Wednesday, September 25, 2013

An Apt Title ~ Chasing Hope by Kathryn Cushman ~ Review

Women’s fiction with a pinch of romance is my favorite genre to read. But I admit I’m a snob about it. *wink* It has to be well-written with a great balance between the romance and the deeper, women’s fiction issues. Not every book can pull this off, but I’d like to think that “Chasing Hope” did a pretty good job.
  Starting off, I would have almost put this novel in the “New Adult” category of fiction that is slowly but surely making an appearance on the book market, however, reading deeper into the book I wouldn’t go so far as to try and stuff it into one particular mold. Brandy is a difficult character to like from the start, but there is potential there. A promise of something much better to come, the reader just has to be willing to wait for it.
Sabrina on the other hand, fascinated me. I wanted to see the good come blooming from her, the drive and fire return to her eyes. I honestly wasn’t sure about her romance angle. Did she want to fall in love just for the sake of love? But I loved watching her mature and change across the page...and find her perfect ending.
It’s one of those stories that is purely inspiring even though it’s only a novel. I might have to read it again someday.

This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the publishers for my copy to review.

More about the novel...

A Personal Drama of Shattered Dreams and Second Chances 

A talented runner fully committed to Olympic dreams, Sabrina Rice's future was shattered by a devastating diagnosis. One forfeited scholarship and several years later, she has new goals and dreams that have nothing to do with running--something that's become far too painful to think on. 

Until the day she sees Brandy Philip running across the community college campus, easily outpacing security. Sabrina immediately recognizes world-class speed, and it's all the more painful that it belongs to a teenage graffiti artist. When a chance encounter brings the two young women together, Sabrina becomes Brandy's best hope for staying out of juvenile hall. Soon, Sabrina begins to feel an uncomfortable nudge that her new life is just about to be toppled...that God may be calling her to minister to this talented but troubled girl.


  1. The cover alone is enough to make me want to read this book. Your review cemented the deal. I'll have to check it out, for sure.

    1. Have you read her other books yet, Melissa? Her women's fiction threads have lightened across novels, but all of her stories are always so good.

  2. I love the storyline of Chasing Hope! I worked in a children's home for abused & neglected children, juvenile delinquents were also brought there as a last chance alternative to prison time. Change is possible in some of these children - when an effort is made to help them & show love - not only your own, but that of God.


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