Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I CAN'T Wait!!

I seriously CAN NOT WAIT for this book to be released!! MaryLu Tyndall is one of my favorite authors and writes stories that sweeps me away. Here is the cover of her latest release due August 1st (oh, so far away!) Isn't it gorgeous? I think it is the best one of all her books! You can pre-order from CBD.

For the sake of her ailing mother, Marianne Denton becomes engaged to Noah Brennin---a merchantman she despises. But as the War of 1812 escalates, Jonah's ship is captured by the British, and the ill-matched couple learns vital information that could aid America's cause. As they battle to save their country, will they also find love?

SO intriguing!! Can't wait until August 1st from Barbour!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Revell Blog Tour and Book Review: The Promise of Morning

THE PROMISE OF MORNING is a tale of sorrow and heartache, but also one of forgiveness and the joy of overcoming trials.

The story starts on a sad note at the grave of the child of Ellie and Matthew. And the tragedies haven’t ended there, but to avoid spoilers I won’t say what they are.

Now while some might think this is a sad and depressing book, I did not find it so. The story line is much the same as Kim Vogel Sawyer’s Waiting for Summer’s Return. A young woman and her husband struggling to understand their place in God’s plan.

A prairie romance between a young married couple is a nice change from the normal romance of boy meets girl and marry by the end. The added complications of a traveling theatre group and a pastor losing his church added depth and interest to the story.

What I enjoyed the most about the story was the discovery of family. Never taking anyone or anything for granted. Standing up for what is right and letting God have complete control of your life.

I think fans of Janette Oke and Kim Vogel Sawyer will find enjoyment within THE PROMISE OF MORNING’s pages.

Available March 2010 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.

Thanks to Donna at Revell for my copy of this book to review.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Author Interview and Book Giveaway: Scattered Petals

Hey everyone, before we get to today's giveaway, I wanted to say that today marks the milestone of my 100th post!!!! I really cannot believe it, but you guys are making it possible. Enjoy the celebration today with a giveaway with author, Amanda Cabot! :-)

Amanda Cabot has always nurtured a love for books. At an early age she taught herself to read and to this day can almost always be found with a good book. Loving to read naturally morphed into a love for the writing craft. She published more than twenty novels for the secular market as well as several nonfiction books before she turned to writing for the Christian market. Her first inspirational novel, Paper Roses, was published by Revell last year. Her second book, released this month and up for our giveaway, is Scattered Petals. I am pleased to share an interview I had with Amanda recently. She has graciously agreed to give away a copy of her latest book.

Amanda, thank you for taking being with us today! I appreciate you taking the time to answer these few questions, letting us get to know you better.

1: How long did you write before you were published?

I started writing when I was seven, but that doesn’t count. Or does it? Although I had dabbled with a number of books, it wasn’t until a month before my 29th birthday that I started writing seriously. You see, I had a goal of selling a book before I turned 30, and I figured I’d better get working if I was going to accomplish that. One week before my 30th birthday, an editor told me she loved the book and wanted to buy it. So, you could say it was either a little over a year or 23 years, depending on when you want to start counting.

2: When you held that first book in your hands, what was your first thought?

I almost couldn’t believe that I’d written that book. It had been a dream for so long that it was hard to believe it had come true.

3: What do you find the hardest part about writing?

First drafts are the worst part for me. I refer to them as the skeleton of the story, and – like skeletons at Halloween – they’re not particularly pretty. But they are essential to hold the flesh and blood, which is what I add during the second draft.

4: How do you coordinate time between writing and other responsibilities?

I am extremely disciplined. Some would say excessively so, but it works for me. I have “office hours” in the morning, and that’s when I write. Other things, including shopping, cooking, you name it, happen in the afternoon or evening.

5: What are you working on now?

I’m currently working on the first draft (sigh!) of Book One in the Wyoming Winds series. This is the trilogy that will be published after the third of the Texas Dreams books. Since I live in Wyoming, I’m enjoying introducing readers to my new home state, but – as always – I’m looking forward to having the first draft done. Second drafts are much more fun!

6: Where can readers find out more about your books?

I invite them to visit my web site, . I also welcome email from readers and try to respond within a couple days.

7: What message(s) do you want to be clear to your readers?

My books all deal with the healing power of love, both the love between a man and a woman, and especially God’s love for us.

8: Why did you choose this profession?

I’m not sure I did. I think it might have chosen me. Seriously. Another author who was the keynote speaker at a writers’ conference challenged us to answer the question, “Is writing what you do or who you are?” For me, it’s who I am, an integral and essential part of my life.

Thank you for being with us today. Any final words for readers?

My most fervent prayer is that my books will touch your hearts and deepen your faith. And thank you, Casey, for hosting my interview. It’s been a pleasure.

Back copy blurb:

Longing for adventure, Priscilla Morton leaves Boston in 1856 and heads for the Texas Hill Country, never dreaming that the adventure she seeks could have heartbreaking consequences. Although attracted to her, ranch foreman Zachary Webster knows Priscilla deserves a cultured East Coast gentleman, not a cowboy who’s haunted by memories of his mistakes.

When necessity draws them together, Priscilla and Zach begin to forge a life filled with promise. But then the past intrudes.

Book 2 of the Texas Dreams series, Scattered Petals weaves a tale of drama, love and second chances as beautiful as the Hill Country itself.

You can read my review here.

To Enter to Win Scattered Petals:
~You MUST leave an email address you won't win!

For Extra Entries:
~Be a follower
~Be an email subscriber

Only U.S. residents please.

This contest is void where prohibited and chances of winning are based on number of entries. Winner will be drawn from a non-biased third party sorce, and will have one week to reply upon learning they have won. I am not responsible for any damaged or misplaced goods upon shipping to the winner of said prize.

Thanks everyone for entering!!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

I'm Baaaaack!! (and a winner)

Hey everyone!! I am back from my Spring Break of hard work in my aunt and uncle's greenhouse. They kept me very busy transplanting, but I got a lot done and was able to earn a little money to start a jewerly business. :-) Thanks everyone for the great comments- it was SUCH fun to come home to tons of comments and new followers- over 80 now- WOW!!! I am blown away by your support.

And now... the winner of Cathy Liggett's novel, Beaded Hope is....

Vicki (readingatthebeach...)

Congratulations!! Vicki will have one week to get a hold of me or I will draw a new winner. Thanks everyone and I think I have another giveaway coming up tomorrow, so be sure and check it out!!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Book Review: The Frontiersman's Daughter

I had heard wonderful things about this book, but really wasn’t prepared for how blown away I was going to be!

THE FRONTIERSMAN’S DAUGHTER has it all. Adventure, romance, grudges, war, a gutsy heroine and not one, but two awesome heros!

From the first page where Lael let down her hair in the presence in a war party of Shawnee I was hooked. Usually in a romance I can ultimately tell who will be the heroine’s choice- I had no idea in this novel! It kept me completely entranced in the story. The waterfall scene was gripping and had me gulping air like a fish out of water. At another point in the novel, I was so shocked I couldn’t believe what I was reading and was turning pages until they were warm beneath my fingers.

Lael is an amazing heroine. Her strength and determination in life make her seem invincible in the world of Kentucky of the 18th century. But it’s the grudges she has buried deep that make her human. And her gentle discovery of Christ’s love make this story touching and real.

This isn’t a novel to blaze through. It is meant to be savored, each page read thoroughly and enjoyed to its fullest potential. Because each page holds a treasure, a key to unlocking the tapestry of Lael’s life. I would whole heartedly read this book again and again and highly recommend it!

This debut novel by Laura Frantz is incredible and she can only get better from here. I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of her second novel, Courting Morrow Little. Laura Frantz has found herself a new fan!

Friday, March 26, 2010

The Books I Read This Week...

Hi everyone! No, I'm not back, but before I left, I had enough books read to write down this week, so I went ahead and scheduled this post. Hope your reads were pleasureable this week!

And they are:
Homespun Bride by Jillian Hart
Survival Instinct by Rachelle McCalla
A Case for Love by Kaye Dacus
Asking for Trouble by Sandra Byrd

Also, be sure and enter my two giveaways while you are visiting. BEADED HOPE ends on Sunday, so be sure and enter!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Book Review: A Passion Denied

A spectacular ending to a thrilling series!

I don’t know how Julie Lessman does it, but every time I pick up one of her 470 page books, I am swept away and not released until I have set the book down. Not much gets done when I have a Lessman book in my hands!

The twists and turns this novel takes kept me riveted to the spot. The drama doesn’t end with just Lizzie and Brady, but spreads to all three married couples and expounds with each page turned. I cheered and moaned for each character, but primarily for Lizzie as she struggled to show Brady just how much she loved him.

I felt I have become a part of the O’Connor family and if it weren’t for the fact that Katy’s story is coming up, I would probably sit right down and cry.

The love expressed in the book made my heart race and my blood warm, but it was the spiritual message that I adore so much about Julie Lessman’s fiction. Her words speak to my heart and lift me up, they are the message I need to hear right then. Only through God could that be possible.

All I can say in closing it what I said at the beginning… A spectacular ending to a thrilling series. Really that is all that needs to be said!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Author Interview and Book Giveaway: Plain Paradise

Beth Wiseman wrote for many years before turning to Amish novels to express the creative side she wanted to unleash. Even before becoming a bestselling author of Plain Perfect, Plain Pursuit and Plain Promise, she won 11 journalism awards and was first place in the Texas Press Association. Beth enjoys writing about the Amish and painting them in a new light, portraying them as normal people who simply have a different belief system. I am honored to share an interview I had with Beth recently and she has graciously agreed to give away a copy of her latest release (out this month), Plain Paradise.

Beth, thank you for taking the time to visit us today! I appreciate you answering these few questions, letting us get to know you better.
Thanks so much for having me, Casey.

1: How long did you write before you were published?
On and off for many years – at least 20. To say any more would give away my age…lol.

2: When you held that first book in your hands, what was your first thought?
After I cried, my first thought was that things happen in God’s timeframe.

3: What are you working on now?
Book #5 in the Daughters of the Promise series, Plain Proposal.

4: Where can readers find out more about your books?
On my website at , or my blog at , or . I also co-author a blog at with fellow authors Amy Clipston, Kathy Fuller, and Barbara Cameron.

5: What message(s) do you want to be clear to your readers?
A personal relationship with God is the only way to achieve the peacefulness I write about in my books. If one person finds their way to God after reading one of my books, then I have done my job for Him.

6: What are two things that people wouldn't normally know about you as a writer and or person? Hmm… As a writer, I’ve never outlined a book, don’t use a critique group, and never know how the book is going to end. As a person, I love to jump on the back of our Harley with my husband and travel the winding back roads of God’s Country where we live – the wind in my face, but always with a helmet on! Some of my best stories have come to me while on the back of that bike.

Thank you for being with us today. Any final words for readers?
To the unpublished readers striving for publication – I read all the publishing success stories for many years. You do get to a point when you think it will never happen to you. But keep the faith! As my agent would say, “Miracles happen to those who believe.” To the published writers, thanks for welcoming me into this wonderful world. I’m incredibly blessed. And most of all, thanks to my readers for allowing me to share the voices in my head with you, stories I believe are inspired by God.

Great interview Beth, I am thrilled to have "met" you and ache for my copy of Plain Paradise to get to me! :-)

To enter to win a copy of Plain Paradise:
~Leave your email address or you won't be entered!

For extra entries:
~Be a follower
~Be an email subscriber

Contest is only open in the U.S. Void where prohibited, chances of winning are based on the number to entries. Winner will be drawn using I am not responsible for any lost or damaged products the winner receives.

Thanks for coming by to enter!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Music to Encourage and Inspire on Your Sunday

I discoverd this video yesterday while surfing through Nichole Nordeman's music videos. I think this song is great and the first time I had heard this song. Lay it all at the Master's feet and may you learn something new about our Savior today while you worship.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Book Review: Asking for Trouble

I don’t usually read YA, but I was pleasantly surprised with ASKING FOR TROUBLE.

Savvy Smith has just moved to London with her family and feels totally out of place. Vying for a spot on the school newspaper, she finally lands it- as the delivery person. Will she get the column she craves and a place with friends?

What I enjoyed about this book, was it doesn’t have the typical teen talk that just makes them sound like “cool” is the only word in their vocabulary. Savvy is a sensitive person, with a heart to obey God and do what is right. I admired her honesty even when it hurt and the lessons she learned that are essential to the Christian walk.

This short novel is not filled with heart pounding adventure or even much worry for the character, but it is a fun story set in a different country with its own quirks that Savvy must adapt to and in the process learn some important lessons. I enjoyed the uniqueness of what she had to learn, great lessons for today’s girls that aren’t always covered in today’s fiction.

ASKING FOR TROUBLE is a fun, fast read, perfect for the 12 to 16 year old crowd.

Thanks to Tyndale Publishers for my copy of this book to review.

Friday, March 19, 2010

The Books I Read This Week...

Read 4 AWESOME books again this week. Wow, I wish every reading week could be this great, makes getting so many read easier.

Also a note to my readers who log in with your reads: I will be gone next week over Spring Break, so I will not be here to put up a post with my books, but plan on coming early the next week or even Sunday. Thanks everyone and have a great break!

And they are....
Not a Sparrow Falls by Linda Nichols
The Cubicle Next Door by Siri Mitchell
The Frontiersman's Daughter by Laura Frantz
The Promise of Morning by Ann Shorey

Please be sure and enter to win Beaded Hope by Cathy Liggett while you are visiting. The contest will run until next Saturday.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Book Review: Not a Sparrow Falls

I don’t come across many novels where the subject is not heavily covered in today’s Christian market, but the author does it with such strength and ability to craft a memorable story. Not only was this story captivating, it left me with memorable characters and a story line that will resound with me for time to come.

NOT A SPARROW FALLS is not a fast read. It requires a willingness to really delve into it, but once I entered the story world, I couldn’t leave. The situations the heroine found herself in were heartbreaking and anxious. I loved the love story. It wasn’t overt or edgy, but it was sweet and captivating. How I longed to see it resolved in the end. There were so many different threads that made up the tapestry of this story. From a family suffering from the loss of their mother, to a young woman running from a wealth of bad decisions, to a drug ravaged young man and the old woman who prays for them all.

I would give this book five stars, but I am giving it four because there was a theology issue, I do not agree with, namely once save always saved.

But aside from that, I thoroughly enjoyed this novel. It resounded and connected with me. I will not soon forget these characters or their story.

I want to thank Jim at Bethany House for my copy of this book to review.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Fatal Attraction

That is what we have in America today, a fatal attraction, an attraction that has completely taken over how we think, act, behave, and how we worry about how we look.

You only have to turn on the television for 5 minutes and you are inundated with ads for facial creams and lotions to smooth, tighten, primp and improve. People are so consumed with how they look, that they hand over millions of dollars.

Whatever happened to the wrinkles on Grandma's face being a sign of a life well lived? Now women are so concerned with the smallest wrinkle, that they layer on the makeup.

Whatever happened to the calluses on our hands meaning a hard day's work? Now we are so concerned that we will break a nail that we don't want to risk the hard work.

Whatever happened to being concerned about what God thinks? God has blessed each and every one of us have different features that make each and everyone of us unique. Why would we want to cover what God has given us, under synthetic compounds that just make us look made up and fake? Is that any way to treat God's gift to us?

Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting: but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised
Proverbs 31: 30

Proverbs 31 is the blueprint of what every woman should be. Take a minute and read it.

Instead of covering up what you have been given, instead of worrying what the world is thinking about the blemishes or wrinkles on your face, remind yourself that what they consider unattractive is a fatal attraction. But GOD, loves each and every one of those problem pimples and He created you in His perfect image. Worry about what He thinks and know that He made you beautiful!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Blog Tour and Book Review: A Distant Melody

Historical fiction is one of my favorite genres to read. And having accurate history and a stunning story make it all the more poignant and real to a time I never lived through.

A Distant Melody was just such a novel. What I loved so much about this book was the uniqueness of the story. The hero and heroine are far from attractive in their own right, but to each other, they couldn’t find anyone more lovely. History was liberally spread and made real, but in a way that was never overbearing or confusing.

There is nothing clichéd about this novel, down to the struggles the hero and heroine face. Marrying someone who isn’t of the Christian faith, lying, obeying family or God, combine that with World War II and you have an enthralling book! I was anxious the entire way through to see how it would be resolved and how the characters would learn from their situation.

The beginning of the book was a tad confusing with a bunch of names and characters, but once it was all sorted out, it came together well and I enjoyed my time reading it. I cheered for the characters and hurt for them during rough periods. I would wholeheartedly recommend this book and eagerly await the second!
Available March 2010 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.

Thanks to Donna at Revell for my copy to review.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Author Interview and Book Giveaway: Beaded Hope

Today my guest is Cathy Liggett, author of three novels and her latest one, BEADED HOPE, which has just released is being offered up to win, so be sure and leave a comment!

Welcome to Writing for Christ, Cathy! Thank you for being with us today.

1: How long did you write before you were published?

I’ve always enjoyed writing ever since I can remember. Growing up, my poor family had to endure all my attempts! My degree was in Communications and most of my jobs as an adult had something to do with writing as well. I worked as an advertising copywriter for many years and then also as a social expression writer, creating and editing verses for plaques, stationary and other gift products. When my husband and I were first married, nearly thirty years ago, I also had the opportunity to pen a non-fiction book for New American Library all about “making it in the music industry.” But that book was more like a very long – 365 page – term paper to me.

I’d never seriously thought about writing fiction until my kids were about ten or so. I started getting the bug to try my hand at sweet romances and began telling friends how much I wanted to do it. Finally, they started asking when I was going to stop talking about it and start trying it. So, off the cliff I went. I joined a local chapter of a national writers’ organization around 1999 or so, and it took about five years, many attempts and rejections, until my first Avalon book was released in 2004.

2: When you held that first book in your hands, what was your first thought?

My first book was called PITTER PATTER and, thanks to a wonderful artist whose name I’ll never know, it had an adorable cover – an infant’s foot with an engagement ring dangling off the toe. I remember opening the box at the front door of our house, grabbing the book, and being so excited I started to run downstairs to my husband’s office to show him. He’s always my biggest supporter, after all! But then halfway down the steps, I stopped – closed my teary eyes and gave thanks for the book, my supportive husband, everything!

3: What are you working on now?

Currently, I’m working on an inspirational romance. It’s about a very closed off single mom with a handicapped son and a former pro athlete who would like to find redemption from his past and have a future with them. The 5-year-old boy in the story has cerebral palsy, and I enjoy writing about him because it brings back fond memories. My son, who’s 21 now, had a friend in elementary school with CP and used to love to invite him over. He especially enjoyed wheeling his friend’s wheelchair around. We still are in contact with their family. I always think it’s great how when we minister to others, it seems like we get ministered to ten times more!

I’m also really hoping to have the opportunity to write sequels for my book, BEADED HOPE, which was just released March 1st. BEADED HOPE is a women’s fiction and features three women – Gabby, Cassandra and Heidi (along with her stepdaughter Katie) who go on a mission trip to South Africa – mostly for all the wrong reasons. In the book, Gabby’s story is completed and we have a good idea of her future. But that’s not as true with the other two women. Both Cassandra and Heidi are transformed emotionally and spiritually by the trip just as Gabby is, but their stories don’t come full circle in this book. I’d love to complete their stories. In a strange way, I miss them!

Until that time comes, however, I’ll keep working on my inspirational romance. I never mind writing romance, for sure!

4: Where can readers find out more about your books?

Readers can find out more by visiting my website

Oh, and there’s also information on my site about the contest I’m running through the month of March – my Beaded Hope-You’re-A-Winner Giveaway. Each week I’ll be giving away a copy of BEADED HOPE along with an adorable bracelet made by one of the artistic ladies from South Africa. They’re really cute – the bracelets, that is – and well, the ladies are too actually!

5: What message(s) do you want to be clear to your readers?

I’ve always liked the saying, ‘God sends friends when you need them most.’ I think it’s so completely true. Sometimes I even feel like God has sent me a character or two when I’ve needed one most – like a funny, quirky character who amuses me and is uplifting at times when my life seems fulls of lumps and bumps.

That’s why I like to write about women and their friendships and relationships – relationships with God, other women, the opposite sex and our families. As a writer, I can move people around like chess pieces on a board and change the course of a life with the click of a delete button. But thank goodness our heavenly Father doesn’t operate so randomly, right? So often, we are (or have been) blessed with relationships that are just what we need to get through things. Or just what we didn’t even know we needed. My family and friends are near and dear to me, obviously, and I guess that’s why I like to write about relationships.

6: What are two things that people wouldn't normally know about you as a writer and or person?
I played accordion when I was a young girl, and not just the small boxy kind. My parents (who I doubt could really afford it) got the really super duper sized accordian that was bigger than I was. They’d sit me up on a stool and then lift up the instrument and strap it over my shoulders. I always felt like I was going to topple over and crash to the floor! I don’t think I’d remember how to play it at all now! Which is kind of unfortunate – it might be fun!

The other thing is…my husband and I re-met at our ten-year high school reunion and were married four months later. I just love how God thinks of such crazy, romantic things! Mark and I were sweethearts in seventh grade, but didn’t really stay in touch very closely after that. We barely talked in high school and I couldn’t have even told you where he went away to college (which turned out to be the University of Alabama, by the way – roll tide!). He was living in NYC when he came back to Cincinnati for our ten-year reunion in August. He called me, totally out of the blue, and asked if I’d like to go to dinner. I did and that was it – we were married December 4th. No one could believe it. We barely did either. It just felt – and after 27 years still does feel – right!

As a writer, I got my first rejection in sixth grade! It was an essay assignment for English class, an observation of what I saw when I looked out into my backyard in the morning. My dad really liked it and submitted it to Reader’s Digest. But…I guess the editors at RD didn’t like it as much as he did.

Thank you for being with us today. Any final words for readers?

Casey, I just want to thank you and your followers for taking your precious time to support and give encouragement to authors. It’s so sweet of you all! We can create an entire world for our characters to be a part of, but when readers take our characters into their hearts, they give them a home! Blessings to you all!

To Enter to Win, Beaded Hope:
~Leave a comment with an EMAIL ADDRESS!!
~ +1 be a follower
~ +1 be an email subscriber (if you signed up under the old program, you will need to do so under the new one as the old system went bust. Thank you.)
~U.S. residents only, please.

This contest is void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and a random winner is draw from an unbiased third party.

Thanks everyone for stopping by to enter!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Music to Encourage and Inspire on Your Sunday

Here is my favorite song by MercyMe, I Can Only Imagine. Powerful lyrics, for a powerful message! Have a wonderful Sunday, worshipping our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

I Have a Winner!!!

The winner of COWBOY PROTECTOR is.....


Congratulations and I have your email so you should be getting one very soon!

Thanks to everyone who commented, I appreciate the support and I know Margaret does too, I saw some great comments about her writing. :-)

Be sure and return on Monday for another interview and giveaway I will be having with author Cathy Liggett. She will be giving away a copy of her latest novel, BEADED HOPE. So stop by!  Thanks everyone- have a great weekend. :-)

Friday, March 12, 2010

Oh Sigh...It's Gone....

Well, there is nothing I can do now. I have just entered my writing in the ACFW Genesis contest and Susan May Warren's My Book Therapy Frasier contest.

I feel like I should be overwhelmed, anxious, nervous, but actually I am calm (for now) and eager to see what is said. God has been good and I feel ready to show the "world" just what I have produced. I have such a long wait, I might as well buckle down and keep working on my writing.

My BIGGEST hurdle when it comes entering contests is looking back at what I wrote and seeing all the mistakes/problems I made, whatever you name it, that is when I start biting my nails. BUT NOT THIS TIME! I am determined to let sleeping dogs lie and leave the results up to God.

I have been blessed to be surrounded by those who have pushed and supported me in my writing, my blogging followers among them, so THANK YOU! You are one of the reasons I write. :-)

THANK YOU God, for giving me this chance. May I shine for You!

The Books I Read This Week...

Finished 4 books this week. I have read almost 40 books so far this year. If I keep going like this, I bet I'll have more than 100 books in a year!

I would love to hear what you read and then I will add it to the total! We are so far, 12% there! :-)

 And they are....

A Passion Denied by Julie Lessman
Never Say Never by Lisa Wingate
The Reliance by M.L. Tyndall
The Choice by Suzanne Woods Fisher

And you have ONE day left to enter to win COWBOY PROTECTOR by Margaret Daley. I will choose a winner tomorrow, so be sure and enter!!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Book Review: Never Say Never

Combine three women headed for a cruise, a hurricane, two separate love interests and a quirky town and NEVER SAY NEVER makes for an interesting novel.

The characters were fun and I enjoyed them. They were quirky and unique. Donetta and her Southern hospitality was such fun. The ending was fun and mysterious, making for my favorite part. There were light hearted moments of laughter and the town of Daily, Texas was its own character with a memorable setting and residents.

But in my opinion there were a few issues with the story. The back cover claims Kai is roamer, but I never really got that impression. The love interest between Kemp and Kai, moved a bit too fast, there was no growing and discoveries made between the two that could prove they could make a life together.

But altogether, the characters brought the story to life and I enjoyed finishing the book because of their uniqueness.

I want to thank Jim at Bethany House Publishers for my copy of this book to review.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Book Review: Scattered Petals

Two people running from a past they long to forget, can love conquer the barriers they have erected around their hearts?

While you don’t need to have read Paper Roses (the first book in the series) to understand Scattered Petals, I believe you will have a better appreciation for the characters and their town in this second book if you do.

Scattered Petals picks up right where Paper Roses left off (only with primarily new characters). Different variables played into this story. From a town that refuses to let two people from different nationalities to marry, to a spoiled young man bent on revenge. And that is just what is going on in the background. The main story plays out on the page’s canvas with desperation, guilt, loss, hurt and love.

What kept me reading the story (besides wanting to know how everything would come together) is seeing how the author would tie together the secondary characters and bring them into the plot. And customary to Amanda Cabot (what I enjoy about her fiction) are the endings. She always finds a way to ratchet the tension and bring the reader to care about how it concludes.

I found Scattered Petals a touching love story, with some suspense.

I received this book from the author to be used as an influencer. I received no compensation for my review.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Interview with author Tiffany Amber Stockton on the Craft of Writing- Part 2

Welcome back to day 2 of my interview with author Tiffany Stockton!

6: What are the most common mistakes beginning writers make?

 Point of view confusion with too many points of view or switching points of view in the middle of scenes (which leads to head-hopping), too much telling and not enough showing (otherwise known as too much passive voice and not enough active voice), starting the story in a place that doesn't grab the reader or forces the writer to have too much backstory. There are others, but those are the ones that come to mind.

7: What are two things you wished you had known before you started writing?
One, how difficult it would be to gain “acceptance” being so young (I was published before I turned 30). Two, that selling one book doesn't mean you'll continue to sell. Rejections still come once you're published. It's a never-ending cycle, even when you've established yourself a multi-published author.

8: Why did you choose this profession?
As my bio says, I've been spinning yarns and embellishing stories since I was a child. I've always loved to read and write. Turning it into a career seems a natural choice. And now, I can't *not* write. It's just too much a part of who I am.

9: What advice/ encouragement do you have for the writers reading this today?
Writing is not for the faint of heart. It takes a lot of hard work, determination, patience, perseverance and faith. And it won't happen overnight.

10: Any other helpful advice?
You have to maintain a teachable spirit and be open to constructive criticism, no matter how far along in your writing journey you get. In the end, the rewards far outweigh all the sweat and tears you shed along the way. Most importantly, if you feel this is the path for you, never give up!

Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions. Writing is a tough profession and I know help of any kind is always appreciated.

Tiff: This is so true. It's not easy, but like anything else in life, if you truly believe this is the career for you, go for it! And don't let anything stand in your way. Also, try to find some other writers and readers to travel this journey alongside you. Their friendship, wisdom and camaraderie will be priceless!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Interview with author Tiffany Amber Stockton on the Craft of Writing- Part 1

Tiffany Amber Stockton has been embellishing stories and spinning yarns since she was a child. She began writing professionally in 2002, with articles and short stories, but it wasn't until 2006 when she sold her first book to Heartsong Presents. Promises, Promises released in 2008 and was quickly followed by Quills and Promises, then Deceptive Promises. She also has 3 more books in a second series set in historical Michigan. Tiffany (writing under Amber Stockton) finds writing to be her passion and loves to craft an inspirational novel, glorifying the Lord. I am pleased to share an interview I had with Tiffany recently. She has graciously agreed to share a few the lessons she has learned during her writing career. Thank you Tiffany, for being here today!

Thank you, Casey, for having me here. It's a pleasure to chat a bit with you.

1: How long did you work on your writing before you were published?
If you're asking in reference to my first novel, it took me 2 years to do the research and polish the story to publishable quality. However, I've been working on my writing skills since I was in high school, which was 12 years before my first book sold.

2: What are two mistakes you wish you had never made?
Hmm, that's a tough one. It sort of goes in line with regrets you might have. I firmly believe every decision leads you toward where you are now. My mistakes might have taken me on a side trail, but had I not made them, I don't know that I'd be where I am today. One was the decision to move to Alabama for a year before I was truly ready to leave the house. I should have moved out closer to home instead of 14 hours away. The second would be a somewhat ongoing one, and it's pushing people away or keeping people at a distance and acting like I've got it all together when in reality I could use the friendship and support. I just tend to avoid being vulnerable and admitting my needs since I was raised to be in control of everything and not show my weaknesses.

3: What resources did you find the most helpful for learning the craft?
First and foremost my membership in ACFW ( with access to a host of other writers, editors and authors, all willing to help, teach, guide and critique. Second, attending conferences, workshops and seminars where I could learn from others who had traveled this path before me. Third, writing sites and blog sites with writing tips. I'd say it's half what you know, and half who you know that gets you somewhere in this industry.

4: How does an author "find their voice"?
 By trial and error and writing, writing, writing. Some authors know it right from the start, but others can write several books before they finally “discover” it. The old saying is practice makes perfect, and that's true for writing as well. You can't “find” your voice if you're not looking for it while you write.

5: How do you protect your writing time?
Hehe, with an almost-toddler at home, this isn't easy. It's pretty much during naptime, late at night, or in the evenings or weekends when my husband is home and can watch our daughter. Of course, he's an author too, so we have to trade off when he needs to write as well. And sometimes, we just leave our daughter with family or a babysitter and go out to write at any restaurant with large enough tables to fit our laptops.

Please be sure and return tomorrow to find out what Tiffany thinks are some of the most comman mistakes beginning writers make (and many more :-)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Sunset Beach Winner!!!!

And the winner of Trish Perry's Sunset Beach is....

Deborah M!!!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations I have your email and will be sending you one soon!!

For those that entered THANK YOU so much! We had a great turnout and I appreciate the blog support as I am sure Trish appreciates the comment support for her book! :-)

Don't forget to enter to win Margaret Daley's latest release, Cowboy Protector. You can still enter until next Saturday.

Congrats Deborah!! Happy Reading!!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Another Reading Challenge Update

I read 4 books this week. Got a lot read over last weekend, caught up on a bit on my TBR stack and really enjoyed the majority of the novels!

And they are...

The Elevator by Angela Hunt
The Convenient Groom by Denise Hunter
The Clouds Roll Away by Sibella Giorella
A Distant Melody by Sarah Sundin

Thanks for logging in everyone!

You still have today to enter to win Trish Perry's book, Sunset Beach. Please click on the book cover to the right. Winner will be announced tomorrow!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Book Review: A Constant Heart

I love a pure and endearing love story. And call me strange, but I love a love story where two people are thrust into a marriage they don’t want and falling in love despite that fact.

I was skeptical about A Constant Heart when I started it. I wasn’t sure if the premise could hold up a 380 page book. Love and beauty being a curse? Would it drag? I am so thrilled to say that I was blown away! This novel evoked so many different emotions in me. Fear, love, anger, sympathy. I learned so much about 16th century English royalty and the dynamics that played so strongly in those people’s lives-none of them good! Love was a forbidden emotion, one that could mean the difference between keeping and losing one’s head. About half way through the book I wasn’t sure what the ending was going to bring and it took all my strength not to peek! What was going to happen to the characters and would the ending be satisfactory? It made for a past paced, high emotional impact story.

While certainly not a story filled with action and mystery, it is a sweet love story that must conquer impossible odds. I think that is why I loved this novel so much. Two people that must decide between pleasing everyone around them or finding the love they long for in each other. A beautiful story that intrigued me from beginning to end. Siri Mitchell has found a new fan!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Read an Interview With Me and a Blog Award

Good Morning Everyone!

A few days ago I was given the chance to interview with fellow blogger (and friend) Ashley of After All ....Tomorrow is Another Day.  I was honored to be her first guest in a series of interviews she will be doing with bloggers. We talked about my blogs and the writing I am working on right now. Be sure and visit, it's a fun interview (I think) and Ashley has a cute blog!! Plus, you'll learn a bit more about my blogs and what I am giving away right now!

Also, I was recently sent an award from Cathy at Word- Vessel (be sure and check it out, she gives away 3-4 books a week!)

She presented me with this "Honest Scrap" award. Thank you, Cathy!!

Now, I have to say 10 things you might not know about me and then I will pass it on to a few blogs. :-)

Ten Things You Might Now About Me:

1: I would love to professionial barrel race, but we don't have a horse. :(
2: I was homeschooled my entire time in education (thank you Daddy and Mama!)
3: I spent 9 years in 4-H raising a market lamb every year.
4: I am the oldest of three
5: I was born in Bethel, Alaska
6: I am addicted to entering contests to win books :-)
7: Goodreads is one of my favorite sites. :-)
8: I have no artistic ability, but I attract friends that are amazing artists.
9: I stayed up until almost midnight watching the Olympics this year.
10: I have more Christian books on my shelves then the public library. LOL! (no surprise right?)

I am passing this award onto:
Ashley at After All...Tomorrow is Another Day
Carman at Christian Book Giveaways
Renee at Black 'n Gold Girl's Book Spot

Thanks everyone and have a great day! Don't forget to check out the interview! :-)

Monday, March 1, 2010

Author Interview and Book Giveaway: Cowboy Protector

Margaret Daley has been spinning stories for as long as she can remember. From the earliest road trip to today as she completes her 66th novel. Her novels contain a strong faith element with ordinary people, striving to overcome life’s challenges. Besides writing for Steeple Hill Love Inspired, Margaret has been a teacher to special needs children and is a wife of thirty nine years as well as a mother to one son and grandmother to four girls. I am pleased to share an interview I had with Margaret recently. She has graciously agreed to give away a copy of her book Cowboy Protector, her March Love Inspired Suspense, to one fortunate winner!

Margaret, thank you for taking the time to visit us today! I appreciate you taking the time to answer these few questions, letting us get to know you better.

1: How long did you write before you were published?

I wrote for three years before I became published for the first time. But I did have a dry spell for eight years after I sold 20 books. Thankfully I didn’t give up but continued to write and came back to sell 46 more.

2: When you held that first book in your hands, what was your first thought?

I could hardly believe it. When I hold each of my books in my hand, I thank the Lord. The thrill never goes away.

3: What do you find the hardest part about writing?

Description—when I write a story I always have to go back in and put description into the story (make myself do it).

4: How do you coordinate time between writing and other responsibilities?

I’m pretty disciplined and organized which helps a lot. I set a word count for the week. If I don’t make it for one day, I write more the next.

5: What are you working on now?

I’m working on Christmas Bodyguard, the first in my Love Inspired Suspense series called The Guardian, Inc. It is an agency of female bodyguards.

6: Where can readers find out more about your books?

My web site has excerpts on a lot of my books up as well as information about my books—past, present and future. My web site is .

7: What message(s) do you want to be clear to your readers?

I want to write an entertaining story that leaves the reader uplifted and with hope in the end. I often write about forgiveness and trust in my books.

8: Why did you choose this profession?

I’ve always been a storyteller from when I was a little girl. I had to learn the craft of writing but the stories just come to me. So in many ways the profession chose me.

Thank you for being with us today. Any final words for readers?

I love to hear from readers. I have a web site and a blog ( I’m thankful for every reader who has read my books.

Readers: For a chance to win Cowboy Protector please leave a comment with a valid email address. This contest is random and a winner will be chosen using Chances of winning are based on the number of entries.

You must reside in the U.S. to enter.

To get extra entries:
~Be a follower
~Be an email subscriber