Saturday, June 30, 2012

Five Miles South of Peculiar by Angela Hunt ~ Review

From title to the town, “Peculiar” is a cozy place to visit with quirky characters and a friend on every corner. It’s what happens outside the town of Peculiar – five miles away to be exact that can get interesting…
The novel is set in the lives of three sisters, one being a set of twins who have just turned fifty. Nothing about those fifty years have been easy and when the sisters all come home to roost…things don’t get pretty.
There is a very intriguing backstory for Darlene and Carlene and well, actually Nolie too. It’s what kept me reading. I will say I had an extremely difficult time liking Darlene. About half way through the story her griping and whining against Carlene became too much. I struggled to understand the justification behind her bad feelings, even when it was explained in more detail later.
Nolie’s story was actually the one I kept going through the story to read. Her view of life, paired with a subtle romance with the new hired man Erik was sweet and enjoyable. She was the rudder to the story and the backbone for her sisters.
  Overall, I will admit to this book not being my favorite. Frustration with character attitudes and at times a slow plot are my reasons, but I know other readers have been entertained by this novel.
This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the publishers for my copy to review.

More about the novel....

If these three sisters don't change direction, they'll end up where they're going.

Darlene Caldwell has spent a lifetime tending Sycamores, an estate located five miles south of a small town called Peculiar. She raised a family in the spacious home that was her grandfather's legacy, and she enjoys being a pillar of the community. Sycamores is the kingdom where she reigns as queen . . . until her limelight-stealing twin sister unexpectedly returns.

Carlene Caldwell, veteran of the Broadway stage, is devastated when she realizes that an unsuccessful throat surgery has spelled the end of her musical career. Searching for a new purpose in life, she retreats to Sycamores, her childhood home. She may not be able to sing, but she hopes to use her knowledge and experience to fashion a new life in Peculiar, the little town she left behind.

Haunted by a tragic romance, Magnolia Caldwell is the youngest of the Caldwell girls. Nolie has never wanted to live anywhere but Sycamores. She spends her days caring for her dogs and the magnificent gardens she's created on the estate, but when she meets a man haunted by his own tragedy, she must find the courage to either deny her heart or cut the apron strings that tie her to a dear and familiar place.

Can these sisters discover who they are meant to be when life takes an unforeseen detour? In a season of destiny, three unique women reunite and take unexpected journeys of the heart.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Not Settling ~ Standing Pure ~ Guest Laura Frantz

Throughout the month of June, we have talked about "not settling", being content in where we are as young women, waiting for our Prince Charming. And until the day comes that we meet and fall in love, that we will not swerve from our standards anchored in the word of God. If you wish to read the other three posts in this series, please click on my page "Committed to Purity" where they have been gathered. 

Laura and Randy on their wedding day
I'm honored to have guest Laura Frantz here today with her story of "not settling". I know it will bless and encourage much as it has me.

I was intrigued when Casey asked me to be a part of her June blog series – or her “not settling for less” posts. But I must confess my attempts at real-life romance story aren’t so novel worthy. You see, once upon a time, I almost compromised for keeps, sure my Prince would come at a certain time and look and act and talk a certain way and sweep me off my rather large size 9-1/2 feetJ. When that didn’t happen, I flat despaired. But let’s backtrack a bit…

During high school I had two dates – both with friends. In college I had one date – with another friend. At 21, I’d never been kissed. I read romance novels voraciously as if to make up for the black hole that was my love life. I even wrote them, full of the angst and longing that I felt over not yet having met “the one.” Purity wasn’t a big issue back then. Passion was in. I made a list of qualities that my real-life hero needed to have. I prayed over the list and it grew longer. He had to be tall, dark, and handsome. Smart. Funny. Godly. Sadly, godly was at the bottom. The church guys I knew were so boring!

I wanted an Ian/Captain Jack/Red Shirt/Colonel McLinn kind of man, the ones that existed in my imagination. Not real life. I never bothered to ask the Lord what kind of mate He wanted for me. I just kept showing him my list. And when my hero came along I nearly missed him.

He was dark and handsome but not tall. Smart but not super educated. He worked with his hands while I worked with my head. He was – gasp! – several years younger than I was. He wasn’t funny, just godly. He was super serious and had loads of integrity. A bit boring, I thought. When he looked my way, I wrote him off. And moved several hundred miles away J.

Laura and Randy ~ 2011
Soon after I became involved with a guy who met almost every quality on my list. He was even an Olympic-level skier who hung out with Olympic medalists. Only he wasn’t godly. Over time, the closer we became, the less concerned I was with spiritual things. My love for the Lord grew cold. I wondered why my life felt barren and empty. I was over 30 and nothing was like I wanted it to be. So I ended the relationship and asked the Lord to forgive me and show me a better way.

Soon after I made the break something remarkable happened. A complete stranger approached me and gave me a verse. It was Joel 2:25 which reads, “And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten…” Stunned, I took the promise literally and was humbled that the Lord would not only forgive me for taking a wrong turn but was willing to restore those lost years. I knew He was fully capable of doing that. I just didn’t know how His promise would play out.

Shortly after that, a letter appeared in my mailbox. From the man I’d written off several years before. We’d had no contact since then though I hadn’t forgotten him. And apparently he’d not forgotten me! We met up at Thanksgiving to renew whatever it was we’d bypassed years before. And then we married 10 months later. Now, 18 years later, he’s my hero – and a godly one. I sometimes wonder what might have happened had I not ended that compromising relationship and come back to the Lord – and Randy.

As Christian women, we’re called to be the bride of Christ. He is our groom, the ultimate hero. One who is always faithful, who never disappoints, who loves with an everlasting love. We can trust our heavenly groom to lead us to our earthly groom, if that is His best for us. In the meantime, our charge is to let Him to do that if He chooses ~ and to not interfere with His perfect plan by insisting on our own and settling for far less than He had in mind.

Casey here again: All this month I have had a giveaway of Never the Bride by Rene Gutteridge and Cheryl Mckay and hopefully it will encourage you on your journey. Leave a comment on how YOU are NOT settling below and I'll draw the names from all the posts and announce the winners (one from every Settling post) the first Friday of July. 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

What a Fun Novel! ~ The Director's Cut by Janice Thompson ~ Review

What a fun book!
The third and final story in the “Backstage Pass” series was such a fun (and quick) read. From the very beginning of reading Tia’s “voice” on the page, I knew I would love this girl…and I did. She completely endeared me, though she certainly has her share of troubles!
Janice Thompson is at her best upon the page in first person voice. Tia came to life with her quirky little internal one liners and great perspective. What I appreciated and loved the most though was how the faith journey was woven through every part of the story and never became preachy.
Throw in a fun setting like Hollywood, quirky and fun secondary characters and the novel is just one plain enjoyable ride.
I have to say this one has been my favorite of the three in this series. How it combines series and funny with that signature romance all makes for a neat little package wrapped up in a great cover.
It doesn’t have the typical romance formula “boy gets girl, boy losses girl, boy wins girl back” and it was a nice change. More of a relationship that has progressed across three books and taken off in this novel.
  All in all, the author is at the top of her game, I loved this story, loved the characters, loved the crafting of the novel. Totally an enjoyable couple hours of entertainment.      
This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the publishers for my copy to review.
**Available June 2012 from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group**


More about the novel....

Tia Morales is used to calling the shots. She's the director of the popular sitcom Stars Collide, and her life on set is calculated and orderly. Well, most of the time. But her life outside the studio is another matter. If only she could get her family to behave as well as her stars do When she starts butting heads with handsome camera operator Jason Harris, it's enough to send a girl over the edge. Will she ever learn to let go and take life--and love--as it comes? 

Full of the humor and crazy family dynamics Janice Thompson fans have come to love, this colorful story gives readers an inside look at Hollywood and a healthy dose of romance.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Giveaway! A Bride Opens Shop in El Dorado, California by Keli Gwyn!!

Welcome to Writing for Christ Keli Gwyn, it is great to have you here! Do you have an interesting fact about yourself the average reader probably doesn’t know?

It’s great to be here, Casey. I enjoy visiting Writing for Christ and interacting with your blog’s readers.

An interesting fact few know about me? Let me see. OK. Got it. I played Puck in A Midsummer Night’s Dream. I’m no actor, as my performance proved. Thankfully my dismal debut as a thespian took place in sixth grade before a very small audience of doting parents. The best part was that I got to wear my mom’s flowing black peignoir set. I might have forgotten all my lines, but I looked good. :-)

Do you have a favorite genre to read/write?

Inspirational historical romance!

Do you have a nugget of writing advice that has completely changed how you view writing?

Have fun! I know. Profound, right?

When I first began writing and knew diddlysquat about how to craft a marketable story, I poured words on the page with abandon. And it was fun! Then I discovered the online writing community, bought craft books, read blogs, attended conference workshops, etc. I tried to incorporate everything I’d learned in my stories, and writing lost its thrill. Only when I gave myself permission to let my first drafts flow freely, did I rediscover the joy of writing.

5 things you love?

The Lord

My family


Sweet tea

Eating out—often :-)

What do you enjoy most about being a published author?

Having people stop me in the street to ask about my book. Oh, you mean for real and not in my dreams, right? :-) I like being able to share my stories with readers, stories that honor the Lord as well as entertain.

Places for readers to learn more about you?

My cyber home, complete with parlor and library:

Thank you for being with us today!

Thanks for having me, Casey. And if I may, I’d like to end by asking your readers a question.

Have you ever performed in a play? If so, how did it go?

Readers, here is your chance to enter to win Keli's DEBUT book! (of which I am ANXIOUSLY waiting!!)

Please leave an email adddress! If I draw your name and there is no email, you will not win.
For extra entries:
~Be a follower
~Be a subscriber

Contest is only open in the U.S. and void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items for said prize.

Thanks for coming by to enter! Contest ends on July 6th.
Attn Readers! If you're struggling to leave a comment on my blog, please email your comment entries (in ONE email) and I will submit it for you. But PLEASE only do this after you've failed to leave a comment. My email is: caseym.writer(@) 

Friday, June 22, 2012

Not Settling ~ The Other Side of the Aisle ~ With Guest Post Ashley Clark

Throughout the month of June, we have talked about "not settling", being content in where we are as young women, waiting for our Prince Charming. And until the day comes that we meet and fall in love, we will not swerve from our standards anchored in the word of God. If you wish to read the other posts in this series, please click on my page "Committed to Purity" where they have been gathered. 

Photo Credit to Free Digital Photos
(used with permission granted from website)

Many times, it’s easier to look at someone else and fantasize about where they are in life and what they have. I know this because I do it all the time when I pretend I’m a contestant on Dancing with the Stars. Just kidding! But seriously, have you ever played the imagination game before? Have you ever looked at someone else’s life and thought, “God, if only you would give me that”? I think every hand in the room should be raised right now in response to that question.

I used to do this all the time when I was single.

I would look at my usually-confident self in the mirror and think, “What is wrong with me, that no one wants to ask me out?” Because my hair was fabulous and it couldn’t be that… ;)

I didn’t go on my first date until I was nineteen. And that’s if you want to call Batman Begins and dinner with random parents a date. Okay, so they weren’t random parents, they were his parents, but still. Awk-ward. Going through your teen years without so much as a real date and only knowing a few guys who even like you is no piece of cake. I was very blessed to have a guy best friend for the latter half of my teen years who I learned a lot about relationships from, though we were always just friends. I don’t know where I would’ve been without him. So side note: I’m of the opinion that having male friends is a good thing. It can teach you how guys’ minds work, which, let’s face it, is way different from our own, and it can help prepare you for your future spouse. Plus guys are fun to hang out with. They don’t gossip when your shoes don’t match your blouse.

Something about that first relationship just didn’t fit fell. First you have to know that I prayed about each guy I had a crush on throughout my teen years, and without fail, God would take away my attraction to them. Suddenly I would realize they were were hunters or they hated concerts or they’d never read an actual book before. But that first relationship was different. I really believe it was  God’s way of giving me experience and teaching me what was “right” and “not right.” The guy I dated was a polite Christian boy who played a killer medley on the piano. But he wasn’t right for me. I think a part of me knew that the whole time we were dating.

There wasn’t any sin in our relationship. Fitting together as a couple just seemed hard. I looked at my parents, my grandparents, friends who were in successful relationships, and I just kept coming away feeling like my relationship was insufficient. I didn’t want to break things off with him because I’d grown attached to him as a friend. And plus, he was cute and smart and had so many qualities I was looking for. What else did I think I was going to be able to find? But I sensed this growing feeling of discontent in my heart, and I prayed about it. Two days later, he called me and broke it off.

After that, I wrote down a list of things I wanted in my future husband. Everything from “musician” to “funny” to “knows who Jimmy Stuart is.”

Five months later, I was at a prayer meeting my campus ministry was hosting, and I started talking to one of the worship leaders, Matt. This guy was part of the cool crowd, and frankly, I was surprised he was talking to me because I’d always considered myself a bit of a nerd. But he invited me to Starbucks with a group of other friends, and even though I had a ton of homework left to do, I went. I’m very glad I did.

We spent the next several weeks communicating online, and I began to realize this guy had all the qualities I was looking for in a man. He was a strong Christian, he had integrity, he was funny, and he was even willing to learn to swing dance.

Remember what I said about knowing who Jimmy Stuart is? Well, Matt didn’t. So he suggested for our first date we watch It’s a Wonderful Life and get pizza. That was when, somewhere really deep down, I knew I was going to marry him.

Ashley and Matt ~ 2009
You hear these stories about people having these love-at-first-sight moments where their pulse starts racing and they can’t catch their breath. But with Matt it was never like that. It was always deeper. Things with us have always just felt right. Comfortable. Like coming home. We fit each other and compliment one another like we were meant to be, and I truly believe we were. He gets my jokes and doesn’t care that I’m a vegetarian. He supports and encourages me in my calling to be a writer. And he loves dogs as much as I do.

After a few weeks of dating, I realized that Matt was every single thing I’d written on my list. And so much more. Since then, we have fought, we have annoyed each other, and we have had the happiest moments imaginable. And I never want to be without him. He is my best friend.

Some of you might be wondering about your future and considering the relationship you’re currently in. “Settling down” is such an interesting term because all too often, that’s exactly what people are doing—settling. As young women, we crave romance. We want to be protected, cherished, and loved. We want someone to tell us we are beautiful and mean it, and someone to hold our hand.

Wait for that person. Hold out until you find him.

Your relationship with him should not be hard. Do not settle for someone who’s just another nice guy because you’re hoping to satisfy your desire to be a wife, and maybe even to be a mother. God has got so much more planned for your life.

I titled this blog “The Other Side of the Aisle” because I want to challenge you to think about what that looks like. As single people, we often romanticize what marriage is like, and as married people, we often romanticize the single life. But in reality, the only place you are going to find true contentment is in God’s arms.

Marriage will not fix a relationship. It will only take what you already have and multiply that. I have seen several friends who have gotten stuck in a dating relationship with a guy who was not the right one for them, but they became so comfortable, so afraid of loss, that they chose not to walk away.  They are married or engaged now.

Can you imagine that? As hard as walking away from a relationship might seem right now, imagine waking up every day committed to the wrong man. Always wondering what would have happened had you waited a little longer and the right man came along.

Mr. Right will probably not look like your favorite movie star or speak like Mr. Darcy (and if he does, get a ring from him, sister!). He might watch too much sports, play video games, and like Taco Bell.

Ashley and Matt ~ 2012
But when you’re with him, you’ll feel like a better version of yourself. You’ll be content and safe. He will support you and protect your dreams and make you proud. When you pray about your relationship, something deep down will have the most beautiful peace. That’s God’s way of saying, “Yes.”

Most of all, your heart will be settled in a different kind of way. Something deep down will just fit with a deep part him. He’ll teach you about yourself and you’re your relationship with God. And you’ll be so glad you had the faith to wait for him and for every one of those days on the other end of the aisle.

I know this because I found this man. I thought for a while he was never going to come. But he did, and I married him. And I’m so glad I waited for that.

Casey here again: All this month I have had a giveaway of Never the Bride by Rene Gutteridge and Cheryl Mckay and hopefully it will encourage you on your journey. Leave a comment on how YOU are NOT settling below and I'll draw the names from all the posts and announce the winners (one from every Settling post) the first Friday of July.  

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Giveaway! Two Crosses and Two Testaments by Elizabeth Musser!

Welcome to Writing for Christ Elizabeth Musser, it is great to have you here! Do you have an interesting fact about yourself the average reader probably doesn’t know?

In the past year, I’ve traveled to 10 different countries in Europe with my husband Paul, spending literally half of the year away from home.  No, we’re not rich tourists.  We are offering Member Care (spiritual care and counsel) to our missionary colleagues around Europe.

Do you have a favorite genre to read/write?

I enjoy reading historical fiction, Southern fiction, classic and contemporary literature, mysteries and suspense.  I write what I call ‘recent historical inspirational Southern fiction’—a mouthful, I know!  My novels primarily take place in the 1960s-80s.  I’ve strayed into the Depression-era 1930s with The Sweetest Thing, and when I say ‘southern fiction’, I write lots about the South, especially my home city of Atlanta, but also I write about the south of France, most notably in the Secrets of the Cross trilogy, Two Crosses, Two Testaments, and Two Destinies.

Do you have a nugget of writing advice that has completely changed how you view writing?

Write, write, write and pray, pray, pray!  I call this my formula for becoming a writer.  As a very young girl with the dream of becoming an author, this is what I did.  Almost thirty years later—years filled with writing and praying—I received a contract for my first novel.

I do my very best to hone my craft and improve on the natural gifting God has given me, and then I spend a lot of time bringing my desires before the Lord.    It takes hard work in front of the computer and on my knees.  But I’ve learned that humility has to come first—letting the Lord search my heart, rid it (daily) of many selfish desires, and give the ministry of writing back to Him to do with as He wills.  Then comes the joy and the peace that what I am writing will be pleasing to Him, and hopefully to my readers.

5 things you love?

~hanging out with my precious family—all of them (our doggie included)—in person, on Skype and on the phone
~spending time with young women, introducing them to Christ and helping them grow in their faith
~Long walks where I can praise God in the midst of His creation
~Making scrapbooks—I’ve got over 50 of them and I started this hobby long before ‘scrapbooking’ was a noun!
~Cheetos—but only the crunchy kind

What do you enjoy most about being a published author?

I think my favorite thing, besides just the absolute joy of creating a story, is hearing from my readers that something I wrote has been an encouragement to them in their faith journey.  I say it’s like getting a hug from the Lord every time I receive a letter from a reader.

Places for readers to learn more about you?

Thank you for being with us today!

Merci to you, Casey!  It’s a privilege to be a guest on your blog.

Readers, here is your chance to enter to win Elizabeth's latest novels! (both of these books will go to the same winner as they need to be read in order)

Please leave an email adddress! If I draw your name and there is no email, you will not win.
For extra entries:
~Be a follower
~Be a subscriber

Contest is only open in the U.S. and void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items for said prize.

Thanks for coming by to enter! Contest ends on July 6th.
Attn Readers! If you're struggling to leave a comment on my blog, please email your comment entries (in ONE email) and I will submit it for you. But PLEASE only do this after you've failed to leave a comment. My email is: caseym.writer(@) 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Excited for Book 2! ~ Submerged by Dani Pattrey ~ Review

What a start to what is sure to be a great series!

            “Submerged” blends a wonderful array of great characters, gripping suspense and a romance that will the most hopeless of hearts at a near sigh.

            One would think from the cover that the inside of the novel would be as chilling as the outside, but actually beginning to end, this novel has to be on the easiest, smoothest romantic suspense I believe I have read. Perfect balance in story and tension, romance and suspense. Character portrayals are deep and rise to the challenge of entertaining me as a reader, but also leaving me fulfilled in their journey. The setting is fantastic and I loved how it became a character in this story.

            Secondary characters are great! I truly loved how they started their story in this novel, great story angle and perfect for keeping the reader hooked.

            Definitely a high concept novel there was so much brought into this story. Russian history. Deep-sea diving. A swallowed city? Russian mafia/bad guys dudes? I admit to getting a little lost in some of the “minutia” of historical facts, but ignore me, I tend to get that way anyway.

            I was thoroughly pleased with this new find. A stellar debut novel and I look forward to returning to these characters (especially secondary characters!!) in coming novels. Hope it’s not too long a wait!

            This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the author and publisher for my copy to review. 

More about the novel...

"Submerged" is romantic suspense that will keep you up at night "
--Bestselling Author Dee Henderson
A sabotaged plane. Two dead deep-water divers.
Yancey, Alaska was a quiet town . . . until the truth of what was hidden in the depths off the coast began to appear. 

Bailey Craig vowed never to set foot in Yancey again. She has a past, and a reputation--and Yancey's a small town. She's returned to bury a loved one killed in the plane crash and is determined not to stay even an hour more than necessary. But then dark evidence emerges and Bailey's own expertise becomes invaluable for the case. 

Cole McKenna can handle the deep-sea dives and helping the police recover evidence. He can even handle the fact that a murderer has settled in his town and doesn't appear to be moving on. But dealing with the reality of Bailey's reappearance is a tougher challenge.

She broke his heart, but she is not the same girl who left Yancey. He let her down, but he's not the same guy she left behind. Can they move beyond the hurts of their pasts and find a future together?

Monday, June 18, 2012

Giveaway! The Next Target by Nikki Arana!

Welcome to Writing for Christ Nikki Arana, it is great to have you here!

Do you have an interesting fact about yourself the average reader probably doesn’t know?

Most of my readers don’t know I was an activist in the Christian underground in Egypt and Africa. In 2007 the women, former Muslims, I worked with were all dead. They provided safe houses for other women who had converted from Islam to Christianity. They had been found and killed. I then began my own ministry here, A Voice for the Persecuted. I provide safety for persecuted Christians here in America, which is code for Muslims who convert. My experiences inspired my novel that’s releasing June 1, The Next Target.

5 things you love?

Well, the first two are obvious ones - my Lord and my family. I also love music. Almost any kind. But my favorites are piano, El Divo, and Joshua Ledet who is currently competing on American Idol. Another love would be the ocean. I love to visit Northern California beaches in the early morning when the fog is lifting, the sun is uncertain, and the day could hold anything. I like to stand still and breathe in that salty air and feel everything about that moment. There is something about that exercise that makes me feel connected to this world we live in and all the possibilities that every day brings. And finally, writing. I LOVE words. I can spend an hour on a sentence when I am writing my novels. I consider a sentence to be God-inspired when you read it and it touches you deeply. But when you go back and look at it you can’t identify the word that gives the sentence its power. There isn’t one word. It is the synergy created by the combination of words working together. When that happens I feel the stories are worth all the blood, sweat and tears it has taken to get them to the page.

What do you enjoy most about being a published author?

The ability to bring the stories that I want to tell to print.  All my novels deal with social, political and spiritual issues that face Christians today. There are a number of things I care deeply about.  Human rights, liberty, and those who are considered “less than” or “other” in our society. I always have a least one point of view character like that who contributes to the story in a significant way. A one legged beggar, a child with Down Syndrome, a boy with ADD.

Do you have a favorite genre to read/write?

I love to write women’s fiction because it is about relationships and deep characterization. I think it is my experience in honing that skill that is responsible for the success of my first suspense novel, The Next Target. It’s fast paced, putting characters you care about in danger.

Regarding reading, I usually read non-fiction when I have the time to read. Watchman Nee and Oswald Chambers, because it helps me keep perspective as I face the challenges of helping the persecuted.  But I must say when I get a few precious free moments for enjoyment reading I find Tamera Alexander’s latest novel and end up reading it in one sitting!

Do you have a nugget of writing advice that has completely changed how you view writing?

Write the book you’re called to write. Don’t spend time thinking about what you should write because it is the latest trend. Do you remember when Chick Lit was the rage? Or worry its too “Christian.” If you’re writing your truth, its not too Christian, its authentically an expression of your world view. Never let fear stop you from writing, querying an agent or talking to a publisher. If you’re in the will of God, He prospers what He ordains. Work with all your might, pray with all your and release the outcome to him.

Places for readers to learn more about you?

I am in all the usual places. “Like” me on my Facebook Author Page or follow me on my blog . If you visit my website, , you’ll find a tab called My World and one called My Ministry. There’s a lot of information there.

Also, right now I have a great giveaway going on! Free books on Kindle and a FREE KINDLE to read them on.

The FREE Kindle contest runs May 14 - June 4. Click here for details:!/nikkiaranaauthor 

The FREE Books from Kindle, my award-winning women’s fiction series, are offered every week for the rest of May, starting May 15. Visit the News! page on Nikki's website.  for compete details.

Thank you for being with us today! 

Readers, here is your chance to enter to win Nikki's latest book!

Please leave an email adddress! If I draw your name and there is no email, you will not win.

For extra entries:
~Be a follower
~Be a subscriber

Contest is only open in the U.S. and void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items for said prize.

Thanks for coming by to enter! Contest ends on June 29th.
Attn Readers! If you're struggling to leave a comment on my blog, please email your comment entries (in ONE email) and I will submit it for you. But PLEASE only do this after you've failed to leave a comment. My email is: caseym.writer(@) 

Friday, June 15, 2012

Not Settling ~ Waiting for God's Best ~ Guest Post by Gracy Howard

Throughout the month of June, we have talked about "not settling", being content in where we are as young women, waiting for our Prince Charming. And until the day comes that we meet and fall in love, we will not swerve from our standards anchored in the word of God. If you wish to read the other posts in this series, please click on my page "Committed to Purity" where they have been gathered. 

I’m excited to introduce to my blog readers a friend of mine, but before we start the interview, Gracy would you like to introduce yourself?

Sure! My name is Gracy Howard. I’m a proud native Idahoan. I wrote my first book in kindergarten, and have been scribbling furiously ever since. J Some of my inspirations in high school were CS Lewis, Charles Dickens, and Harriet Beecher Stowe. When I watched the movie Amazing Grace as a 16-year-old, I was inspired by William Wilberforce to become an abolitionist and fight modern slavery. Now, I’m studying journalism at Patrick Henry College in Virginia. I hope, someday, to be a wife, mother, and homeschooler – and (Lord willing) a writer on the side. I’m passionate about issues like human trafficking, defending the oppressed, caring for orphans, education, marriage, and religion.

In today’s world where it feels as though young women will never find their “perfect man”, how have you battled the temptation to “settle” in your relationships?

I don’t know if I would say I’ve had to battle the temptation to “settle.” Rather than having a mindset of “not settling,” I would suggest we should have a mindset of waiting. These words often overlap – but the vocabulary of “settling” can suggest a disdainful or discriminating attitude towards young men. And I don’t think this is fair. No matter how messed up a young man is, he deserves respect – and he deserves a young woman someday. Maybe not now, but once the Lord has worked more in his life, that boy absolutely deserves his own blushing bride. So rather than adopting the “not settling” mentality, I think we should have the positive mindset of waiting. A waiting woman doesn’t look at the men around her and check them off a mental list. A waiting woman doesn’t worry about whether she is “settling” in a relationship – she is focused on whether this is what the Lord has for her. Waiting and trusting in the Lord is the key to finding the “perfect man” (though even “Mr. Right” isn’t going to be perfect).

It is easy to look at our world and say, “All the gentlemen are gone.” I know I’ve said that, myself. I used to bemoan to my dad, “You were the last gentleman. Why aren’t there any other guys like you out there?” In high school, I didn’t relate to boys my age. Most of them wanted to talk about motorcycles and wrestling – I wanted to talk about Dostoevsky and Dickens.

But then I went to college, and found I could have deep and interesting conversations with many of the young men around me. They opened doors, carried books, were always anxious to do little favors. Many of them were serious about their walk with the Lord.

I could be in a relationship with any one of these young men, and I would not be settling. They’re truly awesome guys. But I still needed to wait. Because as wonderful as they all are, not one of them was the right man for me. I didn’t know this right away, though. In my journey of waiting (often impatiently), God taught me some incredible lessons about relationships, and my attitude towards them.

When I first arrived at school, I developed a very strong friendship with a young man in my class. We were best friends, we did everything together. He was like a brother to me. I was not like a sister to him. Ladies, never be “best friends” with a boy. There are too many dynamics between men and women, too many emotions and attractions. Even if you aren’t hurt, you will probably hurt him. It is better to be safe. I ended up hurting Adam, because he wanted to be with me and I didn’t care for him in that way. I should have set some boundaries on our friendship.

This is an important point in waiting: if you believe the Lord has someone out there for you, you should set up boundaries. This doesn’t mean you can’t hang out with them, be friends with them, or spend time with them. But there should still be an emotional and physical distance until you decide to start a relationship. This is a sign of respect towards them, their future spouse, you, and your future spouse.  If you are “Just friends,” act like it.

I eventually got in a relationship with a young man at PHC named Ben (name changed). We really liked each other, we had a lot in common, our parents approved – we did everything right. But he did break up with me, suddenly and painfully. I was devastated. Instead of trusting the Lord with this new bend in my life, I kept praying and praying that God would let us get together again. This cost me a year of heartbreak, pain, and emotional exhaustion. I clenched onto that relationship so tightly, that it sapped my energy from all other areas of my life. My passion for school and other interests dwindled. My ability to minister to others waned. My relationship with the Lord suffered.

Point #2 in the waiting process – a relationship that takes your focus off the Lord and your loves in life is not a good one. A proper relationship fuels and excites you, draws you closer to the priorities in your life. A relationship that does not will become an obsession, a slavery, a sapping of strength and focus.

Also, point #3 – be willing to accept the Lord’s “no’s.” Don’t hold on to your way, your plan, your hopes. If God says “no,” let go. And let Him work healing and joy into your heart. Once I let go, the Lord blessed my surrender. My energy and joy came back. I was healthy and whole again. The Lord blesses us for abandoning our wills to Him.

After my relationship with Ben, I prayed this prayer to the Lord: “Lord, if I am supposed to be with a young man, please let him be open and honest with me from the start. Please don’t let there be any games, any flirtation, any confusion. May he pursue me openly and clearly from the start.”

I purposefully decided that I would not develop close friendships with a young man, unless he expressed clear and honest interest in me. I would not mess with his heart by playing the “best friends” game. If a young man started mindlessly flirting with me, I stepped away from the friendship and put distance between us (emotionally and physically). This saved me from a lot of heartache. The waiting process was so good. And that time became some of the most spiritually invigorating and healing of my life: I had so much time that I could spend with the Lord, with my friends, in ministry and in school!

This leads to point #4. If you are going to wait for the man the Lord has for you, you need to be completely content with where He has you now. Enjoy your time of singlehood, and ask the lord what He would have you do with it. Why does He have you single? There must be a reason!

I have seen (through the wonderful world of Facebook!) that you are currently in a relationship right now. Would you care to tell us just a bit of how you’re treating your courtship/dating?

Last fall, I was very happy single. I still wanted to wait for the man God had for me. But a desire was welling up in my heart, stronger than it had ever been before: I wanted to be a wife, and a mom. Yet at this point, I knew there was no man at PHC that I wanted to be with. So I began to pray that the Lord would help me to wait for the right relationship, that He would help me control that desire and not let it overtake my life and priorities.

Gracy and Eli
It was only a month or so later that I met Eli (my boyfriend). His sister was in a chamber ensemble with me, and he came to watch her (he had just come home from tech training in the air force). A group of us went out to eat after the concert, and he sat across from me. In our conversation, I was struck by how kind and gentlemanly he was, by the leadership qualities he displayed, by the humility in his attitude. At that point, I didn’t think I’d ever hear from him again. But only a few days later, he asked me out to coffee. I said yes. After that first date, we went to a concert together. We spent some time with his family. We went on a hike. He asked me if we could correspond during Christmas break. I said yes, and we wrote email letters back and forth for a month. This gave us time to truly get to know each other on a deeper level, without pressure or distractions. In January, after he picked me up from the airport, he asked me to be his girlfriend.

No relationship is exactly the same. Not everyone will just click, and get in a relationship right away like Eli and I did. Lots of people get in relationships with people that they have been friends with for a long time. But God had prepared both of our hearts for this: we knew what we wanted, we knew that our meeting was not by chance, and we knew that we liked each other. So I was willing to say yes.

I want to clarify this – when I said yes to coffee, I was not saying yes to marriage. You do not have to know that this is “Mr. Right” before you say yes to a date. But if the young man who asks has the qualities you have been praying for, if he is a good strong Christian, then you should pray seriously about saying yes to that date. And if God leads you, then go for it! He may not end up being the man for you. But if so, then the date – or the relationship – has not failed. God has used it to grow you, to show you what you are/ are not looking for.

Eli and I are in a “serious dating” relationship. It is very similar to courting – we are not just dating “because,” we are marriage-minded in our attitudes. We spend lots of time with his family and mine, as well as with our friends. We spend lots of time having serious conversations about life, philosophy, and religion. 
We also go on dates, to movies or dinner or to go hiking. We have set up boundaries and accountability systems. Our parents are actively involved in our relationship, and ask us any questions they like. We spend lots of time with our siblings and friends. We enjoy this time together, and the ability to serve and love on the people we care about. It draws us closer as a couple.

How do you feel your being willing to wait—no matter how difficult or long it seems at times— strengthened you and your faith and resolve?

Our first relationship is with Christ. He is our King, our First Love, our Messiah. No other relationship can replace that. No man will be more “right” for you than the One who died in your place. And no man can fill the hole that God has put in your heart. It is a yearning for heaven, for our Savior, that no earthly thing can satiate (Ecclesiastes).

Thus, the beauty of waiting is that it is a picture of our waiting for our heavenly Prince – who will return soon and take us to live with Him forever (the ultimate “happily ever after!”). And also, the beauty of that waiting is that it draws us near to Him. It gives Him opportunity to grow, stretch, and bless us. It gives us the opportunity to come to Him with our every worry, doubt, fear, instead of relying on a young man.

My time of singleness was such a blessing: I developed strong friendships with the girls at my school, and those are friendships that continue to bless me now. I helped organize a benefit concert to raise money for International Justice Mission, an organization that combats human trafficking and violent injustice around the world. If I had been in a relationship, I would not have been able to do that. But most importantly, I had a ton of time to spend with Christ, and all my emotions and heart’s energy could be poured into Him and His service. The times I spent in the Word that semester were so precious. He drew near, and taught me so much about Himself. Not only did that time grow my Christian walk – it also helped prepare me to be a better girlfriend to Eli!

What is your encouragement to young women who are patiently (or even not so patiently) waiting and fighting the temptation to “settle”?

1. “Wait on the Lord – be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait, I say, on the Lord.” (Psalm 27) He DOES have someone for you. Wait on His timing. Know that He will fulfill the desires of your heart – His Word says so! Trust Him with that longing. He will fulfill it in the perfect timing.

2. Remember that a relationship that takes your focus off the Lord and your loves in life is not a good one. The man in your life should draw you nearer to Christ – not away from Him. His conversation should encourage and inspire you, not tear you down. If you don’t see this, don’t get in a relationship! Wait on the Lord. He has infinitely better plans for you than you could EVER hope for.

3. This one is so hugely important. Be willing to accept the Lord’s “no’s.” Don’t hold on to your way, your plan, your hopes. If God says “no,” let go.  Remember He has a plan “to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a hope and a future!” (Psalm 29:11) If you were hoping for a relationship that never takes place, or that ends in a train wreck, know that there is a reason. Know that the Lord is sculpting a love story for you that will take your breath away.

Not only is Eli the answer to my every prayer (seriously), he is more than I ever wished for. I never would have thought to pray for a man who would make me dinner when I’m tired, text me Bible verses in the morning, buy me roses “just because,” or rub my aching feet at the end of a long day. I just never thought that there could be someone who so completely encompassed – and blew away – my conceptions of Prince Charming. But God knew. And he brought Eli into my life, at a random concert. He orchestrated the table seating arrangements that night. He gave Eli the courage to ask me to coffee. He gave me the courage to say yes.

How much more will He answer your prayers??? I believe, I KNOW He will! Probably not in the same way – but in a perfect, individual, and sweet way. He has a love story just for you.

 “Wait on the Lord – be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait, I say, on the Lord.”

Casey here again: All this month I have had a giveaway of Never the Bride by Rene Gutteridge and Cheryl Mckay and hopefully it will encourage you on your journey. Leave a comment on how YOU are NOT settling below and I'll draw the names from all the posts and announce the winners (one from every Settling post) the first Friday of July.