Monday, February 10, 2014

Giveaway! Amazon Gift Card and Info about Jill Eileen Smith's Rachel Giveaway!

Have you see the information yet to enter Jill Eileen Smith's giveaway? 

I wanted to share with you this beautiful new book (isn't the cover gorgeous??) and the contest that Jill and her publisher are putting together to promote Rachel.

About the novel...

Beautiful Rachel wants nothing more than for her older half sister Leah to wed and move out of their household. Maybe then she would not feel so scrutinized, so managed, so judged. Plain Leah wishes her father Laban would find a good man for her, someone who would love her alone and make her his only bride. Unbeknownst to either of them, Jacob is making his way to their home, trying to escape a past laced with deceit and find the future God has promised him.

But the past comes back to haunt Jacob when he finds himself on the receiving end of treachery and the victim of a cruel bait and switch. The man who wanted only one woman will end up with sisters who have never gotten along and now must spend the rest of their lives sharing a husband. In the power struggles that follow, only one woman will triumph . . . or will she?

Combining meticulous research with her own imaginings, Jill Eileen Smith not only tells one of the most famous love stories of all time but will manage to surprise even those who think they know the story inside and out.

I love the story of Rachel. Her's is one of the more romantic stories in the Bible (I think anyway). What woman doesn't want to know her man spent years working to win her
hand? That he loved her enough to spend those years to spend the rest of his life with her? 

Maybe I'm a hopeless romantic (we already know I'm more than hopeless. ;-), but I love that about Jacob and Rachel. Though I've always felt sorry for Leah too. 

So leave a comment below, I'm giving away one $10 Amazon gift card to someone who comments today on this one question: do you like to read Biblical fiction?

It's a hard line for me to cross. Yes it's fiction, but I like to keep my Bible and fiction separate. However, I read Jill's debut Biblical historical, Michael this summer and thought she did a great job of writing it! I know many other readers are also loving her novels and it seems more and more Biblical fiction is hitting the market. 

What say you? :-))


  1. I love the story of Rachel and Jacob. :) And I agree - it's such a romantic Biblical story.

    Yes! I love reading Biblical fiction, and also enjoy writing Biblical story poems.

    Thank you for this unique and FAB-u-lous giveaway.

  2. I haven't taken the plunge into biblical fiction, but there does seem to be more and more of it out there... I do have one of Mesu Andrews novels sitting in my TBR stack, so hopefully I will get to it soon!


  3. I'm with you! There Is a line I'm cautious of with Biblical fiction. The one that adds to what the Lord has written. Yet I will agree, these books are really good! :-)

  4. I don't really read biblical fiction, but I would be open to it! (

  5. I DO love to read this type book....have read most of Jill's and especially enjoy her books!
    Thanks for the interview, Casey, and the giveaway!
    jacsmi75 at gmail dot com

  6. I have enjoyed Biblical fiction but am cautious too. I would love to read Jill's book. Thanks for the interview and giveaway!

  7. I just recently read my first example of biblical fiction (A Stray Drop of Blood by Roseanna M White), which I enjoyed. But like others, I am a little leery about novels straying one iota from scriptural fact . . .
    rachaeldalquist (at)yahoo(dot)com

  8. I love most genres of Christian fiction. That includes Biblical fiction, if the author keeps the characters true to what is written about them in the Bible. Most authors do that.
    susanmsj at msn dot com

  9. I've only read 1 Biblical fiction book. I think I'm more critical of a story if it imagines/adds too much about major Biblical characters than what the Bible says already. I think I would enjoy a story just set during Biblical times.

  10. I have not read biblical fiction yet, it is something I am looking forward to adding to my reading genres. I think it would be an interesting way to bring Bible characters to life .
    thank you

  11. I do I do I do love to read biblical fiction! I want all the emotions, struggles, delights - the amplified version!

    missionwife AT hotmail DOT com

  12. I just recently started reading Biblical fiction and I love it. I love Jill's Rachel. Such a great book!
    campbellamyd at gmail dot com

  13. I really like to real well written Biblical fiction. Biblical fiction can really flesh out a Bible story and make the characters so real instead of just a name on the page.

  14. I definitely enjoy a good Biblical retelling. It helps to add details to some vague stories of the Bible. I've enjoyed rahab, Sarai,Dinah and Job and others.

  15. If the story is well-written I enjoy it, but it's not my favorite genre.
    colorvibrant at gmail dot com

  16. I used to think that Biblical fiction was something for me, but after reading some, I found myself getting confused with what's fact versus fiction. Therefore, I don't read it anymore.

  17. I do enjoy some biblical fiction, just not a steady diet of it. I have read three books about Samson, Jezebel and Esther. It was confusing to me too, not sure what was real and what was not. I would still love to read this book though

  18. I personally don't care much for Biblical fiction. I'm like you Casey, prefer to keep my fiction and the Bible separate! But if I found a really good novel about Esther, I would definitely make an exception! :)
    Thanks for the giveaway

  19. I might be swayed by the right book but usually they are something I prefer to keep seperate

    fencingromein at hotmail dot com

  20. I'm not a huge fan of biblical fiction. I think it's too easy for things in the story to be wrong, factually. There are a couple books in that genre that I might read someday (because so many people loved them), but for the most part I steer clear of the genre.

    Frequentreader19 [at] gmail [dot] com

  21. I really do enjoy reading Bible fiction. It gives a different outlook on things.

  22. I don't normally read Biblical fiction because the Bible should just not be messed with. But I did read Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers and it's the BEST book I've ever read.


  23. I haven't read any biblical fiction before but I would certainly love to!! Thank you!!

  24. I think I am open to reading biblical fiction

  25. I like Biblical fiction. It just adds another dimension to the story in the Bible.

  26. The only biblical fiction I have read before was based on Rahab and I LOVED it. Don't know why I haven't read anymore. I definitely want to read this series though!

  27. Thanks for the great review, Casey!! I love biblical fiction and would love to read "Rachel"!! Like you, I also feel sorry for Leah!! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

    I am a follower and subscriber.

  28. I so want to read your books. Love when they can bring bible to life and bring real true love to life for us.
    Linda Finn


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)