Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Lasso Up a Great New Romance! ~Love at Any Cost by Julie Lessman ~ Review

If there were a new literary BFF I would want to make, it would Cassidy McClare. The girl not only personifies spunk, but tells down our cocky and almost bad-boy hero, Jamie, with wit and sass. Plus the girl knows how to twirl a lasso and wrangle a steer which takes her up another notch.

It’s a new series, a new setting, a new family of characters and I have to say I’m eager for more books about these spunky and vivacious clan of McClare’s.  Romantic sparks and plenty of sassy dialogue fills the pages with more pig-headed descriptions of Jamie McKenna than I knew could be invented in one novel.

I love that we really get deep into the characters in “Love at Any Cost”. It’s not just a surface knowledge of these characters and sure there are plenty of romantic sparks, but the reader knows what makes them tick. What motivates their decisions. And really, for all intents and purposes, Jamie McKenna should not be a likeable character, and yet I thoroughly every scene he was in and watching him grow and change.

There is a lovely subplot between Cait and Logan and talk about a TWIST in those last hundred pages. This is the second time I’ve read the book and it still takes me by surprise. I honestly don’t think readers will see this one coming.

Another one for the keeper shelves!

More about the novel...

Jilted by a fortune hunter, cowgirl Cassidy McClare is a spunky Texas oil heiress without a fortune who would just as soon hogtie a man as look at him. Hoping a summer visit with her wealthy cousins in San Francisco will help her forget her heartache, Cassidy travels west. But no sooner is she settled in beautiful California than Jamie McKenna, a handsome pauper looking to marry well, captures her heart. When Jamie discovers the woman he loves is poorer than he is, Cassidy finds herself bucked by love a second time. Will Jamie discover that money can't buy love after all? And can Cassidy ever learn to fully trust her heart to a man? 

With delectable descriptions and a romantic sensibility, bestselling author Julie Lessman brings the Gilded Age to life in this sumptuous new series. Readers will faithfully follow Lessman to the West Coast for more romance, passion, and surprising revelations found in "Love at Any Cost.


  1. Aw, Case, what a GREAT review, my friend -- as always, you bless the socks off of me!! Thank you SO much, not only for the wonderful review, but for reading the book TWICE -- I STILL can't believe you did that, but then sometimes I can't believe what a precious friend I have in you either!

    Hugs and more hugs,

    1. Of COURSE I had to read the book twice. It wouldn't be right to read it before it hit print and then not read it afterwards. Just as good (if not better!) the second time around. :-))

  2. Wow, the cover is BEAUTIFUL! I love a story with a good twist! Thanks for the review!! Have you heard of the book, "A Thousand Years of Johnny Von" by author Edith M. Cortese? It also has a really good twist! The novel is easy to read, it has depth in the content, but a light page turning quality to the work. I couldn't put the book down until the very last page!

    1. No I hadn't heard of that one, Robyn, thanks for pointing that direction. I too, love a book that takes me by surprise without make me feel cheated in the getting there. :)

  3. I really, really, really need to get my hands on a copy of this, it sounds wicked good! I have to admit.....and this is bad, Case.....I'm just barely reading A Passion Most Pure. For the first time. Ever. Yes, I'm serious. Lol I'm loving that it's set in Boston! That city is close to my heart, a couple hours south of me :)

    Now, I am yet to read about the other sisters obviously lol but I've met them and man, oh man do I see myself in Faith. I feel like Jules wrote her as my character in a way, not so much in others, but I am enthralled! My biggest problem is that I'm so tired by evening that I usually only read a chapter at a time lol. I'm over 100pgs in so far and I'm really enjoying it :) I just know that I would love this one too.

    Anyway, seeing that you wrote a review for this one made me want to mention this since no one that I know here has read it.
    Hope you're well,

    1. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

      Yes, that is the sound of my horrified scream that you are just now reading Julie's books. BUT we're going to make a die-hard fan out of you yet! A Passion Most Pure is one of my all time favorite books and Faith is my favorite character! I'm so glad you're enjoying it! And Julie's chapters are long enough you get some pretty good word count in when you sit down to read a chapter. Let me know how you like it!! ;-)

  4. Oh I was a fan before I read anything of hers. That sounds weird, but just by her personality, I just KNEW she'd be one of my favorites. I was already a die hard fan without reading anything from her yet lol.

    1. See, I thought so! I knew there was a connection somewhere along the lines. ;-)


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