Monday, February 3, 2014

Giveaway! Josiah's Treasure by Nancy Herriman!

Welcome to Writing for Christ Nancy Herriman, it is great to have you here! So you’re a writer? What made you decide to start creating characters and story world?

Thanks for having me, Casey!

Wow. What made me decide to start creating characters? I guess I would have to say I was bitten by the bug way back in eighth grade when our class was given a writing assignment. I dashed off a ten page short story, all the while imagining life as a famous author in a loft in Paris, perhaps, surrounded by other artists (and hopefully eating great food while there, but I digress…). When my teacher praised my writing, a dream took hold.

Clearly, I’m not living in Paris, but many, many years later I am at last fulfilling that dream. And by this point, the characters that pop up in my head wouldn’t let me rest if I did not write them down, so I must write anyway!

What is the one title that has significantly impacted your life?

There are so many books I could mention, but if I had to narrow down my choice, it would be The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. When I read it as a young kid, I was so inspired. I loved everything about it--the characters, the other-worldliness, and of course, the message. I confess that I loved the book so much (okay, this is embarrassing) that I used to act out scenes.

If you could get a do-over when it came to learning this whole thing called writing, what would you go back and tell yourself?

That attaining success, however you measure it, will require patience and resilience, a certain amount of humility, and a great deal of faith. Allow yourself to make mistakes--they are a part of what is required to learn the craft. Also, remember that the first draft does not have to be perfect. Not even close! I usually end up doing four or five drafts, and have to keep telling myself that lots of edits are simply a step in my process. The main goal for me is to get the words on the page and let the characters ‘speak’. I have been surprised (and delighted) more times than I could tell by the unexpected things my characters have done.

I would also tell myself to not get discouraged. Getting published may feel like the end of the journey, but in many ways it is only the beginning. Maintaining trust in your calling can be difficult when the world can seem set against you.

5 preference questions:
Homemade or take-out?
My mother’s cooking? I much prefer homemade, even though I am not the most patient cook.
Email or snailmail?
Email, definitely. Sadly, I can’t even remember when I last sent a real letter snail mail. A lost art, in my opinion.
Online shopping or Black Friday deals?
Online shopping ON Black Friday!!! I do a lot of online shopping (too much--just ask my husband).
Books or movies?
Books, without a doubt. I feel that a book allows a story to unfold in detail and in depth, whereas too often movies get caught up in cliche and fast pacing, character development lost in the rush to thrill.
Note-taker or memorization?
At my age, note-taker!     

Yes, I’m asking you to play favorites…which of your books is your favorite, published or unpublished? And if this is your debut novel, has your favorite been published yet?

My favorite has to be my debut novel, The Irish Healer. That book was the first time I wrote with a specific theme in mind, specifically that through faith we can find healing. I also enjoyed doing the research required for the story, which takes place during the cholera epidemic that swept through England in 1832. The pre-Victorian London setting, the struggles of emigrants, and the medical details (since my heroine is a nurse and my hero, a doctor) fascinated me. And though in frustration I attempted to put the manuscript away more than once, the characters and their story kept calling me back. I’m glad I listened.

Places for readers to learn more about you?

Readers can learn more at my website,, where you will find a link to the opening chapter of my latest book, Josiah’s Treasure, as well as the opening chapters of The Irish Healer. If you participate in social media, you can find me at my Facebook author page, as well as at I also can be found on Twitter (@Nancy_Herriman).

Thank you for being with us today!

Again, thank you for having me, Casey! It’s been a pleasure.

Readers, enter to win Nancy's book here!

Please leave an email address! If I draw your name and there is no email, you will not win.

For extra entries:
~Be a follower
~Be a subscriber

Contest is only open in the U.S. and void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items for said prize.

Thanks for coming by to enter! Contest ends on February 14th
Attn Readers! If you're struggling to leave a comment on my blog, please email your comment entries (in ONE email) and I will submit it for you. But PLEASE only do this after you've failed to leave a comment. My email is: caseym.writer(@) 


  1. It was nice learning about Nancy and her books. The Irish Healer sounds really good - and love the cover art to Josiah's Treasure!

    Follower and subscriber nicnac63 AT hotmail DOT com

  2. I really appreciate the opportunity to learn about Nancy and so many other authors I love. Such fun! Loved the Irish Healer and can't wait to read Josiah's Treasure (totally love the cover!!!).
    I am a follower and a reader.

    1. So glad you loved The Irish Healer, Chris!

  3. I always love reading about authors. I love the cover of this book and can't wait to get my hands on it.

    1. Really pleased to hear that folks love the cover (I admit I wasn't certain about it). Thanks!!

  4. I love the opening chapter!

    lag110 at mchsi dot com

    1. Thank you! (the rest isn't bad, either )

  5. Nancy I was surprised to read that you don't do snail mail.I don't either. I have a hard time writing something in a card much less a full letter anymore. I love reading stories where the characters have their own plans but God's plan is different and better. I am a subscriber and follower. fishingjan[at]aol[dot]com

    1. Jan, I have never been much of a letter writer (or much for talking on the phone either). I prefer to communicate face-to-face, I suppose (which also makes me not much of a texter, either, LOL)

  6. Thanks for the interview and giveaway ladies! I have a copy of the Irish Healer in my TBR stack, and would love to have a copy of Josiah's Treasure.

    I follow vie GFC and am an e-mail subscriber.


    1. Patty, hope you enjoy The Irish Healer and also hope you have a chance to read Josiah's Treasure!

  7. I love the cover. I would love to win a copy. This sounds like a great story.
    I am a follower and subscriber.
    susanmsj at msn dot com

  8. I am a follower!

    missionwife AT hotmail DOT com

  9. I am a subscriber!

    missionwife AT hotmail DOT com

  10. And the cover sold me on this book! I can't wait to read it!

    missionwife AT hotmail DOT com

    1. So glad to hear the cover sold you! Hope you get a chance to read it.

  11. Thanks for sharing the great interview and giveaway! This book looks great!

    colorvibrant at gmail dot com

  12. The book looks wonderful! I love the cover!

    sherrinda (at) gmail (dot) com

  13. Thank you for sharing this lovely interview and for the chance to win a copy of JOSIAH'S TREASURE!

    I am an email subscriber.
    texaggs2000 at gmail dot com

    1. I am so happy to be here, and have a chance to share!

  14. I always love historical romances the best. Hoping I win this one. And, I love the cover!

    priviesandprims at yahoo dot com

    1. I have always loved historical romances, too, Doreen. Total escapism. ;-)

  15. Casey, I really enjoy these interviews that you do. Nancy Herriman is a new-to-me author. Thank you for introducing her. :)
    Justmeshf (at) hotmail (dot)com

  16. Dear Nancy and our lovely hostess..
    Thank you for such a lovely interview. I feel so blessed to have found this today!
    I can so relate to loving homemade and I try to be a patient Mamma, Cook, Baker and the only thing I cannot stand is Daughters know it drives me nuts. I am a lover of Historical Fiction and Can't wait to read these books myself, sound so so good. Would love to win the new book. Nancy this is the first time I have seen you and so your books are new to me. We have some of the same lovely friends on facebook. I have asked to be friends, liked your author page and followed you on twitter. And of course I am subscribed to this blog, wouldn't miss a post.
    Linda Marie Finn
    Faithful Acres Books

    1. Thanks so much for friending me! And I do hope you enjoy my books.

  17. This is a new to me author. I'd love to be the recipient of Nancy's book.

  18. I'm a follower

  19. I'm a subscriber

  20. Casey, I am follower and sub.
    Thank you for featuring Nancy and her book on your post. I enjoyed the review. I have not read her books but Josiah's treasure looks like a good read. Thank you

    1. Hope you have a chance to read it, Jackie, and enjoy the book!

  21. thanks for the chance to read this wonderful novel, casey & nancy

    I'm a follower & email subscriber, too.

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  22. Thank you for sharing Nancy's life and her books with us. I look forward to going to her website and checking out all her books.


    1. I am so pleased to be here and glad to hear from you guys!

  23. Thanks for letting us try for this book. Looks like a good read. :)


  24. Hi, Nancy and Casey!!

    I enjoyed your interview, and learning more about your writing, and books, Nancy! I went to your website to learn more about "Josiah's Treasure" - an unusual storyline that appears full of romance, suspense, and retribution.

    Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy!!


    I am a follower and subscriber.

    1. Hope you have a chance to read the book, even if you don't happen to win, Bonnie!

  25. Intriguing! And lovely cover--that's my favorite shade of blue. I'd love to enter!

  26. Beautiful cover, thank you for the chance to win this book!


  27. I am a follower, wfnren.


  28. I am a subscriber.


  29. I just want to extend my thanks to everyone who entered for a chance to win Josiah's Treasure (and who made such nice comments on my cover ).

  30. Very pretty cover! The blue of the dress draws you to the book. Thanks for the chance to win this book.

  31. I am a follower.

  32. I subscribe.


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)