Friday, April 11, 2014

Adventures in Singledom

What’s more fun than experiencing an awkward singles night? Why, blogging about it of course. Because if one can’t laugh at one’s circumstances, one might as well have company to link arms with and share the laughter.

I’ve never attended a singles group before. Being from a small town where I wasn’t involved with any of the local churches (see this post), this whole concept was one I was familiar with, and yet foreign at the same time. But getting together with a singles group? Sounds like a great way to get out and meet new people in an area I’m not familiar. Plus,
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one single girl can never be too willing to get out in safe environments and actually meet guy—people. *wink* *wink*

Oh, was I in for a surprise.

Let me preface this by saying I was forewarned, but I’m getting ahead of myself and a good storyteller never jumps ahead of the dramatic curve.

But let me just ask something: does this kind of stuff only happen to me?? (some of you might remember this story where the guy asked for my number at the barn dance. I’m obviously a magnet for these kind of encounters…)

So imagine me: Saturday night. New church (which I really like, I might add). Nice jeans. Cute “Life is Good” purple jacket. Hair down. I’m ready for a good time. I park in the church parking lot, pass a few people leaving from the Saturday afternoon service, greet the preacher on his way out the door. I navigate my way to the room where the singles are gathering (without getting lost—things are looking great!).

I pause in the doorway. Yep, there is the sticker with my name on it. I slap it on my purple sweatshirt and tentatively step into the room. Did I find the wrong room? I glance down at my tag. Nope, that’s my name.

Except…everyone in this single’s group could…could be my parents. And my grandparents. And….my great grandparent.

I was the youngest member of the single’s game night by (wait for it)…seventy six years.

I’m not kidding.

Okay, maybe I am a little bit. He was the father of the lady coordinating the event. But still.

A few grins, a few winks, a few shoulder nudges as the new girl on the street corner of the singles group. So I chatted, stuffed a brownie in my mouth, played a few games, chipmunked my cheeks with a cookie, played another game and then it was time for yep, you guessed it ice breakers.

You know the ones. Where you stand in a line and hold hands and pass a hula-hoop across your body and linked hands without breaking the line? So that was actually a game and not an ice breaker, but it might as well have been the icing on the evening.

My hands are usually always clammy. It’s not fun. It’s not pleasant. It just is what it is with me. Period. And well…standing there, holding hands, as we closed out this fun and yet-oh-so-awkward evening, one of the attendees turns to me and says, “your hands are sweaty”.

Why yes, sir they are. I prefer clammy, personally, but whatever.

All fun and games aside and lest you think it was a horrible and traumatic experience, it was a good evening. A fun time of laughter and games and I’m glad I went. But let me ask this question again: do things like this only happen to me? Because I’m starting to think that’s the case.

I’m single. Proud of it actually, though I look forward to the day I get to marry “Mr. Right”. But until that day, I’ll plan on having fun and sharing these awkward, interesting, laughable events. Because hey, one can’t be alone in their awkward singleness can they?*

Just, next time, I’ll look for that asterisk that is next to the word “singles” and hope I find one that is actually more around my age range.

*please note this event happened before I wrote this post. I could very well be traumatized for life in putting myself out there for these potentially awkward situations that I seem to attract.


  1. My elder brother spent a couple years going to a singles group where the youngest folk could be our parents (so it's not just you) - but he had a blast, and they went around doing all sorts of fun things across the state and beyond. So yeah, no potential mates, but a fun group of people!

    1. I am hearing that more and more as I am now living in the "big city". It's not an abnormal thing, I don't think. But it was a funny one on my end! I would definitely do more things with this group, so we'll see. :)

  2. This has never happened to me or any siblings but it was hilarious. I loved this post..the best one in the last month. It lightened my day. Always looking forward the next post...

    1. LOL, glad you liked it Julie. I had MUCH fun writing it, but trying to keep the snark in check was a little bit of a battle. ;)

  3. Love it, Casey! That was so funny. You should fit that into a book someday. :)

    1. I have been told that by other writers. Definitely, someday...someday. :)

  4. Oh my word, this was priceless. There is so much grace in these stories where we look back & laugh. I've had similar things happen to me & throw me for a loop! LOL
    Have a great weekend!

    1. LOL, definitely agree with you there. Oh it feels good to laugh at such as this! :)

  5. I feel so special that I got to hear this story before it hit the blogosphere. I'm also glad to know that you've had the chance to get plugged into a church group that's more your age range (or generation).

    1. Ha! Either special or just a good place to vent/share these oh-so-interesting story worthy scenarios. :-)) And you ain't heard yet about the singles group that is my age and what happened with THAT Sunday service. Oy.

  6. Call me crazy, but I love senior citizens events. :-) My mom and I joke about how we go on "Senior Citizens Trips" together (even though my mom can't even be considered a senior citizen yet). I find that I am immeasurably blessed by the time I spend with them, and their eagerness to get to know a new young person is palpable.

    I also want to thank you for your posts on singleness. I am encouraged each time I read your latest one. As a single, almost-25-year-old who has never been on a date before (or even been asked for my number, going back to your barn dance post), it is so nice to know that I am not alone in my wait for "Mr. Right." It is hard to wait. I have to remind myself that God has this whole thing figured out and is protecting me. If no one has asked me on a date yet, it's probably because I haven't met "Mr. Right" yet, and I'm being saved some heartbreak. Though, I'll be the first to admit that I'm clueless when it comes to whether or not a guy likes me--I know I've discouraged some guys without them ever outright saying they liked me or asking me out on a date. (Shall we discuss the guy that ended up dating one of my close friends after I unknowingly discouraged him from asking me out? They are happily married, by the way, with my heart happily remaining intact.)

    1. Hello Mallori! Contrary to my post, I love spending time with those that are older than me as well. I worked for a medical office for over two years and made some wonderful friendships with the geriatric patients that came through our doors. I stay in touch with several, though I have now moved a thousand miles away. They have a depth of experience and personality that we just don't have at our age. ;-)

      I'm so glad the posts are an encouragement to you. I know it's not an easy road to walk, BELIEVE me, I know. But I was thinking the other night: if God is fulfilling our dreams beyond our wildest expectations then why won't He fulfill the same in our future spouses. He definitely will. It's a promise. It's a simple (ha! Not always, right!!) matter of trusting and walking in faith with Him. Stay strong, my sister in Christ. :)

  7. SO sorry your first singles group gathering didn't turn out as you expected but glad to see that your humor stayed intact, Casey!! As a senior citizen myself, I'm sure those seniors you kept

    As you know - God has a plan for your life, and that perfect spouse will arrive on His time schedule!! In the meantime - enjoy the experiences He places in your path!! Hugs!!

  8. Oh no! *hug* Sounds like something that would happen to me or the beginning of a book.


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