Sometimes we just gotta let loose. Have a little fun. Thus I had this crazy idea…and I’m pretty
excited about it. Hope you love it and if you have suggestions for questions, leave
them in the comments! :- )
The Basics:
Name: Rachel Hauck
Home State (completely with address so we can stalk you): Florida!
Occupation: Full time novelist
Height: 5’7
Hair Color: Only my hairdresser knows
Goin’ Deeper:
Celebrity crush: Well, I don’t have one really. I liked Donny Osmond as
a pre teen/young teen. But I really like worship leader Jeremy Riddle. I met
him, er, he met me rather, at a worship concert in March. I was a bit gaga. My
husband had to assure Jeremy I was sane.
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#1 favorite pastime: Reading or good TV shows. Watching college
Best book of your childhood: Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House Series
Go to comfort food: junk food!
Worst job you ever had: Sales rep for a jewelry distributor covering
north Florida and south Georgia. OY! Awful.
In Ten Words or Less:
Happiest moment of your life: Only one? There are so many. Getting
married. Winning my first award.
One thing on your bucket list: Give away a million dollars.
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Quirkiest aspect that annoys your spouse/friends: I am annoying? My
husband says he can’t think of anything but I will say he’s a neat-o and I’m a
paper stacker. But I keep my stuff out of his way, so we don’t clash over our
different organization methods. LOL.
I had a friend who called me nosey once because I was asking so many
questions about a scenario another friend was describing! It’s the writer in
Greatest dream: Giving away a million dollars. At one time!
Biggest fear: I don’t really give into fear. It’s a waste of time and
it’s not holy. But, I am often very concerned for the spiritual direction of
our nation.
Don't you just love Rachel Hauck??
She's your every-woman's writer and her books pretty much line up with that.
I dropped the ball...I don't have a guest yet for next month, but I'm working on it. We'll have one. And it will be awesome. I just don't know who he/she is yet. So it's a surprise. And I hope you'll visit to find out who it might be.
Don't forget to say "hi" in the comments! :)