The words of Marlo are being plastered on the Internet, but who is doing it? Who would have ever thought that little words could cause so much turmoil?
Listen was a page turning, occasionally bone chilling story. I was afraid when I started the book, it would be the author’s agenda to get across the evil of gossip, but rarely was that word even used. And though the author wanted to make a point, she never preached it, masterful storytelling.
But I also had a few problems with the book. Several transitions were very poorly done, to where I was searching, not knowing if I had missed something. I felt like I was watching lives unfold, which was great storytelling, but in that unfolding some little details were left dangling and I was a bit confused. I would have liked a stronger Christian message, but in the end the transformation was complete in the characters, I just would have liked to see more of it throughout the book
Altogether, I really enjoyed this book. It was a great mystery that had me completely in the dark until the very end. Good writing and a gripping story. I give it a thumbs up 4/5 stars.
According to FTC rules: I recieved this book from Vicky at Tyndale Publishers for purposes as an influencer- thank you!
2 days ago
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