Monday, February 28, 2011

Giveaway and Author Interview: Lady in the Mist

**this is not a book giveaway, please read to the bottom of the post for information on how to win a Lady in the Mist product.**

Welcome to Writing for Christ, Laurie Alice Eakes, it is great to have you here! Do you have an interesting fact about yourself the average reader probably doesn’t know?

This is tough to answer, since a lot about me is online and not sure how much I should share. So I’ll say this at the encouragement of a friend—I’ve been legally blind since birth, which has gotten worse due to glaucoma. When I write, I use a screen reader. I still have to type; my computer talks to me.

What surprised you the most about being a published author?

How much time I have to spend not writing, but filling out forms and marketing, even though my publisher, Baker/Revell does amazing marketing for me.

Do you have a favorite genre to read/write?

I prefer historical fiction, especially historical romance, and love an element of suspense.

When you aren’t writing or interacting with fans, what do you enjoy doing?

Hanging out with my husband and/or friends, talking about life and the world and everything, watching movies, traveling, going to the beach.

Do you have a nugget of writing advice that has completely changed how you view writing?

Organize. I can’t say enough about the importance of planning the story ahead. When I have to write three novels and two novellas in a year, those outlines are gold to me.

What do you enjoy most about being a published author?

I love connecting with new people and have such an opportunity to do so. It gives me the chance to tell others how amazing God has been in my life.

What do you like readers to take away from your books?

A better understanding of the love God has for us. And pure entertainment and feel good, too.

Places for readers to learn more about you?

A gazillion blogs, but I’m also on Facebook and have a web site and blog. has a pretty lengthy bio and has tidbits about my life now and then.

Thank you for being with us today!

Thank you for having me.

As I mentioned at the beginning, this will be your chance to win either a mug or tote with the image of Lady in the Mist printed on it (I have one such mug and it is quite nice)

Please leave an email address. If I draw your name and there is no email, you will not win!

For extra entries:
~Be a follower
~Be a subscriber

Contest is only open in the U.S. and void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items for said prize.

Thanks for coming by to enter! Contest ends on March 12th.

**Contest Now Closed**

Friday, February 25, 2011

Cold Call Friday with Mary Connealy!

Welcome Mary, to your “Cold Call” interview!!  For those of you who don’t know what the “Cold Call” feature is, at the beginning of the month I have a poll, the winning author you then get to interview!! Mary Connealy won this month’s vote and I am thrilled to present her here with YOUR questions. Without any further ado, heeeerrrre’s Mary!
                What is your favorite funny movie?
                While You Were Sleeping. Best Romantic comedy movie EVER—just possible best MOVIE ever. If you haven't watched it you MUST DO SO. Sandra Bullock, Bill Pullman, every scene, every word is absolutely charming.
                What’s your favorite book you’ve written and why?
                 I think writing Sharpshooter in Petticoats was the most fun I ever had. I just loved pulling all those characters together out of my other books and have them all come together at the end.
                How many hours a day do you spend writing?
                Two, three, four, five. I write a thousand words a day, seven days a week. I don't pay that much attention to time.
                If you could jump into a fictional romance with one of your book’s heroes, which hero would it be?
                You know, Casey, this seems kinda WRONG. Like I'm cheating on my husband. What's worse, YOU TOLD ME TO. Shame on you. I've got to say Red Dawson. He is the perfect man. All other men should change to be exactly like him immediately. A character in a book needs conflict, they need spiritual growth, they need quirks and flaws.
                (a-hem, Mary that wasn’t ME asking that. Blame SHERRINDA! )
                Red doesn't have too many of these. But Cassie was just so vulnerable in that book I felt like she HAD to have Red's rock steady strength in order for her to grow into the woman God meant her to be. He had red hair and he could lose his temper, but even that he had pretty well under control. Ah, Red. Such a sweetie.
                What is the funniest, strangest or coolest interview question you’ve ever been asked?
                This is really hard. Which one of your readers suggested this question? Whoever it is, needs a time out, right now.
                (Casey again: RENEE! (steelergirl))
                 I'm having a mental breakdown trying to think of something. I think Lena Nelson Dooley asks questions like: If you were an animal, what animal would it be. (ans. Deer looking into the headlights of an oncoming semi) Or maybe: If you were a tree would you rather be chopped up or fed through a buzz saw. You know, kinda strange yet intriguing….I might've made that last question up.
                What made you fall in love with and want to write about cowboys?
                When I got my first book published I had twenty finished books on my computer. In those twenty books was almost everything. Mostly all romance, but within those parameters, suspense, sweet, western, gothic. There came a point in my writing life where I just started thinking: "Look, no one is going to publish this stuff, I may as well entertain myself." So I wrote whatever appealed to me and the historical westerns hit. Then Barbour Publishing bought one and it sold well and they asked for another one and said, "What else have you got like this?"
                I've sold ten of those twenty books now. Mostly all romantic comedy with cowboys. But the thread that runs consistently through all the work, even the suspense, is comedy. I think of myself as a writer of romantic comedy more than westerns. But maybe the westerns hit because I really loved doing them. I just love slapping a Stetson on a man's head and giving him a drawl. I love thinking of how strong women needed to be to survive in the frontier west. So maybe the fun of that comes through in a special way. Add to that, my husband is a rancher and I'm a lifelong country girl myself. I can bring a lot of authenticity to the books.
                Places to connect online with you?

** Friday's note: The winner of Love Turns the Tide by Gail Pallota is...Debbie!**

Thursday, February 24, 2011

What I've Read (and Revell Tour): Angel Sister by Ann H. Gabhart

This is a story of blame on multiply levels. And when blame gets passed around consciously or unconsciously, it usually takes a shock to the character’s lives to change their worldview.

That is what I liked about this story. Little Lorena Birdsong is the shock to a family ravaged by drink, past mistakes and a future that only seems to be swallowing them whole.

While I enjoyed that aspect of the story, I had a hard time keeping interest. There was a great deal of “backlog” for the good first half of the book. It didn’t affect how I viewed the characters or their history. The tension seemed to be lacking in a lot of areas until it got closer to the end, then it picked up, but chapter endings tended to end too easily, not gripping my interest.

Now I will say, that the reason I kept reading was because I wanted to know how Victor ended his drinking problem. It did come to a good conclusion and I was charmed by sweet Lorena. She brought a spark to the story and her situation kept me invested.

So while this book hasn’t been my favorite, I have seen other readers who enjoyed it. I would suggest gleaning from other reviews before settling solely on my opinion.

This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the publishers for my copy to review.

Available February 2011 from Revell, a division of Baker publishers.

Special Giveaway and Interview: Singing in Babylon

Welcome to Writing for Christ, Ann Gaylia O'Barr, it is great to have you here! Do You have an interesting fact about yourself the average reader probably doesn’t know?
I worked for the U.S. State Department, mostly in the Middle East, for fourteen years. My work included child custody cases of American children of mixed American/foreign marriages in which the child had been taken by the foreign parent. I also visited American citizens in foreign jails. In a couple of cases, I worked with Americans killed/injured in terrorist attacks.

What surprised you the most about being a published author?
How much difficulty I would have with the question of genre in marketing my novels. SINGING IN BABYLON, for example, has romance, but it’s more of a love story than a romance, and the love story is only one force which shapes the characters. It’s really about a Christian woman who accepts a job in Saudi Arabia and grows through experiences with other Christians there, including a journalist with whom she falls in love.

Do you have a favorite genre to read/write?
I read almost any genre as long as the characters are intriguing. I like Lisa Samson’s books, and the Mitford series by Jan Karon, and Gilead by Marilynne Robinson. I also enjoy Susan Meissner and Jack Cavanaugh.

My novels always have a love element, but they usually include other issues as well. For example, Kate, the female protagonist in SINGING IN BABYLON, sees her faith stretched, when, for the first time in her life, she cannot worship openly as a Christian. Philip, the male protagonist, deals with guilt from his past and his inability to forgive himself for a particular period in his life. The stories deal with the characters rather than a particular genre.

Obviously, my experiences working for the U.S. State Department, mainly in the Middle East, color my writing. My characters often are awakened by meeting people of other cultures for the first time or, for whatever reason, are jolted out of their comfortable, domestic life in the U.S. My niche, I think, deals with characters in global professions (journalists, teachers, diplomats, and so on).

When you aren’t writing or interacting with fans, what do you enjoy?
My husband and I hike on the Puget Sound island where we live. We enjoy getting together with family and close friends. We belong to a village church, two book groups, and a "fireside discussion" circle. I also try to work out regularly at the local Curves.

Do you have a nugget of writing advice that has completely changed how you view writing?
I have an "inspiration" folder that I read every day. Included is a column from Lin Johnson, an editor for Christian Communicator, which states: "And if God has called us to write, we must obey that call. We’re not content until we do so."

In some cases, perhaps the writing is a step to some other call, but if God has called us to write, we have to do it, through good and bad, depression and joyousness.

What do you enjoy most about being a published author?
When people tell me they couldn’t stop reading my book or that a character has turned them on, I’m so grateful to God, and it’s encouraging to conclude that I haven’t been wasting those hours in front of the computer.

What do you like readers to take away from your books?
The same things I like to take away from a book: the pleasure of an upbeat story well-told with characters I’d like to keep on knowing and which, as a bonus, may point me in the direction of God’s great themes of courage, redemption, and forgiveness.

Because of my background working overseas in countries where Christians are a minority, I’d also like to stretch the minds of American Christians with an awareness of the rest of the world, much of which doesn’t share our convictions. Through my blogs as well as my novels, I consider world events from a Christian perspective.
Places for readers to learn more about you?
I recently started a blog to provide a forum for Christians interested in discussing issues raised in my books. These include the calling of the Christian in a world of many cultures. What’s our response to the global events that rock the evening news? Our country has an increasingly secular viewpoint. How do we earn the right to influence?

My web site is: or you can email me at

Thanks for being here Ann!

Okay, readers here is your chance to win Ann's novel, Singing in Babylon

Please leave an email address. If I draw your name and there is no email, you will not win!

For extra entries:
~Be a follower
~Be a subscriber
Contest is only open in the U.S. and void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items for said prize.

Thanks for coming by to enter! Contest ends on March 11th.

** Contest Now Closed**

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Becoming a Proverbs 31 Wife

*You can read last week's post here*

She selcts wool and flax, and works with eager hands. She is like the merchant ships, bringing her food from afar. She gets up while it is still dark: she provides food for her family and portions for her servant girls.

This is probably one of my more favorites sections of Proverbs 31, probably because I like to knit, I like to feel the wool slide through my fingers and know that someone in my family will enjoy this item. I love to cook and to know that the people are well fed and enjoy what I have created. This is section of this chapter that speaks most to me, I think, because I am pretty down to earth, I like to work with my hands and provide for those I love with things that will sustain them, keep them warm and know they are loved.

The mother/wife role is a nurturing one. When the child has a scraped knee, when a hug is soothing, when a hard day needs to be vented, our moms seem to be the ones we go to. I think of my mom in this role. I can't tell you how many times I have come to her to vent. Sometimes those words need to leave our chest with no fear that in the end they will ever leave the confines of those listening. Sometimes it just takes talking it aloud that brings it into perspective.

She has the entire care of her household in her hands and I think that on a great deal of levels is overwhelmning to women. I don't know how to knit! I hate cooking! What I am to do? My mom hates to cook too, my dad loves it. Doesn't mean their roles are reversed in this case, it just means one compensates for the other's weaknesses. What a good marriage is about.

So when you have areas in your life where you aren't good at something, what compensates for that? My mom loves doing the laundry, we have never been without clean clothes and our home is tidy.

The wife is the nurturer, the one who takes the physical needs her husband has provided and turns them into a home that is welcoming to return to. To a place where all the hurts are loved away, the hugs freely shared and the joy of life is explored. So while a wife probably has the hardest job created, she has the most fulfilling one.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Save the Date! Making My Favorite of 2011 List!! (and review)

This week, the
Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
is introducing
Save The Date
Thomas Nelson (February 1, 2011)
Jenny B. Jones

I write Christian fiction with a few giggles, quite a bit of sass, and lots of crazy. My novels include the Katie Parker Production series and So Not Happening. I would also like to take credit for Twilight , but somewhere I think I read you’re not supposed to lie.
When I’m not typing my heart out (or checking email), I teach at a super-sized high school in Arkansas.

My students are constantly telling me how my teaching changes their lives and turned them away from drugs, gangs, and C-SPAN.
Okay, that’s not exactly true.
Some facts that are true include:
I've always been refined!

A. I got my camera confiscated by big boys with guns at the American Embassy in Europe this past summer. O la la!

B. I once worked in a seed mill office and cleaned out mice on a regular basis. Ew.
C. I’m a former drama teacher.

D. I didn’t pass my drivers test the first time. Or the second…

E. I attract stray animals like a magnet.
F. I used to assemble and test paint ball guns for a local factory...

Since my current job leaves me with very little free time, I believe in spending my spare hours in meaningful, intellectual pursuits such as:

-watching E!

-updating my status on Facebook

-catching Will Ferrell on YouTube and

-writing my name in the dust on my furniture

I’d love to hear about you, so drop me a note. Or check me out on Facebook.
You’re invited to the engagement of the most unlikely couple of the year.

When the funding for Lucy’s non-profit job is pulled, she is determined to find out why. Enter Alex Sinclair, former professional football star and heir of Sinclair Enterprises—the primary donor to Lucy’s Saving Grace organization. Alex Sinclair has it all . . . except for the votes he needs to win his bid for Congress. Both Lucy and Alex have something the other wants. Despite their mutual dislike, Alex makes Lucy a proposition: pose as his fiancée in return for the money she desperately needs. Bound to a man who isn’t quite what he seems, Lucy finds her heart – and her future – on the line.
Save the Date is a spunky romance that will have readers laughing out loud as this dubious pair try to save their careers, their dreams . . . and maybe even a date.

If you would like to read the first chapter of Save The Date, go HERE

My Review:
I expected big things from this book.

Every single one was fulfilled to the utmost! The hero is hunky, the heroine, a bit clutzy, but how she sees the world, gives it a skewed, humorous tint. The plot is perfectly laid out and when I thought the author had used her bag of tricks right away to make it worse, something happened to put Lucy and Alex more at odds.

I love marriage of convenience stories, but this was an engagement of convenience. Great angle! You just about can’t get a better contemporary hero than Alex, my goodness I just about swooned while reading. The emotional tug-a-war between Lucy, Alex and her old boyfriend Matt was played perfectly and without clichéd drama. The dialogue- wowza! Snappy, quick witted and oh so good. I wanted to read it over just to taste the emotion again.

I don’t know what was up between Clare and Julian, but I got more than one chuckle out of those two, my favorites! Clare’s “bucket list” and Julian’s snarky comments wouldn’t be able to fly in any other book, but was perfect here in just the right situation. I plain loved it.

I’m a fan of Jenny B. Jones. Pass the back list, because I intend to go read more!

This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the publishers through CFBA for my copy to review.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Giveaway and Author Interview: Love Finds You in Tombstone, Arizona

Welcome to Writing for Christ Miralee Ferrell, it is great to have you here! Do you have an interesting fact about yourself the average reader probably doesn’t know?

I’ll toss out a couple, as it may depend on how many blog interviews your readers have seen on whether they’ve caught these little things or not. One, my husband and I owned and raised two cougars/mountain lions for a number of years. Neither was taken from the wild but were several generations in captivity. I do NOT recommend it for the average person. My husband spent hundreds of hrs studying and learning what was best on how to feed, house and handle the big cats. It was an awesome experience we’ll never forget.
Two, I used to love to oil paint—mostly scenery—but don’t have much time for it anymore.
Three, we lived in Alaska for a year and got to land on a glacier and in a plane on skis.

What surprised you the most about being a published author?

Everything, LOL! This isn’t something I’ve wanted to be all my life, or had any clue what it entailed prior to starting my own career. I went into it completely blind and every single thing I’ve learned has been a revelation. My husband has often asked me if I’d do it all over again if I knew in advance how much hard work it would be, and how much patience would be required and I answered a resounding YES! I love it all, even the hard things. They’ve stretched me and made me grow as a person, and helped me trust God even more.

Do you have a favorite genre to read/write?

My reading is all over the board. I love historical romance as long as the romance isn’t ‘in your face’ or over the top (it has to be believable). I love mystery and suspense, I love a well written fantasy or medieval story, and I love contemporary fiction with a light touch. Oh…and give me a good Western written by someone like Zane Grey and I’m in heaven. He was my inspiration for my own historical novels….three that are set in the old west. I’d have to say that’s my favorite genre to write.

When you aren’t writing or interacting with fans, what do you enjoy doing?

Hanging out in the spring and summer with my husband or daughter. Unfortunately our son & his wife don’t live close by, but our daughter and her husband own adjoining acreage. She and I often have lunch together and when the weather is good take our dogs on walks and ride our horses on the awesome logging trails nearby. My husband and I enjoy working in the garden together, and when we can find time, taking our boat out or going fishing. Our newest thing we like to do together is travel to the location of a new book and research the area. He’s always hoping I’ll set a book someplace we haven’t been that he’d enjoy visiting.

Do you have a nugget of writing advice that has completely changed how you view writing?

I’d have to say ‘enjoy the process and quit worrying about perfection’.  My son is trying to write and can’t seem to get the first chapter written. He wants it to be perfect and I’m encouraging him to just WRITE, and quit second guessing himself every sentence. Let the words flow, let the story develop—you can always go back and make changes when necessary.

What do you enjoy most about being a published author?

Hearing from readers who have been touched by my work. I got a letter from a young woman whose life was changed after reading my debut novel, The Other Daughter. SHE was the other daughter of her dad—a man she didn’t meet until she was over 30, and when she did she discovered a step mom who hadn’t known about her and found it difficult to accept her. The stepmom was given a copy of my book. She read it and passed it along to the girl. They ended up talking about the emotional points and how they related to their own situation, and before it was over they were hugging and crying. If a book can bring healing or joy to a reader’s life, then I’ve accomplished what I set out to do.

What do you like readers to take away from your books?

Something they can apply to their own lives. I try not to preach in my books, but they all have a solid spiritual thread woven throughout. It might be acceptance, redemption, forgiveness, trust—there’s always a theme and a message, as well as strong values and Godly principles. Of course I want the reader to be entertained by the story and to remember the characters, but I pray that even in a historical romance, they’ll end up gleaning something they can use as their own.

Places for readers to learn more about you?

A couple of places—my web site has the most personal info (family pictures, pics of the places we’ve visited to research my books, my journey into writing, etc) which is  

My blog, where I occasionally feature other authors’ books and do a free book drawing, or just chat about my life. You can find me at

Or Facebook, where I have both a profile page and a reader’s group. The profile page is   I’d love to meet any of your readers at any of those places!
Thank you for being with us today!             
Thank you for having me, Casey. I’ve enjoyed it!!!
Okay readers, here is your chance to enter to win Miralee's latest book!

Please leave an email address. If I draw your name and there is no email, you will not win!

For extra entries:
~Be a follower
~Be a subscriber

And an EXTRA one:
~Read and then rate this review. Please return to this post to leave a comment telling me you have done so. Thanks!

Contest is only open in the U.S. and void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items for said prize.

Thanks for coming by to enter! Contest ends on March 5th.

** Contest Now Closed**

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Music to Encourage and Inspire on Your Sunday

Every time I hear this song on KLOVE I turn it up loud and sing it for my King on high. Such perfect words! I encourage you to take a moment and be uplifted.

Shawn McDonald's Closer

Friday, February 18, 2011

Symbolism and Grace in 'The Bridge of Peace' by Cindy Woodsmall

The metaphor of this story is what grabs me every time I read this book and this is the second time I have done so. The symbol of the “bridge” between two of the characters always makes me take a moment and savor the power of it.

There are several of such moments in this book, I wish I could share them all, but you’ll have to read the book to find them. Suffice it is to say I stop, dwell on the words, their rhythm and impact.

I love how Cindy’s books move with a very easy quality. There aren’t a lot of hundred dollar words, but she paints a picture of life in an Amish community that could very easily be any other community amongst you and I.

All the plots in this book make it an interesting read, but never a confusing one. Lena, Grey, Cara, Deborah, Jonathon, they all are painted with depth and precision and I am looking forward to book three getting here in a few months. It promises a fabulous conclusion. I would suggest reading this series in order.

I think above all the story is a prevailing one. It speaks to the heart with the characters and the words that make them dance across the page.

This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the publishers for my copy to review.

You can read the first chapter here
Purchase on Amazon and CBD

The 'Stuff of Life' Friday

It's Friday!!!

I am most assurdly like Julie Lessman when it comes to Fridays. Bring. Them. On!! I spend just as much time on my computer, I do just as much work, but it seems to be more relaxed with the hope-filled promise that the weekend is near.

Half Way There!!

I crested 45,000 words on my WIP this week. Wow, what a gift that was. I'm not churning out ten grand a week like I did on my last WIP and I even go so far as to struggle to hit 2500 in a day, so to hit THAT this week is pretty dog gone exciting.

Coming Soon

I promised a series on purity before marriage, in body, mind and spirit and I haven't forgotten! I have my guests all lined up and the date is tentatively set for the first week of April. I think you are really going to like this series and the stories that will come out it.

On the Alley

I blogged yesterday on The Writer's Alley about The Perfect Proposal Plan and I shared a story about how my Daddy proposed to my Mama. Check it out if you get the chance!

I will also be guest blogging on Reflections in Hindsight on Saturday about my minstry over at OEA and what has been happening lately. Hope you can stop on by and say "hi!"

In My Mailbox: 2/14/11

I trade with Powells. An online bookstore and the other week I got to use my store credit (with free shipping) and got THIS in my mailbox on Monday. What a fun, fun treat! I can't think of anything better to get in the mail on a cold, windy day.

What Do You Like?

I know what I like to blog about, but do you have any ideas that you think would be enjoyable? I would enjoy your feedback and and input, as my readers, I would like to know that you are finding what you enjoy reading on my blog. More series, post on writing, devotionals? I'm always open to new ideas as sometimes the creativity moves slowly in my gray matter... more heads are better are one! *smile*

I Have Winners!! (Lotsa Winners!!)

I think I have a total of three, bear with me...

The winner of a bit of time shared to peek at her "edgy romance" is..


(Joy, if you see this before I get the chance to email you, go ahead and email me 10 pages)

The winner of Love Finds You in Golden, New Mexico is...


And the winner of Save the Date by Jenny B. Jones (which I loooooved, btw) is...


One Question Friday

I have read some great books lately, one of my favorites this year so far as been Save the Date by Jenny B. Jones, sooo good! So my question for you, what's the last great book that you read?

*credit for this question title goes to Wendy over at Thoughts that Move

Have a Great Friday!!

Next Friday is Cold Call with Mary Coneally, don't miss it!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Homemaker's Edition: Nexxt 4 Piece Shelve Set from CSN Stores

A while back I was approached by CSN stores to do a review of one of their products. So it was with excitement that I browsed through the archives of their 200+ stores until I found something I really liked. The Nexxt 4 piece shelf set.

What I am so pleased with using CSN is a great deal of their items have free shipping. It does relieve a bit of the "wonder" while shopping. I ordered my shelves at the end of January and about a week and a half later they were shipped. The shelves came UPS and took 8 days to get to me. I was surprised at the time it took to get my item, but then I guess I shouldn't complain, it was coming free shipping.

The box arrived in good shape and I eagerly pulled them out. Now the fun hang them up! I had the perfect wall in mind. A beige wall and I thought the white would look great against the beige.

My dad is a skilled carpenter and does a great deal of work with his hands. He thought the shelves were good quality, a molded plastic, but not something you would want to put a great deal of weight on. He appreciated the metal braces and said it would give it great renforcement. The one thing he did not like were the screw anchors the shelves came with. They aren't of the finest quality, so new ones were purchased and we did have to get new screws to fit the anchors. A minimul expense, and really the only downside to the shelves.

They were hung, I filled with them the little knick nacks I had around the room and I LOVE it! It brightens the entire room, gives a depth to the wall and a cozy feel. The depth of the shelves are a bit shallow, so not everything fits on them, but it seems to have worked well so far. I am definitely happy with my purchase.

**Thanks to CSN stores for a $40 gift code to purchase this item in exchange for a review. It did not affect my opinion in the least.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A New Series: Proverbs 31

The final section of Proverbs talks a great deal of the wife and the wife's duties. Not being married, it is my utmost priority to learn to be that godly wife before the time comes where I will step into that role. This series is every bit as much for me as it is written for you. Over the next several Wednesdays, join me as I journey through Proverbs 31:10-31 and the lessons to be gleaned.

Epilogue: The Wife of Noble Character

A wife of noble character, who can find? she is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life.
Proverbs 31:10-12

What always strikes me about this phrase, is she bring him good not harm. What does that mean exactly? It means she values who he is. She has utmost respect for him and in that respect she brings him good and not harm, all the days of her life.

That is a long time! I can imagine how difficult it must be at times to truly respect your spouse. But I must think of the joy it brings the wife to show respect to her husband as the head of her household. We are instructed in scripture to honor our husbands and give them our respect, though this isn't to be confused with groveling.

I am blessed to be raised in a home where my mom is very respectful of my dad. That isn't to say she doesn't get frustrated with him at times. *grin* But she has been a supreme example of what being submissive means.

I was reading a Journal Jot from Julie Lessman recently and she often speaks of her deep love for her husband. And recently he asked her to cut back on her jots and spend more time with her family. As hard as that is for her favorite reader, I had to have utmost respect for her as she submitted to her husband's request-- and in that submission it has brought her great joy.

She was giving him good and not harm all her life long and her jot this last Friday was along those same lines. Visit her jot feature to see what I mean.

Relationships that are solidly based on the Word of God and the husband as the head of the household sets up an example of the wife being the helpmate to her husband. Where she can bring him good and not harm and he can have full confidence in her.

What inspiration to aspire to!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Stories That Never Fade: The Meeting Place by T. Davis Bunn and Janette Oke

It’s the third time I have picked up “The Meeting Place” by the talented duo of Bunn and Oke and it’s like I’ve never read it before. The story remains fresh and vibrant across the years since it was first published to just last night when I closed the cover on the final page.

Every good story is about a relationship, a love story. Not a romance, but love. Love between friends, child and parent, a husband and wife, a love for country. “The Meeting Place” has this and so much more. I am always drawn in by the depth of research that must have gone into this book, the landscape becomes another character, especially the meadow where Louise and Catherine meet.

The characters in their actions, their struggles and their determination against a time that must have felt every bit as uncertain as our own, makes them extremely endearing to me. Which I think is one of the reasons I love this book, it doesn’t matter that it was based three hundred years ago. It could have happened today and I can only hope to face such trials with the grace of the Robichauds and Harrows.

It goes without saying that this book has more than impact, it has spirit, valor, heart wrenching moments, moments of forgiveness and crossing boundaries no one would have thought passable.

It is a story that retains its freshness and beauty long after the final page has been turned. What else could you expect from such a talented writing team?

Monday, February 14, 2011

'Seasons of Love' Blog Party!!!

** Don't forget to visit Amber for the complete list of all of us paticipating in the blog hop.**


Rose petals...



And maybe a bit of PDA. *wink*

One of my most popular genres alive in the fiction world today is romance. It really doesn't take any particular "why", just the fact that people want to know LOVE!

The love between a parent and child.

The love of a spouse.

The love of CHRIST for His church. How blessed we are to be able to know that Christ loved us so much He died on the cross for us. And may that be what we remember above all else this day, to celebrate the presence of His LOVE in our lives.

May we not become lost in the who forgot to send a Valentine. May we not become caught up in the superfical, but may we be reminded and found so IN LOVE with the love of Christ.


Leave a comment sharing a bit of your love story for a chance to win this book (if you don't have a love story, you can still enter, so no worries! It's just a fun time to share)

And the winner of Kristin Billerbeck's A Billion Reasons Why is...


(dancealert...) Brenda, you have been emailed, so be on the lookout!

The winner of Love Finds You in Golden, New Mexico will be announced on Friday's post.

And also, all this week and next on the Alley we will be celebrating LOVE!! Sure to have some really fun posts.