Friday, September 27, 2013

Make that a FUN Author Interview! My Guest? Amy Matayo!!

Sometimes we just gotta let loose. Have a little fun.  Thus I had this crazy idea…and I’m pretty excited about it. Hope you love it and if you have suggestions for questions, leave them in the comments! :- )

The Basics:
Name: Amy Matayo

Home State (complete with address so we can stalk you): Arkansas, where calling the Hogs is a nightly ritual.

Occupation: A wanna-be writer who also dabbles in nap-taking.

Height: 5’7”

Hair Color: Brown with blonde highlights that mysteriously turn gray every eight weeks or so.

Goin’ Deeper:

Celebrity crush: Adam Levine

#1 favorite pastime: Watching Adam Levine on The Voice. Plus eating Snickers bars.

Best book of your childhood: Are You There God, It’s Me, Margaret by Judy Blume

Go to comfort food: Dessert, doesn’t matter what kind

Worst job you ever had: In high school, shrink-wrapping boxed cards at DayS
Releases February 1, 2014!
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pring Cards. Think conveyer belt. Think I Love Lucy, except with no place to stuff the boxes flying past me.

In Ten Words or Less:

Happiest moment of your life: When my first child was born, finally, after nearly 30 hours of labor (oops, that was thirteen words).

One thing on your bucket list: To travel to London, where Prince William will bump into me at the farmer’s market and invite me over for tea. After which Kate and I become best friends, inseparable except for the fact that I have to fly home to Arkansas, in which case I’m really hoping the phrase “Absence makes the heart grow fonder” turns out to be true.

Quirkiest aspect that annoys your spouse/friends: I’m lazy by nature and really hate to clean. Plus, I’m not good at conversations that involve shopping, decorating, and beauty products. Which basically means I’m no fun to have around.

Greatest dream: To become a published author. Woo!

Biggest fear: That I’ll be exposed as a girl who writes really bad books.

Don't you just LOVE Amy?? 
In person and on the internet, she has this insane ability to make me laugh.

Can I say I am REALLY EXCITED/EAGER/GIDDY for her novel??

Join the conversation below!   


  1. 8 wks? My highlights need attention in four!

    Super interview, ladies! My bucket list includes a trip to London as well, only I'll be backpacking throughout the UK. I'll probably run into Wills, Kate and George somewhere, so I'll see what I can do to introduce you!

  2. I am SO excited to read your book, AMy. Totally fun interview. Sidenote: I studied in London in college and have been back three times since but I've still never bumped into any of the royalty. I even lived a block from Buckingham when I studied there and still no royal sightings. Uncool!

  3. Fun interview. Wonderful book cover. Look forward to reading it! And if it is any consolation, I really HATE to clean too! Fortunately I married a "Mr. Clean"!

  4. YES, Case, I DO "love" Amy ... even though she looks like a gorgeous sit-com celebrity!!

    And shrink-wrapping at Day Spring?? Mmm ... did you get free cards because that might have been worth it ... ;)

    SO looking forward to reading this book, Amy -- LOVE the cover!!


  5. Fun interview! I can't wait to read Amy's book - it sounds like a great read. :)

    Christian Bookshelf Reviews

  6. YES - DO love her, & her interview! Don't know what her book is about - but she has SOLD me on it, whatever it is (lol)! I'm right there with you on the dessert & cleaning issues, Amy - however, I live alone, & DO NOT have a Mr. Clean to help (lol)! Looking forward to hearing more about you, & your book, Amy! Thanks, Casey & Amy for bringing some fun into our Friday!

    Bonnie Roof

  7. Thank you for having me on here, Casey! And thanks for the sweet comments. So, so jealous of those who've been to London! You have no idea... :)


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)