Friday, July 19, 2013

Of Craig's List Car Shopping and Pinterest Browsing

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Ever spent an evening just browsing the internet?

You really should probably be editing. Or exercising. Or cleaning. Or doing any other handful of things other that what you are doing, but hey, you're tired so why not just run with it. Or rather, with as tired as you are, just stagger with it. ;-)

There aren't really many parallels between Craig's List and Pinterest.

One induces stress with the number of things you could potentially look at and spend your money on. Even when that thing is only a car. But a car that needs to have a V6 engine. 4 wheel drive. Cloth seats. Good mileage. Not too many miles. Not too old. Doesn't cost too much. Ahhhhh! It can be enough to send a non-car-shopper kind of girl run screaming from the room.

The other beckons with relaxation. Laughter. Inspiration. Good food. Soul searching. Comfort. Time to waste simply scrolling through delightful pictures and crafts far too crafty for me to attempt putting my non-crafty self into. 

Ever have one of those nights that the place you're in is suddenly not really where you want to be? That cloistering feeling filling your chest and bursting to be released? And all it feels like is you're spinning tires you don't have in mud that is a mile deep? All you need is that push to get you un-stuck and rolling down the freeway. 

It can be hard to accept where  you're at, when you want to be someplace else. It's hard to be willing to be patient and yet also know when it's time to take that leap of faith. (If anyone has the keys to this answer, I wouldn't complain if you unlocked my jammed door. ;-) 

Growing up is never always easy. Ha! Wouldn't that be nice if it was?! Celebrating a birthday earlier this week was awesome and fun--I think I stood a little bit taller in 22 than 21. ;-) But life isn't all Pinterest pleasures. It's more Craig's List frustrations. Of learning to be patient and wait for that right deal. Of being choosy and making the right choices. 

Life isn't all impulsive doing just for the sake of doing and taking everything that strikes your fancy. 

We all get a little bit of Pinterest and Craig's List in our lives. And then we get those moments that are pure God-gifts. Moments when we face heaven and say, "yep, this, this, makes it all worth it.". 

I guess tonight, even in my heavy-lidded tiredness and yawns-a-second, I had a lesson to learn. Who'd have thought car shopping and quote-and-brownie browsing would have taught me anything?? 


  1. So very true. We all have good and bad to deal with is our lives but the good always makes the bad seem a little less... BAD. Hard choices are there but we have the spirit of God to help us move in the right direction. Thank you for this post and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!


    1. Agreed Wanda. It's those moments of "bad" that also help us appreciate the moments of good and GREAT! :)

  2. Love this post, Casey. And can I just say AMEN to this: "Ever have one of those nights that the place you're in is suddenly not really where you want to be? That cloistering feeling filling your chest and bursting to be released?" Been there!! I am not by nature a real morose or overly-reflective person...but every once in awhile I get those, "oh my goodness, what am I doing with my life, why am I living where I'm living and doing what I'm doing and what if I'm wasting all my time?" moments. And yeah, Craigslist frustration is a good way to define it. But there's always a flip side that comes around sooner or later...sooner if I make the decision to turn my thoughts around. LOL!

    As for car shopping, here's a little hope for ya: Last summer I REALLY needed a new car. But I had no time to look and a limited budget. God ended up dropping the cutest, most perfect and affordable car right into my lap...and I never even had to go out of my way to go to a dealership or anything. It was awesome. Praying you have the same convenient experience. :)

    Happy birthday once again...and happy weekend!!

    1. Melissa, I KNOW! I am NOT normally a discontent person at ALL, but recent events have me very restless and wanting to move...on, I guess. Waiting and praying on God's perfect time and perfect place, because there is no way I'm going anywhere without Him. :)

      I've thought about your car experience so often while shopping around for mine! Good conviction right there to fuss less and pray more. :)

  3. I'm giggling to myself because Pinterest stresses me out! I walk away feeling like a colossal failure as a mom (why am I not doing more crafty projects with my kids?!?!), a wife (why can't I dress cuter for my husband?!?!), a home decorator (why can't I think of a better way to decorate my house?!?!?), a cook (why are we eating the same old food when there are thousands of recipes out there?!?!?), and a writer (why can't I figure out how to embrace my "voice" in images like so many other writers?!?!). But I know there are some out there who love Pinterest and it's a joy for them to browse and pin (my mom joined Pinterest about two months ago and already has almost 16,000 pins!).

    I know what you're saying, though. And I agree. I love that you're 22 and you have the wisdom of a woman far older than you. Happy Birthday! May God rain down His abundant blessings on you, Casey. You have a beautiful heart for the Lord and it's so much fun to see.

    1. LOL! HOW can pinterest be stressful? *giggles* But I get it. ;-) All the crafty stuff can make me feel like an inferior nitwit, since I can't do even a quarter of it, but...oh well. I can THINK that I could. ;-)

      Thanks so much for stopping by today, Gabe! :)


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