Monday, March 10, 2014

Giveaway! Tide and Tempest by Elizabeth Ludwig!

Welcome to Writing for Christ Elizabeth Ludwig, it is great to have you here! So you’re a writer? What made you decide to start creating characters and story world?

Actually, that’s a very funny story. See, ever since I was a kid, I’ve had a very vivid imagination. I loved to daydream about interesting characters and daring heroes. I also had a voracious appetite for books, and it was not unusual for my mother to catch me reading at two or three in the morning…on a school night! Since that got me into trouble, I took to reading with a small nightlight under the covers (my poor eyes—I’m surprised I can still see).

Anyway, fast-forward twenty…um…thirty years. I was sitting in church one Sunday, but instead of listening to the sermon, I was daydreaming a story. It wasn’t until I heard the preacher give the invitation that I realized what had happened. Not only was I embarrassed, I was really heartbroken, because I had allowed the same thing that used to get me in trouble as a kid to come between me and the Lord.

Well, I went to the altar that morning and laid it all out before God. When I asked Him what I should do with the stories in my head, His answer was simply to “write it down.” Many months later, when I was questioning whether I had truly heard from the Lord regarding my writing, He gave me these verses:

Habakkuk 2:2-3
Then the Lord answered me and said: “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; but at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry. (NKJV)

Since that day, I’ve never doubted my call to write.

What is the one title that has significantly impacted your life?

Oh my goodness…I know this answer is going to baffle most people but…I have to say the book (and the character) that impacted me most is No Flying in the House by Betty Brock, and the child/heroine of the story, Annabel Tippens.

Annabel is a little girl “with short blond hair and very good manners” (taken from the book description on She seems quite ordinary, except that she’s also half fairy—and instead of parents, she has a two-inch high dog named Gloria.

Well, you can imagine that for a kid who loved to read, this book was extraordinary.  I read it over and over again, and dreamed of the day I would learn to fly. Later, I came to realize that what captured my imagination was not so much the story of a half-fairy princess, but of a little girl struggling to find herself. The sacrifices that Annabel Tippens makes challenged me to acknowledge what was real and important—love, faith, and family.

If you could get a do-over when it came to learning this whole thing called writing, what would you go back and tell yourself?

This question actually made me sad for a moment, because I realized that somewhere along my publishing journey, I had inflicted too many provisions on what I considered to be success. My prayer when I first started writing was simple—Lord, please help me to get published, and let my words touch someone’s heart.

Oh, how that prayer has changed over time! After my first book contract, I quickly discovered how unpredictable the publishing industry can be (an article for another time). The joy of holding my first published book disintegrated when I learned that the subsequent two books in the series would not be published as had been promised, and I added this line to my prayer—Lord, please help me to get published, and let my words touch someone’s heart, and let there be another contract.

Proving His love and faithfulness, God did provide another contract. I remember celebrating with thanksgiving the upcoming Christmas novella that would allow me to tell the story of my walk into adulthood. But then the book cover came, and I realized that readers would need a microscope to read the teeny-tiny letters of my name beneath the big, bold letters of the lead author, and I added this line to my prayer—Lord, please help me to get published, and let my words touch someone’s heart, and let there be another contract, and someday, Lord, let my name be the prominent one on the cover.

Since then, I’ve added many lines to that first simple prayer. Weights like good sales numbers, positive reviews, and contest awards encumber what was once a sincere desire. God reminded me of this during a dark period of wrestling with Him over the path I was to follow. I think if I could go back, I would tell myself to measure success not by contracts or sales numbers, but in my level of obedience and striving to please the Lord.

5 preference questions:

Homemade or take-out? Well, if my mom makes it, definitely homemade. Otherwise—takeout! LOL!

Email or snailmail? Email, please. I am much too impatient for snail mail.

Online shopping or Black Friday deals? Black Friday…but only if my kids are with me and we’re out just to have a good time.

Books or movies? No fair! I love them both. Oh, all right…books.

Note-taker or memorization? Ahem…I am of a certain age where memorization no longer holds the same charm it used to. ;-)

Yes, I’m asking you to play favorites…which of your books is your favorite, published or unpublished? And if this is your debut novel, has your favorite been published yet?

Originally, I had intended Edge of Freedom to be a two book series, so the third book, Tide and Tempest, was the only story that wasn’t planned, but it has turned out to be my favorite. I love, love, love the hero and heroine—Keondric and Tillie. Their story amazed me, and their love was just phenomenal to write.

Also, I share a common grief with Tillie—the loss of a child. I think that’s why she resonated with me so deeply. I really hope her triumph over guilt and grief speaks to readers.

Places for readers to learn more about you?

I LOVE connecting with my readers. I wish I could visit with every single one—find out where they are in life, and what hope or encouragement (if any) they drew from reading my books. Stop by and visit with me! I post information on upcoming releases on my website at

Or check out my blog at We do author interviews, weekly devotionals, and book giveaways. We also post book reviews and list upcoming releases from many of your favorite Christians authors. In other words, there’s something for everyone!

Lastly, if you just want to see what I’m up, search for me on Facebook. I would love to visit with you.

Thank you for being with us today!

Thank you so much for having me!

Readers, enter to win Elizabeth's book here!

Please leave an email address! If I draw your name and there is no email, you will not win.

For extra entries:
~Be a follower
~Be a subscriber

Contest is only open in the U.S. and void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items for said prize.

Thanks for coming by to enter! Contest ends on March 21st
Attn Readers! If you're struggling to leave a comment on my blog, please email your comment entries (in ONE email) and I will submit it for you. But PLEASE only do this after you've failed to leave a comment. My email is: caseym.writer(@) 


  1. I would absolutely love this book, I mean look at the great cover.

    1. Thank you, Julie! I'm a little partial to the cover myself. ;-)

  2. I'd love to win! I'm a follower :)

    collettaskitchensink[at]yahoo[dot} com


  3. I think I have the first two in the series either on my Kindle or in PB. Would love to have number 3 so I could read them in order!

    I follow via GFC
    I am an e-mail subscriber


  4. I enjoyed this lovely interview with Elizabeth and would love to win a copy of TIDE AND TEMPEST!

    I am a blog follower.

    texaggs2000 at gmail dot com

    1. Glad you enjoyed it, Britney. Thanks for reading, and good luck!

  5. Oh gosh, so glad it is finally here . . . The Tide and Tempest! Thank you! Thank you for the opportunity to win the book too!
    I am a follower and a subscriber. : )

    1. (laughing) I feel the same way, Chris! :-)

      Good luck in the drawing.

  6. I have not read any of Elizabeth's books yet.T hank you for this post, as now I can look for her books. Tide And Tempest has a great cover, and the description sounds very interesting.
    Thank you I am subscriber and follower of this blog

  7. Enter me, please!


  8. I would love this book for my granddaughter.

    God bless you!

    email: epouseetmerebenie@gmail(dot)com

    1. sweet! I'm expecting my own granddaughter in first grandchild! Good luck.

  9. I've been hearing such great things about Elizabeth's books(including from you!), but I haven't read one yet. I need to! ;)

    bluerosesheart at yahoo dot com

  10. I forgot to add that I'm a follower.

    bluerosesheart at yahoo dot com

  11. Hooray! A brand new book from one of my favorite authors! I am also an email subscriber!
    kandrajane at bell south dot net

    1. Aww...thank you for that, Kandra! Good luck in the drawing.

  12. I am a follower!

  13. I am a subscriber!

  14. And I would love to read this book!

  15. Thanks for the interview, I'm sure it's hard to balance writing for God and also wanting to sell books. I've read positive reviews of this book so my interest is definitely piqued! Thanks for the giveaway.
    garfsgirl [at] hotmail [dot] com

    1. Hi, Lis. Thanks for stopping by! Good luck in the drawing.

  16. Sounds like a great book. Thanks for the giveaway! I am a subscriber.

  17. Entry for Janet E:
    Dear Casey,
    Please enter me in your giveaway for the book, "Tide and Tempest" by Elizabeth Ludwig.
    I know you have mixed feelings about moving but remember that God will be with you no matter where you go.
    Hope we can still swap books sometime.
    Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

  18. Casey, great interview with Elizabeth. I would love to read Tide and Tempest
    I am an e mail follower of your blog
    marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com

  19. Thanks for doing this giveaway. I've been wanting to read this series for a while! :)

    I subscribe via email.
    crazybooklover7 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  20. Would love to read this one! I'm a big fan of the suspense and romance combo in historical fiction. :-) I'm a follower.



Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)