Monday, November 11, 2013

Giveaway! A Bride for Noah by Lori Copeland and Virginia Smith!

Remember those authors you grew up reading their books?

I bought many of Lori Copeland's books throughout the years and now my sister is able to enjoy the books I laughed and loved. 

In fact, Lori Copeland was one of the first authors I helped my sister contact to let her know just how much she loved her books. :-)

*Switching gears*

A couple years ago I led my first ACFW book club discussion for this awesome, contemporary romance. I laughed. I sighed. I loved every minute I spent reading this title (and to be honest, I wasn't real sure when I first started out what I would think), but pretty soon I was hounding my library system to go back and read the first two books in the series and I loved them just as much. Virginia Smith is one of those writers I would love to see put out another fun contemporary series. I'd be first in line to buy a copy!

Pair these two writers together and you get a dynamic duo. A duo I am very excited to be sharing their latest release here on my blog.

Due to technical difficulties, I'm unable to bring my standard interview to you today, but we're still giving away their book to one fortunate winner.

But first I have one question for you. A question I'd love to see answered before I throw your name into the hat to win Ginny and Lori's latest release: A Bride for Noah. 

What author first introduced you to Christian fiction? For me it was Janette Oke and her books still hold a very dear place in my heart. 

Share your first author here in the might even find a new favorite amongst the suggestions of others. :-)

Readers, enter to win Ginny and Lori's book here!

Please leave an email address! If I draw your name and there is no email, you will not win.
For extra entries:
~Be a follower
~Be a subscriber

Contest is only open in the U.S. and void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items for said prize.

Thanks for coming by to enter! Contest ends on November 22nd
Attn Readers! If you're struggling to leave a comment on my blog, please email your comment entries (in ONE email) and I will submit it for you. But PLEASE only do this after you've failed to leave a comment. My email is: caseym.writer(@) 


  1. I can't remember the 'first', but Nicholas Sparks made a big impact on me. :)
    I'm a follower and subscriber :)

    nicnac63 AT hotmail DOT com

  2. Janette Oke for me too! Closely followed by Gilbert Morris and his House of Winslow series.
    I am a bit familiar with Lori's writing, I really enjoyed her Brides of the West series. I don't think I am familiar with Virginia Smith's writing. I look forward to getting to know her writing.

    I am a follower and a subscriber


  3. Oh the first , I know Janette Oke was one and I even read some of Lori Copeland . Would love to be in the giveaway . Thanks

  4. Entry for Pam:
    Same here.. definitely Janette Oke.

    Please enter me in drawing for A bride for Noah.


  5. Janette Oke was one of my firsts too!
    I have read Lori's writing , but not Virginia Smith's writing. I look forward to getting to know her writing. I am a church librarian so I am always looking or different authors : )

    I would love to win this book.
    I am a follower and a subscriber

  6. The first Christian fiction I ever read was by Scottish pastor George MacDonald. Then came Tracie Peterson, Janette Oke, and Gilbert Morris. I love Lori Copeland's book too.

  7. I started reading Christian fiction only a few years ago and I think I started with Dee Henderson's O'Malley series, which I loved. I do love Lori Copeland's books, they crack me up!

    garfsgirl [at] hotmail [dot] com

  8. I can't remember the first as I have been reading for many years. Certainly Beverly Lewis, Janette Oke Traci Peterson but their are so many others!
    Thank You

  9. I don't remember. It was too long ago! Quite possibly was Beverly Lewis. I started reading when my son was receiving chemo treatments and we had to spend a lot of time at the hospital. Thankfully, he is a survivor and I still make time everyday to read.
    I am also a follower and subscriber.

    Priviesandprims@yahoo dot com

  10. Jeanette Oke was the author that introduced me to Christian romance, and now there are many many more that I love!

  11. My first Christian author was Janette Oke. We still have all her books. I love Lori Copeland and Virginia Smith. They are great authors and I've read their other wonderful books. Thank you for the chance of winning this giveaway and please enter my name.
    Barbara Thompson

  12. Also, I'm a follower and a subscriber!!

    Barbara Thompson

  13. I am a follower!

  14. I am a subscriber!

  15. And I can't wait to get my hands on this book!

  16. My first Christian Fiction author was either Janette Oke or Lauraine Snelling! I love Lori Copeland, and would love to be entered for the giveaway! Thanks!
    Nicole Sager

  17. I am also a follower and subscriber!

    Nicole Sager

  18. I love Lori's books!

    lag110 at mchsi dot com

  19. Entry for Melinda:
    Here is my response:
    I have always loved Lori Wick. She holds a special place in my heart. I own all of her books.

    minabucket2 @

    I've also subscribed to your blog.

  20. Oh, I love both of these authors thanks

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

    email subscriber
    gfc follower

  21. I am pretty sure that my first Christian author to read was Francine Rivers.
    Thanks for the chance to win.
    I follow by email.
    Brittany McEuen

  22. I don't remember my first Christian fiction author, but I grew up reading children's Christian fiction books, so some of the first ones I read were Dave & Neta Jackson's "Trailblazer Series" and Lois Gladys Leppard's "Mandie" series. The first adult Christian fiction books I read was Al & Joanna Lacy's "Mail Order Bride Series." That was when I made the jump from reading children's fiction to adult fiction from my church library. If I remember correctly, I then moved on to Lynn Austin's "Refiner's Fire Series." All very good books!

  23. I would LOVE to win this book, it sounds great! Thank you for offering this as a giveaway.


  24. I am a follower by GFC (wfnren)


  25. I am a subscriber.


  26. Jeanette Oke was the first Christian fiction as an adult for me. Love to win the book.
    sharon, ca

  27. I am a subscriber. sharon, ca wileygreen1(at)yahoo(dot)com

  28. I am a follower. sharon, ca wileygreen1(at)yahoo(dot)com

  29. I would love to win A Bride For Noah. My first Christian fiction author, Grace Livingston Hill. I loved her. Probably, need to read those books once again.

    I am a subscriber.

    I follow you.

  30. Here is my email addy. Forgot to add it. Sorry.

  31. Dear Casey,
    We have these authors in our church library. I am both a follower and a subscriber. Thanks for entering me in your giveaway.
    God Bless !!
    Janet E.

  32. I would love to read A Bride for Noah. Janette Oke's book series were the first I read from a Christian fiction author.


  33. thanks for the chance to read this novel, casey

    i'm a follower & email subscriber, too :)

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  34. I subscribe and follow. I so loved janette Oke, I just have a feeling I will love this book as well.I am interested in seeing what a two author book is like, first for me. I couldn't really get into janette's books with T Davis Bunn,not sure why. thank you for the chance to win and read this wonderful book.
    Linda Finn
    Faithful Acres Books

  35. I can't remember which author. Janette Oke was the first author I started collecting seriously. I love Lori Copeland and Virginia Smith. fishingjan[at]aol[dot]com I am a subscriber and follower

  36. Entry for Kaylyn
    My first love of Christian fiction was Lori Wick.
    Now I read just about any author. I don't have one favorite at the moment.

  37. ok, started typing something and it just disappeared. So, I would love to read this book
    I am a follower and a subscriber

  38. Lori Wick was my first Christian author. My daughters and I still re-read many of her books.
    I'm a follower.
    I'm a subscriber.
    worthy2bpraised at gmail dot com


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)