Friday, May 2, 2014

The Great Match-Making Game

Being single sometimes is just plain funny. I’m sure all the single ladies (put your hands up!) will agree with me on this statement—for one reason or another. Our friends have the best intentions (or so they say!) for our love lives, but don’t you sometimes just…wonder? Sometimes we just shake our heads and bite back that smile while pretending to be annoyed, but really are flattered and find the entire event funny. If not a little bit awkward.

 ahem. ;-) Being single often prompts all kinds of comments in emails, Facebook messages, chats with friends that they all know someone who would be perfect for you and if only they could introduce you to him (or her if the other way around)!

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Being single prompts the butt of many jokes, especially when you’re the youngest in a group of 9 other happily married women…

I love my friends in spite of all this, I really do. Even if some of their tactics sometimes make me squirm just a tad under the proverbial microscope.

Like…one time in a visiting church, my friends pushed in the direction of the young man in question and then proceeded to “find” directions on their smartphone while surreptitiously pointing said phone camera our direction and clicking away.

Or…the time my group of girlfriends (same unnamed group as mentioned above… ;-) conspired to leave me all alone with the object in question of the male variety. I cannot be held responsible for the flirtatious things that came out my mouth while forced into that situation. What is a girl to do when backed into the corner in front of a good looking guy?


They expect so much from me. ;-)

 And I won’t even go into all the comments made in fast and furious email exchanges and the quips made in person about marrying me off. Finding that perfect guy. And when I move, what should be the first thing on my agenda? Well finding Prince Charming of course. And of course this all comes with a healthy dose of advice on what to do, how to walk, what to say, what to wear and how fast I should flutter my eyelashes.

Oh my dear friends! I love them so for the advice and grief they do indeed give me. And yet, they would be the first ones to see the diamond on my left hand and the first ones I would squeal with when that happens. Even if my cross is so heavy in the meantime with their well meant attempts and unending teasing. ;-))

What are some of your best stories on how a friend has set you up? Was it an epic fail or the start of a great love story?


  1. Haha, this reminds me of probably the only time someone has tried to set me up. I was studying abroad for college and was attending a graduation at a girls' school my host parents help run. Before the graduation, there were several of us setting up for the event and preparing food, including several girls from the school. Two of the girls took it upon themselves to arrange marriages for myself and the other American college student I was living with. The girls decided that I should marry one of their brothers and Adrienne should marry the other girl's brother. I quite enjoyed listening to the girls' friendly argument about who Adrienne and I were each going to marry. Of course nothing came of it, but a stronger bond was formed that day between myself and my "sister-in-law" and her friend. :-)

    1. Doesn't it provide such great comic relief? I laugh more in these kind of situations (and blush more I know!) than most others. It's such fun to know people care enough about you to see you settled with a good guy. That is heart warming I admit. :)

  2. Oh girl, I remember your pain. Now that I am married I really try to not try to set my single friends up. Most of the time, those end in disaster!


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