I started blogging 4 1/2 years ago.
Almost 5 years of putting my thoughts, promoting my favorite authors, and reviewing books all on this blogger platform.
Words that were delivered to your screen.
They carried my heart.
They carried my passion.
They were my passion.
Five years is a long time.
I have loved every. single. minute. of. it.
I wouldn't change or exchange any of those 1,000+ blog posts for anything.
I've grown.
You've watched me grow up.
You: my readers. My friends.
But reality has hit me with harsh winter coldness. I can't keep up. I can't maintain this site. I feel it falling down like a tired roof that has gone too long between repairs.
A huge, huge part of me thinks I can make this work. I can work harder. Stay up later. Get less sleep. Skip more social events. Anything to keep my doors open.
I can't.
I'm doing a disservice to you, my faithful readers. I'm doing a disservice to me, whose standards are so much higher than I have been able to reach in recent months.
And truthfully, I'm tired. My words aren't as full. My devotionals lacking--even failing to feed myself--the main audience I write them for. I'm unable to truly monitor my giveaway schedule and calendar. Right now I don't have the right words from God to share on this site, and others can say through their platform what might be on my soul, so much better.
I'm too serious about making a schedule work on my blog to simply let things slide to the wayside. And I have. And it's shown. Here on the blog and in my personal life as I try to make everything work and fit and happen.
This is far from good-bye for good, because I do not plan for it to be so. I still love blogging. It's still too much of my heartbeat to say this is it. So it's not.
But I want to cultivate dying friendships.
I want to become more involved with the community I've made here in Colorado.
I want to become more invested in my Virtual Assistant work to authors.
I want to play with my own novels once again after nearly two years separate.
I want to read.
I want 2015 to be the year that I stopped. Realized my passions and chased after them. Or if not, then I want 2015 to be the year I'm rejuvenated and re-acquainted with dreams and passions I've put aside--or tried to make fit when the time just wasn't there.
I love authors. Promoting them is my heartbeat in so many ways. I want to run full force into serving those around me and I can't do that the way I want to in my current commitments.
You'll still see me around should you care to. I'll be blogging the 2nd and 4th Friday of the month on Wonderfully Woven and every other Friday on The Writer's Alley, not to mention several guests posts throughout the coming year.
I'll be back.
This is not farewell. And it's far from good bye.
This just a season. A moment in time of resting. Of learning what I'm passionate about again.
Its exciting.
And heartbreaking.
But a good, good thing. Don't go too far away, okay? I'll be back. And I don't plan to fall out of touch.
You mean too much to me.
Thank you for these five years. I'm excited to see what is around the next bend in the road.
10 hours ago