Monday, June 10, 2013

Giveaway! Blowing on Dandelions by Miralee Ferrell!

 Welcome back to Writing for Christ Miralee Ferrell, I am excited to have you here for a second time. : -)
What has changed in your writing life since you were last here?

So much!! First, (this isn’t writing related but I HAVE to share) I became a grandmother since we last spoke. A lovely little granddaughter (Kate Isabelle) was born two months ago on April 7th. I’m in love! OK, now on to the writing. I signed with a new (to me) publisher, David C Cook, for a three book historical romance series (also something new…I’ve always wanted to write series) AND recently also signed another contract with them for (another first) a four-book middle-grades set of horse novels (Equestrian Dreams) for girls. I’m so excited about both of these series!! Blowing on Dandelions, the first in the historical romance (Love Blossoms in Oregon) series released June 1. The first of the girls’ horse novels will release March, 2015. The 2nd and 3rd in the historical series will release prior to that, in 2014, so I’ll be somewhat busy for the next couple of years.

What recent read stood out to you as truly spectacular?

It’s a book that actually released in 2012 called Lost Melody, a contemporary novel by Virginia Smith and Lori Copeland. It held me captive the entire read, waiting to discover the secret hinted at throughout the book and leaving me with an immense sense of satisfaction when it ended. Another 2012 release was The Wedding Kiss by Hannah Alexander. LOVED it, a historical romance (one of my fav), that was so realistic and satisfying; I had a hard time putting it down to get any work done.

Do you have favorite authors?

Way too many to mention, and I’d hate to hurt any close friend’s feelings that I love who are currently writing, so I’ll only mention some of my favorites who are now deceased. One that influenced my Western romance voice is Zane Grey. I grew up throughout my teens reading and loving his books, and have read everyone he wrote and own most of them, many in first edition. A couple of others who I read as a young adult and continue to read are Gene Stratton Porter (Freckles, Girl of the Limberlost, etc.) and Harold Bell Wright (When a Man’s a Man, That Printer of Udell’s, The Mine with the Iron Door, and more).

What do you find the most enjoyable part of writing or connecting with readers?

I have several things I truly enjoy. Starting a new story when the idea is fresh and the words are flowing. Researching a new location and traveling there to get a feel for the area and the history (great fun!). And hearing from readers who have been touched by something I’ve written. There is nothing more satisfying than knowing something I wrote has been used by the Lord to minister to someone who’s hurting or discouraged. I always reply to readers’ emails, and love connecting on Facebook, as I find that to be the most user friendly place to truly connect. Besides, it’s fun to get a peek into their lives as well as them getting so see a bit into mine. :- )

What do you find the most ideal atmosphere for writing? Do you ever get those surroundings? : -)

Total silence. I am not a person who can write with the TV or radio on…not even with instrumental music playing. Thankfully, my office is upstairs as far from the TV room as possible, and both room have doors that remain closed if my husband is watching TV and I’m working. Sometimes I stay up late after he’s in bed, as that tends to be my most creative time period, and I know the phone won’t ring, he won’t need me, and no one will show up at my door. I love peace and quiet!

Okay, something fun for those writers out there: In what point of your writing career did you surprise yourself by writing the most words ever in the shortest amount of time?

Probably when writing my debut novel, but I had no idea what word count was or how to tell what I’d written, I was so new and inexperienced. I wrote the entire book (95K) first draft somewhere between 5 and 7 weeks, so I know I had days that were at least 6k per day. Since then I’d have to say my highest has been 5,000+. I think close to 6,000 one day, but I average 2,000 a day (when I’m able to write, as it doesn’t happen every day) but it’s not unusual to hit 3,000-4,000 on a good day.

Thanks for being here again! It has been a joy and we wish the very best with your novels.

Readers, here is your chance to enter to win Miralee's book!

Please leave an email address! If I draw your name and there is no email, you will not win.
For extra entries:~Be a follower
~Be a subscriber

Contest is only open in the U.S. and void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items for said prize.

Thanks for coming by to enter! Contest ends on June 21st
Attn Readers! If you're struggling to leave a comment on my blog, please email your comment entries (in ONE email) and I will submit it for you. But PLEASE only do this after you've failed to leave a comment. My email is: caseym.writer(@) 


  1. thanks for the chance to read this beautiful novel, casey.

    i'm a follower & email subscriber, too.

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

    1. Hi Casey! Thanks so much for stopping by. I hope you get a chance to read my new book. If you don't win one, it's on a huge sale by my publisher right now on ALL Ebook formats for under $3.00 ( is the cheapest at $2.39).

  2. Love the name Miralee and love the cover of this book ! I am not usually into historical books, but this one sounds so interesting. Can't wait to try it. I am always looking for new authors :)
    Thanks for this opportunity to win this book.


    1. Hi Carla, thank you for the sweet compliment about my name & my cover. I can't take credit for my name, LOL! But I did have a lot of input in the cover, and love what Cook came up with. I think this particular series is a very good mix (as to feel/voice) of contemporary (issues) and historical. I'm guessing you won't be disappointed. And I'm always looking for new readers, so I hope you become one. :-)

      And of course, as I'm mentioning to everyone today, if you don't win one, it's on a huge sale by my publisher right now on ALL Ebook formats for under $3.00 until July 5, ( is the cheapest at $2.39).

  3. I am a follower

  4. I am a subscriber

  5. I'd love to win this book!!!
    I'm also a follower and a subscriber


    1. Hi Cindi, it's so good to meet you! I'd love to have you win this book! And of course, as I'm mentioning to everyone today, if you don't win one, it's on a huge sale by my publisher right now on ALL Ebook formats for under $3.00 until July 5, ( is the cheapest at $2.39).

  6. I have read and reviewed this book so exclude me from the contest. I just wanted to say this was a beautiful story. It was my first book by Miralee Ferrell but after reading it she is on my "favorite authors" list. If you don't win, I recommend picking up a copy.

    Wanda Barefoot

    1. Oh my goodness, Wanda, you made my day. Thank you for stopping by and for your sweet comment. I appreciate you so much!

  7. Wow, I really enjoyed the interview. I would love to read Miralee's book!

    1. Hi Kandra, thank you! It's not often someone is so enthusiastic about enjoying the interview. It makes me feel you actually read all of it, and that's such a blessing to an author. I hope you get a chance to read my new book. And of course, as I'm mentioning to everyone today, if you don't win one, it's on a huge sale by my publisher right now on ALL Ebook formats for under $3.00 until July 5, ( is the cheapest at $2.39).

  8. I'm an email subscriber; I love your book reviews and author interviews!

  9. Fun interview as always, Casey. I need to check out Blowing on that title and cover!

    1. Hi Melissa, Thanks so much for your sweet comment about the title and the cover. It's my first working title that the publisher loved as much as I did, and they chose to use it (same with book 2 & book 3...Wishing on Buttercups and Dreaming on Daisies). I also had a lot of input on the cover design. I LOVE my publisher!!

      And of course, as I'm mentioning to everyone today, if you don't win one, it's on a huge sale by my publisher right now on ALL Ebook formats for under $3.00 until July 5, ( is the cheapest at $2.39).

  10. Great interview! I would love to read this book.


    1. Hi Jo, I think I've seen you around on a few always seem to be such a supporter of Christian fiction, thank you!

      And of course, as I'm mentioning to everyone today, if you don't win one, it's on a huge sale by my publisher right now on ALL Ebook formats for under $3.00 until July 5, ( is the cheapest at $2.39), with Amazon being next at $2.51.

  11. I'm a subscriber!


  12. I'm a follower!


  13. I appreciate the research an author does for their story. Thanks for the giveaway!!

    lag110 at mchsi dot com

    1. Hi, thanks so much for your comment. It's nice to have people realize that we do a lot of work and research for our books. I do hope you get a chance to read this particular book, as I feel it's one of my strongest.
      And of course, as I'm mentioning to everyone today, if you don't win one, it's on a huge sale by my publisher right now on ALL Ebook formats for under $3.00 until July 5, ( is the cheapest at $2.39), with Amazon being next at $2.51.

  14. I subscribe via email!!

    lag110 at mchsi dot com

  15. I love novels set in the past and by your interview, I know I would love this book.


    1. Hi Carol, I love writing historical fiction. It's such a thrill to travel to a place that I'm writing about and walk the streets or old buildings where my characters might have walked, and try to bring that to life for my readers. Thank you for stopping by!

      And of course, as I'm mentioning to everyone today, if you don't win one, it's on a huge sale by my publisher right now on ALL Ebook formats for under $3.00 until July 5, ( is the cheapest at $2.39), with Amazon being next at $2.51.

  16. I am an e-mail subsciber.


  17. I am also a follower of your blog.


  18. I love the title of this book! And the cover. :)

    Miralee, I know what you mean about being most productive (word count) writing your debut novel. It's so much easier plodding along before you actually know what you're doing! lol I was the same way. :P

    I'm a follower and a reviewer:
    nicnac63 AT hotmail DOT com

    1. Hi Cheryl, YES! You get what I'm saying! Now that I know what I'm doing (most of the time, LOL!) I tend to go slower to make sure I'm getting it all right. The first time I was clueless, so I just blasted the words onto the page and fixed it later. I wish I could go back to writing that way!

      And of course, as I'm mentioning to everyone today, if you don't win one, it's on a huge sale by my publisher right now on ALL Ebook formats for under $3.00 until July 5, ( is the cheapest at $2.39), with Amazon being next at $2.51.

  19. I meant follower and SUBSCRIBER. Though I'm a reviewer as well. haha

  20. love Amish books and Miralee's books are wonderful too so it is a win-win giveaway thanks for chance to win

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

    1. Hi Apple Blossom, I see you all over the bloggosphere and love how supportive you are of Christian fiction, and my books. Thank you!!

      And of course, as I'm mentioning to everyone today, if you don't win one, it's on a huge sale by my publisher right now on ALL Ebook formats for under $3.00 until July 5, ( is the cheapest at $2.39), with Amazon being next at $2.51.

  21. gfc follower

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  22. email subscriber

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  23. I read the Wedding Kiss also and loved it! Miralee sure has a lot going on with new grandbaby and new contracts! Grandbabies are so sweet. I have one grandson and he's a mess. (I had girls and this boy stuff is killing me!) haha.


    1. Hi Patsy, I'm with you, Grandbabies are SO awesome! Yes, I do have a lot going on and am so blessed beyond measure. Thanks so much for stopping in and saying hi.

      And of course, as I'm mentioning to everyone today, if you don't win one, it's on a huge sale by my publisher right now on ALL Ebook formats for under $3.00 until July 5, ( is the cheapest at $2.39), with Amazon being next at $2.51.

  24. I love historicals! And I love that cover!!! :)
    Thanks for the giveaway. :)
    Dressagegirl1991 at wmconnect dot com

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Love your name, Caitlyn, I'm thinking of using it in a book sometime, if I ever get back to writing contemporary. I was going to use it in my upcoming kids' horse novels until my new granddaughter was born, but am switching to Kate, as that's her name. I so appreciate you stopping by, and thanks for the sweet comment on my book cover!

      And of course, as I'm mentioning to everyone today, if you don't win Blowing on Dandelions, it's on a huge sale by my publisher right now on ALL Ebook formats for under $3.00 until July 5, ( is the cheapest at $2.39), with Amazon being next at $2.51.

  25. I enjoyed the interview, and I'm looking forward to reading Blowing on Dandelions. Thanks for an opportunity to win a copy.
    may_dayzee (at) yahoo (dot) com
    I am a subscriber and a follower (different email addresses)

    1. Hi Kay, it always blesses me when someone mentions reading the interview, since we actually put quite a bit of time into answer the questions and trying to make it interesting for the blog readers. Thank you!!

      And of course, as I'm mentioning to everyone today, if you don't win Blowing on Dandelions, it's on a huge sale by my publisher right now on ALL Ebook formats for under $3.00 until July 5, ( is the cheapest at $2.39), with Amazon being next at $2.51.

  26. I have also come to enjoy peace and quiet. My 20 year old just doesn't understand it. The background stuff is just "noise" to me sometimes.

    priviesandprims at yahoo dot com
    I'm a follower and a subscriber.

    1. Hi Doreen, I can only imagine that your 20 year old doesn't get it, as they so often like to have music or noise accompanying pretty much everything. We live in the country and I value the sense of peace than envelopes our property. Thanks so much for stopping by!

      And of course, as I'm mentioning to everyone today, if you don't win Blowing on Dandelions, it's on a huge sale by my publisher right now on ALL Ebook formats for under $3.00 until July 5, ( is the cheapest at $2.39), with Amazon being next at $2.51.

  27. I would love the opportunity to read one of Marilee's book. I'm a follower and subscriber. Here's my email: lindastrawn (at) yahoo (dot) com

    1. Hi Linda, how are you? We haven't chatted in awhile, but we've bumped into each other along the way, so it was nice to see your name listed and to read your comment.

      And of course, as I'm mentioning to everyone today, if you don't win Blowing on Dandelions, it's on a huge sale by my publisher right now on ALL Ebook formats for under $3.00 until July 5, ( is the cheapest at $2.39), with Amazon being next at $2.51.

  28. Entry for Cherie:

    I want to enter the two contests, Maralee Ferrell 'Blowing on Dandelions' and Darlene Franklin 'Calico Brides'.

    1. Hi Cherie, thank you for taking the time to enter for the chance to win Blowing on Dandelions!!

  29. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

    I am a follower & subscriber.

    1. Hi Bonnie, thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment to enter the drawing for my new book, Blowing on Dandelions!

  30. I'd love to read Miralee's book! Thanks for introducing me to her work!!

    I'm also a subscriber.


  31. Blowing on Dandelions looks like a wonderful book. Love the cover - I remember blowing on them when I was a little girl.

    I am a follower.

    I am a subscriber.



Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)