Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Excellent ~ Love Comes Calling by Siri Mitchell ~ Review

I don’t think I’ve giggled as much during a historical novel in quite some time. “Love Comes Calling” has an extremely memorable heroine in Ellis, an ADD young lady with the absolute best of intentions, but the biggest struggle in actually following through.

Written in first person, I think I laughed more in the scattered way of Ellis’s thinking more than anything. ADD was portrayed in the best way without being annoying in the presentation. Though there were moments, as a reader, I knew she was forgetting something which makes for a nervous moment during the reading. Ha!

History is well layered into the story blending well with the conflict surrounding prohibition, and don’t all historical fiction readers love a story surrounding the old switchboards and archaic phone system? Maybe it’s just me, but it’s rife with potential comedy and tension—which the novel had in spades.

I loved the love story. It’s sweet and simple, but breaks a cliché with our hero already in love with Ellis and Ellis running in the opposite direction—but you’ll have to read the book to find out why.

A truly enjoyable book, I read it in two days and loved every minute of it. Pure pleasure of historical fun.
This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the publishers for my copy to review.


            Dreaming of becoming an actress, Boston socialite Ellis Eaton captures Griff Phillips' attention.
But while filling in for a look-alike friend at the telephone exchange, she overhears a call that threatens Griff's safety. With handsome policeman Jack Flanigan investigating - and her heart in a muddle - will she discover what might be the role of a lifetime?


  1. So happy you enjoyed this book too! I just loved it. :)

  2. I'm reading this one now and loving it! Ellis is hilarious! So different from the historicals I'm used to. I haven't finished, but I'm sure I'll highly recommend it.

    1. Beyond hilarious! And yes, Siri writes a very unique historical. Have you read her She Walks in Beauty? It has a different feel from this one entirely, but it's my FAVORITE Siri book by far.

  3. I have read that one! It's my second favorite...after this one :)

    1. Oh good! Have you ever read her contemporary romances? The Cubicle Next Door is another one of my favorites.

    2. I haven't...I'll have to remedy that ;)


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