Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Well Done Bricker! ~ If the Shoe Fits by Sandra D. Bricker

I haven’t giggled over a book this much since Janice Thompson’s Weddings by Bella series. “If the Shoe Fits” is light, warm-hearted, funny and a blissful read to warm the soul…while tickling the funny bone.
   I honestly thought the tried and tired plot of falling in love with your BFF was going to seriously hamper my enjoyment of the story, BUT the cliché works so well under the skillful crafting of this story. The humor makes it fresh and 100% enjoyable and the character quirks keep things fresh and inviting.
I read the entire book in a little over a weekend. It’s the perfect getaway and sometimes the right escape is into a book where the humor is abounding, the characters likeable (and relatable!) and just enough of the fantastic and unbelievable to make the read a smooth and entertaining ride.
Much as a movie can come alive on the screen, this novel came alive in my mind’s eye. It’s cute, (have I said funny yet? ;-) well-written, charming and a great beach (or couch) read I’d recommend to anyone who loves to laugh at light-hearted romance.

This review is my honest opinion. The novel is my personal copy I’m reviewing.

Julianne used to believe in fairy tales; she's been watching for Prince Charming to come charging in on his white steed ever since the day her mother read her Cindere
lla for the first time. But she's never come close to finding the perfect man-instead she's always tripping over her childhood best friend, Will. And who finds their Prince Charming on a 10-speed bicycle on the other side of the cul de sac? Well... Julianne does. Only she doesn't have a clue.

She and Will are attorneys now, and they've joined up in private practice in a beautiful Cincinnati office building that overlooks the Ohio River. And then one day Julianne is on her way to court, and runs right smack dab into Prince Charming. But when she looks again, all she finds is a metaphoric sign she is certain came straight from Heaven: The Prince's toolbox has fallen off the back of his truck, and a work boot along with it. What better way for God to grab the attention of a Cinderella-in-training than to show her a glass slipper...errrr, work boot?...waiting to be reunited with its owner?

So she sets out to track down the mysterious Prince Charming. He's the most gorgeous guy she's ever seen...and a caring animal rescuer, too. Surely he must be the soul mate God has prepared her for.

But, Julianne's prince is starting to look less and less charming all the time. No matter how she tries to romanticize him, he just keeps tumbling down off that dumb pedestal. And with the Bar Association dinner coming up that will honor her for her outstanding charity work over the year, Julianne wants so much for her friends and colleagues to see her with someone besides her best friend Will. To make matters worse, Prince Charming has no designs on wearing a penguin suit and attending a stuffy old dinner. With her pride pressing in on her like sticks from a cactus, Julianne sinks to the bottom of the proverbial barrel and actually offers to pay Paul to be her date.

Julianne is on a collision course with God's perfect plan for her life...if only she could open her eyes and see it before it's too late.


  1. I LOVE a funny read! Definitely need to check this one out!

    1. I think you'd love it! Lighthearted and SO fun!


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