Friday, June 27, 2014

The Saga to Making New Friends: Part 2

*to fully understand the follow up of this post, please read this one*

When I moved to Colorado, I made myself promise that I would get out there. Meet people. *big gulp*. I wasn’t going to lay on my bed every Saturday and Sunday afternoon and reading the latest Julie Lessman novel and just be content.

I wasn’t going to do that. I was going to walk into church, worship and not just walk out. And I asked you to hold me to that. So every time I walked into church and was told to greet someone I didn’t know on my way out (ie: everyone) I thought of that post. And the promise I made to actually do it. And every time I would suck in my stomach, take a deep breath, untangle my fingers from around my Bible and…keep on walking.


Old habits die hard.

So instead I took a baby step into the singles/college group. When you’re the new girl on the block, everyone notices when you walk through the doors. Everyone. But I introduced myself. Met a few people, enjoyed the Bible study and kept on walking out the door when it was all over.

I was mourning my situation with a dear friend. “Where have all the good young people gone?” Is no one interested in morals and living a pure life? Of walking in holiness with God? Not just calling yourself a Christian, but actually living your life for Jesus? I knew I wasn’t giving it enough time, but still the willingness to keep putting myself out there, unsure how other people viewed me, had my nerves in knots and my feelings on the fray.

I was ready to give up. Just say, you know what, this whole, “trying to get to know people my age is for the birds”.

But I couldn’t give up the class. Not yet. If nothing else, the lessons were good. And I was getting out. You never know what might come of that. So I kept going. Hoping, but not very hopeful.

But my promise kept pecking away in my mind.

So I went. One more time.

And God…blew me away.

Ah! I love this girl!
Sometimes you just never know how minute to minute in life how God changes things. So when I met Sarah… wow. God blew me away. I met someone who thinks like me. Loves to laugh like me. And is plenty of fun to talk seriously with and giggle over boys in the next breath.

And I’ve know her less than a month.

I’ve always heard this phenomenon called: “instantly clicked”. Never believed it would happen to me. Ever. I don’t make friends that easily. 

Wow the gift that this friendship has already been to me. I feel like I have years to catch up on and am so excited for the godly gift of a friend who lives what she believes. Who walks the walk, oh and yeah, likes hanging out with me too.

So this whole making new friends saga? I definitely vote yay. 


  1. This makes me SO happy!!!! I'm so proud of you for putting yourself out there...and so cool that you've met a kindred spirit it...and you!!!

    1. Me too, Julia! It's an amazing to have a friend like this--after basically a month! I wish I could bring her with me to ACFW or a AC retreat, because you all would seriously love her as much as I do!

  2. It made me smile to read this, dear girl! I love that you got an "instantly clicked" friend. I love those kind! :)

    1. I've NEVER had that, so I am still walking around in awe. God is simply amazing. I went back over my previous post to this one and God took all those things I said would never happen to me and blessed them beyond comparison. Wow.

  3. Okay, it's 8:15 AM in the morning, and I'm sitting here sobbing my guts out. Why? Well, it's true I slept late and am still sluggish because I've only had two sips of coffee, but the real reason is that one of the most precious people I know has FINALLY met a new friend in Colorado who sounds as special as her. YAY, GOD!! YAY, CASE!!

    I am SO proud of you and SO happy for both you AND Sarah because light DOES need light in a dark world, and I have a feeling you and she together are going to be a triple-watt lighthouse for the young people in CO, so you go, girls!!

    And although I USUALLY don't tell young women to ditch the book on weekends (smile ... especially if it's mine ... ;)), I am ECSTATIC at the prospect of you two powerhouses shining His light in CO and adding to your numbers until everyone you meet blinks and pulls out their shades. :)

    You just made my day, Case, and it's barely started. I think this may be close to a record of the earliest I've cried in a day ... ;)

    Hugs and more hugs,

    1. You know how much our email conversation impacted me, Julie?? You were the friend I was bemoaning too and ever since I stuck it out and truly met Sarah, I've been thinking about nothing less than that email exchange.

      She DOES shine Jesus and to talk with her is like talking to myself--we so many of the same things. Even down to little silly things like dislike hard boiled eggs. ;-) I feel like I have a lifetime of knowing her to catch up on, what a great problem to have!!

  4. So happy for you, Casey! Friends are treasures indeed!

    1. Thank you, Sue! I have always been blessed, especially amongst ACFW, but not truly with a face to face friend I get to see on a regular basis!

  5. This is SO awesome! Oh my word--I could tell an identical story--up to the finding a friend part--pretty much verbatim!

  6. This calls for my favorite phrase of joy: "hippy-skippy-chickie!!" !!!! Praise the Lord. I think it's a huge myth that friendship comes more easily for others than me. Sure, some struggle more, and I ache, literally ache over that. But, seriously Satan likes to take this and run with it. But you stuck it out because God is your anchor, your root, and firm foundation no matter what. There are millions, MILLIONS, of girls and women who slug through this stuff. All. The. Time. I'm so proud of you for sticking it out, and for being honest and "out there" about your story. I pray it will encourage another young lady out there somewhere sitting in a pew, hoping for a friend!

    1. oh poo. Autocorrect messed up my favorite phrase! Take two: "Yippee-skippy-chickie!" :)

    2. So do I, Anne! Because if I can do it, anyone can do it. Thank you for leaving your kind and encouraging comment! I have found my blogging one of the better ways to be honest and vulnerable--something I don't do very well in real life. I've learned a lot from those like you who take the time to comment. Thank you!

  7. Loved this Casey! When my BFF and I met there was an immediate click too--even if we were polar opposites! Truly God ordained. She has been a huge influence in my life that has brought too many blessings to count in the past 23 years. Love hearing of His faithfulness in your life!

    1. It was amazing how this worked out. Never, ever would have thought it was possible to connect with someone SO thoroughly as I have this girl. It's an awesome thing and just one more way to point people back to God and say "see what He did?!"


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