Friday, June 7, 2013

My Heart is Taken

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I might not wear his ring.

But he already holds my heart.

I might not have ever held his hand.

But he's already won my heart.

I might not know the shape of his face, the curve of his smile or the depth of his voice.

But I'm his.

He has stolen my heart.

And I don't even know if I've met him.

A recent set of circumstances had me pondering this thought: my heart is taken and I don't even know you yet.

I have a little ring. It's simple and sweet, but once in a while I wear it on my left hand. Today I was asked if someone had stolen my heart.

Yes, someone has stolen my heart. Do I know who that earthly someone is? Not today. I have hopes and thoughts and dreams...but do I know?


But my heart has always been taken.

Held in purity, guarded in modesty, secreted as one would a priceless treasure, I have been unwilling to simply give my heart away. To give away such a gift? Would be parallel to giving my body away. The more the heart is handed over, the less I have to share with the one who I have truly waited for.

Who holds my heart? The only One who matters. Each day, prayerfully walking in faith that He continues to complete the good work He has started in me. And someday, the right someone will come alongside, take my hand and my heart and we'll continue on together...continuing to pursue and chase hard after the only One who should every hold all of our hearts.

When will I know that it's time to share my heart?

I've never been there, so I really don't know. Do I believe I'll know when it happens? Absolutely. Because I pray that my heart and his are so in tune with God, we simply continue to walk in the footsteps before us...together.

Until heart is guarded. Protected. Secure. Trusting in a faith that only God gives.

My heart is taken. Do I know who holds it? No, but he already has my heart. And until the day I meet him and feel God's whispered smile...I'll continue to hold it close.

Coming with body and soul...heart and love complete. Whole. Cherished.

Don't give your heart away. Walk close with God and He'll guide. So long as you're willing to follow, He will only continue to restore, heal and make whole.


  1. Love how you're showing us your heart here, Casey, by talking about your heart. :)

    1. I mulled over the post many times before hitting publish. A good reminder from what God is currently teaching and revealing to me. :)

  2. Beautiful, Case! Your husband will be so lucky you've protected such a gift. :)

    1. I hope he...whoever "he" is, feels the same way, Lindsay. :)

  3. Casey
    I love this, it was a great reminder of why I am waiting. My heart is already taken I just don't know by who yet but God does.

  4. Absolutely beautiful, my friend, and only one of the many, MANY reasons I love and respect you!!


    1. You and Keith have been a beautiful example to me, Julie!

  5. Awesome, Awesome post Casey! I'm sharing this with my 21 year old daughter! I think all single Christian women need to be reminded of this! Thanks for sharing :)

    1. Share away! It's been a burden on my heart the last week or two. It's SO easy to give away pieces of our heart. And it's a fine line between giving it away and sharing what makes That is why we ask for wisdom and discernment.

    2. Very wise Casey. When I was 16 I started dating this guy but knew for sure he wasn't "the one" it was important for me to not tell someone "I love you" unless I really meant it. I could never mean it with this person so I could never say those words. I'm happy to say that my future husband was the only man I ever gave that serious "I love you with my heart" words to(of course that doesn't mean I never told my dad or family that!). I've tried to stress when raising my daughters to not share pieces of their heart to every boy/man that comes onto the scene. I used the illustration of the box of candy. Every time you share an intimate part of yourself with someone it is like taking a bite of the candy and putting it back in the box. When you eventually marry what kind of box are you going to give your man? One that has many pieces of you with bites out of all the pieces or are you going to be able to share a full beautiful box all wrapped up and ready to present to your future spouse?

      I applaud you Casey and other young women like you that are committed to their future spouse.

    3. Love that analogy Julie! Really puts things into perspective. Your girls are blessed with a wise mama for sure!

  6. So beautifully put, Casey! Your heart, your body, all that you are is a treasure. And an amazing testimony of God's faithfulness. God's got to have someone spectacular to deserve someone as precious as you. Love this so much, Case, proud of you for showing us all that stunning heart of yours. :)

    1. AND you wrote this comment after reading my email. You're a true friend and I love you. :) I just hope that my future "Mr" is one who will value the same things.

  7. Aw, love this, Case. Often the emotional side of purity is not as tackled but I love the way you shared it here. This is what I pray my kids will see and believe. :)

    1. It's HARD. Really HARD being on this side of being single. But I hope I can encourage the young women around me. It's not easy, but so, so worth it.

  8. My daughter refused to date during high school and most of her university years. She had one boyfriend at 14 and after that she said no more. She waited. She had qualities she wanted in her man and if a guy who showed interest didn't have them, she didn't want to enter into a relationship that was any more than friendship. Two years ago, she met her 'one. The one God had ordained and set aside for her. It wasn't all chocolates and roses, but what relationship is? Two weeks ago, they were united under a clear blue sky, in the presence of God, family and friends. To wait and truly know the rewards of that sacrifice is priceless. You will know when he comes along. And it will be worth it!

    1. I love your daughter's testimony, Cathy! What a beautiful, beautiful gift to share with her husband. I love hearing stories like this. Gives great hope for those such as myself. :)


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