Friday, August 9, 2013

Something Wonderfully Fun Has Happened!

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I was eagerly looking forward to this day.

Counting down, eyeing the numbers, subtracting, adding. Waiting, waiting for that moment...

It was a handful of posts away. I could feel it. That moment of realizing...

Then I (embarrassed)...forgot. 

I visited my blogger dashboard one morning and! Oh! Oh! 

The moment had not already passed, but I was already cruising down the road with this landmark in my rear view mirror.

But I couldn't let it completely slip away. So I'm sharing with you today. Grinning. Dancing. Can't BELIEVE I made it this far. 

It's blown me away.

Friday, July 26, 2013 marked my ONE THOUSANDTH blog post.

1,000 posts. 


That's a LOT of words.

That's a lot of blog posts.

That's a lot you guys have read and commented and tweeted and pinned and loved on for over three years. 

That's something else.

I'm celebrating. And I want to share the celebration with you!

Do you have a favorite post of mine? I know to actually find the post might be a challenge, so if you'd leave a comment about the post, I'd LOVE, LOVE that! 

Regardless, leave a comment, 'cause I'm giving away a $10 Amazon Gift Card.

ONE THOUSAND POSTS, people. I think I'm a little bit of insane. :D


  1. Wow, Casey! What a milestone! Congrats, my friend!

  2. I'm celebrating with you, Casey -- HaPpY dAnCiNg!
    I've really enjoyed your recent posts on singleness and waiting for your happily ever after and trusting God in the process. I went looking for it ... but, doggone it!, couldn't pull it up.

    1. You sure motivated and encouraged me with your comment in our last phone chat. So love having you on speed dial. ;-)

  3. Wooohoooo! That's a biggie! Thanks for being so committed to us. :)

    I don't think I have a favorite post, but I do remember seeing the cover to Gone South (for the first time) on your blog. It could possibly be my favorite book cover ever!

    1. It is SO much fun to share covers! I need to do another cover post, some pretty covers being released out there! :D :D

  4. 1000 posts!! That's amazing, Casey. Good job! Hmm, I don't know if I have a favorite post of all time of yours but I have to say, I love your Friday posts best--the personal ones. :) The author interviews and book reviews are fabulous too--you always introduce us to such great books!

    1. Those are some of the best for me to write too. Very therapeutic. And I could say the same for your posts, girl! Tagg lines post such good stuff.

  5. Oh, that's a hard one! But...I like a lot of your posts on "committed to purity" and the post you wrote, kinda like a letter to your future husband and the one from the "dancing in God's arms" pin from pinterest.


    Tell the World

  6. Yay, Case on an awesome blog!!! I like posts where you share your heart and also the fun author interviews.

  7. Very impressive! That is a lot of blog posts!
    As a reader I love all of your book reviews and giveaways, but as a single girl I also appreciate your post of that topic.


  8. Congratulations! You had a post - maybe a month ago? - with that lovely pin about Jesus being your dance partner, and at some point He'll let the right man cut in. That was such a lovely post.

  9. Yay!! Congrats! That's such an amazing milestone! One of my favorite, more recent posts was Dance with God. I've heard that quote so many times and I love it!! I'm kind of in the same boat as you, just a little younger. That post was a great encouragement.


  10. Congratulations! I like all of your book reviews and giveaways. Please enter me in contest. Thank you for the opportunity to win.

  11. I read your blog often. The post that sticks out is the one in which you shared some of your writing. Please enter me. I'm a follower.


  12. Congrats on 1000 posts and more! I had to search for a bit but I found the one that came to mind when I read your question. It's your Dancing, Dating & Waiting (specifically part 2) posted on Friday, April 27, 2012. I have been impressed with your commitment to purity since I first started reading your blog. You'll be an awesome wife and mom someday, Casey. God will fulfill your dreams beyond measure.

    1. Oh, that's an oldie, but a goodie, I must say! It's one of my FAVORITE blog posts!

  13. Wow, seems everyone agrees with me! I love the post about praying for your future husband, and the one about dancing with God! Truly beautiful!

    Congrats, Casey. Doing a great job!


  14. Congratulations on achieving 1000 posts! Keep up the great work!
    lindastrawn (at) yahoo (dot) com

  15. Congratulations! What a lot of hard work and dedication!

  16. Whoah, congrats!!!! I think one of your posts that made me a ton excited was the one interview with Tessa Afshar :)
    Congrats again!!!! That's pretty huge :)

  17. Congratulations, Casey!

    In general, I love your more personal posts. I love your book-related posts, too, don't get me wrong! But when you share your heart with your readers, it's really special :)


  18. Oops - my email is bharbin07[at]gmail[dot]com! :)

  19. Congratulations, Casey - that's so awesome!!! :D Yay for blogging!

    I'd love a chance to win the gift card - thank you for your generosity. :)

    Keep up the great work!



    1. You're not that far behind me, girlfriend!!

  20. Congratulations on your 1000 posts!! I don't know if I have a favorite, but I always make sure and read your post. Please keep up the great work!!
    Barbara Thompson

  21. Congrats! Isn't it funny how sometimes things we are looking forward to happen without us even realizing it? lol


  22. A 1,000 post is awesome Casey.

  23. Wow Casey! That's crazy!
    How do you even tell how many posts you have done? I will have to explore that. Makes me wonder how many I have done.

    I have NO idea which post is my fave! I really enjoy all your posts! I love coming to your blog every day. Even when I don't comment, just know that I am there... hmmm oops, sounds a little staulker-ish! lol

    Great job, keep it up!

  24. 1000 posts is incredible! I hope I make it there someday. Thanks for the giveaway! amberdawnwhitlock[at]gmail[dot]com

  25. Hallo, Hallo Ms. Herringshaw! :)

    Your celebrating 3 years + 1,000 posts, and I'm embarking on a journey into the wonderful world of book blogging, myself! :) I couldn't be more excited for you, truly! And, as far as which individual 'post' inspired me,... click over to my blog, and read my page Voraciously Absorbing Literature!! You couldn't get a bigger THANK YOU from me, than that!! :) :)

    The best bit?!
    I get to leave you notes again on your blog!!
    Such a happy day to celebrate!!

  26. Wow! Congratulations on 1000 posts. That's wonderful. Ü



    Favorite post??? Hard to pinpoint just one, but I do think one of my faves was your letter to your future husband -- LOVED it!!!

    SUPER CONGRATS on 1,000 posts (makes me tired just thinking about it!!), and cannot even IMAGINE how many you'll have by the time you're my age!!!


  28. Congrats, Casey! It's hard for me to pick a favorite post, but I love your posts regarding purity and your future husband.

    Frequentreader19 at gmail dot com

  29. So awesome !!!! Dancing with God.
    Linda Finn

  30. Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My favorite post is the one where I won a crit. Because now we're friends :D.

    That was your first anniversary week.

    I think I won a book too... ;)

  31. Congratulations! That's awesome! I've loved your blog from the first visit. :)

    I'd have to say your Purity of Heart series was a favorite! Keep doing what you do -- it makes a difference for the Kingdom. (((Hugs)))

    Scraphappy71 at sbcglobal dot net

  32. Congratulations on reaching number 1000, Casey. I have enjoyed every post I have read!



Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)