Monday, February 17, 2014

Giveaway! A Fall of Marigolds by Susan Meissner!

Welcome to Writing for Christ, Susan Meissner! So glad to have you here to chat about your next release and share it with my readers!

1. Susan, tell us where the idea for A Fall of Marigolds came from.
I’ve long been a history junkie, especially with regard to historical events that involve ordinary people facing extraordinary circumstances. A couple years ago I viewed a documentary by author and filmmaker Lorie Conway called Forgotten Ellis Island; a hauntingly poignant exposé on the section of Ellis Island that no one really has heard much about; its hospital. The two man-made islands that make up the hospital buildings haven’t been used in decades and are falling into ruins, a sad predicament the documentary aptly addresses. The images of the rooms where the sick of a hundred nations waited to be made well stayed with me. I knew there were a thousand stories pressed into those walls, stories of immigrants who were just a stone’s throw from a new life. But unless they could be cured of whatever disease they’d arrived with, they would never set foot on America’s shores. Ellis Island hospital was the ultimate in-between place – it lay between what was and what could be. A great place to set a story

2. What is the story about, in a nutshell?

The book is about two women who never meet as they are separated by a century. One woman, Taryn, is a 9/11 widow and single mother who is about to mark the tenth anniversary of her husband’s passing. The other is a nurse, Clara, who witnessed the death of the man she loved in the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire in Manhattan in 1911.In her sorrow, Clara imposes on herself an exile of sorts; she takes a post at the hospital on Ellis Island so that she can hover in an in-between place while she wrestles with her grief. She meets an immigrant who wears the scarf of the wife he lost crossing the Atlantic, a scarf patterned in marigolds. The scarf becomes emblematic of the beauty and risk inherent in loving people, and it eventually finds it way to Taryn one hundred years later on the morning a plane crashes into the North Tower of the World Trade Center. The story is about the resiliency of love, and the notion that the weight of the world is made more bearable because of it, even though it exposes us to the risk of loss.

3. Why a scarf of marigolds? What is their significance?

Marigolds aren’t like most other flowers. They aren’t beautiful and fragrant. You don’t see them in bridal bouquets or prom corsages or funeral sprays. They don’t come in gentle colors like pink and lavender and baby blue. Marigolds are hearty, pungent and brassy. They are able to bloom in the autumn months, well past the point when many other flowers can’t. In that respect, I see marigolds as being symbolic of the strength of the human spirit to risk loving again after loss. Because, face it. We live in a messy world. Yet it’s the only one we’ve got. We either love here or we don’t. The title of the book has a sort of double-meaning. Both the historical and contemporary story take place primarily in the autumn. Secondarily, when Clara sees the scarf for the first time, dangling from an immigrant’s shoulders as he enters the hospital building, she sees the floral pattern in the threads, notes how similar they are to the flames she saw in the fire that changed everything for her, and she describes the cascading blooms woven into the scarf as “a fall of marigolds.”

4. What led you to dovetail the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire of 1911 with 9/11?

When I first began pulling at story threads, my first instinct was to tell a story about an immigrant struggling to remain hopeful as an unwilling patient at Ellis Island hospital. But the more I toyed with whose story this was, the more I saw instead a young nurse, posting herself to a place where every disease known and unknown showed up. It was a place like no other; a waiting place – a place where the dozens of languages spoken added to the unnatural homelessness of it. Why was she here? Why did she choose this post? Why did she refuse to get on the ferry on Saturday nights to reconnect with the real world? What kind of person would send herself to Ellis not just to work, but to live? Someone who needed a place to hover suspended. I knew something catastrophic had to happen to her to make her run to Ellis for cover. As I began researching possible scenarios, I came across the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, which up until 9/11 was arguably the worst urban disaster to befall Manhattan. There were similarities between that fire and 9/11, including the tragic fact that many trapped workers jumped to their deaths rather than perish in the flames.  For every person lost in disasters such as these, there is always his or her individual story, and the stories of those who loved them. I wanted to imagine two of those stories.

5. Are you working on anything new at the moment?

My next book is set entirely in England, mostly during The London Blitz. My main character starts out as a young, aspiring bridal gown designer evacuated to the countryside with her seven-year-old sister in the summer of 1940. Though only fifteen, Emmy is on the eve of being made an apprentice to a renowned costumer and she resents her single mother’s decision to send her away. She sneaks back to London – with her sister in tow – several months later but the two become separated when the Luftwaffe begins its terrible and deadly attack on the East End on the first night of the Blitz. War has a way of separating from us what we most value, and often shows how little we realized that value. I have always found the evacuation of London’s children to the countryside – some for the entire duration of the war – utterly compelling. How hard it must have been for those parents and their children. I went on a research trip to the U.K. in the fall of 2013 and I spoke with many individuals who were children during the war; some were separated from their parents, some were bombed out of their homes, some slept night after night in underground Tube stations, some watched in fascination as children from the city came to their towns and villages to live with them. This book explores issues of loss and longing, but also the bonds of sisters, and always, the power of love.

6. Where can readers connect with you?

You can find me at and on Facebook at my Author page, Susan .Meissner, and on Twitter at SusanMeissner. I blog at I also send out a newsletter via email four times a year. You can sign up for it on my website. I love connecting with readers! You are the reason I write.

Readers, enter to win Susan's book here!

Please leave an email address! If I draw your name and there is no email, you will not win.

For extra entries:
~Be a follower
~Be a subscriber

Contest is only open in the U.S. and void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items for said prize.

Thanks for coming by to enter! Contest ends on February 28th
Attn Readers! If you're struggling to leave a comment on my blog, please email your comment entries (in ONE email) and I will submit it for you. But PLEASE only do this after you've failed to leave a comment. My email is: caseym.writer(@) 

As part of the release of A Fall of Marigolds and this blog tour, Susan is giving to one lucky winner a gift basket that includes a $100 Visa gift card, a copy of the book, the DVD Forgotten Ellis Island, and a beautiful re-purposed infinity scarf patterned in marigolds and made from a vintage Indian sari. To be eligible, just leave a comment here between today and midnight Eastern on Friday, February 21. If you would like to see a list of the other participating blogs on this tour, just click here. Feel free to visit those blogs and increase your chances of winning by posting one comment on those blogs as well. One comment per blog will be eligible.
Additionally, there will be one winner of a signed copy of A Fall of Marigolds from among those who comment on this blog. Just leave a comment by midnight Eastern on Friday, Feb. 28 and you’re in the running for the grand prize as well as a signed copy of the book. Good luck!


  1. Thanks for the interview and for the giveaway. msudawgtooATcomsouthDOTnet

  2. Enjoyed the interview, I have read many of Susan's books. I became acquainted with her writing during a time when she was living in MN not far from where I am. Reading the interview makes me think since our library book club is reading books by authors with MN connections we should do one of hers. I plan to look for this one to read myself no matter what. My email is and I do subscribe to the blog.

  3. This looks like a great story. Very ingenious and I look forward to reading it. I am a follow and subscribe.

  4. I love Susan's novels. Not sure how I missed this one, but it's the first time I've heard about it. Great interview. Thank you for the opportunity to win
    mitzi UNDERSCOREwanhamATyahooDOTcom

  5. I think I've only read one of Susan's books, would love to read this one! I've enjoyed learning more about it at the different blog stops.

    I follow via GFC and subscribe via e-mail


  6. What a special story. I would love to read this book.
    I am a follower and subscriber.

  7. OH MY GOODNESS! This story sounds amazing. Just reading the description gave me chills. I love a story that makes me feel a myriad of emotions, and I'm certain this one will.

    follower and subscriber
    nicnac63 AT hotmail DOT com

  8. Interesting story line. I'm curious now to read more!
    I'm also a follower and a subscriber.

    priviesandprims [at]yahoo [dot] com

  9. Thanks for having me here as your guest, Casey. Love your site...

  10. Nice interview, I enjoyed learning more about you.


  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Hi Casey! I'm so glad I discovered your blog while hopping on Susan Meissner's blog tour! I'm not leaving this comment in an attempt to win the prize - that should be left for the readers. (I'm a book blogger on the tour.) I just wanted to show support for Susan and hop along as she hops. I love discovering new blogs this way and yours is an absolute gem. I'm going to share your blog with a Christian writer friend of mine, Sara Allen . . . Have a great day!

  13. I learned about the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire in history and thought it was so interesting but sad!! Would love to win a copy!


  14. I'm a follower!!


  15. I'm a subscriber!!


  16. I just finished A Fall of Marigolds this weekend. So good! And the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire was so eye-opening, almost like a mini 9/11 a hundred years earlier.

  17. I love your explanation on why you chose marigolds. I love marigolds and always plant them. When all the other flowers are gone, they linger on!

  18. I subscribe.

  19. I am a follower.

  20. Casey, Thank you for featuring Susan and her book A Fall of Marigolds.
    I have not read her books but the story line from this one looks very interesting.
    I am a follower and Subscriber here

  21. Sounds like a great book! I'm a GFC follower and an email subscriber.

  22. I've read several of Susan's books and enjoy the way she intermingles contemporary and historical story lines. The book she's working on about the London blitz sounds like it will be another great book.
    I'm a follower and subscriber.
    Thanks for the chance to win A Fall of Marigolds.

  23. a follower.augustlily06(at)aim(dot)com.Have a wonderful week.


  24. a subscriber.augustlily06(at)aim(dot)com.Have a wonderful week.

  25. A Fall of Marigolds sounds wonderful. Please enter me in contest. Thank you for the opportunity to win.I enjoy reading your books.augustlily06(at)aim(dot)com.Have a wonderful week.

  26. I like the comparison of the characteristics of marigolds to the personality of the lady in A Fall of Marigolds- bold, bright, hardy. Love to win your book and prizes! sharon, CA wileygreen1(at)yahoo(dot)com

  27. Second time I've heard about this book, sounds like a good read

  28. Gfc follower

  29. Email subscriber

  30. Hello Casey. Thanks for the interview with Susan. Very interesting information about Ellis Island. It seems not so easy to come to our country. Sad to come that far and be refused entry. Now people just cross the borders illegally and are allowed to stay. Sad, for we still have those waiting to come here legally. Thanks Susan and also for a chance to win your book and also for the big prize. Casey, I am a subscriber and a follower. Maxie mac262(at)me(dot)com

  31. Thanks for the great giveaway! DamianMom at yahoo dot com

  32. My very absolute favorite is the two-Jane story and Lucy should have a follow-up! She was sturdy-steady and a dear friend in Lady in Waiting. My ancestors came through Ellis Island. I am second-generation American born. I would love to win A Fall of Marigolds and your prize basket gifts! Thank you. Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House lanehillhouse[at]centurylink[dot]net

    I am a follower and a subscriber of your blog

  33. So sad for immigrants to come so far and then be turned away.. Unlike today, which is sad too. I'm just so fascinated with history and this book is full of it. Thanks so much. I subscribed to your email and followed on GFC.

  34. I hate how they are turned away but at the same time two women across a century connected through one scarf.

  35. Sounds like a beautiful story and a part of history that needs to be remembered. Thanks, Susan, for writing it. Can't wait to read it now!

    babykf629 at gmail dot com

  36. as having grandparents that came thru Ellis Island, this is especially interesting to me. History fiction books are great. thanks for the giveaway.
    brneyes (at) (dot) com

  37. Thanks so much for chance to win. elaine1255(at)yahoo(dot)com

  38. I bought the book as soon as I read about it. Can't wait to read it!

  39. This sounds pretty amazing. Thanks for putting it on my radar.

  40. I read all Meissner's books and I would love to read this one!

  41. What a neat connection of the characters. sarah_purcats(at)hotmail[dot]com

  42. I just love the storyline for "A Fall of Marigolds" and the way the two time periods are woven together! I don't know much about Ellis Island, and would love to learn more about it! Susan's next book has an interesting storyline, also - I haven't read any of her books, and would love to read "A Fall of Marigolds"! Thanks, Susan and Casey for the interesting interview!


    I am a follower and subscriber!

  43. I am so happy to have found Susan through this tour. I have put Fall Of Marigolds on my TRL. I love the whole storyline and how the two women are linked through time.I am a new GFC follower under Carol L and email subscriber with Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com.Thanks for this opportunity.
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

  44. I just read an interview with Susan on the "Women's Fiction" blog. How inspiring and timely! I've published a memoir and am in the process of writing my first novel. I love the fact that Susan is writing for Christ. That's my calling as well. Fall of Marigolds sounds like the kind of book I love reading. It's going on my list. I'm feeling a strong connection and look forward to following this author for inspiration. So happy!

  45. What a nice interview, Susan and Casey! I loved Susan's book, The Shape of Mercy, and A Fall of Marigolds sounds fascinating. Would love to win. Thanks for the chance!

  46. A Fall of Marigolds sounds like a soul touching and intriguing story. I've always been haunted by the stories of Ellis Island and especially those passing through or ending their journey in the hospital. Thanks for the giveaway.
    I'm a follower.
    I'm a subscriber.

  47. sounds good thanks for the chance.

  48. This sounds like such an interesting story, I would love to read it.
    I am a follower and a subscriber

  49. Ooopsy, forgot my email. Here it is: candidkerry(at)gmail(dot)com.
    Thanks so much! You have a beautiful website. :)

  50. Loved this book and love the grand prize giveaway! Susan is a doll.

    my email is mochawithlinda[at]gmail[dot]com

  51. Thanks for the chance to win! I'm really fascinated by all the research and history behind this I really, really want to read it!!


  52. I love Susan's books and this one looks really interesting too! Thanks for the review and giveaway chance! jhoorm01atyahoodotcom

  53. Thank you for sharing this wonderful interview and giveaway opportunity! A Fall of Marigolds sounds like an amazing story and is one I look forward to reading! I would love to be a winner!

    I am a blog follower.
    texaggs2000 at gmail dot com


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)

FTC Rules

According to new FTC rules I must let you, the reader know, that all views shared on this blog are strictly my own. Books to review are either provided for me by the author, publisher or ones I have purchased and I am under no obligation whatsoever to present anything, but my true opinion on any product. I receive no monetary compensation for anything written on this blog. Any giveaways on this blog are provided by the author/ publisher and I am not responsible for any views they express in their work or on this site. Giveaways are void were prohibited and chances of winnng are based on the number of applicants. A random winner is draw when a book is given away.

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