Monday, April 14, 2014

A Beautiful Story ~ A Broken Kind of Beautiful by Katie Ganshert ~ Review

There are many reasons why, as a reader, I should not have cared for Ivy. Reasons I would agree with and could say she is not the easiest heroine to cuddle up with on a rainy day. But, to know Ivy, to read about her life, is truly to love her.

Characterization through this book was in a word: stellar. Davis is a rugged, tormented kind of hero. Wearing the weight of the world on his shoulders and yet holding a love for Ivy he cannot allow himself to express or explore. A hero who denies himself for the best of the heroine becomes a character every girl dreams after.

When characters are this complex, you can’t rush where they start the book to where they end it. Every moment must be believable and every moment was. The writing is rich and textured, layered with meaning and emotions, beauty and depth. The title is truly perfect for the book. Beauty is fleeting. Loveliness is here but a moment, the heart, the soul of a person, pure or rotten is lasting.

Ivy’s transformation is like the unfolding of a beautiful flower. But I think it was the power behind Davis’s forgiveness and heart transformation that tugged at my emotions the most.

Two thumbs up beginning to end. A truly beautiful story.

This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the author for my copy to review.

More about the novel...

Fashion is a fickle industry, a frightening fact for twenty-four-year-old model Ivy Clark. Ten
years in and she's learned a sacred truth -- appearance is everything. Nobody cares about her broken past as long as she looks beautiful for the camera. This is the only life Ivy knows -- so when it starts to unravel, she'll do anything to hold on. Even if that means moving to the quaint island town of Greenbrier, South Carolina, to be the new face of her stepmother's bridal wear line -- an irony too rich for words, since Ivy is far from the pure bride in white.



  1. This sounds like a very emotional read, and it's going on my list. Thanks for the great review. And isn't that a lovely cover? Wow.

    1. It is that! But an excellent one. Just as expected from Katie. :)

  2. Great review, Casey! I'm waiting for my copy to come in the mail!! LOVE Katie's writing!


    1. It's well worth it! So glad you have a copy on it's way. Don't let it languish on the TBR stack for long. :)

  3. What a beautiful review. I truly want to read this book now. I love Katie's writing already.


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