Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Please Don't Trust My Book Reviews

Photo Credit
I probably just gave all the publishers I review for a coronary.

Wait...stop, let me back up and explain. ;-)

I've gotten several emails lately asking me if I would help in the craft of their book reviews. Of course, this thrills me, because I love to help as I have been helped--but it also brings an interesting topic to mind--because, well, that is just where my brain goes. ;-)

When I started exploring the great wide world of blogs, I stumbled across this amazing phenomenon, called "reviewing books". Imagine promising to ONLY write a review and getting a free book. Well, golly, this was just pretty dandy.

I had one reviewer I avidly followed. I religiously studied her reviews, got excited when she did about a new book and my list for the bookstore steadily got longer and longer.

Then one winter, I got a windfall. What better way to spend it?!? I took that list of top recommendations from that reviewer and bought several titles on the list.

Promptly brought them home, very excited...and didn't like a one.

Okay, I shouldn't exaggerate, I liked a couple and the other got the "she thought this was good??" look.

It wasn't that the books were poorly written--they just weren't for me.

I learned that reviewer and I have no reading tastes in common. What I hated, she thought hung the moon and what I loved, she couldn't gag down.

And that's okay. Because there is an audience that likes exactly what that reviewer loves to read.

So I had to reinvent the wheel and eventually found Joy from Edgy Inspirational fiction. I started borrowing the books she recommended from the library. And 9 out of 10 times, I LOVED them. Like go-get-me-more LOVED it. I've bought books based on what Joy loves, knowing there is a huuuuge (like 99.9999%) chance I'll love it too.

Which brings me to my post title today. DON'T go out and buy (or not buy) a book based on my review. If you are new to my reviews, wait around a little bit, see what else I review. Do we share the same love of certain authors?

Does what I review and what I say in my reviews strike a cord with you?

Have you tried a couple titles and see if we agree?

We are not going to agree all the time--frankly I'd be scared if that were the case. ;-) (JK)

You will actually be doing the author a FAVOR if you are new to my reviews or unsure, if you DON'T go out and buy their book--see what others are saying first and then make your final decision. If you don't like it, the negative word of mouth will certainly not be helpful.

So, please don't trust my book reviews. Not, at least, until you've gotten to trust me and see if you and I like the same fiction. ;-)

So...question, do you think we like the same fiction? Have you ever been satisfied with a purchase or borrowing made, based on my recommendation?

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Review ~ Shadow in Serenity by Terri Blackstock

I have to admit I wasn’t as taken with “Shadow in Serenity” as I honestly thought I would be. While portions of this novel drew my attention and had some great insight into the human condition, the novel itself, entire story arc and how it was put together, failed to truly move me.

            I knew full and well going into the story it wouldn’t be the typical suspense/murder mystery and I was perfectly fine with that. Where I ran into some snags was how the story came together. Much of the dialogue felt weak in places and a great deal of “info-dumping” (a fancy term for too much information too fast) took momentum away where story acceleration should have been.

            Now. That being said and my personal opinion shared, I do have this to say: it’s a great story of redemption of characters. I can see why this novel holds a special place in the heart of the author – as a reader I wanted to see the characters redeemed and given a new life in Christ.

            It’s an interesting story angle with a con man, something you don’t read about often and obviously well researched.

             Please realize this only my personal opinion and I can still honestly say I am looking forward to the next release – I just hope it’s more along the usual story lines.

            This review is my honest opinion. My thanks to Shelby Sledge, PR director for my copy to review.

More about the novel...

Carny Sullivan grew up in the zany world of a traveling carnival. Quaint and peaceful Serenity, Texas, has given her a home, a life, and a child. Logan Brisco is the smoothest, slickest, handsomest man Serenity, Texas has ever seen. But Carny Sullivan knows a con artist when she sees one---and she's seen plenty, starting with her father. As far as Carny Sullivan can tell, she's the only one in town who has his number. Because from his Italian shoes to his movie-actor smile, Logan has the rest of the town snowed. Carny is determined to reveal Brisco's selfish intentions before his promise to the townspeople for a cut in a giant amusement park sucks Serenity dry. Yet, as much as she hates his winning ways, there is a man behind that suave smile, a man who may win her heart against her will. Shadow in Serenity is a modern-day Music Man, penned by a Christy Award-winning, New York Times bestselling author.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Giveaway and Author Interview: Second Time Around

Welcome back to Writing for Christ JoAnn Durgin, I am excited to have you here for a second time. J
Thank you for hosting me again on your fantastic blog, Casey. I’m thrilled to be here today!
What has changed in your writing life since you were last here?
Second Time Around, the follow-up to Awakening (November 2010) in The Lewis Legacy Series, released in early September. I’ve done a few book signings and loved meeting and greeting readers, been asked to speak at a few functions, joined a new writer’s group and was even called “The Famous Authoress” at a church luncheon recently (to be fair, I grew up in that church and my mom still goes there – and, yes, I still had to pay for my own lunch). Oh, it’s so hard to be humble. I’m kidding, of course. Seriously, I feel as though I’ve gained a certain amount of respect in some circles now that I’m published. I’ve gone from comments like “Oh, that’s the girl who wants to be a writer,” to “She’s had two books published and another on the way! Isn’t that wonderful?” It’s an odd thing how one published book can legitimize your writing in some respects, but two books somehow makes it official that the first one wasn’t some weird fluke. One thing that hasn’t changed? I still don’t have an agent. All in God’s timing. I’m learning to take it all in stride. I still work a full-time job, and squeeze in time to write whenever I can (and wish I could do it more). I write for the Master, and He’s the One who gives me the inspiration for my books. I hope never to let Him down by what I write or my actions, and I pray He’ll continue to open the doors of His choosing at the “right” time.
What recent read stood out to you as truly spectacular?
Being a romance writer, I currently prefer to read books in my genre. I’m very impressed with the CBA authors, and there are some incredible books out there, both contemporary and historical. With that said, I don’t feel comfortable naming one book and singling out one author to the exclusion of others when there are truly so many well-written and life-impacting books out there on the market today. So, in order to be politically correct and truthful at the same time, I’m going to say The Holy Bible. I read it every day, and it’s the one book above all others that has profoundly impacted my life and gives me inspiration, encouragement, and hope─not to mention all the elements for a great read.
Do you have favorite authors?
Since you might cyber slap me if I start naming the authors of the books of the Bible, I’ll acquiesce and say that I enjoy books (in no particular order) by Tamera Alexander, Karen Witemeyer, Julie Lessman, Mary Connealy, Denise Hunter, Rachel Hauck and Susan May Warren. As a girl, I adored books by Louisa May Alcott and Carolyn Keene (Nancy Drew – although I believe “Carolyn” wasn’t one person but a committee). I primarily read Christian fiction now, but years ago, I loved the mysteries of Phyllis Whitney and Victoria Holt. I’ve enjoyed many of the classics (and not because I was forced to read them in high school and college), but also snored through some of them. Mark Twain is one of the all-time greats, and I dare say he’s my favorite American author in terms of his hysterically funny (and sometimes biting) wit, sarcasm and irony.
What do you find the most enjoyable part of writing or connecting with readers?
There’s nothing more gratifying than getting a message through your website or a Facebook message from a “fan.” That’s pretty cool. Something awesome happened at the aforementioned (can you tell I’m a paralegal?) church luncheon, in part because it was one of those unexpected, incredibly sweet moments. I was at the book signing table and a woman came over and said, “Hi, JoAnn. I was your high school high school typing teacher.” She told me her name and whipped off her sunglasses (why is it my former teachers look happier and younger than ever now? It can’t be because I’m getting older, but that they’re retired and get more rest and relaxation─that must be it). I smiled and waved my hand at the books on the table and said, “Thank you. As you can see, I haven’t stopped typing since.” What was so gratifying─besides the fact that she read my first book and wanted to buy the second─was what she told me. She’d asked the students all those years ago to type a paragraph about a special Thanksgiving memory. She said, “I always remembered you because you wrote the most beautiful paragraph, so I wasn’t surprised at all you became a writer.” Those types of moments, and comments from random people I don’t know well or have never met (as well as friends, co-workers and family) complimenting me on my characters or books mean so very much. I treasure every single one. I’ve been very blessed.
What do you find the most ideal atmosphere for writing? Do you ever get those surroundings? J
The ideal atmosphere is hard to imagine, and you work with what you have at your disposal. In my case, it’s a computer desk in the corner of our bedroom. Usually the TV is on (which I prefer as long as it’s not a ballgame with crowd noise─says the girl who read The Iliad and The Odyssey in a snack bar with a juke box blaring and pinball machines pinging).  I love listening to music, too, and headphones are great when I can leave them on for five minutes uninterrupted. A cup of something sitting beside me is a must (hot or cold, depending on the time and the day of the week). This is the norm when I sit down to write: the dog comes seeking affection, and it’s not long after that one of our three kids or my husband come seeking food, laundry or yes, some affection. Rest assured, they’re not overly needy, just our version of normal. So, although it’s perhaps not the ideal writing situation, it works. And that’s just fine with me!
Okay, something fun for those writers out there: In what point of your writing career did you surprise yourself by writing the most words ever in the shortest amount of time?
I’m not sure if that question is also intended for me, but I actually wrote Awakening in less than two weeks. Then put it aside for over a decade to raise my children. Then I picked it up and added about 6,000 words and actually sold it to the first entity that looked at it. So, aspiring writers, it can happen! I wrote Second Time Around about three years ago, and it took a couple of months. When I write a book, I have a burning passion to get it down on paper. The edits take much, much longer. It’s an evolving process, but a fascinating one.
Thanks for being here again! It has been a joy and we wish the very best with your novels.
Thanks so much for having me back, Casey. Twin Hearts, the third installment of the series, comes out in the early Spring, so I’d better book now to be back again in a few months! In the meantime, happy reading and happy writing, and may God bless each and every one of you! Matthew 5:16

Readers, here is your chance to enter to win JoAnn's book!

Please leave an email adddress! If I draw your name and there is no email, you will not win.

For extra entries:
~Be a follower
~Be a subscriber

Contest is only open in the U.S. and void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items for said prize.

Thanks for coming by to enter! Contest ends on December 9th.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

All Those Blog Party Winners!!

Before I start the announcing, I have some SERIOUS apologing to do.

I feel gut-punching awful--because I've made a really serious mistake.

Remember my blog party button?? How I said if you took my button you would get 3 extra entries into the Grand Finale party whether you remembered to stop by or not?

I hate typing this.

Because I forgot. I honestly and truly forgot this post and in my excitement to draw all these awesome names from the long list--I never added in the other entries.

ARGH! I'm so, so sorry. And I really can't make this better, because I've already emailed all the winners! Hate, hate, hate.

So I tried to make it a bit better and I have a stack of books (a huge stack of books) and I gave you all that took my button, 3 entries to win a book of your choice and then drew a name. I'll be emailing you soon.

I KNOW this doesn't make up for my gross mistake, but I hope you will accept my apologies. I'M SO SORRY!

That blog button winner is: Tammi

Alright, here are the real winners (and I hope I didn't make a mistake on these too--I don't think I did. sigh )

All these winners have already been emailed EXCEPT for one noted below. PLEASE check your spam/email box--you've only got one week to get back with me. Thank you.

Erica Vetsch and A Bride's Protrait of Dodge City, Kansas


Ruth Logan Herne and Yulitide Hearts

Renee (SteelerGirl83)!

Candace Calvert and Code Triage

Apple Blossom!

Ronie Kendig and Firethorn


Jessica Nelson and Love on the Range

(I have NO email for you! Please send me an email at: caseymDOTwriterATgmailDOTcom)

Audra Harders and Rocky Mountain Hero


Lisa Jordan and Lakeside Reunion


Winner of their choice of the debut releases


Winner of two Janice Thompson novels

Lane Hill House!

Melanie Dickerson and The Merchant's Daughter


Cara Putman and Cherry Blossom Capers

Julie Lessman!

Anne Mateer and Wings of a Dream


Meg Moseley and When Sparrows Fall


Trivia winners (there were 190 entries!!)

Grand prize: Kacie!

Book Swap choice: Joy!

Grand Finale Winners:

Rachel Van Dyken and The Ugly Duckling Debutante

Liz R.!

MaryLu Tyndall and Surrender the Dawn


Kim Vogel Sawyer and Montana Mistletoe


Rosslyn Elliott and Fairer than Morning

Lady DragonKeeper!

Melanie Dobson and Love Finds You in Nazareth, Pennsylvania


Julie Lessman and winner's choice

Melanie and Beth!

Congrats to ALL THOSE WINNERS!! WOW! And Aizess, Please email me!!

Thanks everyone for helping make this blog party such a wild success! I can't wait to spend another year with you all. : D

Friday, November 25, 2011

Cold Call Friday with Rosslyn Elliott!

Welcome Rosslyn, to your “Cold Call” interview!! For those of you who don’t know what the “Cold Call” feature is, at the beginning of the month I have a poll, the winning author YOU then get to interview!! Rosslyn Elliott won this month’s vote and I am thrilled to present her here with YOUR questions. Without any further ado, heeeerrrre’s Rosslyn!

If we were to sneak a peek inside your clothes closet, what would we learn about you?

First, you’d find I’m not the best closet organizer in the world!  This question makes me laugh because there are costumes (cow, bumblebee, pirate), wigs, and historical clothing in my closet. There are crocheted shawls and gloves and a Victorian style wide lace-up belt.  There are full length skirts that go over petticoats, a couple of evening dresses, and a LOT of comfortable long-sleeved t-shirts and jeans. I think the casual observer would have a very interesting time going through my closet, but she would not find expensive stuff (with the exception of the two historical ensembles, which were still bought on sale under $200 each). I am a dedicated bargain shopper.  I very seldom buy any item of clothing that costs over $30. The only exception is that in recent years I’ve had to pay more for shoes to pamper my middle-aged feet. The middle-aged know what I mean!  And thanks to my friend Keli Gwyn for such a creative question.

When is the best time to write?

I’m on deadline right now, so my relationship with writing time is definitely love/hate. I often write at night after my daughter is in bed. I can concentrate then, when the day is done. I also have writing time when she is in school two days a week, and my husband takes her out for the day on Saturdays to give me some more time.

I’ve been surprised by my newfound ability to churn out the pages when I absolutely have to do it. I’ve always been a slow writer, but a combination of unexpected events left me with a shorter time than I expected to write the third novel in the Saddler’s Legacy series. As a result, I’ve had to write a minimum of 2000 words a day for the entire month of November.  So my answer now is that until I make my deadline, there is no best time to write: there is only the time that I must write, whether I like it or not! But I look forward to a return to normalcy when this third book is finished.

What’s your favorite season? Do you have a favorite season to write about in your novels?

The change of seasons plays a major role in Fairer than Morning, and it was one of my favorite parts to write. Winter and spring are the two seasons in the novel. While I was writing, I was giving my critique partners 1 to 2 chapters a week, which means it took them four months to receive the first half of the book (ah, the good old slow days!) One of them, a male friend, asked during that time: “Is winter ever going to end in this novel?”  Ha! He later realized what was going on when the arrival of spring coincided with emotional and spiritual changes in the story. So I loved writing winter and spring equally, because the cruelty and bleakness of winter was a powerful adversary for my hero, but the gentle beauty of spring was a poignant reminder of new life.

As far as my own personal favorite season, I’ve moved so much that the answer varies according to where I’m living.  In Ohio, my favorite was summer. Here in the Southwest, it’s fall.

If the paparazzi were stalking the hero and heroine of your next book like they stalk “Brangelina” and “Bennifer” what cutesie nickname would the newspapers use when they print the pictures?

The hero and heroine of Sweeter than Birdsong are Kate and Benjamin, so let’s see: Kateamin? I like it!  Even stranger would be the hero and heroine of the third novel, Susanna and Johann. I never realized before this question that their names share three letters, because Johann is pronounced the German way: Yo-hon, and Susanna is pronounced the American way, as in “O Susanna.” Nonetheless, I think the media would call them SusannaJohanna. ;-) Leave it to Joy to think of a funny question like this!

For the fans, desperate to learn about your next release, where can they find you online?

Sweeter than Birdsong will release in February 2012. So if you would like to learn more about this series, or if you just want to visit me on my blog or send me an email through my website, I love to hear from you! Here are some places you can find me.

Twitter @rosslynelliott

Monday, November 21, 2011

GRAND FINALE ~ Part Six (!!!!) Julie Lessman!!!

Photo Credit

Shooting off fireworks.

Spraying the silly string.

Raining confetti.

Blowing out the candles.


So far, we have celebrated with over TWENTY authors--authors who have bent over backwards to help make this party such a treat and I want to publicly THANK THEM for their loving support and eager enthusiasm!

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. I've got one of my favorites gals here today! She's ending our party on a bang, but first, I want to make sure you saw all the other FIVE party posts--right??

I had Rachel Van Dyken, MaryLu Tyndall, Rossyln Elliott, Kim Vogel Sawyer and Melanie Dobson.

You DON'T want to miss out on their offerings. I can personally attest - they are awesome! Like the authors themselves.

I have dedicated my blog to books and their authors and the joy Christ gives us in the written word--and now TODAY I dedicate this celebration to all the friends I have made through this blogging venture. You overwhelm me and I'm SO THANKFUL for you!! (completely appropriate since Thanksgiving is Thursday. :-))

Enough jabbering from me: let's get this party back on track with...Julie Lessman!!

What is your most memorable party moment?

Well, as much as I HATE surprise parties (with a “passion,” I might add!), one of my millionaire sisters (I have three and I’m not real sure what I’m doing wrong … J) threw me a surprise party when I turned 47 because she figured it would throw me off since it was an odd number. And I have to tell you, walking into her huge great room and seeing about a 100 of my closest friends and family SO blew me away, that I think I started crying on the spot (yeah, imagine that!).  
My sister had it catered (to-die for appetizers and desserts) and I still remember being overwhelmed with love while opening a mountain of presents in a massive hearth room with a crackling fire (it was a chilly November, of course), where people circled the perimeter of the room. I will never forget the shock and the thrill of so many people I loved being in the same room at the same time—AMAZING!! So much so that it almost cured me of my dislike of surprise parties … almost! :) 
Who’s on your personal VIP party guest list? 
Oh, that’s easy! I’d have one party just with family and long-time friends and then … another bash with all my writing/reading friends such as my Seekers buds, my favorite author friends, my favorite blogger/reader friends (of which you are right at the top of the list, Case!) AND … warm chills!! … all my characters from The Daughters of Boston and Winds of Change series!! Wouldn’t that be fun?? It would be like old-home week for sure, because I have lived with these people for years now and they are … ahem … just as passionate and crazy as I am, so I’m pretty sure it would be a blast. Except, I would like to have it at the O’Connor’s house on Donovan Street where I could sit in the kitchen with the girls and talk while the hunks hang out in the parlor playing chess. J  
Complete this thought: The perfect party isn’t perfect without: 
Great food and great movies, of course!! Every first Saturday in December, four of my long-time friends come over for a girls’ Christmas get-together where we pig out on great selection of appetizers like shrimp cocktail, mini-rye pizzas, cheese/fruit/sausage tray, potato skins, Swedish meatballs and chicken kebobs, to mention a few, and then watch a new-release movie on my husband’s big-screen HD TV in his media room before we open Christmas presents. For me—movies, food and friends is a perfect party combination.

Woooo-hooo! What a party that would be Jules! I can see it now. ;-)

Now are you are ready for the final of final party announcements?? Here we goooo.... (hang on, got to get it all set out for you here...)
Julie is offering TWO giveaways!! The winner gets their choice of either: ANY one of Julie's books (INCLUDING Steven's story to release next September or... a writer's critique (5 pages)

NOT TO BE PASSED BY! And if you own all the Lessman novels...I bet you know someone who needs to read one. ;-)

THANK YOU FOR COMING BY! Your visit means the WORLD to me!


**Remember, if the link is still live at the top of the blog, the giveaway is still open. All winners will be publicaly announced this coming Friday. Stay tuned and be watching your inbox!)**

GRAND FINALE ~ Part Five (!!!!) Melanie Dobson!!!

Photo Credit
WHAT. A. DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm so glad I don't have to work today, so I can be here to take part in all this FUN!! Oh my goodness, the party day is almost over, but that doesn't mean the fun and entertainment is! Did you notice the music playing? If you don't wish to hear it, you can scroll to the end of the page to turn it off.

AND did you notice the other party posts already posted for today? We've got Rachel Van Dyken, MaryLu Tyndall, Rosslyn Elliott and Kim Vogel Sawyer SO FAR! And the day isn't over yet!!

Check out the schedule one more time so you don't miss anything. ALL these posts have giveaways to offer and some more than one!

Already posted at:

3 a.m.

6 a.m.

9 a.m.

12 p.m.

One more to post at:

3 p.m.

And this will put the GRAND in "Grand Finale". I don't want you to miss it!! :-))

Ready to meet today's guest? She writes for a very popular line and I'm super excited for the release of her latest please help me welcome, Melanie Dobson!

What is your most memorable party moment?

The joy of being with my favorite people and dancing at our "pre-ception" (Jon and I had our reception at a ghost town museum, the night before our wedding)

Who’s on your personal VIP party guest list?

My husband and daughters Karly and Kiki would top the list. I'd have my parents, my sis, and several girlfriends who I've known for decades and a few friends who I've known a couple years. The best parties are with people who know me and love me in spite of my many flaws. The decor, food, etc. don't have to be perfect when I'm surrounded by people I love.

Complete this thought: 
The perfect party isn’t perfect without: country line dancing (much to the chagrin of certain family members and know who you are)

Photo Credit

LOL! That made me smile, Melanie! And hey, a party is never complete without dancing, so turn up the music and kick up your heels...right after you check out this hour's prize! :-))

Woo-hoo! Who wouldn't want to win THAT? I love it. Thanks Melanie!!


Ack, wish it didn't have to end so soon, so enjoy it while it lasts!!! :D

GRAND FINALE ~ Part Four (!!!!) Kim Vogel Sawyer!!!

I just sent off a mass of balloons (think the little old man in Up ;-)) and the confetti is drifting around the tables. And I'm laying out a few sweets and little snacky things for the rest of the day. So enjoy! You know in the historical days, parties would last all night long.

I figure I can at least throw a virtual party that can last as long as I want it too. It's an Open House! Come and go as you wish, just remember to stop by at THESE times and have you seen the other three interviews posted this morning? Here they are again: Rachel Van Dyken, MaryLu  Tyndall and Rosslyn Elliott.

And the times they posted:


3 a.m.

6 a.m.

9 a.m.

Posts still to come:

12 p.m.

3 p.m.

And NOW I've got a great guest for you today and I am so honored to have her here on my blog today. Kim Vogel Sawyer is one of my very favorite authors and I feel privedgeled to have met her at ACFW this year. is Kim!!

What is your most memorable party moment? 

Hubs pulled off the perfect surprise party for my 50th birthday. I love being "got"--and he got me but good. It was great!

Who’s on your personal VIP party guest list? 

Of course my family, which includes my church family, and my soul sisters--Kathy, Connie, Eileen, Margie--who all live too far away for day-to-day get-togethers.

Complete this thought: 

The perfect party isn’t perfect without: the peeps I love, lots of chocolate, and clusters of purple balloons. :o)

Oh we've got the balloons and I see a few purple ones in there just for you, Kim! :-)

Would you like to know what today's prize is? Kim is generously offering two copies of this novella collection...

Doesn't that just look like a novel to curl up with at the fireplace?

Be sure and visit past giveaways --and in case you are just now seeing this, remember all the winners will be publicaly announced this coming FRIDAY. I will start emailing you before then. So be haunting your inbox! :-)

If the link is still live at the top of the screen, go for it and enter away!


GRAND FINALE ~ Part Three (!!!!) Rosslyn Elliott!!!

I feel like this little girl today.

What excitement! What fun! What a blast!

This is my third party post for the day, did you catch the other two with Rachel Van Dyken and MaryLu Tyndall??

Let me put the schedule here for you so you remember to come back for more fun to come today! Great way to spend a Monday, imo. :-)

I've posted party posts at these times already:

3 a.m.

6 a.m. (this post)

Posts to come:

9 a.m.

12 p.m.

3 p.m.

I've got a fun surprise for you right now. (Not that it isn't much of a surprise anymore considering you saw her name in the title line. ;-) I loved her debut novel, Fairer Than Morning. So I am excited to present to you today...Rosslyn Elliott!

What is your most memorable party moment?

A few years ago, my husband and I hosted a Victorian Christmas party including costumes, food, and games. One of the games was a popular theater game called “Blink Murder,” in which a secret “killer” blinks at people standing in a circle and “kills” them while a detective tries to figure out who is committing the crime. My favorite moment was when one of our guests, a dainty and lady-like woman I had just met, “died” with a theatrical gargle and fell over the couch doing a great impression of a limp corpse! Talk about unexpected fun. J

Who’s on your personal VIP party guest list?

Horses. LOL! Is that strange enough? But I really do love horses, so my idea of the perfect birthday party would be to go on a pony trekking trip with my daughter and some good friends, explore new territory like hills and rivers, maybe camp for a night with the horses, roasting marshmallows. 

Complete this thought: 
The perfect party isn’t perfect without:  LOVE. The best parties I’ve ever attended have been full of love and joy, no matter what was served or how the house was decorated.

A party with horses as the VIP sounds like a party I would love. ;-) want to know what you're entering for today??

(Remember all contest winners will be announced on SATURDAY, so if the link is still live at the top of the screen, you can still enter. :-))

Oh what fun! I'm lovin' it! Hope you are too. :-))