Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I must admit that one of my favorite parts of a book are the acknowledgements and when I finished my last WIP, I wanted to write my own. I also wanted to share them here. It may seem silly to jump so far ahead, but it brought me pleasure and I hope you enjoy! If this book is ever published, this will be in the back. ; )


There was a time I never thought I could write a novel. So many struggles, joys and mountains to climb before I could sit down and write a novel, one that brought me joy while I wrote it. And hopefully you as well.

I couldn’t have written this novel if it weren’t for people in my life who pushed me and told me I could do it, while expecting the absolute biggest potential from me.

Daddy and Mama, my cheerleaders. My biggest supports, my toughest critiques. It all started here. I love you.

Mattie and Jesse, always asking how it was going and letting me know they were okay all by themselves, though sometimes the house told a different story.

Susan May Warren, Susie, you encouraged me in more ways than you will ever know, and I can’t thank you in enough words.

Laura Frantz, your prayers kept me going. Knowing you were out there, lifting me up as I wrote, spurned me on and kept me writing. The same is always returned.

Julie Lessman and Cara Putman, your friendship is an inspiration to me and I thank God I have the privilege of knowing you both.

The wonderful ladies at the Writer’s Alley, Pepper, Sherrinda and Krista, you push me, motivate me and make me laugh every day. It is a privilege to know you. I love you all.

Mary, you too are a wonderful lady at the alley, but also my biggest cheerleader and fan. I really don’t know what I would have done in the tough times if I didn’t know that someone other than my family believed in me.

Tiffany Colter, Tiff, you pushed me mentally and also encouraged me. I can’t thank you enough for everything.

Grandma, for always being willing to read my stuff. I love you and Grandpa so much.

To my wonderful, supportive blog followers. I thank God for you all. You pushed and supported me on this journey and I loved sharing it with you. Here’s to many more!

And last, but certainly not least, God. You always know best and this novel is living proof of that. You gave me the story, the inspiration, the words and the determination. I couldn’t have done it any other way and I praise You for this creation. May it serve Your kingdom.

Praise God.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Book Review: Texas Roads

When I was given the chance to read the debut novel, TEXAS ROADS, I was very excited and not disappointed in the least at the quality of the story.

The story is a sweet romance, a searching heart and a moving story of God’s love all rolled up into one.

The story grows and develops throughout the story, bringing the reader in. It is a simple story about finding home. There were moments of faith messages, but it didn’t feel preachy and flowed naturally with the story.

I thought the characters were well portrayed and showed a great deal of heart. By far my favorite character was Mama Beth, but the growing that Dani (the heroine) and Steve (the hero) did were gradual, but felt real. I wasn’t rushed in understanding their motivations and growth.

There was depth to the book with different angles that enhanced the main plot. The setting became like a second character, but it wasn’t without its quirks.

This is an excellent debut novel and after the sneak peek in the back of this book, I am looking forward to reading the second book.

All in all I really enjoyed this book, it has a homey feel to it, the kind of book to snuggle up with and get lost within its pages.

About the Book
2009 ACFW Genesis finalist
by Cathy Bryant

Dani Davis longs for a place to call home. With quaint country charm, quirky residents, and loads of business potential, Miller's Creek, Texas seems like the perfect place to start over...except for the cowboy who gives her a ride into town. Then malicious rumors and a devastating discovery propel her down a road she never expected to travel.
Cowboy mayor Steve Miller is determined to rescue his dying hometown. When vandals jeopardize the Miller's Creek renovation, he can't help but suspect Dani whose strange behavior has become fodder for local gossips. Will Steve and Dani call a truce for a higher cause, and in the process help Dani discover the true meaning of home?

Monday, June 28, 2010

Giveaway and Author Interview: The Bridge of Peace

I cannot tell you how excited I have been to do this interview. Cindy Woodsmall is one of favorite authors and I am thrilled to share this interview and giveaway with you! Read on to find out more. : )

When Cindy Woodsmall’s first book, When the Heart Cries, released in 2006, it rocketed to amazing success, hitting the Christian best-seller list and becoming a finalist in the 2007 ECPA Christian Book Awards. Her second book in the Sisters of the Quilt Series hit the New York Times best-seller list at 34, and her third book hit number 13 on that list and also made the USA Today list. Best known for writing Amish fiction, Cindy lends an incredible authenticity to her work. Her connection with the Old Order Amish community has been featured on ABC Nightline and on the front page of the Wall Street Journal. Having several Amish friends, Cindy has researched their culture extensively, giving her books a wonderful flair of authenticity.

Cindy, thank you for taking the time to visit us today. I appreciate your taking the time to answer these questions and letting us get to know you better.
I’m so glad to be here. Thanks for inviting me!
1. How long did you write before you were published?

I began writing the Amish story of my heart in 1999. I went to my first writers’ conference in 2002. I had a lot to learn, so I began reading books on writing, attending conferences, and working with a writing mentor, Kathy Ide. Two years later I felt I was ready to turn in the first chapter to a few editors.

I received wonderful feedback on my writing, even a potential offer to put me under contract if I’d write anything except Amish fiction. At the time only Beverly Lewis was writing Amish stories in trade fiction, and editors weren’t sure the market would hold strong for a second Amish author. Besides, they didn’t like the idea of a new writer following in the footsteps of such an established author.

My books were quite different from anything on the market, including Beverly Lewis’s books, but that didn’t make enough difference to the editor who wanted to put me under contract.
I spent a few restless weeks deciding whether to follow the editor’s advice or stick to my Amish stories. It was a rough choice. It didn’t make sense for an unpublished writer to turn down the opportunity for a contract with a big publishing house. But after weeks of sleeplessness, I knew I had to continue with the story I’d written.

With that decision made, I made another—to pitch my story to every editor at every conference possible. Unfortunately, with one exception, the editors I spoke with were not interested in testing the market to see if it could support a second author writing Amish fiction.

In the spring of 2005, I submitted the first chapter of When the Heart Cries to an editor with WaterBrook Press (a division of Random House). The editor asked me to turn in a full manuscript. I did, it passed the committee, and I had my first contract. That book was released in the fall of 2006.

2. When you held that book in your hands, what was your first thought?
I would love to be able to tell you that I soared with elation. Many of my author friends danced around their homes and embraced the moment fully. But I didn’t even open the box. Hours later, when my husband came home, he opened it. He was excited and coaxed me into leaving my office to take a look at the book. I remember running my hands over the cool, smooth cover, and then returning to my office to work on book two. The deadline for the sequel was pressing in, and my energy and attention were funneled into that project. Looking back, I think I was scared that When the Heart Cries wouldn’t be enough of a success, so I brushed its importance under the rug—as if the only thing that really mattered was the next project.

3. What are you working on now?

Today, June 21, 2010, I mailed off the typeset pages for The Bridge of Peace, the second novel in my Ada’s House series. It’s now officially finished, and the next time I see it, it’ll be a book. It’s scheduled for release August 31. Book one, The Hope of Refuge, is a Christy Award finalist.

Here’s the summary of The Bridge of Peace:
Love and lies abound in Dry Lake, Pennsylvania.

Headstrong schoolteacher Lena Kauffman finds herself at the center of controversy in her Amish community when a young man in her classroom refuses to submit to her authority. Her friends and family rally around her, especially longtime friend Grey Graber. Things go from bad to worse when Grey’s wife, Elsie, becomes an accidental target in trouble meant for Lena. They must both find their way through their private pain in order to find peace and a brighter future.

If you’d like to read the first chapter, go to

By Wednesday, I’ll finish writing Plain Wisdom. It’s a wonderfully rich nonfiction book that I’ve been blessed to write with my Old Order Amish friend Miriam Flaud. In it we share heartwarming, heartrending, and humorous stories from our lives. It’ll release in the spring of 2011.

Miriam dropped a package in the overnight mail to me this morning that contains her latest handwritten rewrites, so I’ll take those pages and type them into our master document. I’ll send that via e-mail to our editor this Wednesday.
After a business trip to Missouri starting Thursday, I’ll begin writing the third book in the Ada’s House series. I’m really looking forward to pounding that story out!
I wrote one novel a year for the first three, and then I pushed a little harder and wrote a novel and a novella that released in 2009. Now that our youngest child is independent with his newly acquired driver’s license, I’m again stepping up my writing goals. I have five new novels under contract, as well as two more novellas that are contracted but not yet written.

4. Where can readers find out more about your books?
I have a lot of information, as well as the first chapter to each book and an Amish-made quilt contest, on my Web site:

5. What messages do you want to make clear to your readers?
That hope reaches beyond all reasonable boundaries and brings into existence that which nothing else can. Without insights or revelations, we are left with either legalism or fleeting emotionalism. Under the law, I fail. Under emotionalism, I fizzle. But when I open my spiritual eyes to life’s principles, those principles become a part of who I am. Then not only do I understand why I should take a stand, I’m more willing to take that stand regardless of what’s going on around me.

My goal is to write in a way that helps people see life from a perspective that renews their strength to keep pressing on and gives them refreshment in the true value of living.

6. Why did you choose this profession?
One of my earliest childhood memories is of my mother reading to me before bedtime. After she left the room, I reworked every story she’d read to me. If Cinderella had been the ugly one, how would that change the outcome? If the step-sisters had been the nice ones, how would that have affected the story? I hated when I became too sleepy to continue working on those ideas. That was the beginning of my love of thinking about plotlines and characterization. But I never considered a career in writing, even after I won several writing awards in high school.

As the years moved forward, stories continued to pound me, and I did everything I could to free myself of them—including whining to God to make them go away!

After many years of refusing to write, I worked through my reservations. One of the first things I did was attend an American Christian Fiction writers’ conference ( ). I took the time to learn how to get the story of my heart onto the written page. Then I went through the process of finding a publisher. It wasn’t easy, but I had peace the whole way, mainly because I would’ve been fine if I never became published. When I received my first contract, I prayed that enough books would sell that my publisher wouldn’t be disappointed. That was my only goal.

I realize now that part of my subconscious assumption that writing wasn’t for me came from not understanding myself. My heart wanted to pursue writing fiction, but the no-nonsense part of me claimed that the story ideas in my head were a waste of time and not worth pursuing.
There are a lot of roads in life, and we often take the wrong one, thinking it’s the right one. I’m very grateful that God kept directing me toward the “write” road.

Thank you for being with us today. Any final words for readers?
Thank you so much for inviting me! I’d like to share a few personal thoughts. I love words, always have. They enlighten. Encourage. Entertain. They can lift a heavy load or bury someone under a load. And they often do so whether we’re paying attention or not. Words come at us all the time through a lot of sources and they’re unavoidable.
Words bring everything we need in life: love that encourages and strengthens, understanding that gives us tools for living, communication between God and us, and between us and our family, friends, and coworkers. God spoke, and light came into existence. He gave names to each thing He created, starting with day and night. Light and dark.

Through our words, we have the power to bring light or dark into our world and the world of those around us. What words will you not say for your loved one’s sake? Which ones will you choose to use?

I don't think there is any doubt why Cindy has come to such great success! She writes in a way that draws the reader in, even with just a short interview. Thank you Cindy!

Now readers, here is your chance to enter to win, Cindy's upcoming book, The Bridge of Peace.

PLEASE LEAVE AN EMAIL ADDRESS! If I draw your name and there is no email, YOU WILL NOT WIN!
For extra entries:
~Be a follower
~Be a subscriber

And a NEW one:
~Subscribe to Cindy's newsletter HERE.

Contest is only open in the United States.

Contest is void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items of said prize.

Thanks for coming by to enter!

Contest closes on July 10th

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Winner and Inspirational Video

And the winner of Lyn Cote's Her Abundant Joy is...

Molly (Buuklvr81)!!!!! Congratulations, Molly has been emailed and as a week to get back to me. Happy reading Molly!

And I don't know about a lot of you, but I like to watch America's Got Talent in the summer and see all the talent and well... non talent that tries to win a $1,000,000. And the last show had an extremely motivational audition that I hope you will take a few minutes to watch. It will amaze and inspire you.

Friday, June 25, 2010

What I Read This Week

Sorry I am late posting this, we had company this morning. : ) Also, just so you know, I will be gone from the 28th to the 5th to see a friend next week, so expect the posts to keep rolling, but I will not be here to participate with you, unfortunately, I will miss it. : ( I will not be posting on my reads next Friday, BUT be on the lookout for a super special contest I will be holding that day instead, I am SO excited to see your responses. : D
Now here is what I read this week....

Now about four of these books took longer than a week to read, more like three weeks, several I just finished off of my computer. So... I did not spend all this week reading.  : )

And they are:
A Vote of Confidence by Robin Lee Hatcher
Courting Morrow Little by Laura Frantz
No Place for a Lady by Maggie Brendan
When Night Falls by Margaret Daley
Finding Jeena by Miralee Ferrell
Love Finds You in Hershey, Pennsylvania

Thursday, June 24, 2010

A Beautiful Blog Award!

Many thanks to Abi @ 4 The Love of Books for passing on this beautiful award! I just love it and am so grateful to you Abi! : )
This award is presented to those bloggers that encourage and support up and coming blogs.

The rules of the award are...
1. Put the Rose Award either on a post or your blog.
2. Pass this award on to 3 or more bloggers.
3. Link to the winners of this award in a post.
4. Leave an encouraging comment on three or more blogs.
5. Add a link to the award from whom you were given it.

I am passing this award along to...
Laura @ Laura (You are a HUGE encouragement and mean so much to me!)
Carman @ Christian Book Giveaways (Have you seen how much she does?? Incredible!)
Amber @ Seasons of Humility (Amber, one of my favorite bloggers. I love visiting your site!)

Many, many thanks to these wonderful bloggers, I love you all! Blogging wouldn't be as enjoyable without my followers and the blogs I follow. It is a joy.

If any of you are interested I am blogging today at the Writer's Alley, Jill Eileen Smith is my guest and will be talking about historical accuracy in fiction.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I don’t know about you, but I have been thinking lately of the power of words.

Words have such power and deadliness to them if not used in the proper context, especially on the screen. Why is it that words on a computer screen sound harsher than words on paper? I learned this lesson more fully a few weeks ago when I left a sarcastic comment on a friend’s post, but it didn’t quite come off the funny way I intended. Needless to say I had to go and apologize for the way it sounded, even though it wasn’t intentional.

Words can come across with such fury and hurt so deeply. What is it about words that can cut to the quick.? Drive us back and hurt our feelings? I often wonder when I write something, how is this going to sound? I would rather come across as meek and quiet on an email that brash and loudmouth. And I think too often I come across as the latter.

Hanging in my dad’s office is a sign: keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them.

It stings to go back and have to say “I’m sorry”, especially when it didn’t come across the way it was intended. But I have learned that words, just letters on a page can be misconstrued and harmful. I don’t understand it, but it is there.

I am very much a person that second guesses herself, what I just said, what I just wrote, how I just acted. I mull it all over and wish I could go back and fix it. If only there was an eraser for life.

Words have such power, so much potential. You can bring a sinner to his knees by a well written passage in a book, weave a story that drives deep into a reader’s heart and remains there for ages to come. But it seems to be the impromptu, the little messages winging about space and the comments dispersed at the drop of a hat that can lead to such turmoil.

I don’t think I will ever understand the power of words, but at least, I hope to learn to respect them

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Book Review: Double Trouble

This has to be one of the best books I have read this year. And PJ Sugar is the perfect heroine!

I just loved this novel, it was funny, charming, a neat love story and characters that quickly infuse themselves into your day.

PJ Sugar wants to be a PI, but everywhere she turns trouble abounds, screaming chinchillas, a Russian in law involved in a car theft ring, and an attempted kidnapping involving…smelly gym socks??

The dialogue in this book really keeps the reader riveted, it’s snazzy and to the point and occasionally laugh out loud funny! All of the scenes in the book are visual and gripping. I was brought right into the moment and never released for even a second. This book was very hard to put down!

The love triangle between Boone, PJ and Jeremy is sizzling with unexpected turns and I seriously cannot wait for book three to find out how PJ makes her mind up. I hope we figure out her name too!

All in all a stand up great book. With action, romance, laughter, the perfect heroine and a two heart stopping heros, this book is one of my all time favorites and I am looking forward to reading more about PJ in book three! Highly recommended!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Giveaway and Author Interview: Manor of the Ghost

Today my guest is debut author, Tina Pinson!

Welcome to Writing for Christ! Thank you for being with us today.

Tell us a little about yourself!

First, Casey, let me thank you for opening your blog for me today. I haven't done much of this so it's a learning experience and a pleasure to meet more cyber friends. My bio:

Tina Pinson resides in Grand Junction, Colorado with her husband of 29 years, Danny. They own and operate Omega Avionics. The Pinsons have three grown sons, two beautiful daughter-in-laws and 4 grand children.
Gifted with a vivid imagination at a young age, Tina started writing in elementary school. (it was that or get in trouble for lying). She has chosen several creative outlets; writing poetry, songs, or stories.

1: How long did you write before you were published?
I started writing my first novel in elementary school, but didn't begin pushing for publication until 20+ years ago. It's been a long journey.

2: When you held that first book in your hands, what was your first thought?

Unfortunately, since In the Manor of the Ghost is an e-book, I don't get to hold it like one would a normal print book. (That could change within the near future). But the whole publication process, seeing the book come together-- layouts, editing and looking at the cover-- has been exhilarating. I've been really please with the Desert Breeze Publishing, the house that gave this book and another due in Dec 2010, Touched By Mercy, a chance. Having said all the above, I have to add that while it's been exciting, the process has been a touch scary. That may sound strange, but it's the truth. Now the book is going to be out there under scrutiny by anyone who gives it a read. It's humbling.

3: What are you working on now?

I have several finished books that are in need of editing and a few Works in Progress (WIPS) that need finished. Two of the WIPS take place during the Civil War; Finding Middle C deals with a woman, who's lost her husband and sons to the war and is trying to keep her home together, a wounded soldier trying to get his life back together, and a piano that won't stay tuned. It centers on trying to find the music of life. From Hell to Eternity, is about Andersonville Prison, a bit of Civil War espionage and witchcraft. The WIP that has garnered most of my attention of late is a futuristic, time travel novel called Counting Tessa. The first in a Trilogy, that deals with gene mutation, cloning, time jumpers and trying to do away with Jesus Christ. Counting Tessa placed first in its category in the Phoenix Rattle Does Your Story have Bite contest.

A finished work--The Trail of the Sandpiper, a WWII novel about a woman trying to get herself and seven orphans off Papua New Guinea, through Japanese lines, took 3rd all around in the 2003 ACFW Genesis Contest.

4: Where can readers find out more about your books?
The following link will direct you to an excerpt and information about In the Manor of the Ghost.

This link directs you to my website and will allow you to learn a bit more about me. By following the links Bits and Pieces and Touched By Mercy you can take a look at other books I'm working on.

My Blogsite—

5: What message(s) do you want to be clear to your readers?

Somehow, I'd like to relay that if God can forgive and love me, then what is everyone else waiting for.

My themes usually deal with forgiveness, grace, mercy and overcoming insurmountable odds. And telling about a God who is bigger than any troubles, scars or sin my characters may have. He's a God of second chances (and more) and a God that carries us sometimes, and other times allows us to walk through valleys while guiding us. To help us grow. Having been a benefactor of that grace on many occasions, I want people to know and understand the love God has for them. I try not to be too preachy. I hope. I want to show how you get from Point A to Point B with God in real life time. It's a process and my characters get to go through it.

6: What are two things that people wouldn't normally know about you as a writer and or person?

I wanted to be the next Doris Day. I love to sing. I could the acting, I think. The dancing might be questionable. But I dreamed of being the next big star, following in her footsteps.

I'm also a world-renown Klutz. I've tripped in Germany, across Europe. And I fell into an open manhole in Turkey. If Klutziness were Karate, I'd have a brown belt. If it were a movie, I'd have an Oscar. I could go on but… that could take days. Maybe that's why I took up writing, less chance of knocking my block off. I could make my characters agile and graceful where I'm not.

Also, I've been married for 30 years, have three wonderful sons, two lovely daughter in laws, four grand children, with another on the way, three dogs and a couple of goldfish that keep hanging on.

Thank you for being with us today.

Thank you once again for the invitation, Casey. I really appreciate the opportunity to stop by.

One final note…

Today I am giving away a free e-book of In the Manor of the Ghost the winner will be chosen from anyone who leaves a comment.

And… To celebrate the release of In the Manor of the Ghost, I am running a month long contest at my Blog site. I am giving away some excellent prizes. Some books, yes, but much, much more. Come in and check it out. You'll be glad you did.

Link to Book Trailer

Readers to enter to win Tina's book, PLEASE LEAVE AN EMAIL ADDRESS! If I draw your name and there is no email, YOU WILL NOT WIN!
For extra entries:
~Be a follower
~Be a subscriber

And a NEW one:
~Follow Tina's blog HERE.

Since this is an e-book, this giveaway is open in the U.S. and Canada

Contest is void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items of said prize.

Thanks for coming by to enter!

Contest closes on July 3rd

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Devotional: This Road Leads Home

This Roads Leads Home
by Cathy Bryant, © 2010

There are many sayings about home.

"Home is where you hang your hat."
"Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home."
"Home is where the heart is."

The last statement is my favorite, because it reminds me of Jesus' words: "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." (Matthew 6:21, NIV)

I periodically have to do what I call a "Heart Check" just to make sure my heart is where it needs to be. It's sad, really. Christ has done so much for me. Why would I ever allow my heart to dwell on any other treasure?

Yet time and time again, I find myself holding onto earthly baubles that mean nothing in the vast span of eternity.

I don't know about you, but I want my treasure to be Jesus. I want my heart to be undivided in its love for Him. I want Him to be my home--the place where I hang my hat, my hope, and my heart.
* * *

For my first novel, Texas Roads, my husband wrote a beautiful song which is included in the storyline. The song is entitled This Road Leads Home. The lyrics so adequately capture the spiritual theme of my book that I asked for his permission to share them with you.

She was trav'ling down a road to a place she'd been before,

Though it was such a long time ago.

Broken and afraid, it seems she'd lost her way,

Lookin' for a place that she could call her own.

This road leads home where the Father waits for you.

This road leads home; have the faith to see it through.

You will find hope and peace when you fall down on your knees.

The Father is waiting there for you.

This road leads home.

When the struggles of this life leave you broken and afraid,

Your faith is shattered by the fear of the unknown...

The Father hears your plea; only He can meet your needs.

His holy heart's desire is to make you heart His home.

This road leads home where the Father waits for you.

This road leads home; have the faith to see it through.

You will find hope and peace when you fall down on your knees.

The Father is waiting there for you.

This road leads home.


The home that you are longing for is right before your eyes.

Keep your faith in Jesus; He will lead you to the prize--

Heaven is waiting for the faithful and the few.

His arms are open wide; He is waiting there for you.

This road leads home where the Father waits for you.

This road leads home; have the faith to see it through.

You will find hope and peace when you fall down on your knees.

The Father is waiting there for you.

This road leads home.

This road leads home.

© 2010; Words & Music by Travis Bryant

A Texas gal since birth, Cathy lives in a century-old farmhouse with her husband and a phobia-ridden cat. Her debut novel, TEXAS ROADS, was a 2009 ACFW Genesis finalist and tells the story of a disillusioned widow's quest to find home. The book is available through For more information, visit

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Novel Discussion: Courting Morrow Little

A-hem. As you can see, I have pretty much NO self control when it comes to great books and started this one last night. : ) So much for saving it for that 13 hour car drive....

There was a suggestion we talk about this book as we read it, and I know I have many followers who are reading this book right now, so stop by for a few minutes and share your thoughts on the book so far.

A couple discussion ideas:

What was your first impression of Morrow?
What is your overall opinion so far of the book?

Any insights you care to share?

I know we all aren't on the same page, literally- : ), but be sure and say what you think so far. I don't think I will probably be on the computer this weekend, so carry on without me and I will jump in sometime on Monday.  Laura might stop by too, so be sure and come back to visit amongst yourselves. : )

Friday, June 18, 2010

Winner of The Stones!!

And the winner of the book, The Stones by Eleanor Gustafson is...


Congratulations Granny, you have one week to get a hold of me from the email I sent you to claim your book.  Happy reading!

And speaking of reading...

By popular demand, tomorrow we will start discussing the latest novel by author Laura Frantz, Courting Morrow Little, please note that nothing will be held back and if you wish to avoid spoilers this would not be something you would probably want to participate in. We will be talking about the book as we read it, so feel free to jump in with comments or questions!

I will have a post up a bit later for your reading pleasure and comment chats. : )

BOOK REVIEW & CFBA Tour: Love Finds You in Golden, New Mexico

This week, the

Christian Fiction Blog Alliance

is introducing

Love Finds You In Golden, New Mexico
Summerside Press (May 1, 2010)


Lena Nelson Dooley


For several years, Lena worked on the support staff of a church, but in November of 2002, God changed things so that she could stay home and write full-time. It has been the desire of her heart for a long time. In Proverbs 37:4, it says, “Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.” She believes that this blessing is a result of her delighting herself in Him, and she praises Him for the opportunity.

She have been a professional writer with a free-lance writing and editing business since 1984. In that time, she has written curriculum for public schools, private schools, and three different denominations. For one company, I managed a writing team that produced a two-year American History course for at-risk students. One of her clients was a Christian comedian for whom she wrote several routines. An airline training company had her edit and design International business reports for them.

Her first novel was published by Heartsong Presents in 1992. Since then Lena Nelson Dooley has written more than 25 works of fiction and nonfiction.

Lena has been married to her husband James since 1964. Theirs was one of those love-at-first-sight relationships. They were married three months and three days after they met. He truly was God’s gift to her. They are absolute opposites, but that means that his strengths are her weaknesses, and her strengths are his weaknesses. Together they make a more perfect whole. She believe that is what God intends for all of us.

They have two daughters. Marilyn Van Zant is married to Roger, and they have a son named Timothy. Tim is now in Tennessee at Ft. Campbell. His son Sebastian is almost 2 years old. Jennifer Waldron is married to Eric, and they have three children—Austin, Marissa, and Amanda. James and Lena love to spend time with their family, and they are blessed that both families live in the Dallas-Ft. Worth Metroplex, so they see them often.


All that glitters is not gold. It’s 1890, and Golden, New Mexico, is a booming mining town where men far outnumber women. So when an old wealthy miner named Philip Smith finds himself in need of a nursemaid, he places an ad for a mail-order bride—despite the protests of his friend Jeremiah.

Hoping to escape a perilous situation back East, young Madeleine Mercer answers the ad and arrives in town under a cloud of suspicion. But just as she begins to win over Philip—and Jeremiah himself—the secrets she left behind threaten to follow her to Golden...and tarnish her character beyond redemption.

If you would like to read the first chapter of Love Finds You In Golden, New Mexico, go HERE.

"Love Finds You In Golden, New Mexico is a well-researched novel brimming With emotive conflict. Lena Nelson Dooley has crafted a historical romance that demonstrates that courage comes in many forms, but the courage to love is the most difficult of all.
─DiAnn Mills, author of Sworn to Protect and A Woman Called Sage

“Two strangers are presented with a ‘golden’ opportunity for love in this quintessential East meets West tale by well-loved author Lena Nelson Dooley. I found myself swept away by the beautiful writing and enmeshed in the lives of the players, who face many twists and turns in their journey toward the ultimate happily-ever-after. Love Finds You in Golden, New Mexico is truly one of the loveliest historical romances I’ve read in ages. Highly recommended.”
─Janice Hanna Thompson, author of Love Me Tender and Swinging on a Star

My Review:

I had been eagerly waiting for this book and was not disappointed.

The characters in this book were very well crafted. Each one was a welcome escape into the world of Golden, New Mexico. The setting played a fine role and I liked how it was incorporated into the novel.

The story moved at a good clip and I was never bored with the story. It did take a while for the hero and heroine to meet, not until after page 100, but the story up to that point was still good.

My favorite part of the book was the hero. His growth was genuine and at times I wondered if he was ever going to come around, but everything about his faith journey and the love story interwoven throughout was genuine and a pleasure to read.

The villain was truly despicable. And I rooted for Madeline to beat him at his wicked game.

All in all a good book. I enjoyed it and hope I get to enjoy more soon. Recommended for “Love Finds You” fans, this book is a great addition to that collection and one of the best I have read in that specific genre.

This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the publishers through CFBA for my copy to review.

What I Read This Week

Such excitement to annouce that I have read 100 books this year!!!! Just to let you know, I am still going to count them and add them to the total, so if you exceed your goal, keep counting, it would be fun to see us max out that goal of 1,228 Christian books!

I got 4 books read this week (taking my total to 101 books), but I seem to have less time to read lately. Preparing for VBS and summer activities is carving away at my reading time. Ah well. Here is what I read this week...

And they are:
Texas Roads by Cathy Bryant
Forget Me Not by Vicki Hinze
The Gunsmith's Galantry by Susan Page Davis
Against All Odds by Irene Hannon

Also, be sure and check out the final day to enter Eleanor Gustafson's book, THE STONES. The winner will be announced tomorrow!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Look What I Got In the Mail!!

That's right! Courting Morrow Little  by Laura Frantz came in the mail on Tuesday!!!!!!!!!

Now, I am just trying to decide if I should read it now, or wait until a family vacation (13 loooong hours in the car) in August. Oh, I don't think I will make it to then!

Also, for those interested, I am blogging today at the Writer's Alley on my characters and how I created them for my latest WIP, a contemporary women's fiction. Hope to see you there and I will also be including a small excerpt from my novel. : )

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

God ALWAYS Knows Best

I got my scores back from the ACFW Genesis a couple weeks ago and well... let's just say they ain't pretty. I can't quote the judges, but the gist of it is: my dialogue left a lot to desired, my beginning didn't hook the judge, I was going to end up with a 200,000 word saga (and just to be clear I got it done in under a 100k ; ) and when you boil all those comments down it comes out sounding like this: YOU HAVE NO TALENT.

Hmmmm. Okay that is what I got off of a computer screen, and I had to keep reminding myself that most often the words you read on the screen, come across sounding harsher than what is often intended. So while I had pretty lousy scores, I also had some pretty good comments, even one total in the 70's-- not bad. But that 50 was pretty hard to swallow.

Then I got my Frasier contest results back (This was the second contest I entered sponsored by Susan May Warren) and I was pretty fearful opening that email up. I knew that the results of the Genesis didn't dictate my story life, but what if these second round of judges said the exact same thing? That would be like the nails in the coffin and my writing was going to be doomed!

I took a deep breath and opened them... what helpful comments! They actually helped me to grow and were very encouraging. Even though my numbers weren't high enough to qualify, both judges said my work showed promise, but felt a bit forced. Yep, I agree with that one 100%. But let's just dwell on PROMISE here for a minutes. : )

And that is when this lesson really kicked in: God ALWAYS knows best.

In April I went to a conference (more like a writer's workshop, but I really want to go to a conference so just humor me) with Susan May Warren and Chip McGregor. And both of them, after listening to my writing woes, encouraged me to put that book aside and start something else.

God knew what was coming in those results and was preparing me before I even knew it. It overwhelms me to think of that.

If I had gotten those results while I was still working on that story, it would have been devastating. Really devastating. At that point I would have thrown up my hands in defeat and said, "What's the point??"

But God knew, and He directed me to start another novel through the voices of Susie and Chip.

Now the words flow, I am writing this on Thursday of last week in preparation to schedule it and by the time you read this today, I will have completed a 90,000 word novel. God has given me the inspiration and the words to the tune of writing 7,000 in ONE day. For me personally, that is HUGE! I have NEVER done that before and I feel great about what I wrote.

It may never see publication, no one, but my family may ever read it, but it is what God wanted me to do. He knew when I submitted those contest entries they would not come back looking pretty. He knew that I needed to get far away from it to be able to see clearly and it wouldn't affect my writing.

God in His PERFECT timing, ALWAYS knows best. And I praise Him from the bottom of my heart for keeping His eye on this little sparrow.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Revell Blog Tour and Book Review: The Homecoming

THE HOMECOMING is a love story wrapped up against the back drop of WWII. Can this family move past it’s grief to embrace the new life God has for them?

I enjoyed meeting up with the characters from the previous book, THE UNFINISHED GIFT. The characters were very much the same and it was easy to slip back in and join their world. I loved the research done on this book. It was clear and concise just what era you are in without being bombarded with historical facts.

But I also thought the book a bit simplistic. This novel had the great potential to really delve deeper into the characters and bring forth that emotional angst, and I would have liked it if that had been the case. I think the turmoil in the love story could have been fleshed out a bit more, I felt a bit rushed

But aside from that, I did enjoy the novel. The characters are warm and inviting and I was glad to have the second chance to meet up with them

This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to Revell publishers for my copy to review.

Available June 2010 from Revell a division of Baker publishing at your local bookstore

Monday, June 14, 2010

Giveaway and Author Interview: Her Abundant Joy

Today my guest is author Lyn Cote and she will be offering up her book as a giveaway, so read to the end to find out how to enter. : )

Welcome to Writing for Christ!
Tell us a little about yourself!

When Lyn Cote became a mother, she gave up teaching, and while raising a son and a daughter, she began working on her first novel. Long years of rejection followed. Finally in 1997, Lyn got "the call." Her first book, Never Alone, was chosen by Steeple Hill for the new Love Inspired romance line. Since then, Lyn has had over twenty-five novels published. In 2006 Lyn's book, Chloe, was a finalist for the RITA, one of the highest awards in the romance genre. Lyn’s brand “Strong Women, Brave Stories,” always includes three elements: a strong heroine who is a passionate participant in her times, authentic historical detail and a multicultural cast of characters. Lyn also features stories of strong women both from real life and true to life fiction on her blog  Lyn also can be found on Facebook, Twitter and Goodreads. Drop by and "friend or follow" her. Now living her dream of writing books at her lake cottage in northern Wisconsin, Lyn hopes her books show the power of divine as well as human love.

Her latest release is Her Abundant Joy, the final book in her Texas Star of Destiny series, to purchase drop by her website or blog .

1: How long did you write before you were published?

My daughter was 14 months old when I started my first ms. And when I received the CALL in June 1997, she was just about to enter high school. Of course, most of those years were in the Dark Ages before the Internet. In those dark years, an author living out in the Midwest had limited ways of getting the market information needed to make headway. I wonder if the upcoming authors now, understand just how good they've got it? BTW, I just posted my 12th Annual Christian Fiction Market Update on my website.

2: When you held that first book in your hands, what was your first thought?

The long years of hard work were all worth it. (Even though I didn't care for the cover!)

3: What are you working on now?

I'm in the middle book in the middle of a three book series for Love Inspired romance. The series is titled, New Friends Street, since the series is about a small town in Wisconsin where three Habitat for Humanity houses are being built. The first in the series will come out this September, titled "A Shelter of Hope."

4: Where can readers find out more about your books?

I just updated my website  and I have a blog . I'm also on Shoutlife, MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, and GoodReads. If you can't find me, you're not looking very hard!

5: What message(s) do you want to be clear to your readers?

I believe in the hope God provides. That is the underlying theme in all my writing.

6: What are two things that people wouldn't normally know about you as a writer and or person?

I'm a great cook and I knit.

Thank you for being with us today. Any final words for readers?

Well, I want them to read my books, love them and tell everybody they know about them--What else??? GRIN

Okay readers, here is your chance to be entered to win Lyn's latest book, Her Abundant Joy.

PLEASE LEAVE AN EMAIL ADDRESS! If I draw your name and there is no email, YOU WILL NOT WIN!

For extra entries:
~Be a follower
~Be a subscriber

And a NEW one:
~Follow my friend Amber's blog HERE

Contest is only open in the U.S. and void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items for said prize.

Thanks for coming by to enter! Contest ends on June 26th.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Devotional: I Can Do It Myself? by Cathy Bryant

I Can Do It Myself?
by Cathy Bryant, (c) 2008

When my boys were little, it wasn't uncommon to hear them say, "I can do it myself, Mommy." The older I get, the more I see similarities between things my children did and things I do as a child of the Father.

How many times have I tried to "do it myself," to exert my independence?

I'm not advocating laziness or a lack of personal responsibility, but for the most part, I think we are far too dependant on ourselves and not dependant enough on God.

If you think about it, the whole idea is ludicrous. He's God; we're not. Why would we want to do anything on our own?

"Unless the LORD builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain." (Psalm 127:1)

All of our effort is empty, "unless the LORD" is behind it. Nothing we do can be successful and meaningful "unless the LORD" blesses it and brings it to fruition.

Our next heartbeat or breath depends upon God. The Bible says we are like grass or a vapor. We're not guaranteed one moment past the one we are currently experiencing.
God, on the other hand, is eternal and unchanging. He is all-powerful and all-knowing. He is in control.
I want to be more dependant on Him and less dependant upon myself and my efforts. Anything else is foolish vanity.

Dear Father and Creator of the Universe,
Forgive my tendency to do things on my own. How presumptuous I can be! I am a speck of dust; the entire universe cannot contain You. My strengths and abilities are nothing compared with Your awesome power. You only had to speak to create the world. Help me, Lord, to seek You and Your will in all my endeavors. Use this vessel in whatever way You choose.
In Jesus' name,

A Texas gal since birth, Cathy lives in a century-old farmhouse with her husband and a phobia-ridden cat. Her debut novel, TEXAS ROADS, was a 2009 ACFW Genesis finalist and tells the story of a disillusioned widow's quest to find home. The book is available through For more information, visit .

Saturday, June 12, 2010

White Roses Winner!!!

And the winner of Shannon Vannatters, debut novel, White Roses is....

Anita Yancy!!!!!

Congratulations Anita, you will be getting an email from me shortly. And will have a week to reply with your mailing address.

Also, a bit of fun news... I write THE END on my WIP yesterday. At exactly 90,000 words!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was just dancing, I must say. Now I will take the summer off, enjoy VBS in July, Vacation in August, Fair in September and everything else in between before hitting it again and hopefully I will have fun things to share with you when that times comes.

Your support is priceless to me, I appreciate you all so very much, from the bottom of my heart!!


Friday, June 11, 2010

What I Read This Week

Only 4 books read this week, I have been spending more time finishing up my WIP and getting a VBS program in order that I will be holding here are my home next month. Busy, busy, busy!!

But yesterday I wrote 11,000 words on my WIP!! A blessing from God to be sure, since I have NEVER done that before. That takes my total to 26,000 words for the week. I will finish it today with only  3K left to write!!

And they are:
Stuck in the Middle by Virginia Smith
Highland Blessings by Jennifer Hudson Taylor
Love on a Dime by Cara Lynn James
Sushi for One? by Camy Tang

That is all I have, but how did you do for the challenge? I would love to add it to our total!

Also, today is your LAST day to enter to win Shannon Vannatter's book, White Roses. Check it out!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

First Knight and the Writer's Alley

Today I am blogging over at the Writer's Alley about writing compelling hero and villain final fights, using First Knight (one of my favorite movies) as my example.

I hope you have a few minutes to check it out!

See you tomorrow everyone and be sure and have your weekly reads counted!! We are 27% done on our challenge, let's keep it up!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Special Interview with Author Cathy Bryant on Texas Roads

Today I am pleased to present an interview I just had with debut author, Cathy Bryant about her new book Texas Roads.

• Where did the idea for Texas Roads come from?

Two places really. First of all, the storyline came one day when I was out working in my garden in the small town I live in. A car drove past really slow, the driver staring like I was an animal in a cage at the zoo. It kind of irked me, but as I continued to dig in the dirt I started asking questions. If the minor incident bothered me, as a woman who’s lived in small-town Texas her entire life, how much would it get to a woman who’s grown up in the city and never experienced small towns?

The spiritual theme—finding true home—came from my own spiritual journey to find a place called home. For years my family and I seemed destined to be nomads. Just about the time we’d start to put down roots, God yanked us up and moved us on to some place new. He used that time in my life to teach that only He could fill that home-sized hole in my heart.

• How did you come up with the title?

The title was originally These Roads Lead Home, to play on the symbol of roads used in the story and the spiritual theme of finding home. At the ACFW conference, an agent I met with mentioned that since it was set in Texas I should use it in the title. Later in a question and answer session with a publishing house, an editor mentioned they had a standing joke that if you put the word “Texas” in the title it would sell. The rest, as they say, is history… =)

• How long did it take you to write this novel?

The spiritual theme has been with me for years. Then the characters started introducing themselves in the summer of 2007. I did the pre-writing (my obsessive-compulsive A-type personality insists on this!) in October of 2008, and wrote the lousy first draft during NaNoWriMo (November) of 2008. After that I laid the manuscript aside for a month to go on a mission trip to Southeast Asia and for the Christmas holidays. (In my naiveté, I assumed I would only have to check the manuscript for typos…ha!) I did edits and revisions for the better part of 2009, so all in all from first hints of characters to publication, two-and-a-half years!

• What was the best moment of this novel, be it publishing or writing experience?

The most overwhelming moment was hearing that the book had finaled in the Genesis contest. I had entered on a whim to get professional feedback from authors and editors, never imagining the book would make it to the top five. It’s still a “pinch me” moment.

However the best thing has been hearing from people who enjoyed the book, especially those who said it helped them through some difficult times. One lady even said it brought healing to her life. I can think of no greater compliment, since my prayer for my writing has always been that God would use it in whatever way He saw fit.

• When will your second book be available?

I’m helping with the music for our church’s Vacation Bible School the first full week in June. Once that is over I’ve already given my husband fair warning that I’m going into hibernation to finish book two. I have about 53,000 words already written (thank you NaNoWriMo 2009!), so I’m hoping it will be available by this fall.

• What have you found to be the most enjoyable about being a published author?

I have to go back to what I mentioned above. Honestly, it’s both humbling and gratifying to know that your story has made a difference in someone’s life.

• Do you have a favorite character or maybe moment in this novel?

My favorite character is without a doubt Mama Beth. The mother figure for all of Miller’s Creek, she’s all I want to be—caring, nurturing, wise. Of course, that kind of wisdom usually comes at a price—in this case it’s a painful secret.

• How much of yourself did you put into this novel?

The spiritual journey Dani Davis takes is all mine, though I was a believer when I went through it. I would have to say the resemblance pretty much stops there. Dani is much more generous, altruistic and outgoing than I am. Instead of being me, she’s really a lot of the things I would like to be.

Thanks so much for the interview, Casey! I enjoyed it!

2009 ACFW Genesis finalist
by Cathy Bryant

Dani Davis longs for a place to call home. With quaint country charm, quirky residents, and loads of business potential, Miller's Creek, Texas seems like the perfect place to start over...except for the cowboy who gives her a ride into town. Then malicious rumors and a devastating discovery propel her down a road she never expected to travel.

Cowboy mayor Steve Miller is determined to rescue his dying hometown. When vandals jeopardize the Miller's Creek renovation, he can't help but suspect Dani whose strange behavior has become fodder for local gossips. Will Steve and Dani call a truce for a higher cause, and in the process help Dani discover the true meaning of home?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

BOOK REVIEW & CFBA Tour: A Hopeful Heart

This week, the

Christian Fiction Blog Alliance

is introducing

A Hopeful Heart
Bethany House (June 1, 2010)

Kim Vogel Sawyer


Kim Vogel Sawyer is the author of fifteen novels, including several CBA and ECPA bestsellers. Her books have won the ACFW Book of the Year Award, the Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence, and the Inspirational Readers Choice Award. Kim is active in her church, where she leads women's fellowship and participates in both voice and bell choirs. In her spare time, she enjoys drama, quilting, and calligraphy. Kim and her husband, Don, reside in central Kansas, and have three daughters and six grandchildren.


Dowryless and desperate, Tressa Neill applies to the inaugural class of Wyatt Herdsman School in Barnett, Kansas, in 1888. The school's one-of-a-kind program teaches young women from the East the skills needed to become a rancher--or the wife of one.

Shy and small for her twenty-two years, Tressa is convinced she'll never have what it takes to survive Hattie Wyatt's hands-on instruction in skills such as milking a cow, branding a calf, riding a horse, and cooking up a mess of grub for hungry ranch hands. But what other options does she have?

Abel Samms wants nothing to do with the group of potential brides his neighbor brought to town. He was smitten with an eastern girl once--and he got his heart broken. But there's something about quiet Tressa and her bumbling ways that makes him take notice.

When Tressa's life is endangered, will Abel risk his own life--and his heart--to help this eastern girl?

If you would like to read the first chapter of A Hopeful Heart, go HERE

My Review:

I have always loved a good prairie romance. A HOPEFUL HEART goes beyond good and into great!

A group of eastern girls being taught on the open prairie how to be good prairie wives-- that alone snagged my attention, but once getting into the book you are opened to a world beyond the setting. The characters are real and alive, worming their way into my heart. Tressa, the heroine is a young woman searching for her place in the world and through each circumstance she must learn to stand strong in God. I loved her journey on all counts.

I can think of nothing I did not like about this book. I truly believe it is the best book by this author to date. The setting was vividly described, bringing me right there. The characters danced upon the screen of my imagination with a real life persona and the love story was sweet and complete with a lovely sigh from this reader when the book was closed.

Even the secondary characters were vivid in their portrayal and I hope to someday rejoin a few of them in another book. Please?

A HOPEFUL HEART will definitely be going on my best books list for a long time to come and is highly recommended!!

Thanks the publishers through CFBA for my copy to review. This review is my honest opinion.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Giveaway and Author Interview: The Stones

Eleanor Gustafson has been writing for several decades, the burning desire to put words on paper never leaving her. After raising her children from diapers and conquering the publishing world with a non-fiction essay, Eleanor decided to tackle a novel. She published three novels, one through self-publishing. Eleanor recent novel was recently released and is the epic story of King David in the Bible. I am pleased to present an interview I had with Eleanor recently and she graciously agreed to give away a copy of her latest book, The Stones: A Novel of the Life of King David.

Welcome, Eleanor, and thank you for spending this time with us, here on Writing for Christ!

1: How long did you write before you were published?

I started making up stories shortly after graduating from diapers to potty but didn’t actually write anything until much later. My early writing efforts met with feeble enthusiasm from both my mother and an author in our church. They basically told me, “Stick to music.” I had a lot to learn. I kept working at it, and my first article was accepted for publication in 1978.

2: When you held your first book in your hands, what was your first thought?

The six free copies from Zondervan handed to me felt really good, but it didn’t hold a candle to the earlier phone call telling me they were going to publish the book. Joy, indeed, but I hadn’t yet experienced the devastating editing process. That’s when I discovered I STILL had lots to learn! But learn I did, rewriting the entire book while figuring out how to operate our first computer. Now, with four books in hand, I know what that first copy really represents: a lot of tough marketing work.

3: What do you find the hardest part about writing?

The initial writing and shaping of the story is hard for me. Editing is far easier, though I’m slow—or a perfectionist—don’t know which. A conservative estimate is at least fifty rewrites.

4: How do you coordinate time between writing and other responsibilities?

Oh, I don’t. Life is totally out of control. I am list- and need-driven: i.e., hunger regularly moves me to consider food prep. Not easy when you include growing some of it, harvesting edible weeds, cooking from scratch, and committing to healthy, nutritious eating. Dandelion greens, anyone? The church-involvement list is long, email interactions even longer, caring about people through all media, and on and on. That I get anything published is remarkable. Just yesterday I sent off my book proposal for novel #5—probably five or more years in the making.

5: What are you working on now?

Now that #5 is out of my hands, I need to focus on the next one. I have something that’s half formed—partly in my mind, partly on paper. Will I live long enough to get it out there? Only God knows, but while the passion is in me, I write.

6: Where can readers find out more about your books?

My website is  Along with some fun things, you’ll find Amazon links for The Stones. Amazon still lists used copies of my earlier books. A warning: Middle Night, my only self-published book, is dark, edgy, and difficult to get into. Few people have really liked it, but it is a powerful story of redemption and grace—with no religious language at all. My experience with that book did teach me many good lessons. I just checked the Amazon site, and they list a new copy for $61.25. LOL!!! Don’t buy it at that price! Read the two reviews instead. You can get the other two for as little as one penny—plus S&H, of course. Do buy The Stones, though. You’ll like that.

7: What message(s) do you want to be clear to your readers?

The David story yanked me around a lot. He was complex: a shepherd, musician, warrior, king, ladies’ man, lover of God, sinner. Out of this context of blood, lust, and fully engaged worship flows the on-going story of God’s redemption, culminating in Jesus’ blood sacrifice for sinners like you and me. A holy, sovereign God offers love and grace. I want readers to see and feel the implications of that love.

8: Why did you choose this profession?

I chose music as a “profession,” but I think writing chose me. Classical music, especially, moves my soul, and with that as a backdrop on my life, the writing juices have flowed freely.

Thank you for being with us today. Any final words for readers?

Don’t read just for entertainment. Read books that will expand your mind and help you grow spiritually. Consider this brief excerpt from my upcoming novel, Dynamo:

“Maybelle,” Jeth said, “Rob told me that most Christians don’t sense God’s presence in their lives or understand his language. You understand what God is saying, don’t you?”

To Jeth’s surprise, Maybelle’s face clouded. She closed her eyes, then looked at him through deep pain. “Jeth, dear, I wish I could say you are wrong, that most Christians do have a lively conversation with our Lord. Instead, I see people who are starved and emaciated, seated at a full-spread banquet table and just nibbling…nibbling at crumbs. The food is there, but they will not eat. They’re not hungry, you see. You are hungry, my dear, and that is why God has singled you out for extraordinary things.”

May you be blessed in your reading and writing.

Okay readers here is your chance to check out Eleanor's book!
PLEASE LEAVE AN EMAIL ADDRESS! If I draw your name and there is no email, YOU WILL NOT WIN!
For extra entries:
~Be a follower
~Be a subscriber

And a NEW one:
~Follow my friend Cathy's blog HERE

Also, PLEASE NOTE if you become a NEW follower of Cathy's blog, PLEASE let me know, if you want to know why click HERE.

Contest is only open in the U.S. and void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items for said prize.

Thanks for coming by to enter! Contest ends on June 19th.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Book Review: Love on a Dime

I really like the title of this novel, it sums up the book well.

The story is of a secret dime novelist, a young woman who is writing dime novels behind her families’ back. With the advent of an old lover and a conniving man on her trail to expose her identity, will her secret be uncovered?

Aside from the three star rating, I did find enjoyment and the story was a premise that I enjoy in today’s fiction.

But I also really couldn’t get into the book. The characters didn’t draw me personally as much as I would have liked. They were different from each other and I understood their motivation and their lessons learned, but they didn’t become real to me.

The dialogue seemed forced. I don’t know how the characters would have talked in the Gilded age and maybe it is very authentic, but to me it just didn’t flow naturally.

Aside from that the ending was good. It ended with a bang and has me wondering for what will happen to the characters in book two. The secondary characters played along with the main characters very nicely and weren’t just cardboard cutouts next to the main.

A good novel and I want to thank the publishers for my copy to review. This review is my honest opinion.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Book Review: Almost Forever

It is no secret that I am a huge Deborah Raney fan and her latest book, ALMOST FOREVER does not disappoint.

The story is about love, betrayal and guilt, all rolled up into one tension building story. What I loved so much about this story and all of Raney’s books, are the redemptive themes. The book portrayed Bryn’s guilt for the death of 5 firefighters with clarity and depth. And the responses to life’s mistakes that ripple through other’s lives and just what happens when one careless action affects an entire town

Reading this book was like coming home. The book deals with the human condition in a way that the reader actually feels their lives unfold. I believed all the motives behind the actions and loved the romance that was sprinkled through the story.

It got tense about half way through the book and I was anxious for the characters and what would happen to them.

It felt well researched and I loved every minute. Like being wrapped in a warm blanket, ALMOST FOREVER drew me in and tugged on my heart strings. A true keeper.

This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the author for my copy to review.

Friday, June 4, 2010

What I Read This Week

6 books this week (though some took more me more than a week because I read them slower : ) and 18,000 words written on my WIP. That takes me over 60,000 words towards my goal of 90K, about three more weeks of writing!!

And they are:
Love Finds You in Lonesome Prairie Montana by Tricia Goyer and Ocieanna Fleiss
Private Justice by Terri Blackstock
Predator by Terri Blackstock
Before the Season Ends by Linore Rose Burkard
Insight by Deborah Raney
She Walks in Beauty by Siri Mitchell