions on his own. His life is turned upside down when he is saddled with his younger brother, who has health problems. Griffin’s deeply compassionate yet wounded heart begins to show itself, however, so look out! Griffin exudes courage, independence, and from time to time, great stubbornness! He is a man desperate to do the right thing but uncertain how to do it. He is a wonderful hero and I’m thrilled Beth is with us to share more about him. Thanks Beth!

So, Beth, how did you choose Griffin's name?

Griffin’s name is a surname – a last name – that I switched up and used as a first name. It’s also interesting to note that in mythology the Griffin was known for speed and flight – and Griffin Walker is an U.S. Air Force pilot.

Nice touch with the meaning of the name, Beth!

Is Griffin inspired by anyone you know?

I wanted to have an air force pilot as a hero because several good friends have been pilots – some flew jets and some flew helicopters. Some people can have preconceived ideas about military pilots and it was intriguing for me to meet military pilots who excelled at their jobs and who also were strong in their faith.

Describe Griffin in 3 adjectives

Stubborn, independent, in control

What are Griffin's standout physical characteristics?
Borrowed from Beth Vogt's 
Catch a Falling Star Pinterest board

Tall, broad shoulders, little bit of gray in his hair, deep blue eyes – and a tattoo – but he doesn’t like to talk about that.

Mmmm…the tattoo sounds intriguing! Loved that scene in the book J


38 years old, about 6’ 1”, U.S. Air Force A-10 pilot

What scars does Griffin carry from his first marriage?

Griffin’s greatest scar is regret. He wanted to make his marriage to Tracey to work – and in an effort to do so, he made a decision that he regrets. That one choice affects the rest of his life.

What is Kendall's first impression of Griffin?

It’s safe to say that Kendall misjudges Griffin. She’s focused on Ian at the time – and he’s having a life-threatening allergic reaction. Because Griffin is twenty-two years older than Ian, Kendall thinks he’s Ian’s dad. And she can’t believe he’s not better prepared to handle his “son’s” allergies.

How does that first impression change over time?

It does take time for Kendall’s first impression to change because Kendall and Griffin are both strong personalities. But Kendall realizes that there are reasons that Griffin holds himself back from relationships. She begins to discover the things they have in common and to see the man behind the “I like life on my own” exterior.

What's on Griffin's bookshelf and in his Netflix queue?

Releases May, 2013!
Preorder here
Books: The Chair by James L. Rubart, Parenting Teens with Love and Logic by Foster Cline and The Five Love Languages by Gary D. Chapman Netflix: Seal Team Six, The Grey and Downton Abbey (but only because Kendall put it there).

Hehe! Good on Kendall! I think Griffin might need some of the romantic tips from Downton…
What's Griffin's beverage of choice?

He’s a straight-up cold water kind of guy. He keeps his fridge stocked with bottles of water for him and Mountain Dew for Ian. He also likes a cold beer with pizza.

What are Griffin's spiritual strengths and/or weaknesses?

Griffin has a relationship with God, but he hasn’t embraced grace completely. He hasn’t forgiven himself for some of his past mistakes and so he doesn’t truly believe God can forgive him. And how can a person who is determined to be independent, to not rely on anyone but himself, ever fully trust God?

What motivates (or one motivation) Griffin in his personal life? His professional life? 

Griffin is a perfectionist in both his personal and professional life. And that’s gotten him in trouble as a pilot and also caused him to keep God at arm’s length too.

Thank you, Beth, for writing an intriguing hero and a fabulous story!

So, do share, lovely readers, what characteristics do you love to see in a hero?

My bio: Passionate about my family, faith, reading, and blogging, I find myself squeezing in time to read where I can, thanks to my Kindle, but will never forsake the feel of a real book in my hands. I blog at Relz Reviewz, am the Romance and Historical correspondent for’s digital magazine, and review for TitleTrakk and most Christian publishing houses.


  1. I would like to read more about Griffin. I like his name too I like the mythology connection. His allergies and the difference in age between he and his father is very ineresting.

    1. This book is SO good, Tea! Worth reading for Griffin, for Kendell. For the plot. The romance. The story. So good. Oh wait, I already said that. It bears repeating. ;)

    2. Yep, what Casey said...again!

  2. Rel: Thanks for sharing about Griffin. He was a fun hero to write about -- a bit stubborn, but wounded too, which led to his independence. We all have wounds that cause us to need both the love of God and the love of others.

    1. You having fun writing him, led to us readers having fun reading him.

    2. Griffin is special, Beth! Loved his "normalness" - it's what made him great to read about. And a few other appealing reasons, too, I guess!

  3. Goodness, I can barely contain my excitement when I think of this book. CANNOT wait to read it! Seriously.

    What a fun post! Griffin sound like one good hero.

    Waving to Rel!

    1. It will be worth that wait and ALL your expectations, I promise!

    2. Waving back, Ganise :) You will adore this story ~ it is a treat!

  4. I think a "noble," good hero is VERY important. He can be - and in fact should be humanly flawed. However that doesn't mean he should disrespect women (this is a huge pet peeve and big "no-no" in my mind) or just generally give us doubt. I don't take to men who leave me questioning their motives.

    Yay for a hero who sounds awesome! Thanks for doing this Casey and Rel. This is one guy I may have to "meet" - 'Downton' and Mark Harmon showing up here!? Yep, I can live with that. ;)

    1. Very much like the book I just read, Rissi in A Noble Groom by Jody Hedlund. He had all those qualities you mentioned in your comment here. I love a well crafted (and yet flawed) hero in the books I read. :)

    2. Griffin dishes it out to Kendall, that's for sure, but not in a disrespectful manner at all. I really understand what you mean about a hero being "noble". Good call :)

      And yes, I agree with you about Carl, Casey. Jody did a fine job with crafting his character, too. I feel another Hero in the Making coming on??!!

  5. It really sounds like a great book. Griffin sound like a wonderful man, that any woman would be lucky to be with with. God bless you.
    Norma S.

    1. Absolutely. watching him transform on the page was really something else. Loved it.

    2. Hope you get to enjoy the book, Norma - it's worth it!

  6. I am so eager to read Jody's latest book -- once this deadline is over! And yes, Kendall and Griffin go nose-to-nose. They're both strong-willed -- but there a reasons for that. The question is: Can they become each others' safe place?

    1. Beth, you will love it! It's the perfect mixture of everything that makes a story great and memorable. :)

  7. I can't wait to get my hands on this and read it! Nice choice in hero. Huzzah! ;)

  8. I just read this book... and I must say, Griffin was a very good hero. :-) This book exceeded my high expectations... {Your review convinced me to read it, Casey! Thank you, fifty times over!}

    1. Yay - glad you loved the story, Faith. Congrats to Casey on introducing you to Beth's book, too :)

  9. Some great questions there Rel. Given me some ideas.

    And any novel that has a character with the name Ian has to be good. Ha.


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