Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Darkly Mysterious and Romantic ~ Dark Road Home by Elizabeth Ludwig ~ Review

Something about a dark Irish rogue and his bonny lass on the streets of New York in the 19th century, had me turning pages in bulk in not much more than one sitting.
  Book two in the “Edge of Freedom” series had me as strongly captivated as the first title. Definitely a sequential series with strong and vibrant characters, I was literally sucked into the underworld of Irish mobs, cloak and dagger danger and a romance to patter the heartbeat.
Eoghan and Ana are strong characters on the page. Maybe it’s their Irish heritage. Or their determination to protect their own and their fierce devotion to what they believe to be right…it’s probably all three. Along with captivating dialogue and vivid descriptions that burn across the pages as brightly as Ana’s childhood nightmares.
I loved that I got to see into our villain’s mind - that the reader always knows he’s just around the counter, waiting, waiting…and the reader is trusted with the intelligence level of the story as much twists and writhes its way through the story making a bit of a complicated tapestry.
   The story definitely isn’t over yet and I’ll be waiting with baited breath for book number three; I can’t imagine it being anything less than stellar as “Dark Road Home” has proven to be.

This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the publishers for my copy to review.

More about the novel...

Ana Kavanagh’s only memories of home are of fire and pain. As a girl she was the only survivor
of a terrible blaze, and years later she still struggles with her anger at God for letting it happen.

At a nearby parish she meets and finds a kindred spirit in Eoghan Hamilton, who is struggling with his own anger–his sister, Cara, betrayed him by falling in love with one of his enemies. Cast aside by everyone, Eoghan longs to rejoin the Fenians, a shadowy organization pushing for change back in Ireland. But gaining their trust requires doing some favors–all of which seem to lead back to Ana. Who is she and who is searching for her? 

As dark secrets from Ana’s past begin to come to light, Eoghan must choose which road to follow–and where to finally place his trust.


  1. This sounds really good and I loved the review and the cover. Downloaded the first one to my kindle.

    1. The first one will TOTALLY get you hooked! And it's great to read them in order, since they do follow up on previous characters.:D

  2. I've been antsy to read Elizabeth Ludwig's books...I have one on my Kindle, believe. Your review just moved it up my TBR pile to the top. Can't wait to dive in!

    1. You totally should! And you are in for a treat with the first and second ones already released. I bet you can't stop reading once you start. ;)

  3. Great review, Casey! Sounds really good! I have the first one on my kindle, too. Like Melissa, I'll need to move these ones higher up on my TBR pile. :)

    1. Ditto what I said above to Melissa. These books are just soo good!

  4. Oh, sounds so good! I haven't read the first one so I'd better be on the lookout for it :)

    1. You read a lot of historical don't you Anne? I think you'd really like these. They seem right up your alley, especially with the suspenseful underworld. :)

    2. I think I just read a lot now :) But yes, historical with suspense is one of the top genres I read. I really am going to look into these books. Question said this one is continued so does that mean all three books are about the same h/h?

    3. Not the same h/h, but the previous h/h definitely make an appearance in this one. And the suspense is finished, but not cleared up...we still have to see the villain have his comeuppance. ;-)


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