Friday, January 31, 2014

DREAMING of: The Start of a Journey

I recently read this post by Susan Tuttle that was a total challenge and encouragement to me. She spent just a few words on dreams, but they were the most powerful words I read this week. And asked a question that hit my core: why do we pray ourselves right to the precipice of a dream and then just…quit? (Casey paraphrase)

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And I realized…I do this. I passionately pursue a dream and then after a while, it’s like I just…stop. Not always intentionally, but it’s like the fervor dies. Sometimes that’s the right thing, but sometimes I wonder if we lose faith because it hasn’t happened within what we thought would be our timing.

If “Dream” is going to be my One Word for 2014 and I’m going to take this journey seriously, I have an obligation to fulfill. First to God and honoring the dreams that He has placed in my heart. And second to myself to pursue those dreams. Not just sitting on the sidelines anymore, but getting up and learning how honor these dreams. That might look different for every single dream. It will look different. Maybe it means growing closer to God and His word. Maybe it means agreeing to something that frightens me in the changing of it all, but will ultimately lead to more good things God has in store.

I don’t have an agenda for this one word this year. What I do have for this year is to see where trust in God’s direction for these dreams takes me.

One of my friends posted on my Facebook page this week: “I hope this is the year of many dream-come-true moments”.

I don’t know if it will be or not. BUT what I do know and have complete confidence in this one thing: dreams are from God. The dreams He lays on our hearts and the dreams that present themselves in our circumstances. When our hearts are turned toward God, He’s going to direct us to those dreams that set our heart’s passions on fire.

This is the start of my “dream” journey. 


  1. You're right. What a powerful thought! I'm going to be paying more attention to my own prayers now, too.

  2. First of all, I love everything Susan Tuttle puts in print! Secondly, I'm with you, dreams are from God. And here's to them becoming a reality in your life each day, sweet Casey! Loved this today!

    1. I was blown away by her post and so moved! Definitely challenged me. Learning to walk each day in the dreams He has given me. :D

  3. You are awesome, Casey, and this is an awesome post! I love to talk about dreams...and the dreams God gives us...and the fun and surprising ways he turns our hearts toward him and the dreams he has for us.

    1. I love the ones that take us by surprise and the way He draws us toward the ones that are truly from Him. It's amazing when a dream comes true and all the doors that just fly open.

  4. Dream away, Casey. Dream in the quiet moments. Dream out loud. Dream on paper. Dream in your whispered prayers.
    DREAM, my friend.
    They are coming true.

    1. I can only do this: :D
      And say this, Thank You.
      Because no other words fill the joy that is in my heart.
      See you soon!! :D

  5. It blesses my heart, Casey, to hear how God is teaching you, encouraging you, and growing you. What a wonderful year this will be with your heart close to Him. Praying his blessings on you are abundant!!

    1. Trusting in that very fact, Savanna and trusting Him with these dreams and the word He has laid on my heart. I've already been so blessed--what a start to 2014 it has been! (More on that to come. ;-))

  6. Dream big, Casey and enjoy the journey. That's important! One thing I learned on the road to publication. You're off to a great start!


    1. Thanks, Sue. You are too! Can't wait for that moment when you get to hold your debut novel in your hands. :D

  7. I love you, little dreamer friend! And God's got big plans for you, so dream big! I know it's going to be your best year yet!

    1. You know, Sherrinda. I think I might agree with you 100% there. God is good all the time. And I'm so thankful for this bright and promising season!

  8. Such a profound, and wise, post, Casey!

    You are SO right - sometimes we do allow dreams to die, because we haven't been patient with God's timing. Keeping your heart turned toward God IS the start of your dream journey, and the road map to those dreams of yours!

    Can't wait to hear more about your blessings of 2014 - those already fulfilled, and those to come!!


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)