Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Make That a FUN Author Interview! My Guest? Ruth Logan Herne!! (and a giveaway!!)

Sometimes we just gotta let loose. Have a little fun.  Thus I had this crazy idea…and I’m pretty excited about it. Hope you love it and if you have suggestions for questions, leave them in the comments! :- )

The Basics:

Name: Ruth Logan Herne  “Ruthy”

Home State (completely with address so we can stalk you):  Upstate New York and please… do stalk me!!! Remove the same old, same old tenor of my days!!! I love a good stalking!

Occupation: Author/Day care provider

Height: 5’ 2 1/2”  tall. That half inch is dreadfully important because I could start SHRINKING any moment, and I must cling to any vestige of height and power I can muster!

(Casey here: right there with you, Ruthy! I'm not giving up my 1/8" for anything! No sir!!
Available now!
Order here

Hair Color: Blonde. Some days. Light brown others. Depends on sun time and how much time between colorings!!!!

Goin’ Deeper:

Celebrity crush: Gibbs. Gibbs. Gibbs.  Wait. More Gibbs.

#1 favorite pastime: Writing. Writing. Writing.

Best book of your childhood: TOO MANY!!!! First was Understood Betsy by Dorothy Canfield Fisher where I realized I wanted to be Cousin Ann when I grew up and had kids. I believe I accomplished my goal, LOL! And then there was the Janet Lambert “Penny Parrish” series about an army brat who grows up wanting to be a Broadway star… and gets her wish! So many faves!!! But those are two of them.

Go to comfort food: Chocolate

Worst job you ever had: None. I’m such a stinkin’ stick-in-the-mud that I really worked hard at all of them. I’ve always believed that if someone is paying you, do your best. And make it your favorite. 

In Ten Words or Less:

Coming August 2013
Preorder here!
Happiest moment of your life: Birth of my children

One thing on your bucket list: To vacation on an ocean

Quirkiest aspect that annoys your spouse/friends: Talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, ad infinatum…

Greatest dream: Already lived it, got to see my kids grow up into wonderful people. Grandchildren. If I died tomorrow, I’d be singin’ God’s praise for the opportunities I’ve already had.

Biggest fear: None. I don’t fear things, I don’t worry, I think that’s such a waste of time… and I have a hard time with wimpy heroines, probably because of that! So if your heroine is a fretter… a worrier… a hand-wringer… Pray to the sweet Lord above that your contest entries don’t come HERE… J Oops, I went over, clearly we’re back to the Talk, talk, talk, etc!!!

I love Ruthy Logan Herne. 

I mean really...who couldn't? She BUBBLES the love of God and always makes me laugh. And laughter = happiness.

You can visit Ruthy online on her website.

And chat with her here as well, so join the conversation!

Oh! I almost forgot!
Ruthy is wanting to give something to YOU today! 
Leave a comment to win one of two copies of Ruthy's latest novel Falling for the Lawman AND a rooster towel...because according to Ruthy, every kitchen should have a rooster towel. ;-)

Standard giveaways rules apply. U.S. only. One comment left below or emailed to me at: caseym(.)writer(@)gmail(.)com

Happy Friday. :-))


  1. Fun interview, the books look good too. Would love to win.
    Always enjoy seeing a new post in my inbox. As much as I enjoy the interviews, the devotions always touch me and challenge me.
    MaryAnn Frerichs

    1. MaryAnn I love devotions, too. They remind me to be a better version of myself. Huge, right?

      You're in, kid!

  2. Nice way to wakeup my day! Love the humor and would expect it in the book, too. Would love to win it. Every good cook deserves a rooster hanging and a chicken in the pot. I actually bought rooster notecards for my brother yesterday. He majored in poultry science, LOL!

    Blessings, Janice jsmithg(at)hotmail(dot)com

    1. Janice, there's such a good story about the roosters.... I used them in the book because our rooster created quite a stir in our town and they ended up changing the laws, making it okay for animals to make noise... :) Whoever heard of not letting a rooster crow in farm country??? Anyway, I tucked a couple of match-making roosters into this story, hence the rooster towel with a hand-crocheted edge by my mother-in-law. It's been three years and people are still talking about... not my writing... about my rooster, LOL!

  3. Thanks for the interview ladies! Ruthy sounds like she would be a very fun, positive person to be friends with...

    Would love to win a copy of her newest book, and the towel too!


    1. Patty, clearly I have you fooled!!!!

      Score: Ruthy-1 Patty-0 !!!! :)

      You're in and I hope you win and like both!!!

  4. Oh, you made my day.....interview with one of my faves...Ruthy! Love her books and love her sweet spirit! Can't wait to read another of her great books....thanks for the giveaway!

    1. Jackie, what a sweet thing to say!!!! GRINNING!!!!! I'm putting sticky tape on your name as I throw it in the cat dish... :)

  5. I loved this interview--such original questions. I've love to win this book - and agree - every kitchen needs a rooster towel. lol :)

    nicnac63 AT hotmail DOT com

    1. Yes, Cheryl!!!! The only thing better than a rooster towel is two rooster towels. Or a rooster. You just have to love a morning with a cheerful rooster, crowing to welcome a new day! Umm... that's not a good idea in the city, I'm told. ;)

  6. How funny! I have a rooster towel hanging in my kitchen that I got as a wedding present. :) I guess Ruthy's not the only one! I've not read her book, though, so I would love to check it out. Thanks for the fun giveaway!


    1. Savanna, I love your name... and I haven't had a Savanna in a book, so clearly I must use your name for a heroine or a great kid... I love putting kids in books. And I'm proud of whoever gave you a rooster towel because they ROCK! These have a crocheted end that hooks on your drawer handle, courtesy of my mother-in-law... How cool is that???? :)

  7. That was a great interview and I would love to win the book (and towel)! Please enter me.
    Brittany M.

    1. Brittany, you're in! I had such a kick out of this quick interview AND I got my answers back to Casey BEFORE MARY CONNEALY. I totally rocked the big kahuna on this one! :)

  8. Such a good interview! I loved it! And I agree with not having a biggest fear. I am the EXACT same way! People are always asking me what my biggest fear is and my answer is always the same, "I don't have one!"

    I couldn't agree more about wimpy heroines! They are SO boring!


    1. CHARITY, I LOVE YOU!!!! Oh, that made me laugh out loud! I'm a pull yourself up by the bootstraps kind of gal and I just wanna smack whiners.... Shake 'em out of their funk and tell 'em to get on with it. How can you whine when each day is so ripe with opportunity?????

      About then people want to smack ME!!!! :) I love that we're the same!

  9. I'm a fan of Ruthy's:) I love how your humor comes through, even in a blog post. And I'm the same height, so I understand the half-inch thing.
    I'd love to win!
    I'm a follower, also.

    1. Courtney, I have a fan???????? WHO KNEW????? :) Your name is in the cat dish AND the half-inch is clutch.... We hang onto every little bit we can!

  10. Great interview! I haven't read any of Ruthie's books yet and this sounds so good. I would love to read it. I'm a subscripter and a follower!


    1. Jo, so nice to meet you! I want you to read one of my books... Because they're fun and I desperately want people to like me... It's probably an illness, you know, like some sort of iron deficiency, but I'm so happy when people like me!!!! It makes my day. (Big grin in upstate!)

  11. Wonderful interview and it was fun!! Ruthy is a fun author and I'm looking forward to reading her book. Thank you for sharing Ruthy with us and please enter me in the giveaway.
    Barbara Thompson

    1. Barbara Thompson, so nice to see you!!!! I'm so glad Casey asked me to do this. She asked a bunch of folks and they kind of blew her off, so then she got to me and I said YES!!!! and pretended I was her first choice... Please don't ruin my delusions, okay??? You're in the cat dish, dear girl!

  12. Comment from Cherie:

    I loved the interview, would love to read Ruthy's books, would love to see her personality come out in her writing.
    Thanks Casey for your blog

    1. Cherie, honey... be careful what you wish for. Not the winning of the book, that's a clearly wonderful thing, right, I love winning!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Winning is fun! But my personality is not nearly as quiet or meek as a typical Christian writer.... but I'm always thinking that if God didn't want us to just embrace his amazing world and word, he wouldn't have made both so darn wonderful!!! Good to see you!

  13. Always a joy to see you anywhere and everywhere, Ruthy. And great to discover a new blog.

    Please enter me.

    1. How wonderful is this place????? Filled with beautiful young people who love God and ROMANCE??????

      Casey, I think I might want to stay in your spare bedroom and chat awhile.... can you say: SLEEPOVER?????????


  14. Ruthy! Wonderful interview. Wonderful book! And nothing can be better than you and Casey together :) So much fun!

    By the way, my kitchen doesn't have a rooster towel. There's been a hole in my kitchen's heart, and I didn't even know it!

    1. Jan!!!! My specialty is helping God fill holes in the heart!!!! Who knew?????


      Tossing your name in the cat dish because every kitchen should have a rooster towel... they just should!

  15. Ruthy, of course I would love to win your latest creation! :D I need to keep my "must own and read all of Ruthy's books" streak going, after all.

    Gibbs crush, huh? As if I couldn't have guessed that one! Yeah, well, me, too. Those eyes, that grin, those laugh lines... Pam Dawber certainly picked a winner years ago!

    Please please please toss my name into the cat dish for the opportunity to win your book and towel. Thanks!

    Oh, and thanks for turning us onto a new blog, as Julie wrote. :)


    1. First, youse guys would LOVE CASEY HERRINGSHAW. Seriously, we should just start a Casey Herringshaw Fan Club and I would be first in line to join.

      She's stinkin' cute, uber nice, kind and generous, loves God and SAYS SO!!!! and sigh...

      She loves romance. Good, clean romance. Me, too!!!!

      Yes, this is a fun, happening place!!!! Mel, glad you came by!

  16. I love finding out new bits and pieces and about Ruthy. She's such a sweet and cheerful person (and a great writer), but don't put me in the draw -- I'm in Canada. Never thought that would be a disadvantage but....

    1. Carol!!!! (shh, don't tell Casey but I mail to Canada even though it's gotten pricey because I love me some Canadian readers!!!!! Wanna hear me sing your national anthem????

      (waits for answer.... waiting....... sigh....still waiting.....)

      No, huh? I don't blame you, but it's a great anthem and YOU HAVE A PRINCE!!!! We do not have a prince, therefore Canada has an amazingly special entity that we lack.

      We do, however, have more cowboys.


      I'm just sayin'!!!!

  17. Great interview. Falling for the Lawman sounds wonderful. Please enter me in contest. Thank you for the opportunity to win.

    1. Emma, follower and subscriber, I'm using your name in my current WIP!!!! And who knows, you might get your own "book" one of these days... You're a doctor, by the way, waiting for your residency acceptance letter. I wonder where you'll end up? Rochester, Buffalo or Erie?????? :) You're in and nice to meet you. I have a granddaughter named Emma... I get all Austen-esque whenever I hear that name!

  18. Great interview. Falling for the Lawman sounds wonderful. Please enter me in contest. Thank you for the opportunity to win.augustlily06(at)aim(dot)com.

  19. You know what the first thing you said to me was? [I think]

    "You're so much bigger than your picture!!" Followed by a gigantic hug.

    So fun!

    I'd love to win. Think I'm a follower and all that jazz ;).

  20. Okay, that sounds horrible, but do you know I didn't mean it about weight????? It's about these teeeeensy tiiiiiinsy pics we see of each other, and I say that to a lot of folks, and NEVER THOUGHT IT WOULD BE MISCONSTRUED.... but it sounds like I mean the person's BIG, like heavy...

    And that's the farthest thing from my mind, it's totally the itsy-bitsy miniscule thumbnails we come to know each other by.... OH DRAT, CAROL MONCADO, do you hate me????? Because I never even thought of how that might sound.... (vows to put duck tape over mouth, the new decorative kind that's all the rage!)

  21. Great interview. I have been a fan of Ruth's since her first Love Inspired book. Always look forward to her next one.
    I'm a follower and a subscriber.


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)