Saturday, July 31, 2010

TWO Winners!!

And the winner of Nightshade by Ronie Kendig is...

Jan Marie!!! (janmarien....)

And the winner of The Victor by Maralyne Giron is...

Casey!!!! (no not ME, this Casey:

Congratulations to the winners, they have a week to get back with me or another winner will be drawn. Thanks for entering everyone! After next week, I will be back on my normal schedule of one giveaway a week. Phew. I will be glad to see it slow down a little! Have a great weekend everyone!

Friday, July 30, 2010

What I Read This Week (and prayer request update)

That is 6 books for this week and most were GREAT! If you want to know my rating on any of these books click on the tab below the header "2010 Novels Read"

And they are:
Homecoming Hero by Renee Ryan
Where the Dogwoods Bloom by Myra Johnson
The Someday List by Stacy Hawkins Adams
The Vigilante's Bride by Vyonne Harris
Letters from the Enemy by Susan May Warren
Doctor in Petticoats by Mary Connealy

Also, an update on Annabelle. She made it through surgery, but had a major setback. The doctors had to open her back up and do some damage control, but she is now in stable condition. She is resting and I think her parents are breathing a sigh of relief and praising God. When she had her setback they ended up doing chest compressions on her and so far there is no sigh of brain damage, but just keep praying for her complete and total healing. If you want to know more and see pictures visit HERE. She is in stable condition now. PRAISE GOD!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Giveaway and Author Interview: Love Finds You in Homestead, Iowa

My guest today with a giveaway is author, Melanie Dobson, be sure and read on for your chance to win her Love Finds You book. : )

Welcome to Writing for Christ! Thank you for being with us today.

1: How long did you write before you were published?

I began journaling when I was seven and discovered early in life that God gave me a passion for words. During those younger years, I wrote a number for stories and poems, but pursued nonfiction writing and public relations as an adult. I’d always wanted to write fiction, but thought I would start pursuing this when I was “older.” Not long before my thirtieth birthday, I realized that I was indeed older and God reignited the passion in me to write fiction. It took seven years and three completed manuscripts before Together for Good was published.

2: When you held that first book in your hands, what was your first thought?

My baby has a face! For so long I’d labored to create this baby of mine, and it was amazing to finally see her beautiful cover and hold her in my hands.

3: What are you working on now?

I just finished a romantic suspense novel titled The Silent Order about a Cleveland detective who is intent on bringing down the Mafia family responsible for murdering the woman he loved—and an Amish woman who is trying to guard the secrets of her past from him. The Silent Order will be published in November.

4: Where can readers find out more about your books?

The best place is on my website ( ) or . I write historical romance, suspense, and contemporary fiction, and there is a description of all my novels on both of those sites.

5: What message(s) do you want to be clear to your readers?

Love Finds You in Homestead, Iowa is about a man and his daughter searching for a place to belong. The thread throughout this book is integrity and the need for community. Refuge on Crescent Hill is a romantic suspence, set in an old mansion in Ohio that is filled with both present and past secrets. The message in this book unfolds with one of the twists in the plot so I better keep that a secret as well…

6: What are two things that people wouldn't normally know about you as a writer and or person?

My writing is really used an excuse for my research habit. I love to research and have to pry myself away from the stacks of book and old newspapers in the library so I can actually write a book. The second thing would probably be that I wasn’t a consistent fiction writer until I had children. Starting a family forced me to schedule my writing times and when the girls were younger, these times were often quite short so I had to pound out my words during short increments when they were napping or late at night. During that time, I learned the value in writing conistently every day, even when it was just fifteen or twenty minutes.

Thank you for being with us today.

Thanks so much for having me, Casey!

Okay readers, here is your chance to enter to win Melanie's Love Finds You in Homestead, Iowa!!

PLEASE LEAVE AN EMAIL ADDRESS! If I draw your name and there is no email, YOU WILL NOT WIN!
For extra entries:
~Be a follower
~Be a subscriber
And a NEW one:
~Follow my other blog, Bug's Beads

Contest is only open in the U.S. and void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items for said prize.
Thanks for coming by to enter! Contest ends on August 14th.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Best Laid Plans

Have you ever sat down at the computer and just started writing? Writing what is on your heart and not worrying about how it comes out on paper? Have you ever allowed yourself those moments of creativity and then just sit back and marvel at what God placed on your heart?

I really couldn't think of anything of to write for today, so I just decided instead of starting with a title, I was just going to write something.

And how often do we do that in life? How often do we start something that when we are done just amazes us? I am a planner. I like to think long term, I even schedule my hair appointments over a month in advance. Yeah. I know. I like to know what is around the bend in the road, to know what I am going to do in the next 15 minutes.

But God doesn't always let us see what is ahead of us. We can have best laid plains, but what if God has something different in mind? What if He says, "No, I want you to do this instead." Can we say that we will willingly let Him guide our lives?

I want to be published someday. That is my plan. To write a really good story and try to sell it. But if what God says no? What if He has something better in mind? "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper and not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 (Casey paraphrase.)

Can I honestly say I won't be upset or disappointed at His change in my plans? Well maybe, but if I truly want to be at the center of His will for my life, I need to be willing to lay aside my plans for my life and completely surrounder to Him. That is the best laid plan you can ever hope to have.

To be in the center of His will.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Revell Blog Tour and Book Review:The Seeker

From the first page, this story swept me off my feet. While not a book I devoured in several sittings, each time I settled in to enjoy the story, I found myself swept into the world of the 19th century Shakers.

The setting against the backdrop of the Civil War was rich in authenticity and flavor. Each nuance of the Shaker cultural played an intricate part in the story and I learned a great deal about their belief system.

The love story was endearing and heart pounding. The first scene in the garden of the plantation just about took my breath away. What a wonderful way to open the book with an unexpected kiss from a complete stranger, good looking as can be!

THE SEEKER was rift with conflict and turmoil and it played vividly before my eyes, eliciting many emotions, from anger to joy.

The one thing I would have liked better shown would have been more of the true faith of God to be spoken of, instead of just the false religion of the Shakers, but I do think in the end the point was made, I would have just liked it to be stronger.

All in all, this was an enthralling read and I enjoyed every minute of it.

Thanks to Revell for my copy to review. This review is my honest opinion.

**Available August 2010 from Revell, a division of Baker publishing.**

Monday, July 26, 2010

Giveaway and Author Interview: Touching the Clouds

My guest today is author Bonnie Leon! Please read on for a chance at winning her latest novel!

Welcome to Writing for Christ!
Tell us a little about yourself!
Bonnie Leon dabbled in writing for many years but never set it in a place of priority until an accident in 1991 left her unable to work at her job. She is now the author of several historical fiction series, including the Sydney Cove series, Queensland Chronicles, the Matanuska series, the Sowers Trilogy, and the Northern Lights series. She also stays busy teaching women’s Bible studies, speaking, and teaching at writing seminars and women’s gatherings. Bonnie and her husband, Greg, live in Southern Oregon. They have three grown children and four grandchildren.

1: How long did you write before you were published?

I took baby steps into writing in 1989—creating poems, vignettes and short stories. It wasn’t until I attended a writers’ conference in 1992 that I returned home with a book to write. The following summer I returned to the conference and presented the story to an editor who worked for Thomas Nelson Publishing. She liked it and asked to see the rest of the book. A few months later I signed a contract with Thomas Nelson Publishing. It was my first book, The Journey of Eleven Moons, which became a bestseller.

2: When you held that first book in your hands, what was your first thought?

I wasn’t really “thinking”. I was swamped with feelings—a sense of awe and wonderment at what God had done. I never thought I’d write a book let alone publish one, and yet there it was in my hands—God had done it. I was truly overwhelmed.

3: What are you working on now?

I just turned in book two in the Alaskan Skies series and I’m thinking a lot about book three, allowing ideas to percolate in my mind. I’m in the midst of launching book one, Touching the Clouds. In another week I’ll immerse myself in the time and place by reading historical accounts and then I’ll work on a new story line. I know the beginning and the end, but the middle is a bit vague. I’m eager to begin writing.

4: Where can readers find out more about your books?

The best place is at my website. All my books are listed there. The address is .

5: What message(s) do you want to be clear to your readers?

There are themes and subthemes in Touching the Clouds, but the major theme would be, Do not listen to thoughts of self doubt and loathing that loop through our minds. Instead trust God who offers mercy and love and new beginnings.

6: What are two things that people wouldn’t normally know about you as a writer and or person?

Almost no one knows that when I married my husband I wasn’t sure I wanted to become Mrs. Leon. When I walked down the aisle I thought, “If it doesn’t work I can get a divorce.” We very nearly did divorce after four years of marriage, but God save my husband and I and He saved our marriage. We will celebrate our 39th anniversary in August. God is amazing!

And secondly, around these parts, I’m known for making the “best” chocolate chip cookies ever.

Thank you for being with us today. Any final words for readers?

Remember to stop and look at God’s creation—it’s all around us. It’s a reminder of His creativity, His power and His might. There is nothing He cannot do.

Okay readers, here is your chance to win Bonnie's brand new book, Touching the Clouds!!
Here is how you can enter...
PLEASE LEAVE AN EMAIL ADDRESS! If I draw your name and there is no email, YOU WILL NOT WIN!

For extra entries:
~Be a follower
~Be a subscriber
Contest is only open in the U.S. and void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items for said prize.

Thanks for coming by to enter! Contest ends on August 7th.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

And the Winners are....

Of So Over It by Stephanie Morrill...


And for Gallimore by Michelle Griep.....


Congratulations to the winners, they have a week to get back with me, (though I just saw one reply hit my inbox. : )

July seems to be the month for giveaways and I have YET to come up for air, so check back in on Monday. I need the weekend to recoup. Have a  wonderful Sunday everyone and thanks for entering the contest and supporting my blog!

Friday, July 23, 2010

What I Read This Week (and prayer request/ praise)

Life is crazy, but still 4 books have been read.

I do have one praise to share, I am just bursting so I must. I recently started (well took over) a business making jewelry (necklaces, earrings, bracelets) you may remember hearing about it, Bug's Beads. But it really wasn't taking off and I am struggling to put orders in and get stuff made. But GOD is so good, a company recently took a few of my samples and came back to purchase 50 earrings!! I mailed them yesterday, and I just praise God that I had that order.

Also, a while back I asked for your prayer support for Krista and her baby Annabelle that was going to be born with a need for immediate heart surgery. Well, Annabelle joined the world the other day and you can find pictures HERE, but please be praying for this family as Annabelle's surgery is TODAY! Mom and Dad I am sure will be anxious and please pray that God's peace would overflow on them. Thanks!

And they are:
Stars in the Night by Cara Putman
No Other by Shawna Williams
Licensed for Trouble by Susan May Warren
Critical Care by Candace Calvert

Also, there is just ONE day left to enter to win, So Over It and Gallimore. Check it out!!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

BOOK REVIEW & CFBA Tour: Stars in the Night

This week, the

Christian Fiction Blog Alliance

is introducing

Stars In The Night
Summerside Press (July 1, 2010)

Cara Putman

A Word From Cara:
I graduated from high school at sixteen, college at 20, and completed my law degree when I was 27.
My writing journey started in 2005 when I decided to write my first novel. Now I have eleven books published with more on the way.

People say I've accomplished a lot and that I must have life by the proverbial tail. Hardly! I grew up as a home schooled kid when home schoolers were misunderstood and oddities.

I struggle with balancing my writing and law career, plus being a good mom and wife.
I often fear people won't like my books.
I've walked through the deep pain of miscarriage.
Really, I'm just like you – I don't have it all together and have gone through tough times. But in His strength, I've discovered a strength I never knew I had. A strength I want you to discover, too.
In the end I'm just an ordinary mom who has seen God do some wonderful things as I've been obedient to step into the calling He's led me into.

Stars in the Night Background

Stars in the Night was an idea that had begun to percolate in my mind. I’d written two World War II series and was actively looking for my next setting. My husband, a huge World War II history buff, and I were kicking ideas around, and I’d decided Hollywood was probably the next place for me. I’d gone to the library and gotten a stack of research books when I got the call. An editor I knew but had never worked with wanted to know if I might be interested in a new line they were starting. As we talked, I got so excited. And then she emailed me their guidelines, which listed that Hollywood was a location they were interested in setting books.

Only God could have known ahead of time. But because I followed His prompting I was ready to run with an idea. Stars in the Night is the result.

Hollywood 1942. When attorney Audra Schaeffer's sister disappears, Audra flies to Hollywood to find her.
Any day Audra might have been flattered by the friendly overtures of Robert Garfield, a real-life movie star. But on the flight from Indianapolis to Hollywood, Audra can think of little else than finding her missing sister. When Audra arrives in the city of glitz and glamour, and stars, and learns her rising starlet sister has been murdered, all thoughts of romance fly away.
Determined to bring the killer to justice, Audra takes a job with the second Hollywood Victory Caravan.

Together with Robert Garfield and other stars, she crisscrosses the southern United States in a campaign to sell war bonds. When two other women are found dead on the train, Audra knows the deaths are tied to that of her sister.

Could the killer be the man with whom she's falling in love?
If you'd like to read an excerpt of Chapter 1 of Stars In The Night, go HERE.
Contest: Lots of opportunities to win and great prizes, and the grand prize contains some of Cara's favorite classic movies as well as all of her WWII novels: Launch Contest!

My Review:
With a depth of historical detail and rich setting, STARS IN THE NIGHT is a story of mystery, a fledging love and all the glamour Hollywood can provide.

With the flavor on Murder on the Orient Express, this book swept me away into the murder mystery of a young starlet looking for a place for herself in rising stardom. I loved the flavor of the setting. I was brought in the 20th century Hollywood world and given a glimpse into an era I don’t often get the pleasure of exploring. I could see each scene vividly. See the glittering lights and taste the eagerness for fame on the back of my tongue.

And explore this world I did, along with the main characters as Audra worked to solve the mystery surrounding her sister’s death. Each scene in the book moves it forward in one way or another and with each twist I was more surprised.

I was comfortable and at home while reading this novel. It flows with a grace and sense of purpose towards the ending, while wending its way into the heart of the reader. I felt for Audra in her loss and grew to admire her tenacity.

All in all, this book was a very enjoyable read and I look forward to getting lost within its pages again in the future.

Giveaway and Author Interview: Ruby Red

Welcome to Writing for Christ!
Thank you for being with us today. What an honor for me to be here today among such wonderful people. Thank you for having me.

Tell us a little about yourself!
I am a person you can pass on the street and never notice, but I put my best efforts into an ordinary life in order to accomplish something extraordinary. After serving overseas as a missionary, I chose the classroom for my next challenge. Twenty-five years later, I am still here--it's home. Presently, I am the Special Education Coordinator at Denton’s county juvenile facility for teens.

I have hundreds of articles in print, dozens of short stories in book collections, and one of them was on PAX TV. I am the author of eight novels. The first three I co-authored with Susan Wales, whose husband produced the TV series Christy. My following books I soloed.

The first of The Turtle Creek Edition series, The Christmas Edition, caught the eye of director/producer Steven Zambo of Salty Earth Pictures. Filmed in Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin this past winter, the movie is now in post production. The targeted release of the movie based on my book is December 2010, Journey to Paradise. As a result, my publisher is re-leasing this book with a new ending and more scenes, so even if you have read it the first time, you will want the newer copy. Steve Zambo plans on releasing my next three books of that series The Valentine Edition and The Easter Edition.

Wildcard is my thriller/romance novel about a micro chip that is placed on voting machines to tip the results of the next presidential election.

And now my latest release, Ruby Red, a young adult historical novel written for young teens, although my mailbox is filled with letters from adults who are just as passionate about Ruby.

Sparklesoup LLC. Kailin Gow, publisher/editor at Sparklesoup says this about RUBY RED..."the writing is beautiful. This is the girl version of Huckleberry Finn and Oliver Twist. Sure to be a classic.”

(from the book) Ruby didn’t know she sparkled with beauty like the gem whose name she carried. Her skin was like lush earth darkened by the heat of summer’s noonday sun. But it wasn’t the green of summer it was the white of winter and Ruby had no place to call home.

1: How long did you write before you were published?
I fell in love with writing in the fifth grade. I adored my writing teacher and she always read the best compositions aloud in class. The way she cradled them in her hands told me they were treasures. I worked extremely hard to please her and hear my words read aloud, but I was never chosen. A few years later, we moved to Delavan, Wisconsin. I wrote a composition for my ELA teacher and she told me there was no way I could have written that paper because it was too good. When I told her each and every word belonged to me, she sent me to the principal for lying. Actually, I was pretty happy by then because all this fuss made me realize I had written a very good paper. The principal called my mother and spoke with her. She told him that she watched me write that paper sitting at the kitchen table. I have been working on stories since the 5th grade. My first published piece was a poem about a dog named Maggie when I was in college. I received three dollars payment. I was on my way.

2: When you held that first book in your hands, what was your first thought?
Will I ever publish another book? Honest, that was my first thought. Fear. It took several days to sink in that I was actually an author that my name was on a book of the story I had carried around inside of me for years. It was official.

3: Tell us about your current book.
Ruby Red is truly a work of heart. She was conceived shortly after I read the first account of Orphan Train riders. As I paged through pictures I noted there were only white children. What happened to the non-white children who were also orphaned? As I researched, I came to realize they were kept in the city, left on the streets to fend for themselves, or put into households as servants. My two children are adopted. Matthew is Caucasian. Kim is a lovely mixture of Caucasian, Hispanic and African American. I realized if they had lived back then, Matthew would have made the train trip west to find a new family but Kim would have remained in New York City with a dim future.

Ruby Red is a fictionalized tale of a true event. Homeless children roamed the streets of New York City from the late 1800s through the 1930s. Death and disease were heaped upon poverty and overcrowding, causing thousands of children to be abandoned and left to fend for themselves. Eleven-year-old Ruby is taken in as a maid. Believing life holds more for her than washing someone s clothes, she makes a risky move by faking insanity. After being expelled from the household, Ruby sneaks onto the Orphan Train. With her best friend, a cockroach named Red, housed in a canning jar, Ruby searches for a place to call home and runs into adventure and heartbreak. Both an enigma and a young teen, she is the perfect reflection of how life once was in America. Ruby embodies goodness, and simplicity of truth; a rare gem which bespeaks her name. Softened a bit through suffering she refuses to be hardened and keeps believing that the world holds a special place for her. Written beautifully by author Robin Jansen Shope for young teens and adults, the indomitable spirit of Ruby Red triumphs and will live in your heart far beyond the pages of the book.

4: What are you working on now?
This summer I have to get crack’n on completing the second book in the Ruby Red series, due out before Christmas. I am also writing a woman’s fiction mystery set on an island in Lake Michigan. And am co-authoring a thriller set in the Lincoln Park area of Chicago, Illinois with John Friedman, a former Chicago defense attorney.

5: Where can readers find out more about your books?
Readers can find my books on amazon and also order them from any bookstore.

If anyone is on FaceBook, I would count it an honor to have them join Ruby Red Fan Page. We will be doing all things Ruby Red from class/group discussion questions, contests, promotions and forums. No one wants to miss all the giveaways!

Ruby Red can be ordered from Amazon or any bookstore. Amazon Kindle will have it as an eBook and so will Apple’s iPad!

Ruby Red will also be part of a new girl's social club site for girls age 13 to 19 that is coming out in June called, The Shy Girls Social Club, based on a book by the same title coming out in June. The website link is:

What a great way for young girls and the adults who love them to spend their summer.

I would love for everyone to befriend me on Facebook, Robin Jansen Shope. Also please join Journey to Paradise Movie and Salty Earth Pictures for movie updates.

My blog is The Serial Writings of Robin Shope

6: What message(s) do you want to be clear to your readers about the book?


Ruby Red is a fictionalized tale of a true event. Homeless children roamed the streets of New York City from the late 1800s through the 1930s. Death and disease were heaped upon poverty and overcrowding, causing thousands of children to be abandoned and left to fend for themselves. Eleven-year-old Ruby is taken in as a maid. Believing life holds more for her than washing someone s clothes, she makes a risky move by faking insanity. After being expelled from the household, Ruby sneaks onto the Orphan Train. With her best friend, a cockroach named Red, housed in a canning jar, Ruby searches for a place to call home and runs into adventure and heartbreak. Both an enigma and a young teen, she is the perfect reflection of how life once was in America. Ruby embodies goodness, and simplicity of truth; a rare gem which bespeaks her name. Softened a bit through suffering she refuses to be hardened and keeps believing that the world holds a special place for her. Written beautifully by author Robin Jansen Shope for young teens and adults, the indomitable spirit of Ruby Red triumphs and will live in your heart far beyond the pages of the book.

7: What are two things that people wouldn't normally know about you as a writer and or person?

I carry a notebook or a small recorder where ever I go because there’s no telling when or where new characters will introduce themselves to me. Sometimes it’s in the middle of the night, at other times I am mid-bite of a taco when they show up to tell me their story. No, I am not schizophrenic. I am a writer. There are book people waiting to be born and they are all over the place.

Thank you for being with us today. Any final words for readers?

Thank you for hosting me today Casey. It means a lot to me for those who took time to read this interview. I especially want to thank everyone who took time to leave a comment. I also want to thank my faithful readers for purchasing my books and emailing me or writing to me. I love answering you. I really hope you will connect with me on FB. I care about you. It’s for you I write.

Readers here is your chance to enter to win this novel! Leave a comment with your email address. IF I DRAW YOUR NAME AND THERE IS NO EMAIL ADDRESS YOU WILL NOT WIN!!

For extra entries:
~be a follower
~be an email subscriber
And a NEW one:
~Follow a great giveaway blog, The Borrowed Book

Contest is only open in the U.S. and void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items of said prize.

Thanks for coming by to enter!

Contest ends on August  7th.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

2010 ACFW Carol Award Finalists

It is very exciting to see the list of so many great books. The Carol Award is second only to the pretigious Christy Award in today's Christian novel market, so read the list, congratulate the finalists and hope for your favorites to win in September. My favorites to win are highlighted in bold. If I haven't read the book, but want the author to win, their name will be bolded.

Debut Author
Talking to the Dead - Bonnie Grove (David C. Cook Publishing, Nicci Hubert - Editor)
The Kidnapping of Kenzie Thorn - Liz Johnson (Steeple Hill, Elizabeth Mazer - Editor)
Eternity Falls - Kirk Outerbridge (Marcher Lord Press, Jeff Gerke - Editor)
Michal - Jill Eileen Smith (Revell, Lonnie Hull DuPont - Editor)
The Unfinished Gift - Dan Walsh (Revell, Andrea Doering - Editor)

Contemporary Novella - 6 Finalists due to a tie
One Child - Barbara Cameron (Thomas Nelson, Natalie Hanemann - Editor)
When Winter Comes - Barbara Cameron (Thomas Nelson, Natalie Hanemann - Editor)
A Mule Hollow Match - Debra Clopton (Steeple Hill, Krista Stroever - Editor)
The Great Christmas Bowl - Susan May Warren (Tyndale House, Karen Watson - Editor)
A Change of Heart - Beth Wiseman (Thomas Nelson, Natalie Hanemann - Editor)
A Choice to Forgive - Beth Wiseman (Thomas Nelson, Natalie Hanemann- Editor)

Historical Novella
Home Again - Victoria Bylin (Steeple Hill, Melissa Endlich - Editor)
A Breed Apart - Vickie McDonough (Barbour Publishing, Rebecca Germany - Editor)
Beloved Enemy - Vickie McDonough (Barbour Publishing, Rebecca Germany - Editor)
Christmas Bells for Dry Creek - Janet Tronstad (Steeple Hill, Tina James - Editor)
A Shelter in the Storm - Carrie Turansky (Barbour Publishing, Rebecca Germany - Editor)

Long Contemporary - 6 Finalists due to a tie
The Familiar Stranger - Christina Berry (Moody Publishers, Paul Santhouse - Editor)
A Widow's Hope - Mary Ellis (Harvest House Publishers, Betty Fletcher - Editor)
The Prayers of Agnes Sparrow - Joyce Magnin (Abingdon Press, Barbara Scott - Editor)
White Picket Fences - Susan Meissner (Waterbrook Press, Shannon Marchese - Editor)
If Tomorrow Never Comes - Marlo Schalesky (Multnomah, Julee Schwarzburg - Editor)
Nothing But Trouble - Susan May Warren (Tyndale House, Karen Watson - Editor)

Long Contemporary Romance
Critical Care - Candace Calvert (Tyndale House, Jan Stob/Lorie Popp - Editors)
Seaside Letters - Denise Hunter (Thomas Nelson, Ami McConnell/Jessica Alvarez - Editors)
Just Between You and Me - Jenny B. Jones (Thomas Nelson, Natalie Hanemann/Jamie Chavez - Editors)
Plain Promise - Beth Wiseman (Thomas Nelson, Natalie Hanemann - Editor)
The Hope of Refuge - Cindy Woodsmall (Waterbrook Press, Shannon Marchese - Editor)

The Case of the Mystified M.D. - A.K. Arenz (Sheaf House, Joan M. Shoup - Editor)
Under the Cajun Moon - Mindy Starns Clark (Harvest House Publishers, Kim Moore - Editor)
A String of Murders - Darlene Franklin (Heartsong Mysteries, Susan Downs - Editor)
Polly Dent Loses Grip - S. Dionne Moore (Heartsong Mysteries, Susan Downs - Editor)
Pushing up Daisies - Janice Thompson writing as Janice Hanna (Heartsong Mysteries, Susan Downs - Editor)

Long Historical
A Bride in the Bargain - Deeanne Gist (Bethany House, David Long/Julie Klassen - Editors)
Fit To Be Tied - Robin Lee Hatcher (Zondervan, Sue Brower/Leslie Peterson - Editors)
Look to the East - Maureen Lang (Tyndale House, Stephanie Broene - Editor)
Love's Pursuit - Siri Mitchell (Bethany House, Dave & Sarah Long - Editors)
Stealing Home - Allison Pittman (Multnomah, Alice Crider - Editor)

Long Historical Romance - 8 Finalists due to a tie
Paper Roses - Amanda Cabot (Revell, Vicki Crumpton - Editor)
Cowboy Christmas - Mary Connealy (Barbour Publishing, Rebecca Germany - Editor)
Montana Rose - Mary Connealy (Barbour Publishing, Rebecca Germany - Editor)
The Frontiersman's Daughter - Laura Frantz (Revell, Andrea Doering - Editor)
The Believer - Ann Gabhart (Revell, Lonnie Hull DuPont - Editor)
A Passion Denied - Julie Lessman (Revell, Lonnie Hall DuPont - Editor)
Love Finds You in Poetry, Texas - Janice Thompson writing as Janice Hanna (Summerside Press, Rachel Meisel - Editor)
The Confidential Life of Eugenia Cooper - Kathleen Y’Barbo (Waterbrook Press, Jessica Barnes - Editor)

Short Contemporary
His Cowgirl Bride - Debra Clopton (Steeple Hill, Krista Stroever - Editor)
Autumn Rains - Myra Johnson (Heartsong Presents, JoAnne Simmons - Editor)
A Wagonload of Trouble - Vickie McDonough (Heartsong Presents, JoAnne Simmons - Editor)
A Texas Ranger's Family - Mae Nunn (Steeple Hill, Melissa Endlich - Editor)
Dreaming of Home - Glynna Sirpless writing as Glynna Kaye (Steeple Hill, Melissa Endlich - Editor)

Short Contemporary Suspense - 6 Finalists due to a tie
Evidence of Murder - Jill Elizabeth Nelson (Steeple Hill, Emily Rodmell - Editor)
Final Warning - Sandra Robbins (Steeple Hill, Tina James - Editor)
Murder at Eagle Summit - Virginia Smith (Steeple Hill, Krista Stroever - Editor)
Scent of Murder - Virginia Smith (Steeple Hill, Krista Stroever/Tina James - Editors)
Double Take - Jenness Walker (Steeple Hill, Emily Rodmell - Editor)
Code of Honor - Lenora Worth (Steeple Hill, Patience Smith/Tina James - Editors)

Short Historical
Her Patchwork Family - Lyn Cote (Steeple Hill, Tina James - Editor)
The Glassblower - Laurie Alice Eakes (Heartsong Presents, JoAnne Simmons - Editor)
The Outlaw's Lady - Laurie Kingery (Steeple Hill, Melissa Endlich - Editor)
All That Glitters - Lynette Sowell (Heartsong Presents, JoAnne Simmons - Editor)
The Unfinished Gift - Dan Walsh (Revell, Andrea Doering)

Speculative (includes Science Fiction, Fantasy, Allegory) - 6 Finalists due to a tie
Eternity Falls - Kirk Outerbridge (Marcher Lord Press, Jeff Gerke - Editor)
The Vanishing Sculptor - Donita K. Paul (Waterbrook Press, Shannon Marchese - Editor)
The Word Reclaimed - Steve Rzasa (Marcher Lord Press, Jeff Gerke - Editor)
Starfire - Stuart Vaughn Stockton (Marcher Lord Press, Jeff Gerke - Editor)
The Muse - Fred Warren (Splashdown Books, Grace Bridges - Editor)
By Darkness Hid - Jill Williamson (Marcher Lord Press, Jeff Gerke - Editor)

Intervention - Terri Blackstock (Zondervan, Sue Brower/Dave Lambert - Editors)
Lonestar Secrets - Colleen Coble (Thomas Nelson, Ami McConnell - Editor)
Exposure - Brandilyn Collins (Zondervan, Rachelle Gardner/Sue Brower - Editors)
Salty Like Blood - Harry Kraus (Howard/Simon & Schuster, David Lambert - Editor)
Breach of Trust - DiAnn Mills (Tyndale House, Karen Watson - Editor)

Women’s Fiction - 7 Finalists due to a tie
Sweet Waters - Julie Carobini (B&H Publishing, Karen Ball - Editor)
Leaving Yesterday - Kathryn Cushman (Bethany House, Dave Long - Editor)
Sweet By and By - Sara Evans & Rachel Hauck (Thomas Nelson, Ami McConnell - Editor)
Never the Bride - Rene Gutteridge & Cheryl McKay (Waterbrook Press, Shannon Marchese - Editor)
Yesterday's Embers - Deborah Raney (Howard/Simon & Schuster, David Lambert - Editor)
Above All Things - Deborah Raney (Steeple Hill, Krista Stroever - Editor)
The Summer Kitchen - Lisa Wingate (New American Library/Penguin, Ellen Edwards - Editor)

Young Adult
Who Made You a Princess? - Shelley Adina (Hachette FaithWords, Anne Goldsmith Horch - Editor)
Always Watching - Brandilyn & Amberly Collins (Zondervan, Barbara Scott - Editor)
I'm So Sure - Jenny B. Jones (Thomas Nelson, Natalie Hanemann/Jamie Chavez - Editors)
So Not Happening - Jenny B. Jones (Thomas Nelson, Amanda Bostic/Jamie Chavez - Editors)
Unsigned Hype - Booker T. Mattison (Revell, Andrea Doering - Editor)


What an AWESOME list!! Are there any on there that you have read, hope they win? I was so torn on several of the topics, I would love for them all to win and I am just so thankful I don't have to choose. I mean between The Frontiersman's Daughter and A Passion Denied? Who can choose? Argh, the suspense is going to kill me!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Book Review: Too Close to Home

I enjoy a good contemporary mystery. The kind that makes your toes curl and your breath pump faster.

TOO CLOSE TO HOME was a good novel, but it really got good about half way through the book. It starts off slow and I must admit that I skimmed at the start, but then it roped me in and I couldn’t go fast. The tension really kicked up a notch at that point and it kept me glued to the pages. The suspense was well done, and I was intrigued at just who was committing these crimes and until the end I wasn’t really sure what the extent of the crimes that were being committed.

There were a few things I didn’t like about the book. I didn’t feel a lot of the emotions. I was simply told what they were and it didn’t make for as thrilling a ride, which is the main reason I docked it a star.

But I really like how the heroine in the novel was not the stereotypical police cop. She knew what she was doing, but wasn’t power hungry. It made for a more refreshing read, because I really dislike heroines who think they know more their male counterparts.

All in all this was a good suspense, and boy the ending really makes me want to get the second book! It leaves no time for a breath and a great jumpstart on the next book due out in the fall.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Giveaway and Author Interview: The Victor

Welcome to Writing for Christ! Thank you for being with us today.
Tell us about yourself!

Marlayne Giron is a full-time career secretary, wife and mother who likes to read, cook, entertain, draw, ice-skate and scrapbook. The Victor is her first novel.
1: How long did you write before you were published?

I actually got my start writing in my early teens with my best friend, Lisa. She put us in as characters into our favorite television series at the time (The Six Million Dollar Man). We read our parts out loud to each other and just cracked up. It was so much fun I wrote the next one. We wrote hundreds of these short stories (and one “feature” length one as well each). I was inspired to write The Victor from an Amy Grant song from 30 years ago called “Fairytale” from her Father’s Eyes Album. (As a result of my employment 30 years ago with the now President of the Gospel Music Association, Amy Grant has a copy of my book and autographed mine for me. I’m hoping to meet her this June at the Life and Faith Concert in Richmond, VA.) I wrote the first draft in about a year on a Smith Corona typewriter (yes...before there were computers) and rewrote it more times than I can count over the course of the next ten years. After almost 30 years it was finally released during Holy Week of 2009 which was appropriate because the entire book basically retells the fall of Satan, the fall of man of the redemption of Christ’s bride, the church as a medieval romance.

2: When you held that first book in your hands, what was your first thought?

It was actually surreal. It felt odd. It was just hard to believe that the “story” I hadn’t been able to pay people to read for the past 30 years was finally in print; especially when you consider the fact that I had basically given up on and forgotten all about it for over ten years! I still find it hard to believe all this is happening!

3: What are you working on now?

Marketing, marketing, marketing! I waited so long for The Victor to come into existence that I want to make sure it reaches the full potential in ministry that God has for it. I am having some success getting it into public schools along with the Lesson Plan I created with a teacher friend. It is not a book written for fellow believers (although all who have read it really love it). It was written for the unbeliever as a way to convey the Gospel to people who have no interest in church or reading the Bible. I found Jesus as my Messiah as a nonreligious Jew as a direct result of watching Jesus of Nazareth on television in 1977 despite my ingrained bias. I believe the Lord wants to use this book to reach the lost and gave me a scripture shortly after I began writing it confirm the idea was from Him: Psalm 45. The first verse reads: My heart overflows with a good theme; I address my verses to the King; my tongue is the pen of a ready writer.” The remainder of the Psalm describes the wedding of the King to His bride which I use almost in its entirety at the end of the book.

4: Where can readers find out more about your books?

My book website is: . It is available on the usual websites: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, (search on my first and last name not the title) or for those who would like a personally autographed copy I have Paypal on my website along with the Lesson Plan. The accompanying Student workbook is a free download.

5: What message(s) do you want to be clear to your readers?

For fellow believers: that the Bible is the ultimate love story of our redemption and that we are loved with a passionate love by our Savior. For those who don’t believe: that they will identify and become emotionally involved with the main characters so as to recognize that they too have a choice to make; whether to accept their rightful King and enter into his kingdom of light, love and peace or to reject Him and have nothing to do with His kingdom.

6: What are two things that people wouldn't normally know about you as a writer and or person?

I write “wish fulfillment” stories for anyone who asks as a gift. I have done about 20 so far and the person who requests is put into their own story as the “star” (just like the stories I used to write as a kid). Their stories are then posted on my book website for their family and friends to enjoy. The other interesting fact would be that I never went to college or took advanced writing classes. It’s all a result of a lot of reading and writing for pleasure.

Thank you for being with us today. Any final words for readers?

I love to make new friends, please feel free to email me at

Okay readers here is your chance to check out Marlayne's book!

PLEASE LEAVE AN EMAIL ADDRESS! If I draw your name and there is no email, YOU WILL NOT WIN!
For extra entries:
~Be a follower
~Be a subscriber
And a NEW one:
~Snag my blog button for your blog

Contest is only open in the U.S. and void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items for said prize.
Thanks for coming by to enter! Contest ends on July 31st

Saturday, July 17, 2010

TWO Winners!!

And they are....

For Love Finds You in Calico, California by Elizabeth Ludwig....

Jackie Smith!!! (jackie.smith....)

And for Seeds of Summer by Deborah Vogts...

Debbie F!!! (dcf_beth....)

Congratulations, the ladies have been contacted and have a week to get back with me. Thanks for entering everyone, these were some pretty BIG giveaways!!

Friday, July 16, 2010

What I Read This Week

With VBS this week, I really did not get the reading done. And most of these were read last weekend! Though VBS went really well and I am glad that I did it this year. I think it might have turned into an annual thing. : )

And they are...
Love Finds You in Valentine, Nebraska by Irene Brand
They Almost Always Come Home by Cynthia Ruchti
The Seeker by Ann H. Gabhart

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Giveaway and Author Interview: Nightshade

My guest today is author, Ronie Kendig!
Welcome to Writing for Christ, Ronie! Thank you for being with us today.

Tell us a little about yourself!

I grew up with a mother who immigrated from Dublin, Ireland, when she was 18. My father was born in Montreal, Canada, to a father who was born in Vermont but was raised in Montreal. My father was in the army, so we moved around a lot. Our family settled at Ft Hood, TX, where my father retired as a civilian contractor. I got married at nineteen (two months shy of my 20th birthday) and June 1, 2010 marks our 20th anniversary. My incredible husband and I homeschool our four children, who range in ages from 16 to 10. In addition to two-legged children, we also have two, four-legged furry children: a Golden Retriever named Daisy, and Helo, the Maltese Menace. 

1: How long did you write before you were published?

As a newlywed in 1990, I savored it when my husband got me my first word processor. It was cutting edge, but now, I groan thinking about writing stories on that tiny, three-inch screen. Finally, sometime around 2000, my husband urged me to try to get published. I received my first rejection in 2002.

2: When you held that first book in your hands, what was your first thought?

SURREAL! It was mind-blowing to think that all the words between the covers were written by me. Then…those feelings gave way to terror, realizing others would read the book. What if I’d made mistakes? What if they didn’t “get” it? Sure enough, there were mistakes and some didn’t get it. But…I did it! I hung in there, grit through the brutal times when I wanted to give up, and saw it through to publication.

3: What are you working on now?

A handful of various projects: NIGHTSHADE, The first book in the Discarded Heroes series, a military suspense/thriller series, will launch in roughly 6 weeks, and I’m working on promoting and prepping for that. Also, I’ve written and turned in DIGITALIS, Book #2 of the Discarded Heroes, I’m halfway through WOLFSBANE, Book #3, and I’m working on 2-3 proposal ideas for my agent to consider.

4: Where can readers find out more about your books?



Discarded Heroes website:


Twitter: roniekendig


5: What message(s) do you want to be clear to your readers?

There is *always* hope, and they are not alone.

6: What are two things that people wouldn't normally know about you as a writer and or person?

As a person, most people probably don’t know that I collect Audrey Hepburn movie posters, and as a writer…perhaps that I am an avid historical reader. Next to suspense/thrillers, it’s my favorite genre.

Thank you for being with us today. Any final words for readers?

God does not create useless vessels—every person has a unique purpose that cannot be completed by anyone else. Sometimes, it’s hard to believe we matter at all, but know that you are a treasure in God’s eyes, and He is so very proud of you (regardless of whatever failures you may have or believe you may have).

Okay readers here is your chance to check out Ronie's brand new book!

PLEASE LEAVE AN EMAIL ADDRESS! If I draw your name and there is no email, YOU WILL NOT WIN!
For extra entries:
~Be a follower
~Be a subscriber

And a NEW one:
~Follow OR Subscribe (you can't do both for extra entries) my jewelry blog, Bug's Beads
Contest is only open in the U.S. and void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items for said prize.

Thanks for coming by to enter! Contest ends on 7/31

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Do You Finish Every Book You Start?

I have been seriously considering this concept lately. It seems not every reader has the same reasoning behind finishing or not finishing a book.

When I start a novel, I do finish it. The only thing that will make me put the book down before it is over is if there was swearing or inappropriate scenes. That turns me off faster than I can blink. But often, even with fiction that isn't stellar, I tend to finish it. I just completed a novel (it will remain nameless to protect the innocent) that I basically skimmed from start to finish. It just didn't grab me. I didn't feel as if I were inside the world of the characters, living it with them. That will lead me to skimming faster than anything.

I don't really have an answer as to why I finish every book. I guess so I can say that I at least read it and maybe there is a chance that it will pick up and be really good by the time it hits the ending. Stranger things have happened.

So what about you? Do you finish every book you start regardless of how dry and boring it may be? Or do you consider your time a commodity and only read the books that grab your attention from page one?

I am in the middle of VBS at my house today (and the rest of this week), but I will attempt to jump in on the discussion. : )

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Read an Excerpt of My Latest Wip!

Pepper (who is also a fellow blogger on The Writer's Alley) asked me to share a "Sizzling First Encounter" on her blog, Words Seasoned with Salt. If you would like to read a short excerpt from my last WIP you heard so much about, click HERE.

Also, today I am a guest blogger on Reflections in Hindsight talking about the inspiration for Operation Encourage an Author. I hope you can stop by and visit a bit with me at both sites. Thanks!

Book Review: Meander Scar

More like a 4.5 star book, this novel really surprised me.

The beginning was a bit hard to get into, but once into the novel I had a terrible time putting it down. This is certainly not your orthodox romance. It is unusual and gripping with a love story that proves to transcend time.

It really made me think, how would I have approached this situation? Would I be able to bear the stigma of loving someone who could be my son? But as the love story progressed and you saw the depth of the characters, they made it easy to set those nagging doubts aside.

It is certainly an edgy Christian romance, but written with a grace and pose that I admire. The hero’s determination made him the ultimate hero in my eyes and the heroine’s progression in life combined with a mystery plot thread made the book gripping.

I thought the ending a bit rushed, but it had enough closure for me to feel comfortable leaving the characters in their own world. Though a sequel would be fun, maybe someday?

Overall a great book and I would recommend it to fans of Julie Lessman and Michelle Sutton.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Giveaway and Author Interview: Gallimore

My guest today is debut author, Michelle Griep. Please read to the end to find out how to enter to win her novel, Gallimore!

Welcome to Writing for Christ! Thank you for being with us today.

Tell us a little about yourself!
Dare I be so bold as to call myself an author? Being that I'm one of those freaks who attended poetry workshops instead of summer camp during my formative years, yes, I will. While other teens busied themselves throwing parties when their parents weren't home, I was the nerd holed up in my room with pen and paper.

1: How long did you write before you were published?

I’ve been writing since I first discovered Crayolas and blank wall space. After I took to using regular paper, it was about 7 years to get my first novel published, 2 years for an article.

2: When you held that first book in your hands, what was your first thought?

Whoops. I think I just peed my pants. Followed by wow…what a gorgeous cover!

3: What are you working on now?

I’m finishing up a historical set in 1795 England. It’s about lies, insanity, and if that weren’t variety enough, I made the hero an opium addict.
4: Where can readers find out more about your books?
Visit my website at

5: What message(s) do you want to be clear to your readers?

To draw attention to the amazing, all-powerful, and holy God that loves us so much, He died for us.

6: What are two things that people wouldn't normally know about you as a writer and or person?

My dad’s name was Epaphras. Seriously. And in my natural habitat, I’m a complete introvert.

Thank you for being with us today. Any final words for readers?

Vocatus atque non vocatus, deus aderit – bidden or unbidden, God is present.

Okay, readers here is your chance to enter to win this debut novel, Gallimore.

Here is how you can enter...

PLEASE LEAVE AN EMAIL ADDRESS! If I draw your name and there is no email, YOU WILL NOT WIN!
For extra entries:
~Be a follower
~Be a subscriber

Contest is only open in the U.S. and void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items for said prize.

Thanks for coming by to enter! Contest ends on July 24th.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Texas Roads Winner...

Is.... Patsy!

Thanks for entering and if you are intrigued at all by this book, I suggest you look it up. I thought it a sweet romance and a light hearted story, a perfect beach read. Or if you don't live near the beach, it works while sunbathing in the yard. : )

Special Giveaway: Texas Roads Ebook

Earlier this week I won an Ebook copy of Cathy Bryant's Texas Roads, during her Summer Splash contest. With her permission, (since I already own the Ebook edition), I am passing on the chance to read her book to you.

The entries are simple, just scroll down to the post directly below this one and leave a comment about the devotional Cathy has written and I have posted on this blog.

The winner will be drawn TODAY, so be watching for another post later this evening.

If you would like to read my review of this delightful first novel, click HERE.

2009 ACFW Genesis finalist

by Cathy Bryant
Dani Davis longs for a place to call home. With quaint country charm, quirky residents, and loads of business potential, Miller's Creek, Texas seems like the perfect place to start over...except for the cowboy who gives her a ride into town. Then malicious rumors and a devastating discovery propel her down a road she never expected to travel.

Cowboy mayor Steve Miller is determined to rescue his dying hometown. When vandals jeopardize the Miller's Creek renovation, he can't help but suspect Dani whose strange behavior has become fodder for local gossips. Will Steve and Dani call a truce for a higher cause, and in the process help Dani discover the true meaning of home?

Devotional: On Being a Sheep by Cathy Bryant

On Being A Sheep
by Cathy Bryant, (c) 2008

I once accompanied my husband and youngest son to see the King Tut Exhibit at the Dallas Museum of Art. Unprepared for the long line we were herded into, we found ourselves in a tent-like room with ropes snaking from the front to the back. Reluctantly, we joined the rest of the crowd in spending too much time walking back and forth between the ropes.

I don't know why, but anytime I'm in a similar situation (e.g., amusement park lines, checkout lines at stores during the Christmas rush), I always have this strange desire to bleat (Baaaah).

I've heard that sheep are stupid animals, blindly following the rest of the herd into dangerous territory. At other times they wander off from the flock, making them easy prey. They seem to need constant supervision and care.
The Bible tells us that: "...we are His people, the sheep of His pasture." (Psalm 100:3b, NIV)

Although the prospect of being compared to a sheep may not seem very flattering, we all have to admit that correlations do exist.
We, too, have the tendency to blindly follow others into places and situations that are dangerous and costly. Think back to the last football game you were at when the crowd turned on the referees. "Mob mentality" is prevalent at sporting events. Or maybe you remember that hot stock everyone at the office was talking about. You know--the one that lost half its value the day after you bought it.
It's also very much a part of our nature to wander away from the rest of the flock. Sometimes we allow petty differences to keep us from fellowship with our fellow believers. We often forget when we distance ourselves from our brothers and sisters in Christ, we become an easy target for the enemy.
Though we like to think of ourselves as independent and self-sufficient, the truth is that we need someone watching over us all the time to make sure we stay on the right path.

I'm grateful I have a Shepherd who constantly watches, lovingly protects, gently guides, and abundantly provides.
"The LORD is my shepherd. I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters, He restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for His names' sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever." (Psalm 23, NIV)

A Texas gal since birth, Cathy lives in a century-old farmhouse with her husband and a phobia-ridden cat. Her debut novel, TEXAS ROADS, was a 2009 ACFW Genesis finalist and tells the story of a disillusioned widow's quest to find home. The book is available through For more information, visit

Saturday, July 10, 2010

I Have a Winner!!!

Yes, I do have a winner of Cindy Woodsmall's latest novel, Bridge of Peace! And the winner is.....


Congratulations! Shonda has already gotten back with me.

Thanks to EVERYONE who entered, this giveaway is my biggest one TO DATE and I was so thrilled to see over 100 comments. And many thanks to Cindy for letting me host you. It was a blast and I am so thrilled I was given the chance to connect with you over this. : )

There are still more giveaways going on and coming! There is so many in this month and in the coming months it is mind boggling. Be sure and return, thank you!

Also, fun facts to know and tell, earlier last week while I was gone, my 200th post was published!!! The first 100 were great, but the second have been even better, thanks for making this blogging experience so much fun!

Friday, July 9, 2010

What I Read in the Last Two Weeks

Since I was gone last Friday, I have two weeks of reading to post. Be sure (if you signed up in January for the reading challenge) to give me your Christian book count, so I can add it to the total. We still have a long way to go and I can't do it all by myself!

My picture program is going crazy, so I can't make the photos small, sorry about that!

And they are:
Wounded Healer by Donna Fleisher
Blood Ransom by Lisa Harris
Love Finds You in Lahaina, Hawaii by Bodie Thoene
Here Burns My Candle by Liz Curtis Higgs
A Promise for Spring by Kim Vogel Sawyer
Sarah's Garden by Kelly Long
Hide in Plain Sight by Marta Perry

There are still several giveaways going on, but they won't last forever and Cindy Woodsmall's book ends today, so hurry and enter!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Giveaway and Author Interview: So Over It

My guest today is author Stephanie Morrill, author of several popular books for teen girls (and the young at heart) Read on to find out how to enter to win her latest book. : )

Welcome to Writing for Christ! Thank you for being with us today.

Thank you so much for having me!

Tell us a little about yourself!

Stephanie Morrill is a twenty-something living in Overland Park, Kansas with her husband and daughter. Her only talents are reading, writing, and drinking coffee, so career options were somewhat limited. Fortunately, she discovered a passion for young adult novels a few years ago and has been writing them ever since. Stephanie is the author of The Reinvention of Skylar Hoyt series and is currently working on other young adult projects. To check out her blog and read samples of her books, check out .

1: How long did you write before you were published?

I’ve been coming up with stories and saying I wanted to be a writer since I was in first grade. I finished my first novel as a junior in high school and made the commitment then that I was “going for it.” That was in 2000, and I received the call from my agent that Revell had bought The Reinvention of Skylar Hoyt series in June of 2008.

2: When you held that first book in your hands, what was your first thought?

It’s eerily similar to having a baby. There’s a lot of build up to it, and you get glimpses of what it’ll look like when it arrives, but until you’re holding it in your hands, it doesn’t feel totally real. Both the first time I held my daughter and the first time I held one of my books were moments too big for “real” thoughts. It took time for me to wrap my mind around the fact that I was really, truly, and forever a mom, and it was the same way when Me, Just Different arrived. I knew for the rest of my life I’d be able to pick up the book and marvel at the fact that God was using me in such a way, that he’d blessed me so richly.

3: What are you working on now?

Staying sane.

The third book in The Reinvention of Skylar Hoyt series, So Over It, just released so there’s a lot of stuff going on with that. And I’m due any day now with our second child. Already, it’s been quite the summer!

4: Where can readers find out more about your books?  You can read sample chapters of all three Reinvention of Skylar Hoyt books, sign up for my quarterly(ish) newsletter, download discussion questions, and follow my journey as a novelist.

5: What message(s) do you want to be clear to your readers?

In high school, I deceived myself into thinking life as a teenager was somehow separate from my adult life. Or my “real” life as I thought of it. I didn’t fully grasp how decisions I made then would follow me around for the rest of my days. That’s a theme I find myself returning to over and over, the importance of good decisions even at a young age.

6: What are two things that people wouldn't normally know about you as a writer and or person?

1. I totally stink at grammar. For whatever reason, I just cannot keep all those rules straight. My editors totally earn their money!

2. That I find being a published writer scarier than being unpublished. Before I was published, my big fears were that it would never happen for me, that I was wasting my time. Now I worry about having lousy sales numbers, disappointing my publishing house, disappointing my readers, receiving bad reviews, and so on. It’s like when you move out of your parents’ house. It’s not that you want to move back home or anything, but you discover it wasn’t all bad either.

Thank you for being with us today. Any final words for readers?

If anyone is a teen aspiring to be a writer (or knows a teen aspiring to be a writer) point them over to . It’s a blog I run that’s focused on helping teens improve their writing and better understand the publishing business.

Thank you so much for having me!

Okay readers, here is your chance to enter to win Stephanie's latest book, So Over It.

PLEASE LEAVE AN EMAIL ADDRESS! If I draw your name and there is no email, YOU WILL NOT WIN!

For extra entries:
~Be a follower
~Be a subscriber

And a NEW one:
~Follow one of my favorite blogs, Finding Hope Through Fiction HERE

Contest is only open in the U.S. and void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items for said prize.

Thanks for coming by to enter! Contest ends on July 24th.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Book Review: Sarah's Garden

It seems there are so many Amish novels on the Christian market. And most are clichéd, but SARAH’S GARDEN love story line intrigued me, though it still wasn’t my favorite of all Amish books.

The love story kept me interested in the story. An Amish woman falling in love with an “English” veterinarian and being ripped apart because of the strict religious restrictions of this group of people. The connection and angst for the two main characters was well portrayed and I wanted to see what would happen to them.

But I didn’t enjoy this novel as much as other books, because I did not believe that I entered the world of the characters. I wish I could have truly lived with the characters. I must admit I skimmed, but still got the body of the story. For me I want to be so entrenched in the book, I can’t put it down and this book was too easy to set aside.

But overall, if you enjoy a sweet Amish romance this book would probably be one you would enjoy. This is simply my honest opinion of the book.

Thanks to the publisher for my copy to review.