Friday, February 27, 2015

Closing My Doors--For a Season

I started blogging 4 1/2 years ago. 

Almost 5 years of putting my thoughts, promoting my favorite authors, and reviewing books all on this blogger platform. 

Words that were delivered to your screen.

They carried my heart. 

They carried my passion. 

They were my passion. 

Five years is a long time. 

I have loved every. single. minute. of. it. 

I wouldn't change or exchange any of those 1,000+ blog posts for anything. 

I've grown. 

You've watched me grow up. 

You: my readers. My friends. 

But reality has hit me with harsh winter coldness. I can't keep up. I can't maintain this site. I feel it falling down like a tired roof that has gone too long between repairs. 

A huge, huge part of me thinks I can make this work. I can work harder. Stay up later. Get less sleep. Skip more social events. Anything to keep my doors open. 


I can't. 

I'm doing a disservice to you, my faithful readers. I'm doing a disservice to me, whose standards are so much higher than I have been able to reach in recent months. 

And truthfully, I'm tired. My words aren't as full. My devotionals lacking--even failing to feed myself--the main audience I write them for. I'm unable to truly monitor my giveaway schedule and calendar. Right now I don't have the right words from God to share on this site, and others can say through their platform what might be on my soul, so much better. 

I'm too serious about making a schedule work on my blog to simply let things slide to the wayside. And I have. And it's shown. Here on the blog and in my personal life as I try to make everything work and fit and happen. 

This is far from good-bye for good, because I do not plan for it to be so. I still love blogging. It's still too much of my heartbeat to say this is it. So it's not. 

But I want to cultivate dying friendships. 

I want to become more involved with the community I've made here in Colorado. 

I want to become more invested in my Virtual Assistant work to authors. 

I want to play with my own novels once again after nearly two years separate.

I want to read. 




I want 2015 to be the year that I stopped. Realized my passions and chased after them. Or if not, then I want 2015 to be the year I'm rejuvenated and re-acquainted with dreams and passions I've put aside--or tried to make fit when the time just wasn't there. 

I love authors. Promoting them is my heartbeat in so many ways. I want to run full force into serving those around me and I can't do that the way I want to in my current commitments. 

You'll still see me around should you care to. I'll be blogging the 2nd and 4th Friday of the month on Wonderfully Woven and every other Friday on The Writer's Alley, not to mention several guests posts throughout the coming year. 

I'll be back.

This is not farewell. And it's far from good bye. 

This just a season. A moment in time of resting. Of learning what I'm passionate about again. 

Its exciting. 

And heartbreaking. 


But a good, good thing. Don't go too far away, okay? I'll be back. And I don't plan to fall out of touch. 

You mean too much to me.  

Thank you for these five years. I'm excited to see what is around the next bend in the road. 


  1. Casey, I am sad to see you go. May this time be one of seeking His Heart. Enjoy the adventure into the glorious future He has for you.

    Blessings :)

  2. Oh, Case, I won't lie -- I will miss you -- A LOT!! I actually don't read a lot of blogs, maybe three or so? But yours is one of those three that I always made a point of checking out whether I made a comment or not. Not only because I love you, but because our hearts and our souls are in such beautiful rhythm together.

    But nobody understands this stepping away for a while better than me, after my 8-month sabbatical last year, which ended up being the very best thing I could have done, as I pray it will be for you too, my friend. May it be a season of growth and blessing and spiritual intimacy like you've never seen before!

    Love you and pray for you always!

  3. Awww it will be sad to see you go Casey! I have enjoyed reading your posts. Good luck with everything in your future. I will keep you in my prayers.
    I will have to pop over to those other blogs and check you out.

  4. Oh I'll miss your posts for sure my dear-but being a woman who "tries to do it all" myself, I totally understand. Good for you for recognizing it and I know God will lead you exactly where you need to go when you need to go there. Hope my blog is one of those guest ones ;) hehe!

  5. I've only recently discovered your blog, and it's so sad to see you go for a time. :-( But I admire your conviction and desire to do what you believe God is calling you toward. Looking forward to reading you again in the future (here?) and on the blogs you mentioned above.

  6. I'm praying for huge blessings over you!! This decision must have been hard. Love you!!

  7. Casey, May you have wonderful days, restful nights and plenty of fabulous I between.

  8. And I will always be grateful for your blog because it was my first step in meeting the wonderful ladies we know as the Alley Cats.

  9. You will be missed but I totally understand. And I know we will still be in touch. :)
    May the Lord shine upon you and give you peace, sweet Casey!

  10. So smart and wise to prioritize like this!! Although I'm secretly glad I personally don't have to miss you :)

  11. You are so sweet, sweet Casey, and I applaud you for making a hard decision! Saying "no" to something we love because it's the right thing is SO VERY HARD.

    I've said goodbye-for-now to a few things in my life lately for this same reason, and while it makes me sad, God has totally reminded me that I'm to pursue HIM with everything I am, and letting go of the things he is calling me to do, whether it makes "sense" or not, will make my life fuller and deeper and more enriching in the end.

  12. Awww, Casey, this is a bittersweet thing to read, but I'm happy for you at the same time. I admire your strength and honesty and humility. Your blog was one of the first ones where I felt like we were friends long before we met in person. :) You've been such an encouragement to me and I'm excited for you as you continue on this journey. Know that I'll be praying for you, my friend. I definitely want to keep in touch!! And I'm happy we'll still be seeing you on the other blogs.

    May this time be a refreshing and fun season for you. Isaiah 41:10 has been extremely encouraging to me lately.... "Fear Not. I am with thee." So glad the Lord guides our steps with His presence. Take care, writing pal!

  13. This is bittersweet for sure. I'm so glad it's not "good bye" just "see you in different places. I know it was an agonizing decision. Love you. Hugs!

  14. Sorry to hear that you're stepping back from your blog, but glad that you knew when you need a break and did so.

    I was literally just e-mailing a crit group I've been a part of for over a year and a half, saying that I needed to step away. It was hard but good. Following one's passions seldom lead you don't a strait path.

    Can't wait to hear about what else you're up to now. You better keep me posted on that stuff. Okay?! GRR. *makes tough guy face*


  15. Casey, I totally understand. A line from a book I recently read (You're Loved No Matter What, by Holley Gerth) popped in my mind after reading your post. Very fitting.

    'We live in a world with millions of words. Yet out of all those syllables and sentences, two little letters seem to hold the most power: “no.”'

  16. You have a great blog. I've often been impressed with your wisdom (especially since you are so young). I think it is showing that wisdom to be able to say that you need a break from the blogging. We all have seasons when we need rest from certain things. Best wishes to you as you pursue your other interests.

  17. Such a beautiful heart-wrenching post, Casey!! Thank you for your honesty, transparency and soul baring. It is those traits that I love in you, in addition to your humility and love for Christ. Like Julie - I have loved reading your blog posts, even though I didn't often comment - you are such a spiritually mature young woman. I applaud you for having the courage and wisdom to step back - I will continue to pray for you during your time of renewal and thank God for the blessings He has in store for you!! Love you!!

  18. May God bless you in all that you do. I will miss your blog and hope that you will return if or when you are ready.

  19. When I read a great book and, in the process turn a page, I find the continued story exciting. I also love to go back at times and revisit portions I've enjoyed. I have a feeling you will be back some time in the future and will have no problem kindling the fires here.

  20. I completely understand, Casey. Completely. I ended up closing my first blog because at some point I felt like I just wouldn't be able to make it. The overwhelmingness of it all was about to bury me alive. Air. Space. Time to rediscover. Silence. Those are some of the things (I realised afterwards) I desperately needed (and still do). May you find them, Casey, along with much more. Your blog was one of the very first Christian-Fiction-reviews blog I discovered about three years ago. Best wishes to you.

  21. I totally understand you stepping away. It is so hard sometimes to maintain a busy schedule and try to fulfill all the commitments one makes. I applaud you in being able to step away, to clear your schedule a little bit in order to pursue Him. Kudos to you dear Casey. Like Julie said, there aren't many blogs I read on a consistent basis but yours has always been one that I have stopped in at and picked up a pearl of wisdom from one who is wise beyond your years. May God richly bless you during this time Casey. Rest in Him and be refreshed.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  22. This is very educational content and written well for a change. It's nice to see that some people still understand how to write a quality post.

  23. God Bless You!


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