Friday, July 26, 2013

A Hero in the Making ~ Devoted and Heroic As Told by Their Creator (Interviewed by Rel!)

Casey here: Welcome to interview III in Rel's fantastic series I'm excited to host here on my blog!! It was only a matter of time before we featured a Ronie Kendig hero. If you visit Rel's blog at all, you know they are among some of her favorite of favorite books. And it's no secret Digitalis is my favorite book by Ronie. But enough chatter from me...on with Rel's interview...

So, for those who follow my blog, it will come as no surprise that I’ve had a literary love affair going on with Ronie Kendig’s leading men from the intriguing Reece Jaxon in her debut novel, Dead Reckoning to her lastest hero from Talon, the enigmatic Dane Markoski.

Ronie has a unique talent when it comes to writing the male perspective – she does it authentically and with great heart, creating men who ooze integrity, loyalty, and courage, yet mess up enough times to be real. I’ve spotlighted and/or interviewed them all on my blog so once you’ve read this post you can click here from more!

Introducing the enigmatic, observant, and resourceful spook

Dane Markoski

From the imagination of romantic thriller author

Ronie Kendig

Featured in Talon: Combat Tracking Team

Why Dane?

Dane is man whose protective instincts for others has been honed through great tragedy. He is devoted to his work because he believes he can make a difference to the safety of others. While his dedication to the task is admirable, he can appear a little cold at times but his heart beats truly. He’s the guy who will keep you safe while ensuring you have the freedom to be yourself. Loyal to a fault, Dane is a man to admire and trust.

So, Ronie, how did you choose Dane's name? 

So, I know this will sound weird, but I don’t feel like I “pick” a character’s name. I generally have a pretty strong instinct about who that character is, so I just wait for the name to pop into my head. Sometimes, it’s immediate. Other times, it comes by trolling baby name sites (generally, I keep their names appropriate for their ethnic heritage). The name just sort of “hits” me.

Is Dane inspired by anyone you know? 

Dane’s past is pretty dark (poor guy), so I can—gratefully—say no, he’s not modeled after anyone I know.

Describe Dane in 3 adjectives 

Controlled, intense (yet), intense.

What are Dane's standout physical characteristics? 

He’s tall and athletic, not powerfully built or uniquely muscular, but he stays in shape as much physically as he does mentally.


6’3, early thirties, covert operative

What scars does Dane carry from his career of choice? 

Dane’s scars come in a round-about way from his career, but more directly from his father’s career, which is one that Dane is duplicating (in a sense)—military intelligence. His father was extremely controlling, abusive, and cruel.

What is Aspen's first impression of Dane? 

When Aspen first meets Dane, it’s at her grandfather’s boxing club—and they end up pitted against each other in the ring. Aspen is pleasantly surprised that Dane is willing to fight her, not the way the other men do with light taps, but he forces her to hold her own.

How does that first impression change over time? 

Over time, Aspen comes to appreciate the way Dane gives her room to be who she is and yet pushes her to dig deeper into herself. At the same time, there are elements of his life and events in the story, that he will not surrender to anyone because he does have a powerful need to control.

What's on Dane's bookshelf and in his Netflix queue? 

Dean’s book includes Sun Tzu’s Art of War, Dante’s Inferno, and other classics that challenge him to think, consider, and weigh his life and actions.

What's Dane's beverage of choice? 


What is Dane afraid of? 

The past and repeating it.
What are Dane's spiritual strengths and/or weaknesses (as applicable)? 

From the beginning, Dane’s vulnerability comes in his need to connect with a higher power for some mental peace/quiet—which is why he’s often found in cathedrals. But that is also his strength—he recognizes that there is something powerful and meaningful in the church. He’s searching for God, finds Him, but doesn’t have all the answers.

What motivates (or one motivation) Dane in his personal life? His professional life? 

Dane is motivated to aid those willing to step into the fight. If someone’s not willing to fight for what’s important to them, he’s not going to do it for them. That’s both in his professional life and his personal life.

As always, thanks Ronie, for introducing readers to Dane ~ he’s a keeper!

My bio: Passionate about my family, faith, reading, and blogging, I find myself squeezing in time to read where I can, thanks to my Kindle, but will never forsake the feel of a real book in my hands. I blog at Relz Reviewz, am the Romance and Historical correspondent for’s digital magazine, and review for TitleTrakk and most Christian publishing houses.


  1. Ooh, FUN. If I didn't now I needed to read this book before, I definitely do now. I think I'm gonna like Dane... :)

    1. Oh, yes, there's plenty to like about Dane, Melissa - get reading, my friend ;-D

    2. I totally need to just get caught up on this series. I still have the first one to read from when I bought it at ACFW!

  2. Very intrigued by a man who will a) take a woman on in a boxing ring and b) finds peace in a cathedral.

    1. Those two things sound a little at odds, don't they? That's all part of the Dane Markoski enigma, Beth!

    2. Hmm...maybe there is something to that, Beth. ;)

  3. Thank you, Casey & Rel! I so appreciate your sharing Dane with others! :-D

    1. Of course! Always a pleasure to share the blog space with you. :D

  4. Wonderful interview! Dane was so intriguing right from the beginning! What a wonderful, dreamy character! I didn't think that any character could steal the spotlight from Canyon in my mind, but I think that Dane nudged him down just a bit! :)

    1. Lol! Ronie does that to me every time she creates a new character - don't ever ask me to put her heroes in order of preference - hehe!

    2. Now you really have me intrigued...if this interview alone didn't do it! :)

  5. Yep, definitely want to read this book now! Thanks for the great interview, guys. :)


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