Saturday, March 30, 2013

Saturday Review: Strands of Deception by Robin Carroll

Talk about a high-concept, well-written romantic suspense. Heavier on the suspense then the romance, the novel is quick paced, energy charged and consistently kept me up past my bedtime to find out who did it.

            I’m not the most intelligent suspense reader. I don’t often “get” everything and get easily lost in all the twists and tails. What I loved about this novel, in addition to being well written, there is the high concept of genetic research and catching the killer, but it meets readers like me half way while leaving plenty of room for the intelligent reader.

            I had an idea of who the killer was, thought I was wrong, and then the book looped back around to prove I was right with plenty of twists to get back. The spiritual element was gracefully woven through the story becoming an intricate part of the telling. The romance is definitely the subplot, but I thought it was done in such a way that did not leave it feeling rushed or the reader cheated. It’s just there and was nice.

            Plenty of different turns. The genetic research angle was fascinating and the characters were strong and captivating on the page. It has that ability to get and keep you hooked right away. Recommended reading!

            This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the publishers through CFBA for my copy to review.

Want to know more about the book? Check out this post I did earlier this month. 

Friday, March 29, 2013

Make that a FUN Author Interview! My Guest? Ronie Kendig!

Sometimes we just gotta let loose. Have a little fun.  Thus I had this crazy idea…and I’m pretty excited about it. Hope you love it and if you have suggestions for questions, leave them in the comments! :- )

The Basics:
Name: Ronie Kendig
Home State (completely with address so we can stalk you): my home state is Texas, but I just moved to VA for my husband’s job.
Occupation: homeschooling mom and author
Height: 5’5”
Hair Color: reddish brown

Goin’ Deeper:

Order here!
Celebrity crush: My celebrity crush isn’t necessarily because of looks. I tend to ‘crush’ on those who are able to carry a role, no matter what. Right now, it’s a tie between two actors: Daniel Craig with that rare, rawness and vulnerability that he portrays masterfully, and Gerard Butler, who I was honestly so sad to see sliding down the romantic comedy vein. He’s now starring in Olympus Has Fallen, where he really flexes his acting chops. I’m elated! J

#1 favorite pastime: I’d have to say my favorite pastime is doing anything as long as my family is with me. 

Best book of your childhood: I loved the Richard Scarry books! I hated Dr. Seuss because the creatures were creepy to me.

Go to comfort food: it used to be pastries until I developed a gluten intolerance and now, I love a good bowl of ice cream with fruit.

Worst job you ever had: I worked at a student loan marketing association at night once right as the digital age swept in. Because I had good typing skills, I was tasked with transferring the data from paper to the computers—it TERRIFIED me that I might mistype someone’s information or loan amount! ACK! I only stayed there three months.

In Ten Words or Less:

Preorder here!
Releases May, 2013
Happiest moment of your life: I’d probably have to say the day I married my husband because out of that were birthed other “happiest moments” that tie right up there for first—like the births of my four children. J

One thing on your bucket list: To visit Israel where our Savior walked.

Quirkiest aspect that annoys your spouse/friends: When a lot is happening, or I’m feeling overwhelmed, I withdraw—but not with the intention of pulling away from people, but to regroup, to think through what’s happening, to figure out where I want/need to go from “here.” That annoys my loved ones sometimes, but I need that space to work through things. I’m very much an internal thinker/processer.

Greatest dream: this is going to sound so cliché, but to be who God designed me to be

Biggest fear: seeing another loved one die—I’ve already lost my mom, dad and all my grandparents. I’m acutely aware of God’s sovereignty.

Have very much enjoyed getting to know author Ronie Kendig better!

No blog post is long enough to showcase all of her many fiction works, 

And be sure and be on the look out for next month when I interview 
Betsy St. Amant!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Ready for the Next Adventure ~ Shattered by Dani Pettrey ~ Review

I predict I have finished another bestselling novel. Only time will truly tell, but I think there is much truth in what I just stated. You can thank me later. (wink)
I have been eagerly waiting for Piper and Landon’s story since the moment I finished “Submerged” last May and I was not disappointed in the least. It’s a high paced, high concept kind of story I believe will appeal across a wide spectrum of readers.
Ah, talk about romance. Landon just about melted my heart with how much he loved Piper. There is something so humbling about a character who knows he’s messed up and wants nothing else than to be able to share his love and be accepted in that love. Talk about some heart-stuttering moments.
It’s high-energy suspense coupled with a healthy dose of romance and rich and wide backstory. What I’ve loved and appreciated about these series books is we get a peek into the romance of the coming book. There is nothing better that sells a book for me, then to crave getting to know the next round of characters. We’ve been given just enough in Gage and Darcy that I’m counting the days until September.
   The dialogue is outstanding! The setting as clear and cold as the snow covering the ground. Good writing takes you places. I’ve traveled the world through the pages of this story and I’m eager for the next adventure.
  This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the author and publisher for my copy to review.

More about the novel....

A Thrilling New Romantic Suspense from the Genre's Newest Star

Piper McKenna couldn't be more thrilled that her prodigal brother, Reef, has returned to Yancey, Alaska, after five years. But her happiness is short-lived when Reef appears at her house covered in blood. A fellow snowboarder has been killed--but despite the evidence, Reef swears he's innocent. And Piper believes him.

Deputy Landon Grainger loves the McKennas like family, but he's also sworn to find the truth. Piper is frustrated with his need for facts over faith, but he knows those closest to you have the power to deceive you the most. With his sheriff pushing for a quick conviction, some unexpected leads complicate the investigation, and pursuing the truth may mean risking Landon's career.

With Piper waging her own search, the two head deep into Canada's rugged backcountry--and unexpected complications. Not only does their long friendship seem to be turning into something more, but this dangerous case is becoming deadlier with each step.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Giveaway! Wishing on Willows by Katie Ganshert!

Welcome back to Writing for Christ Katie Ganshert, I am excited to have you here for a second time. :- )

What has changed in your writing life since you were last here?

Instead of preparing to launch my debut novel, I’m getting ready to launch my second novel, Wishing on Willows. It’s a totally different experience this second time around. Strangely, it’s a lot more nerve-wracking!

I’ve also completed another novel and have a couple others in the works. J

What recent read stood out to you as truly spectacular?

Oh Casey, you know my answer, don’t you? My Stubborn Heart by Becky Wade. I read it a couple months ago and just could not put it down. I laughed and cried and became a Becky Wade fan for life!  

Another really great one is Beth Vogt’s newest, Catch a Falling Star. It releases this May, and let me tell you, it is fantastic! Exceptionally romantic and well-written.

Do you have favorite authors?

It’s hard to have a favorite when there are so many phenomenal authors out there! I always love Susan Meissner’s books. I’m officially a Becky Wade fan. I love Gina Holmes and Meg Moseley. Man, there are so many!

What do you find the most enjoyable part of writing or connecting with readers?

The most enjoyable part about writing is definitely that moment when an idea strikes and it’s so compelling that all I can do is sit at my computer while the words pour out of my fingers. That is what I call the writer’s high.

The most enjoyable part about connecting with readers….? Man, that’s tough. Because all of it is awesome. I feel like God’s timing is perfect, because just when I’m feeling discouraged, I’ll receive a perfectly timed encouraging email or message from a reader. I absolutely love hearing that my story touched them in some way or drew their heart closer to Jesus. That is the best. It’s very very humbling, in the best sense of the term.

What do you find the most ideal atmosphere for writing? Do you ever get those surroundings? :- )

Early morning, when my house is asleep. After a brisk morning walk and an intimate time spent soaking in God’s presence. With a hot coffee and the beautiful sound of silence. That is my ideal and sometimes, I actually get it!

Okay, something fun for those writers out there: In what point of your writing career did you surprise yourself by writing the most words ever in the shortest amount of time?

Oh, that’s a fun question! I find that as I reach the end of a novel, the words just sort of pour out. I’m past that muddy, plodding, torturous middle and the story starts to write itself. I believe one day, as I was finishing up a story I’ve tentatively titled A Broken Kind of Beautiful (my most favorite of all my stories), I wrote something like 11,000 words over the course of two days. Talk about a writer’s high!

Thanks for being here again! It has been a joy and we wish the very best with your novels.

It’s been a joy for me, Casey! Thanks for all you do to promote authors and Christian fiction! You are a blessing, my friend!

Readers, here is your chance to enter to win Katie's book!

Please leave an email address! If I draw your name and there is no email, you will not win.
For extra entries:
~Be a follower
~Be a subscriber

Contest is only open in the U.S. and void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items for said prize.

Thanks for coming by to enter! Contest ends on April 5th
Attn Readers! If you're struggling to leave a comment on my blog, please email your comment entries (in ONE email) and I will submit it for you. But PLEASE only do this after you've failed to leave a comment. My email is: caseym.writer(@) 

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Saturday Review: Love in the Balance by Regina Jennings

A fun love story that certainly has its share of troubles and crosses a couple of lines in the sand that Christian fiction hasn’t for some time.

            It’s a fun story written in a style that’s sweet and the reader can easily imagine the characters traipsing through their surroundings and struggles. Molly Lovelace is an…well, let’s just say interesting heroine. Some of her flaws became distracting after a bit and not quite as humorous as they were in the beginning. I did feel a bit sorry for her as the story went on.

            It’s a bit hard to write the review of this book without giving away too many details. I will say it hasn’t been my favorite novel that I’ve read this year. It really has nothing to do with the quality in which it was written, setting or characters. It just…didn’t quite ring true for me as a book I’d like to read over again. I think portions of the story could have been cut for heightened flow and that’s what slowed me down more than anything.

            However, I will say that the love story between Molly and our hero (forgive me, I can’t remember his name) is very endearing. They had their lessons to learn though and I greatly appreciated that the novel wasn’t afraid to share those.

            This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the publishers through Litfuse for my copy to review.

More about the novel...

Molly Lovelace dreams of a life without cares in Lockhart, Texas. She also dreams of handsome wrangler Bailey Garner, her ardent but inconsistent beau. The problem is, with Bailey's poor prospects, she just can't fit the two dreams together.

Then mysterious stranger Edward Pierrepont sweeps into town--and her life--and for the first time Molly wonders if she's met the man who can give her everything. But he won't be in Lockhart long and while he talks about their glorious future together, she can't quite get Bailey out of her mind.

What's a girl to do with all these decisions when love is in the balance?

Contest Info!

Regina Jennings is celebrating the release of Love in the Balance with a Kindle Fire Giveaway and a Facebook Author Chat Party on 4/4!


One "lovely" winner will receive:
  • A Kindle Fire 
  • A copy of Regina's Sixty Acres and a Bride and Love in the Balance
Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on April 3rd. Winner will be announced at the "Love in the Balance" Author Chat Party on April 4th. Connect with Regina, get a sneak peek of her next book, try your hand at a trivia contest, and chat with readers just like you. There will also be many fun giveaways -- gift certificates, books, and more!

So grab your copy of Love in the Balance and join Regina on the evening of April 4th for a chance to connect and make some new friends. (If you haven't read the book, don't let that stop you from coming!)

Don't miss a moment of the fun, RSVP today. Tell your friends via 



and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 4th!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Pinterest Challenge: March...What Did You Create?

The pinterest wars are ON with favorite authors Katie Ganshert and Becky Wade...have you checked out their boards yet? Join their challenge...they are actually giving away a copy of their novels. Becky's board. Katie's board.

 (My challenge, you just get the satisfaction of a job well done. Now tell me, don't you like my challenge better? ;-)

Last weekend I put together my first Pinterest project. Surprise, surprise, I actually LIKE doing crafts! ;-) Now, I'm excited to do something crafty next month, but before I get too far ahead of myself, I need to share what I DID this month!

Link to original you can try it too!

I wanted to do something that wouldn't break my bank. 

I found these knobs at Home Depot for less than $3 a piece. 

And purchased this Behr paint sample from Home Depot for about $2.97. (Though I about had a heart attack, when the checker rang my total up and it came to just under $30. Thank goodness, that wasn't correct! ;-)

The wood? Just a piece of scrap (most likely pallet wood) that I found in our salvage pile. I cut it down to the correct dimensions and my dad helped me with the beveling and stressing. I wanted it to have the antique, "chic" look and I think I got it pretty close!

The big different thing I did with this project, was instead of a paintbrush, I used a bit of old towel to apply the paint. It gave it a completely different texture and not quite such a "finished" look when I was done. Neat idea! (again all my Dad. ;-)

Next day I stressed the project with a sander and let it sit in front of our wood stove to cure and seal the paint in place. 

While that cured, we put together the glass jars I was going to hang from the knobs. (sorry the pictures are so crummy, I'm really not a DIY photographer. ;-)

We're almost done!! And I'm loving how it's all coming together. Final step? Install it in my bunkhouse. 

And that's that! Loving this first attempt, not too shabby and I might as well tack on the "chic" while I'm at it. :-)

No excuses! What did you create this month? (and btw, the family has totally become addicted to this pinterest snickerdoodle muffin recipe. Yummy!) 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Memoir-like ~ Wings of Glass by Gina Holmes ~ Review

It’s a hauntingly heart-breaking story. One that tugs on the heart strings and makes you aware to a whole new level to abuse, both physical and emotional.

            I did not understand the cycle of abuse more fully until I got older. Why couldn’t these women just stand up and walk away? Because they can’t. And this novel so clearly depicts the hard and desperate life of that cycle.

            Penny is not a strong character. She doesn’t have the backbone she needs to succeed…yet. But the beautiful part about this story is the reader sees it. They know it’s there, she just needs to allow herself to grow and strengthen.

            Written in first person, Penny is telling the story, not to the reader, but to her young son. It’s a different rhythm to fall into, but once I grew accustomed to the style, it’s unique and very memoir-like. The spiritual truths of the story aren’t overt, but are very present. In the lives and words of her new friends, Penny sees who she can become. I could only feel for her as it always seemed so far out of her reach. She’s as true to life as our neighbors.

            This is not an easy story to read. It’s not light or funny or any shade of romantic; what it is: deep. Eye-opening. Heart-changing. Strong.

            This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the publishers through CFBA for my copy to review.

More about the novel and author...
This week, the
Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
is introducing
Wings of Glass
Tyndale House Publishers (March 1, 2013)
Gina Holmes


Gina Holmes began her career in 1998, penning articles and short stories. In 2005 she founded the influential literary blog, Novel Journey now called Novel Rocket and she is also the founder of Inspire The Fire.

Her debut, Crossing Oceans, was a Christy and Gold Medallion finalist and winner of the Carol Award, INSPY, and RWA’s Inspirational Reader’s Choice, as well as being a CBA, ECPA, Amazon and PW Religion bestseller. Her sophomore novel, Dry as Rain, was also named a Christy finalist. Her upcoming novel, Wings of Glass will releases this month. She holds degrees in science and nursing and currently resides with her family in southern Virginia. She works too hard, laughs too loud, and longs to see others heal from their past and discover their God-given purpose.


From the bestselling author of Crossing Oceans comes a heart-rending yet uplifting story of friendship and redemption. On the cusp of womanhood, Penny is swept off her feet by a handsome farmhand with a confident swagger. Though Trent Taylor seems like Prince Charming and offers an escape from her one-stop-sign-town, Penny’s happily ever after lasts no longer than their breakneck courtship. Before the ink even dries on their marriage certificate, he hits her for the first time. It isn’t the last, yet the bruises that can’t be seen are the most painful of all.

When Trent is injured in a welding accident and his paycheck stops, he has no choice but to finally allow Penny to take a job cleaning houses. Here she meets two women from very different worlds who will teach her to live and laugh again, and lend her their backbones just long enough for her to grow her own.

If you would like to read the first chapter of Wings of Glass, go HERE.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Giveaway! Historical Novel Bundle by Olivia Newport!

Welcome to Writing for Christ, Olivia Newport! It is great to have you here! Do you have an interesting fact about yourself the average reader probably doesn’t know?

I am a complete dunce when it comes to current popular music. Believe it or not, I have never watched an episode of American Idol.

Do you have a favorite genre to read/write?

I read widely across genres, but I have to say historical fiction draws me the most. When I was writing The Pursuit of Lucy Banning and The Dilemma of Charlotte Farrow I lost myself in the setting and the time period and learned a great deal. Even in my contemporary Amish series, which began with Accidentally Amish, I use a historical story line to undergird my themes. I just can’t seem to get away from it!

Do you have a nugget of writing advice that has completely changed how you view writing?

People sometimes ask me how I get inspired to write my stories. While I do have moments of inspiration about an idea I would like to write about, usually inspiration has little to do with the actual process of writing. It’s more about determination than anything else. So I don’t feel discouraged simply because I don’t feel inspired. I just get down to work.

5 things you love?

1. Fresh spinach
2. Colorado sunshine
3. Old photos
4. Hammocks
5. Water aerobics

What novel have you recently read that has stood out to you that both teens and adults will find enjoyment in?

I was visiting my mother when she wondered why I propped my Kindle up beside the stove while I cooked. I was reading Waterfall, the first book in Lisa Tawn Bergren’s teen River of Time series. Two teenage girls go from modern time to medieval Italy. I’m a grown-up, but I was definitely pulled into that story!

Places for readers to learn more about you?


Thank you for being with us today! 

Readers, here is your chance to enter to win Olivia's TWO books: The Pursuit of Lucy Banning and The Dilemma of Charlotte Farrow!

Please leave an email address! If I draw your name and there is no email, you will not win.
For extra entries:
~Be a follower
~Be a subscriber

Contest is only open in the U.S. and void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items for said prize.

Thanks for coming by to enter! Contest ends on March 29th
Attn Readers! If you're struggling to leave a comment on my blog, please email your comment entries (in ONE email) and I will submit it for you. But PLEASE only do this after you've failed to leave a comment. My email is: caseym.writer(@) 

Friday, March 15, 2013

Life is Music, Dance

Photo credit
I'm a hopeless romantic. (I think most of you have picked up on that long before I've publicly confessed. ;-) My pinterest board here tells the whole story. ;-)

The current novel I'm editing is all about a hopeless romantic trying to find her love story in life, completely ignoring that God wants to write that story for her, beginning to end.

Girls, can we still be hopeless romantics in a world that demands we be anything but moral? Can we still enjoy the romance of life and imagination without getting impatient and discontent?

I absolutely believe we can.

But how is it possible?

Treating life like music: so dance. Soak up every single moment of your life, right now. What can you do right now that might not be possible once you're married? Dream a little. Pray a lot. And then watch what God provides.

God has put love in our hearts. He has divinely created us to love and be loved, but to love Him first and foremost. Can we still dream? Of course we can. We can still smile and sigh and love the sight of a newlywed couple as they dance in the glory of their joined life.

So often we get stuck in that that moment of their first dance, that we don't think about the dances that we aren't taking part in. Life is not a montage on the road to that first dance. That first dance is just another memory on the road of life, because you've found someone who shares your love, your faith, your heart's desires. It's not the end all, be all of everything. Our lives don't start when we make it to the alter.

They are starting now.

Life is a dance. Right now we aren't dancing alone. We have our friends, our family, the people we run into at the grocery store that we get to smile and minister to through the presence of Christ in us. These moments can't be freely disregarded. They can't be sped through as we're rushing for that romantic moment of falling in love. God is walking us down the path to love right now. But don't forget to keep falling in love along the way.

Be a hopeless romantic. Be in love with love. Goodness, I'm already so there myself. But enjoy this time. Enjoy life. Enjoy love.

Enjoy the dance.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

A Hero in the Making ~ Charmed and Captivated as Told by Their Creator (Interviewed by Rel!)

What a privilege to be an invited guest to Casey’s fabulous blog! Case is such a sweetheart (not to mention a kindred spirit when it comes to supporting authors and readers…but I digress!). When she asked whether I would like to do a guest feature for her, I jumped at the chance. We tossed around ideas and I was thinking about some of the leading men who have charmed, frustrated, and delighted me recently. As we pondered which literary heroes I would highlight, we decided there were too many and one post has turned into an ongoing series... if you enjoy what we do here!

We fall in love with a well written hero upon the page—it seems almost inevitable...but before anyone wonders, I’m a happily married woman and Casey is not about to say she’ll settle for nothing less than Mr Darcy, cravat and all! We’ve simply planned a fun series, mixed with a bit of seriousness, as we delve into their spiritual example and what makes these manly heroes captivating to us and their heroines.

So, the first hero I want you to meet is an 18th Century, hammer and anvil wielding, Bible quoting, mountain of a man.


from the imaginings of historical author extraordinaire


appearing in


Borrowed from Laura's "Love's Reckoning"
Pinterest board
Why Silas? As I read Love’s Reckoning, Silas proved to be a man of integrity and quiet courage. Although little of his past is explained, it is clear he is a man who has experienced hardship and suffering and yet is the better for it. As strong and fierce as he is at the forge, Silas also reveals a gentle hand with delicate metal designs and his tenderness with young Eden, as she suffers at the hands of her family. His gentle beckoning of Eden towards him and his faith makes for a wonderful and fulfilling read…..sigh!

Now you’ve heard my thoughts, here are some from the creator of Silas herself!

So, Laura let’s start at the beginning, how did you choose Silas' name?  

I wanted a strong, manly name with Biblical overtones that fit his character. I’m always aware of  popular heroic names in historicals and this one hadn’t been overdone. And it seemed to fit well with Ballantyne, IMHO.

I loved this choice, Laura ~ the meaning “of the forest” suits Silas, too. He is steady as an oak, you know?!

Describe Silas in 3 adjectives

Intelligent. Intuitive. Enduring.

What are Silas' standout physical characteristics? 

Borrowed from Laura's "Love's Reckoning"
Pinterest board
Silas is quite tall – strapping is the better word. He has an amazing vitality/virility about him that draws attention (at least in this author’s head!). And his jade eyes and whiskey-colored hair don’t hurt!

I don’t think it’s only in your head, Laura ;-D

What scars (if any) does Silas carry from his childhood? 

Silas has always struggled mightily with his temper, something that landed him in grave trouble early on. When living in the Scottish Highlands on the Duke of Atholl's estate, he threatened to kill the duke's son. As was common in this time period, Jamie Murray, the duke's heir, had seduced Silas's sister and she later died in childbirth. When Silas turned volatile, his family was evicted from the estate as part of the Highland clearances, even though Silas's father held the coveted position of fiddler and composer to the duke. Silas had to live with the fact that he was responsible for his family's sad fate, something that led to his conversion and his driving ambition to establish the Ballantyne legacy, first as a renowned blacksmith and then as one of the leading industrialists in Pennsylvania. 

What is Eden's first impression of Silas? 
Eden as captured by (c) Brandon Hill
Borrowed from Laura's "Love's Reckoning"
Pinterest board

She finds him, and his unusual accent, a bit off-putting. She’s heard that Scots are somewhat volatile and believes it! But she also finds him verra braw, as the Scots say, or very handsome. Part of her confusion has to do with his attempts to distance himself from her at first which makes him appear a bit cold and uncaring. She’s also a bit frightened by his ambitions.

How does that first impression change over time? 

When he begins to leave love notes for her in the form of Scripture, in all sorts of places, her impression shifts from uncertain to admiring, even yearning. He has that little something she lacks but wants. Slowly she comes to recognize his spiritual strength, something she’s never encountered before in her narrow world.

Scriptural love notes would do it, every time! Any guys reading this?!?!

What's on Silas' bookshelf and in his Netflix queue? (So, I know it’ll be a stretch on the latter - LOL!)

Chuckling at the Netflix! Can you imagine an 18th-century blacksmith trying to grapple with that sort of queue?! Though he is used to queued lines and queued hair! Silas’s bookshelf is crammed with the classics and anything Biblical, especially George Whitfield’s Journals and Matthew Henry’s Commentary. He’s a bit of a romantic at heart so you’ll also find Robert Burns poetry and even the popular novels of the day, Pamela or Clarissa.

Borrowed from Laura's "Love's Reckoning"
Pinterest board
What are Silas' spiritual strengths? 

At the very beginning of the novel, he thinks, “The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Blessed be His name.” He has an unswerving faith in the Lord and life that includes both the good and the bad, and doesn’t alter no matter what circumstances befall him.

What motivates (or one motivation) Silas in his personal life? 

Hearing “Well done, good and faithful servant” at life’s end. Also, his love for Eden.

Thanks Laura ~ loved these extra insights into Silas. You do have a way with leading men, my friend!

So, let’s talk Silas ~ if you have read his story, what did you think about him? As you either read the book or this interview, what qualities appealed to you in this hero? If he stood in your church foyer would you introduce yourself or stand back and observe?

My bio: Passionate about my family, faith, reading, and blogging, I find myself squeezing in time to read where I can, thanks to my Kindle, but will never forsake the feel of a real book in my hands. I blog at Relz Reviewz, am the Romance and Historical correspondent for’s digital magazine, and review for TitleTrakk and most Christian publishing houses.