Friday, February 20, 2015

Go the Other Way

Casey here: you know how there are some people you meet and they just become instantly family? My friend Mary Agius, is one of these people. A fellow writer in Colorado Springs, I met her at an ACFW chapter meeting. You could say we connected over our mutual ability to snark and sass. I do love this woman. And her heart. And...and...and. I think you'll love her just as much as I do. I hope you enjoy her guest post today. :)

“Go the other way, dummy.”

These were the words that were spewed at my friend and I as we walked the mall one morning.

You see, the problem was, we were going the wrong way. At least according to that crotchety, old man.

Apparently there are unofficial “rules” to mall walking and the hardcores take them very seriously. But my friend and I? We specialize in doing things differently.

After a bout of cold weather, our daily walks had to be moved indoors, thus the mall walking. But the indoor mall doesn’t compare to beautiful Colorado scenery. So, after a short time, we grew bored and decided to try something new.

The regulars all walk counter clockwise, hugging the wall on their right - the same way we drive. So, even though there are no rules to do this, most people just follow suit, Why? Because apparently, that’s just the way it’s done.

So, for fun, we decided to go the opposite way? Why not? Except that you then walk straight at people. Most of them were pretty good natured and just laughed as we zigged around each other. Even a man with major arm muscles pushing his wheelchair.

Everyone except that one man.

As I contemplated his sentiments, I wondered why he would be so upset. What I came up with is this - he has small world syndrome. When we didn’t go with the flow, we caused a ripple in his life.

To me, he typified the world. Everyone is supposed to go this way, think this way, act this way. It’s just the way it’s done.

What happens when someone goes against the flow? Someone doesn’t think like them, talk like them, or act like them? It rocks their small world.

But the Bible says, do not be conformed to the world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. In other words, don’t just do whatever the world is doing. Go the other way.

When you do, a transformation happens.You see things you didn’t see before.You see the everyday things in a new light. As the verse above says, your mind is made new.

And with that fresh perspective, you have an opportunity to run into people and interact with them. When you do, be kind. Make their running in to you the best part of their day.

Sadly, as surely as the sun comes up, there will always be the others - those ready to oppose you for doing things differently.

But if Jesus could ask his heavenly father to forgive those who crucified him by saying, they know now what they do. We certainly can let go of being called a dummy by those lost in a small world.

Then stop and pray for them. Who knows what can happen when you do.

Today, cause a ripple in the flow. Choose to go the other way.

About Mary

I love the intricate beauty and fine detail of stained glass windows. The craftsman must have both the artistic skill to make a workable design and the creative perspective to fit those intricate pieces together. The beauty of each piece is highlighted by the selection of colors and style chosen, and that distinct variation makes each window panel a unique piece of art.

When put in place, the stained glass filters the light, shapes it and colors it in a multitude of ways.

God, the ultimate craftsman, has a unique design for each of us. The colored components that make me, me, are different than that the components that make you, you. But, the same Light illuminates the beauty of the design and tells a story through us.

Some of the hues and colors in my unique design are

Food fan. Wife of a crazy in love with me man. Wannabe gardener. COFFEE & DARK CHOCOLATE CONSUMER. Believer in walking, talking therapy. Crazy night time dreamer. Homeschool graduate mom. ADD brain struggler. Part time blogger. Sometimes known as Mild Mannered Missionary Mary.  SIMPLE SERVANT OF THE MOST HIGH GOD. Word of God lover.

I see the Master Craftsmans hand in every area of my life. He is muchlike the lead frame that holds the colors of my stained glass life together. Sometimes, my mind nearly combusts to take it all in. And that is why I write.

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and mighty things you do not know.”  Jeremiah 33:3

I desperately long to know the God of great and mighty things. And write His words. 


  1. We have a walking trail near our home. When we first moved here, my husband and I noticed the signs were backwards! You guessed it. We automatically walked clockwise. Hmmm... must be an every city thing, lol. Good for you! No one would ever be passing you like a racetrack going the same way. Stay individually as you are beautifully and wonderfully made; Psalm 139. Give out those smiles making someone's day out of their routine. :D Kathleen

  2. I too am a fan of stained glass. I loved your analogy. Very thought provoking.

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