Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Blogging Break...

You're probably snickering, because who can take a blogging break when she has posts still going up?

Wellll...those are pre-scheduled and this one isn't. ; -) And right now I am in the midst of plotting (as well as a seat-of-the-pants writer can) my latest novel.

It's exciting to plot the story and discover these characters. Nearly as good as sharpening a brand new pencil and cracking the textbooks for the first time of the school year.

Plus I get to get on the phone with writer friend Carol Moncado in a few hours! Watch out, girl...

I would love to know what you are doing this Wednesday! Please share with me and I'll draw a name from the comments to pick a book from my Swap List for me to send to you!


ACK! Change of plans. And no time to write another post. This has been a drama-filled week. I'm working today, so no plotting, but I will be tomorrow and Carol and I will have to wait to chat until Friday. BUT please still comment and I'll draw a name. Gotta know what you're doing while I'm taking blood pressures and helping patients. ; -)

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Completely Captivated ~ Dry as Rain by Gina Holmes ~ Review

Gina Holmes in a master wordsmith and story weaver and in her second novel, Dry as Rain, I was once again captivated.

                I love first person novels and done well, I feel I can really crawl within the skin of the character. The first person in the male point of view isn’t often seen, but I thought it well done. There were a few times I would have liked to climb within the mind of Kyra (the wife) and feel what she was thinking, but for the most part she was a transparent character, which worked well on the ‘stage’ of this story.

                The plot of this book will, I believe, touch many lives. Relationships, control, mistakes, you don’t necessarily have to be going through a separation or divorce to grasp the depth of Eric and Kyra’s emotions.

                I grew to admire Eric’s convictions as he realized just how much he did not want to lose his wife. We don’t realize how much we want something until we can’t have it. This novel kept me hanging. 15 pages from the end and I wasn’t sure how it was going to wrap up! There is a great concept to this novel that takes it beyond just “finding love” again. There is depth to the plot.

                An excellent story cover to cover, I am once again thrilled with the voice of Gina Holmes. She crafts a masterful story!

                This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the publishers for my copy to review.

More about Dry as Rain

Behind every broken vow lies a broken heart.

When Eric and Kyra Yoshida first met, they thought their love would last forever. But like many marriages, theirs has gradually crumbled, one thoughtless comment and misunderstanding at a time, until the ultimate betrayal pushes them beyond reconciliation. Though Eric longs to reunite with Kyra, the only woman he has truly loved, he has no idea how to repair the damage that’s been done.

Then a car accident erases part of Kyra’s memory—including her separation from Eric—and a glimmer of hope rises from the wreckage. Is this a precious opportunity for the fresh start Eric has longed for? Does he even deserve the chance to find forgiveness and win back Kyra’s heart . . . or will the truth blow up in his face, shattering their last hope for happiness? A richly engaging story of betrayal and redemption, Dry as Rain illuminates with striking emotional intensity the surprising truth of what it means to forgive.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Giveaway and Author Interview: When the Lights Go Out

Welcome to Writing for Christ Max Anderson, it is great to have you here! Do you have an interesting fact about yourself the average reader probably doesn’t know?

Most people are shocked to find out that I grew up hating to read. Then their mouths drop open when I tell them that my father was the author of over 70 books and I didn’t read any of them. My life took a direction toward visual communication through film and video production. Today, I bring that same visual excitement, and heart-pounding action, mystery, and adventure into my writing. Kids say that reading one of my books is like being in an exciting movie.

Do you have a favorite genre to read/write?

Reading for enjoyment or recreation is still a bit of a struggle for me. I’d rather see it than read about it. But when I write, my books are intended for readers 8 – 13, especially boys. Girls seem to enjoy reading them just as much, and so do adults.

Do you have a nugget of writing advice that has completely changed how you view writing?

I bring the film world into my writing world. By that I mean that I keep props and pictures around the computer that relate to the project I’m writing. In the background, I play mood appropriate music for the scene that’s being written. I always burn a candle next to my computer screen but only while writing. I don’t write to an outline. For me, writing a book is a lot like watching a feature motion picture and I write as the story unfolds before me. However, before I begin to write, I do extensive research and have those notes nearby. I have also taken the time to tell the story to myself into a recorder. Those notes are typed and then set aside, in a file, until after the first draft has been completed. By doing this, I at least know the beginning, middle, and end, but not much else. But using this process has helped me to avoid writer’s block for thirty-six manuscripts so far.

What do you enjoy most about being a published author?

The best part about it is when I hear from a young reader, a teacher, or a parent who tells me how one of my books touched them. And the very best are the ones where they say that my book turned a reluctant reader into an avid reader. Nothin’ better than that!

Places for readers to learn more about you?

When the Lights Go Out blog 

Thank you for being with us today! 
Readers, leave a comment for an entry to win Max's novel!

Please leave an email address. If I draw your name and there is no email, you will not win!

For extra entries:
~Be a follower
~Be a subscriber

Contest is only open in the U.S. and void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items for said prize.

Thanks for coming by to enter! Contest ends on September 9th

Friday, August 26, 2011

Cold Call Friday with Catherine West!

Welcome Cathy, to your “Cold Call” interview!! For those of you who don’t know what the “Cold Call” feature is, at the beginning of the month I have a poll, the winning author YOU then get to interview!! CatherineWest won this month’s vote and I am thrilled to present her here with YOUR questions. Without any further ado, heeeerrrre’s Cathy!

What do you enjoy most about living in Bermuda? Do you think you'll ever set one of your books there?

I love the beauty of my island home. I don’t think I would ever tire of looking at the ocean or admiring the beautiful pink oleander or red and yellow hibiscus bushes that line our roads. It’s a pretty laid back and quiet place for the most part, never takes long to get anywhere. I’m not sure what I enjoy most, really, it’s just home. J

What has been the most rewarding aspect of having a book published?

There is a real sense of accomplishment, actually. A feeling of validation, that all the years of hard work and perseverance have finally come to fruition. And then of course there’s the movie deal, the talk shows and the millions of dollars that have accrued in my bank account…oh…wait, you mean for real, right? Yeah, the top part. J

Do you have any plans for writing another story set during the Vietnam War? I LOVED Yesterday's Tomorrow!

Thank you. J Well, I have definitely thought about a sequel to Yesterday’s Tomorrow, although at this point I am not sure how much of Vietnam we’d see, but it would be set in the ‘70’s most likely, if I write it. Working on a few things at the moment, but the idea is brewing.

You are passionate about your writing and the topics of your stories, what made you visit the Vietnam War as a setting and plot premise?

It’s an era I’ve always been fascinated with. Once I started researching the war, especially reading about journalists that went over there, the story just took off from there. At first I thought it was an insane idea, that I could never make it authentic enough, but after several rewrites, I’m definitely happy with the end result.

Which would you prefer: hot and spicy, sweet and sour, or cold and sweet?

Definitely hot and spicy. J I love Indian curries and Thai food.

And for all the fans beating down your door for that next book, where are all the places they can find you online?

Ha. Let’s see – My website: (you’ll find the link to my blog there), and on Twitter – cathwest – on Facebook you can find me at Catherine West Author, and there is also a page for Yesterday’s Tomorrow. I love hearing from my readers and welcome emails at

My next book, also published through OakTara, is called Hidden in the Heart, and its more women’s fiction this time around, but I will be announcing a release date as soon as I hear when it will be, so stay tuned!

Thanks for all the great questions.

Friday's Note:
The winner of Michelle Griep's Undercurrent is...
Gwendolyn Gage!!
Be haunting your inbox! Thanks all for visiting. : -)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Special Giveaway and Author Interview: A Heart Revealed

Welcome back to Writing for Christ Julie Lessman, I am excited to have you here for a second time. J What has changed in your writing life since you were last here?

Thanks, Case — SO good to be here!  And quite a bit has happened since last time, actually. For starters, I have a new book releasing in … FIVE DAYS … and it’s a particularly special book to me because YOUR name will be in it as the winner of my contest to have a character named after them in my next book! A Heart Revealed, book 2 in “The Winds of Change” series, is the story of the oldest O’Connor brother, Sean O’Connor, a confirmed bachelor, and his sister’s best friend, Emma Malloy, a battered married woman. Here’s my own personal blurb:

The ring on her hand belongs to one man …
but her heart belongs to another.

As a battered woman, Emma Malloy fled Dublin for Boston ten years ago, seeking shelter for a heart badly bruised by both her husband and guilt. But when she falls in love with Sean O’Connor, a man who wrestles with demons of his own, fear and shame almost destroy her … until she is finally set free by a heart revealed.

Secondly, I have finished book 3 in the “Winds of Change” series, A Trust Restored (working title), the youngest O’Connor brother, Steven’s story, to be released in Sept. 2012. This will be the final installment in the 6-book O’Connor saga until I write Marcy and Patrick’s prequel down the road.

Finally, I have a new 3-book series set in 1900 San Francisco called “The Cousins McClare, with book 1 releasing April of 2013 and the subsequent books out at nine-month intervals rather than yearly. It chronicles the stories of three cousins from a wealthy political family in 1900 San Francisco and the unlikely men with whom they fall in love. From the glitter and glamour of San Francisco’s Nob Hill, to the seedy dance halls and gambling dens of the Barbary Coast, The Cousins McClare is a study in contrasts between the haves and have-nots, and barriers between rich and poor that only faith can transcend.

What recent read stood out to you as truly spectacular?

You mean other than Seeker books??? Oh, honey, you can’t limit me to just one! Some of my recent favs are Mine is the Night by Liz Curtis Higgs, Deeply Devoted by Maggie Brendan, The Harvest of Grace by Cindy Woodsmall, Beyond All Measure, by Dorothy Love, Spring for Susannah by Catherine Richmond, A Bride’s Portrait of Dodge City, Kansas by Erica Vetsch and Secrets of the Heart by Jillian Kent. Seriously, each of these books was truly wonderful with several absolutely outstanding.

Do you have favorite authors?

Doesn’t everybody? I want to go on record right now as saying that I generally read all of the Seeker books,( and I am ASTOUNDED at the talent in this group, seriously. What a gifted group of authors!! As far as long-time historical romance favorites other than the Seekers and newer authors? I absolutely LOVE Liz Curtis Higgs, Francine Rivers, Laura Frantz, Tamera Alexander, MaryLu Tyndall, Sharlene MacLaren, Julie Klassen, and Deanne Gist, to name a few. And if you’re talking Women’s Fiction, Patty Lacy is absolutely outstanding—I will read anything she writes. I don’t read a lot of YA, but both Melanie Dickerson and Michelle Hutchison’s “Second Glance” series are awesome! Ironically, I just endorsed Cindy Woodsmall’s new book, The Harvest of Grace—one of my very first Amish books—and it blew me away. Loved it!!

What do you find the most enjoyable part of writing or connecting with readers?

The most enjoyable? Oh, easy—writing love scenes, of course! I like tension, lots and LOTS of romantic tension, so when I write those scenes, my keyboard is smoking because my fingers fly. In fact, one of my friends wanted to know why I couldn’t just write a nice, “sweet” love scene. Duh, because I would fall asleep! J Even my husband noticed the fast and furious pace of my love scenes—he said he would be meandering along in a nice, easy passage and then, bam! A love scene would hit, and before he knew it, he was 20 pages down the road!

As far as the most enjoyable part of connecting with readers?  Definitely hearing from women whose passion for God has been stirred because of something I wrote. Okay … just typing that sentence brought tears to my eyes because I cannot believe I have a job where I can woo people to the very God who took me from the darkness into His glorious light!

What do you find the most ideal atmosphere for writing? Do you ever get those surroundings? J

The most idea atmosphere for writing is RIGHT where I am now as I type this very interview—settled into comfy furniture on my lower deck, feet up and a glass of hazelnut coffee by my side while a gentle breeze blows from the ceiling fan overhead. Laptop in my lap, I stare into GORGEOUS woods where shafts of sunlight beam like the hand of God, dappling the leaves with His grace and beauty. Every now and then, my husband comes down to sit with me on his breaks, which I have to admit, makes it ALL the better! J

Okay, something fun for those writers out there: In what point of your writing career did you surprise yourself by writing the most words ever in the shortest amount of time?

That would be when I wrote A Passion Redeemed, 480 pages in approximately one month (actually two months working my part-time day job). For me, Mitch and Charity’s story literally flew from my fingers, and when my critique partner read it, she told me that I “hit my stride” in this book, with which I agree. The bad news? I haven’t written a book that quickly since. : /

Thanks for being here again! It has been a joy and we wish the very best with your novels.
Okay readers, here is your chance to enter to win Julie's latest novel, A Heart Revealed.

Please leave an email address. If I draw your name and there is no email, you will not win!

For extra entries:

~Be a follower
~Be a subscriber

And an EXTRA one:
~Read and rate this review on my blog. (This allows me to continue to provide quality fiction reviews. Thank you!!)

Contest is only open in the U.S. and void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items for said prize.

Thanks for coming by to enter! Contest ends on September 9th.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Relinquishing Expectations

Expectation (Odotus)

I get reflective on my blog. Forgive me if these posts start to sound repetitive, I will admit to writing them for myself and hoping it touches a life in need.

I've had to lay a lot of my life's expectations at my Father's feet. I cling too tightly, thinking I know what I want from life. Thinking I know what is best for me. Thinking I know what is right for God to do for me today.

I'm speaking more today for the young woman reading this post (and maybe the not so young). We want to find Prince Charming don't we? And don't we think it should be today, at the latest tomorrow? We hit a certain age and life should start to happen, shouldn't it?

In the last two years I've had several young women I know well (or knew well) get married by the age of 20.

Okay, God. I'm here! Waiting! Waiting............

Don't You realize I'll be an old maid by the time I hit 21 and that no guy is going to want to even talk to me?

I don't know where you live, but where I'm at, there are more cattle than people. Which I love, but it doesn't make for very good prospective husband material. And I wasn't very patient about that fact. And it made for some disgruntled months...okay years.

I have an expectation for my life: to someday fall in love, marry and have children. And I hope and pray to have the blessing to be a stay at mom with my children and homemaker for my husband/family. But it isn't that time yet. It's a dream still lingering on the horizon, but what if it isn't God's timing yet?

The curse for being in God's will is we can't see what is coming around the bend. The blessing is we can't see what is coming around the bend!

But what I take comfort in more than anything is GOD has put me here for this season in my life right now. He wants to grow and challenge me here and now.

And so often I want to say "Okay God, I'm ready! You can send him over at any time."

But God knows I'm not ready. Or maybe my future husband isn't ready. It comes down to this bottom line: we don't know what is going on anywhere but within our small universe.

God is omniscient, all loving, all powerful and when I trust Him to work out everything in His time, I am given so much peace. I'm given the gift of knowing that when the time is right He will bring my Prince Charming. Until that time I continue to ask Him to teach and grow me.

Can I pray with you?? Unite in Christ, Ladies!

Dear Jesus,

You have our best interest at heart. You have our perfect man out there, and we are trusting and praying You are growing and teaching him in You, preparing his heart for mine. Lord, help me be patient, to not be pulled toward the pretty and tangible, but be held accountable to Your standards. Prepare my heart to be his helpmate, his perfect match. And Lord remind us when the going gets tough that only You can bring about perfect peace and Your perfect peace is found in Your perfect will.

In Jesus' Name,

And for those interested I'm on Maya's blog today with a special guest post I did about what we put into our brains. Is it important?? Plus I have a giveaway of MaryLu Tyndall's latest book, Surrender the Dawn

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A Great Series Conclusion Blue Skies Tomorrow by Sarah Sundin ~ Review

What I love about Sarah Sundin’s stories is her ability to weave a historical setting as rife with conflict as World War II with a love story that moves my heart and soul with its vibrancy.

There is a delicate balance between too much history and ignoring the love story. Or an overwhelming love story angle with the war as only a distant background. There is a near perfect balance in “Blue Skies Tomorrow”.

The character development in this story is amazing. Sundin took her characters to places I don’t often see in fiction and I loved it. She delved deep into the makeup of both Helen and Ray, found what made them tick and used it against them. Masterful. It’s the only word I can use to describe it.

As the story moved overseas, I thought a bit of the momentum was lost in a few too many historical details, but not much and I didn’t lose interest. Turns were made and devastation brought on the characters.

I know I’m reading a good book when I become very emotional and this book had me up in arms in the defense of Helen against her in-laws. Sundin took me from the height of anger to the beauty of a new love.

It’s a great conclusion to the end of the series and I look forward to more from this very promising author!

This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the publishers for my copy to review.

**Available August 2011 from Revell, a division of Baker Publishers**

Monday, August 22, 2011

Giveaway and Author Interview: Make a Wish

Welcome back to Writing for Christ Marlayne Giron, I am excited to have you here for a second time. J

What has changed in your writing life since you were last here?

Since then I have written two more books, Make a Wish, now available on Amazon, and In Plain Sight, an Amish fiction with no release date yet. I am currently writing a novella for Love Inspired and another “wish fulfillment” book called Star Light/Star Bright.  God has also brought a wonderful agent/publicist in my life that is getting my books in front of editors of some of the biggest publishing houses. In addition to that, I have discovered that I have a unique talent for creating book trailers and have been doing that on the side to earn extra money.  I’ve gotten some great feedback from publishers and authors on the ones they have seen and I just love doing them. I have a Facebook page where you can see what I’ve done at this link:

I’m also pretty competitively priced so I’m more affordable than the traditional book trailer companies.

What recent read stood out to you as truly spectacular?

I haven’t had much time to read lately since I’ve been under deadlines to get books written. I think the last “wow” book series I couldn’t put down was the Twilight Saga. I didn’t want to read these books because of the subject matter but was hearing so much “word of mouth” about them I finally decided to try the first book. Then I was hooked.

Do you have favorite authors?

Stephen R. Lawhead is my favorite author, as well as Tolkien and Stephanie Meyer.

What do you find the most enjoyable part of writing or connecting with readers?

I love to interact with people.  I lead a pretty isolated life so the opportunity to get to talk to people who have read my books is a real treat!

What do you find the most ideal atmosphere for writing? Do you ever get those surroundings? J

Classical music in the background, an empty house and a publicist haranguing me about my word count! I work best if I have an “inspiration” but one cannot summon inspiration at will. 

Okay, something fun for those writers out there: In what point of your writing career did you surprise yourself by writing the most words ever in the shortest amount of time?

I was quite proud of myself for writing 95,000 words in four months for my book In Plain Sight. I am typically a painfully slow writer) and didn’t think I’d ever finish it. It was agonizing! I am now back at square one with the new novella. I guess it’s not until I hit the halfway mark that the writing muse suddenly hits and I’m off and running, so to speak.

Thanks for being here again! It has been a joy and we wish the very best with your novels.

Okay readers here is your chance to enter to win Marlayne's latest release!

Please leave an email adddress! If I draw your name and there is no email, you will not win.

For extra entries:
~Be a follower
~Be a subscriber

Contest is only open in the U.S. and void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items for said prize.

Thanks for coming by to enter! Contest ends on September 2nd

Friday, August 19, 2011

A Blog Award and Special Message from Colleen Coble!

My many thanks to Elaine at E.J.'s Library for passing on this blog award! I wasn't even aware it exsisted and I'm honored to be included. :-))

The goal of the award is to spotlight up and coming bloggers who currently have less than 200 followers. The rules of the award are:

1. Thank the giver and link back to the blogger who gave it to you.
2. Reveal your top 5 picks and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.
3. Copy and paste the award on your blog.
4. Have faith that your followers will spread the love to other bloggers.
5. And most of all - have fun!

I don't follow very many blogs, so my awards might seem repetitive, but it doesn't make them any less sincere!

Katie at Katie McCurdy ~ Whenever I visit Katie's blog I always feel so welcome. And I love "bumping" into her around the web. :)

Michelle at Sweet Treats and Inspiration ~ Love this woman, love the name of her blog! And it holds it's own in the blogging world. Michelle has a unique blog with a godly touch I love.

Amber at Seasons of Humility ~ You already know how much I love Amber. Check out her blog and see if you don't agree with me. ;-)

Sheri at Sheri Salatin ~ I love the entire theme of Sheri's blog. Unique and fun to visit! (and oh, a fun fact to know and tell: we farm very, very closely to how the Salatin's farm and my dad has devoured her father-in-law's books. ;-)

Dawn at A Passion for Pages ~ I will stop in once in a while and read one of Dawn's book reviews, love them! She has a unique way of writing them that is all her own and works so well. Looking forward to meeting you in September, Dawn!

Again, my thanks for the tag, Elaine! And I'll be letting my fellow bloggers know I've sent the award their way as soon as I can today. :)

And now for your reading pleasure...a special message from Thomas Nelson publishers and Colleen Coble.


From Thomas Nelson:

One of the highlights of our days in the Fiction department at Thomas Nelson? Receiving reader letters—either directly addressed to us or passed along from our talented authors. It’s critical to be reminded that at the end of our long days acquiring, editing, designing, selling, marketing, and publicizing books, those stories are reaching readers, striking nerves, changing lives. We want readers’ feedback. How stories have given you hope. Which authors’ series you can’t help from sharing with everyone you meet. We want to know what makes you stay up late in the night to finish a story, and conversely what turns you away. 

We’re conducting a series of surveys—seeking answers from readers who love Christian fiction. Up for grabs is a free ebook for every respondent who completes the survery, as well as a $10,000 prize for one entrant. The responses we gather will help shape the future of the books we publish for years to come. As well as the data we’re collecting here, we’ll also seek more in-depth feedback from a panel we’ll develop over the next year. More details to come. The note below from one of authors gives a specific picture of how reader feedback shapes her work. In short, your opinion matters! We thank you for your time and appreciate your responding. 

--Thomas Nelson Fiction

Dear Friends--

Your opinion matters. It really does. I love hearing from readers about what worked for them in a story and about what doesn’t work. Reader feedback changed the balance between romance and suspense in my novels. After the Rock Harbor trilogy, I wanted to write more suspense in my novels because that’s what I personally like. But readers really wanted more relationship and romance in the books so I moved back that direction to about the same mix of 50/50 that the Rock Harbor novels contained. I write for you even more than for myself.

I had no intention of setting a whole series of books at Bluebird, Texas. It was going to be only one book, but readers sent me requests in droves for more books. The fourth book in the Lonestar series, Lonestar Angel, will be out in October. The Rock Harbor novels were going to be complete at three. There are now five and I’m thinking about another one! All due to reader demand.

I’ve often asked for reader input on names and locations too. When I was struggling for a name for my hero in The Lightkeeper’s Ball, I turned to my readers. Harrison really fit my character, and my readers told me. Love that! When I was trying to decide on a location for the new Hope Beach series I’ve started, I asked readers. Their overwhelming response was for a series set in the Outer Banks so guess what I’m writing?!

That’s why we’re coming to you for answers. We want to give you what you really want! Don’t be afraid to let us know what you really think. We value your honesty and the time it will take to share with us. Looking forward to hearing what you have to say!

Your friend,
Colleen Coble


Casey here again: I would not be posting this, if I did not believe this was legitimate. Thomas Nelson partnered with Christian Fiction Blog Alliance (CFBA) and asked me to bring this to my readers. I have even filled out the survey, and in this day in age, publishers are incrediably aware of what their readers want. It is not taken lightly. We have the chance as readers to share our voice and it's worth it!

Friday's Winners!!

The winner of Sarah Sundin's Blue Skies Tomorrow is....

Lisa Nelson!!

And the winner of Michelle Sutton's Letting Go is....


Congratulations ladies, be haunting your inbox!!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

My Heart is Full: The Colonel's Lady by Laura Frantz ~ Review

I couldn’t write this book review right after closing the final page of “The Colonel’s Lady”. Why? My heart was too full.

Ever read a book that all you want to do when you finish is go back to page 1 and start all over again? Ever read a book and want to savor every single word as it leaves the page and enters your heart? Ever read a book and never want it to end??

I can tally all of these qualities for Laura Frantz’s latest book and so much more that is impossible to include in a 200 word review.

When Colonel Cassius McLinn entered the scene, his troops weren’t the only ones jerking to attention. This hero commanded so much attention not only from his fellow characters, but from me as a reader. The beauty of Roxanna’s character and their romance together was enough to draw sparks and leave my heart racing. I can’t even document all the scenes that left me short of air.

Never in all the books have I read, have I come across an author who writes with more lyrical and beautiful quality than Laura Frantz. Every time I am charmed, blessed and left bereaving the end of another of her stories.

I sing the praises of this book and her previous two, they only get better!

This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the publishers for my copy to review.

**Available August 2011 from Revell, a division of Baker Publishers and your favorite bookstore**

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Going OVER THE TOP with Women of Faith!!

How many of you have attended a Women of Faith conference in the past?? Maybe read a book in the Women of Faith collection?? (that one might be something you have been more prone to do)

Either way, you have probably heard that name. It has become synominious with a strong ministry. With encouragement for thousands of women across the United States. Great music, great speakers, and this all I've heard from word of mouth.

This year, I have the opportunity to experience it for myself. I am so thrilled and feel so honored to be selected by the Thomas Nelson Booksneeze team to be one of their partner bloggers at this year's Women of Faith conference in Portland, Oregon.

I'll be sharing another post after the event is over in October, so if you live near Portland and plan to attend, be sure and look me up!! And if you don't live in that area, there is an entire list of places the WOF team is going to be this year:

Atlanta, GA
Aug. 12-13, 2011
Indianapolis, IN
Aug. 19-20, 2011
Omaha, NE
Aug. 12-13, 2011
Dallas, TX
Aug. 26-27, 2011
Washington, DC
Aug. 26-27,-2011
Philadelphia, PA
Sept. 9-10, 2011
Anaheim, CA
Sept. 9-10, 2011
Spokane, WA
Sept. 16-17, 2011
Charlotte, NCSept. 23-24, 2011
MIlwaukee, WI
Sept 30 - Oct 1, 2011
Phoenix, AZ
Sept. 23-24, 2011
Denver, CO
Sept. 30 – Oct. 1, 2011
Pittsburgh, PA
Oct. 7-8, 2011
Tampa, FL
Oct. 14-15, 2011
Portland, OR
Oct. 7-8, 2011
Sacramento, CA
Oct. 14-15, 2011
St. Paul
Oct. 21-22, 2011
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Oct. 28-29, 2011
San Antonio, TX
Oct. 21-22, 2011
Seattle, WA
Oct. 28-29, 2011
Rochester, NY
Nov. 4-5, 2011
Hartford, CT
Nov. 11-12, 2011
Kansas City, MO
Nov. 4-5, 2011
Oklahoma City, OK
Nov. 11-12, 2011

But I gotta admit: my favorite part I'm most looking forward to?? Seeing Mandisa LIVE... and of course attending with my mom. :-))

What about you?? Have you attended before or plan to attend? Any suggestion for me?