Friday, September 3, 2010

What I Read This Week

Have you visited the Julie Lessman interview yet? Be sure and check out the post directly below this one, okay? She is giving one of her books away!!

Onto business, I read 5 books this week. I hope you are still tallying your reads. September is here and we are only a little over 35% towards our goal, so chime in with your reading count!

And they are:
Take One by Karen Kingsbury
Song of the Silent Harp by BJ Hoff
Whisper on the Wind by Maureen Lang
In Every Heartbeat by Kim Vogel Sawyer
Heart of the Lonely Exile by BJ Hoff

There is a great story in store for you in In Every Heartbeat, I highly recommend it!!

You still have today to enter to win Cara Putman's Stars in the Night, don't miss it! Link is on the right hand side of the screen.

I need your total reading number if you signed up for the reading challenge, spread the word!


  1. 3 books for me this week.
    Whisper on the Wind is on my wish list.

  2. I am so far behind in letting you know where im up to will try to get the total by next week.

  3. OK I've read 5 more since my last report in! I too am WAY behind my goal. Life keeps happening.
    # Rooms: A Novel – James L. Rubart
    # Predator – Terri Blackstock
    # Eat and Stay Thin – Joyce Meyer
    # Latte Days – Erynnn Mangum
    # Mixed Bags – Melody Carlson

    Blessings Casey!



Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)

FTC Rules

According to new FTC rules I must let you, the reader know, that all views shared on this blog are strictly my own. Books to review are either provided for me by the author, publisher or ones I have purchased and I am under no obligation whatsoever to present anything, but my true opinion on any product. I receive no monetary compensation for anything written on this blog. Any giveaways on this blog are provided by the author/ publisher and I am not responsible for any views they express in their work or on this site. Giveaways are void were prohibited and chances of winnng are based on the number of applicants. A random winner is draw when a book is given away.

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